Thursday, March 13, 2014

Christianity summed up in one paragraph. Fair?

Two-thousand years ago, God raped an engaged Palestinian woman so He could impregnate her with Himself so He could sacrifice Himself to Himself so He could forgive us because our ancestors ate an apple He gave them because they were tricked by a snake He created.

This is not original to me as I stumbled across it on Reddit the other day.

However it does reflect much of my interpretation of Christianity.

There are many who would take offense at the charge of rape, but since Mary was supposed to be around fourteen to fifteen years old at the time it meets the definition of statutory rape by modern standards. And since an all knowing God would be aware of that fact, it is hard to argue that he did not knowingly violate a child who was unable to consent.

In fact according to the Bible God did not even bother to request her consent, and simply impregnated her with nary a word of warning.

Try as I might I can never figure out the morality that Christians claim is found within the pages of their holy book. Murder, genocide, oppression, rape, infanticide, yes and in abundance.

But morality?


  1. Caroll Thompson2:22 AM

    One could say that is a fair statement.

  2. Think of the millions and millions of pages of meaningless theology and the ridiculous dogma that has been created from this one simple paragraph. Wonderful paragraph.

  3. Anonymous4:55 AM

    This just goes to show you that the Snake Oil Salesman is still around today. What is truly sad is that victims seem to be in abundance. P.T. Barnum was right, there's a sucker born every minute.

    1. Common mistake. David Hannum first said it; but PT usually receives credit. Interesting story behind it:

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Perfect. I've never understood this.

  5. Boscoe5:47 AM

    Well, considering most "Christians" have never actually read that book and just wander around deciding what it says, it's understandable that they'd bestow all kinds of goodness on it that just isn't in there. Well, Jesus says some pretty good things, but Paul of Tarsus fucks the whole thing up. Most extremists really worship Paul. He's the gay-hatin', child murdering, rape-excusing (for a nominal fee, only if you get caught) guy.

    1. Maple7:33 AM

      Paul was the wannabe Jesus. If he'd had his way, the movement would have been called Paulianity! Of course, some folks would have mis-spelled it......

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    But, but, it's the "Good Book," the only book for folks out there in flyover country and in the middle of nowhere tundra wilderness near Lake Lucille. (And it shows.)

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Let Timmy have the last word on "The Good Book"

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Thank you Gryphen, very well-stated. Something I've always wondered about, and also, why is there such a draw to a religion that says we are sinners and flawed from the beginning..... never made sense to me.

    1. Maple7:35 AM

      GUILT! Installing feelings of guilt will make people believe (and do) anything.

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM

    To be more precise, the impregnation was not with “nary a word.” Mary consented - “And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38) And 2000 years ago, Palestinian women were considered of marriageable age when they were in their teens, often their early teens.

    1. Leland10:13 AM

      They sure were considered of marriageable age at that age! People tend to forget that when they want to blast Islam and Muhammed for taking a young girl to wife. (There is NO agreement as to the actual AGE of the girl, but the Qu'ran states the girl must be of physical maturity.)

      I am not attempting to excuse such action, just point out that morals and societal rules and regulations were different then as you point out, 7:45.

      TODAY? yes, it would be considered rape because we do not consider a girl under 16 (in most states) old enough to consent.

      However, having said all that, I still agree with Gryphen that the entire scenario is absurd and disgusting. I mean, what other religion of any significance practices ritual cannibalism? Sheesh! (And I am not trying to say christianity is worse than the to hers, just concentrating on the subject matter at hand.

  9. Replies
    1. Beldar J Cohenhead8:33 AM

      Was she?

      That's funny... She doesn't LOOK Jewish?

    2. Leland10:16 AM

      So what? All the middle-eastern peoples are all the same people biologically, just different religions.

  10. Beldar BCE Conehead9:12 AM

    "In fact according to the Bible God did not even bother to request her consent, and simply impregnated her with nary a word of warning."

    Gryphen, you raise some good points but I'm pretty God wasn't the first dude to figure he doing some chick a favor by knocking her up.

    And without being insensitive, I'm pretty sure time, place and culture are three factors that would have lowered the age of consent in the Middle East circa 9 months B.C. to about 7 or 8....

    1. "but I'm pretty God"

      I'm pretty sure you meant to type "but I'm pretty sure God..." Seriously, Beldar, if that's even your reel name, which I highly doubt, who taught you to type and have you asked for your money back?

      Beldar replies "Yeah, you're one to talk! "reel name"??? smh..... BITE ME!"

  11. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    It's more complicated that that if one considers the Father, Son and Holy Ghost were the same person, so it gets kind of more immoral.....

  12. emrysa9:40 PM

    dang... that's succinct. copied and pasted for future reference.

  13. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I think that it is a sad state of affairs (pun unintended) that people have nothing better to do than to make fun of other people's sincerely held beliefs. (But they started it!) Yes, I know you feel that way, and they'll say that about you, I'm sure. Take the higher road.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.