Thursday, March 06, 2014

Guess who is going to race the Iron Dog next year?

Oh you are going to love this.

So a couple of weeks ago I heard this rumor that Levi was thinking about taking a run at the Iron Dog. (This was before this last race took place.)

I thought at the time, well THAT would be a real kick in the ass, and it would certainly aggravate the crap out of a certain Wasilla/Scottsdale family that we all know.

However one rumor does not a story make, so I did not bother to post anything about it just in case it was BS.

Well now I know that it is absolutely NOT BS. Levi has been talking to a number of people in Wasilla about the plan and even has some potential sponsors and investors lined up.

Now here is where it gets really entertaining.

Apparently after this last disastrous Iron Dog run (They were the first team to scratch and did so only hours into the race.) Todd has been telling just about anyone who will listen that he is retiring and leaving the race to the younger guys.

THAT was until he got wind of Levi's plans. Apparently once he heard that, he had a change of heart and now is telling people that he has at least one more good race in him.

Yeah, okay.

I have to wonder if it is Todd's idea to stay in the race to defend the family honor against their arch nemesis, or if it he is simply doing what the lady who pays the bills tells him to do.

In my opinion there is no real win for Todd in this.

I doubt he has what it takes to win this race anymore, so if he does manage to come in before Levi, who would be novice, then a three time champion managed to beat a rookie, and you just know somebody is going to want to ask him questions about Levi.

However if Levi beats Todd, and trust me there will be MUCH more scrutiny by the press if he competes, then he gets to talk about what the Palins have done to his family and essentially becomes a media darling. Actually that is a conversation he gets to have regardless of where he places.

Essentially the soon to be 24 year old would be David to the Palin family Goliath.

I like it.

I am pretty sure that the Wasilla kitchen appliances are safe for now, but I am willing to bet that right now in Arizona there is a poor dented refrigerator cowering in fear.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    A commenter on Politico called Sarah the "Wicked Dunce of the North".

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Well, Levi better make DARN SURE that NOBODY will be able to mess with his equment (OR with HIM!) :/

    Good luck, Levi!

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      That isn't what the iron dog is. The sense of comraderie is strong. It's not about single racers and a lot of times, winners of big money donate it. It's simply about racing a LONG, dangerous race and facing challenges you can't predict. Rookies can certainly win or place well. Scott and his son placed third a few years ago. It was the son's first race.

    2. That was my first thought also. I would worry for Levi's safety.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      7:01 AM Suer, from the "What's in it for us" Family of Grifters Donate nothing. Just look at their Pac spending records.

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Re Levi watching out for sabotage, 7:01 AM wrote: That isn't what the iron dog is. The sense of comraderie (sic) is strong.

      Between Todd and Levi??!!?

    5. Anonymous10:30 AM

      7:01, ho hum. You have no idea how boring you are. You are not from Alaska. You know nothing about Alaska and prove that daily. I would like to see a list of every racer that donated all of their winnings since the race began. I'm sure you have that, right? Or are you lying?

    6. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Still can't spell camaraderie to save your life, eh Bristol?

    7. The A-#1 question should be, "OK, who's the veteran/expert Iron Dogger who'll partner with Levi?"

      Hopefully someone who isn't as untrustworthy and open to subversion as Tank Jones and Rex Butler were.

    8. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

      Bristol always fills us in on comrade Todd (aka Daddy). Do you know there are parts of the race where there's NO cell phone service? Doesn't stop Comrade Todd. from his comraderie He's so brave!

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    OMG who gives a fuck?
    Not me.
    Todd should be gracious his grandson Tripp can be more involved if Levi is involved. I'd rather they take all the time, money and effort and do something better with it than race a snowmobile!!
    Levi better be careful Toad or Sarah doesn't try t get him killed

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Todd's grandson, the one who is named after his prostitute, could probably have been more involved even this year if his Mom hadn't absconded to Arizona , clearly breaking the custody rules.
      But I do agree, this will be a great activity for Levi's son and daughter to be involved in with Their Dad.

  4. My goodness! Look at the deranged look in just that ONE eye! And that's the wonky one too! WTF is she saying to the guy...

    "Yeah...yeah...if you want me to at my next campaign stop I can call Obama the N-word...but if you like Sambo better I can do that one too!"

    The bitch be crazy! LOL!!

    As for Levi and the Irondog...he better not let one of Toad's buddies catch em on a dark road! Those crazy hillbillies will do whatever they can to protect their Hillbilly Queen! Amirite RAM...or amirite! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Gina, grow up. THIS is why isn't a huge dick more to make private living people public. Gryphen is a child who needs to grow up

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      That pic always reminds me of the nanny in "The Omen"
      Now I don't know if you are old enough to remember that movie though.

    3. Anonymous7:27 AM


      THIS is why isn't a huge dick more to make private living people public.

      WTH does that mean? Is that supposed to be English, $arah?

    4. Anonymous7:31 AM

      7:03 THIS is why isn't a huge dick more to make private living people public.

      whoaaa there troll, slow down. Deep breath! You're gettin all confused here and not making any sense. Less than usual anyway.......

    5. Anonymous7:03 AM

      OH SHIT! The troll that was losing it's mind the other day and then STFU when Baldy appeared on InSannity's show is BACK! And crazier and more incoherent than EVAH y'all!

      Now we know the troll is Baldy for sure! It took Baldy three days to sleep off that bender! Please Baldy...take your ugly ass back to sleep...your brain is still misfiring! You're just throwing out random words and it looks like you got "dick" on your pea brain too! It's been that long for ya huh! LOL!!

      Ya nasty ass bitch...STFU and go snort some more METH! LOL!!

    6. Anonymous8:45 AM

      7:03 AM A huge Dick is why Sarah Went to Molly's Dorm Room. BWAHAHAHAHA, you posted it, so live with it

    7. Cracklin Charlie8:46 AM

      Considering that that photo is from her face to face meeting with Henry Kissinger in 2008, Gina is probably exactly right in what Sarah was saying to him.

      Anybody wanna translate that comment from 7:03?

    8. Anonymous9:06 AM

      7:03 wrote:
      THIS is why isn't a huge dick more to make private living people public

      Is it having a seizure?
      Rapid firing of neurons, short circuits somewhere = wernicke encephalopathy. .

      Better lay off the drugs, turn off the TV and draw the curtains. Lay down and rest.. Give this person some thiamine stat!

    9. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Anon at 7:09
      Bristol, you should have learned some English instead of having your Mom buy that GED.

    10. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Sounds like Bristol's got dick on her mind. Perhaps her boyfriend is not only ugly but lacking in the genitals also too.

    11. Anonymous12:13 PM


      still drunk/high barstool ?

    12. Anonymous1:54 PM

      I think old cheapskate Sarah has outsourced her trolleze. She sends the talking points but something is missing in translation.

    13. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

      7:03 seems fixated on larger than average male appendages. Hey, mechanical bull rider, you still carrying that measuring tape around? He's happily married and has another child. All you got to do to stay even is get married!

  5. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I DID read something that his cousin posted on willows picture that said he wanted to race. Maybe LEvi will be his partner?

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Tehehehe, The Cuntess has to PAY CPAC to let her speak!

  6. O/T, but I just read the Sarah's tv show, Amazing America With Sarah Palin, is one of the sponsors of CPAC. So, basically, they are paying CPAC to let Sarah Palin speak for publicity purposes.

    Sarah Palin wasn't asked to speak, she was prostituted by her latest pimp.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Well let's guess what her little speech will be about.

      Amazing Americans who live life vibrantly ya know like her..or will she say vibrateorally.


      First amendment rights.. once again guns.

      Something about still having a "rack"

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      6:42 okay first great catch!!! Second-now we know why skank was added at the ninth hour-amazing America c/o the network paid cpac to give her a spot meaning no seeopee she wouldn't have been included otherwise!!!! Bbbbaaaawwwwaaaahhhh that is fabulous!!!! And I hope everyone leaves before she gets her drug addled old self up on the stage!! Here's your chance repubs to show her the final door to oblivion!!!

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      BWAHAHAHA, Sarah Palin's only way to speak at CPAC was to PAY them.

    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      lol.It will be great if no one shows up!!

    5. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM

      Will they play "America the Beautiful" with duck calls? They need something to get people to tune in!

  7. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Interesting Gryphen considering I've never heard this about Todd and actually have heard the opposite.

    Is this more of your manipulation?

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      She's baaaaaaaaak!

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      It's the manipulation troll. Aren't you supposed to be in school, kid?

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      6:43 where do you "hear" your news about Todd? Maybe troll is Todd's newest girlfriend and is trying to defend his two tone honor???

    4. Anonymous8:39 AM

      6:43 am Has multiple postings with the same time, she must be Methed up again. It must Suck to be Drugged and so Lonely with no company other than these blogs. What would you do, Troll, if no one ever replied to your Childish Rants?

    5. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

      Yep, they're scared Levi will leave Toadster in the dust, again. The manipulation troll has been dispatched!

  8. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Well, if you go about it right, a rookie CAN win the Dog. And age really means nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      How the hell do you know?

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Age means everything if your younger girlfriend makes you self conscious about it. Levi is older than Todd's girlfriend.

      Todd looks like Levi's father and dresses like an old man trying too hard to be manly. Machismo and expensive gifts are all he has to offer her.

      Todd surely ain't wooing her with wisdom and intelligence. What does he talk to her about? Fishing? Hunting? Snowmachines? Sure Todd can keep telling her she is pretty, but she knew that before he threw himself at her feet. She could tell by how guys stared at her and went out of their way to be nice to her. She may be tired of looking at Todd and has started to smile back at the younger, more suitable, more acceptable men around her. You know, guys like Levi.

      You better believe Todd feels as threatened by Levi as much as Sarah feels threatened by Levi.

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Todd threw himself at Sarah???? wow - that's some revisionist history you got goin' on.

      Chuckles SR paid Todd to date Sarah.

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM

      The Menard's paid Tawd to marry Sarah after Curtis knocked her up. No way were they letting their son marry that whore.

  9. Anonymous6:44 AM

    In rrecent years, Todd has placed well. Age doesn't matter THAT much unless there's an injury,e ven minor. Scott Davis scratched in 2010 due to his back problem on top of mechanical

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Age does matter in ANY races!! Todd Palin hasn't won the race in years and truthfully is nothing more than a 'has been'. He had his place in the sun, but doesn't any longer.

      Great to see new blood in the race - Levi will have a lot of support from Alaskans - and, will bring a lot of attention to the race next winter. Todd, should he run it again (and probably fail!) - not so much!

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      @6:44 BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!

  10. I hope Levi keeps EVERYTHING secured against any kind of mysterious happenings (sugar or fire), similar to the ones experienced by Dar Miller or Curtis Menard. No peeing match is worth that young man's life.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Dude, grow up.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Todd putting water in gasoline that brought down a certain airplane - rumor has it! Check the records!

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      7:04 AM There you go again posting Willow's most favorite words. Your Growing Up must have stopped at Middle School. You are not very MATURE.

  11. Anonymous6:46 AM

    You're SO biased. The race isn't about ONE racer. It's a community thing.

    WHY are you still being so manipulative.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      People don't spend $50k to just have a fun time with their community.

    2. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Hey, it's the manipulative troll again! @6:46, you should get a life. Stop hating on people. Libel and slander. Grow up.

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      6:46 You are a friggin idiot! Races are about individuals - look at ANY race held throughout the country or world - certain individuals get more attention than others.

      Levi WILL get the attention should he run the Iron Dog next year...his partner on the other sled will get less. It's just the way things work!! Some folks are undoubtedly more interesting than others.

      I betcha Levi will get the majority of the attention next year over Todd (the 'aged' one!) should he put himself IN again!

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      6:46, You are so full of shit, I'd be afraid to squeeze your little pinhead. Oh tell me all knowing Iron Dog expert, what year did the Iron Dog start?
      How many miles did they race that year?
      Began from? Ended where? Who won that first race?
      Did they donate all of their winnings?
      This year, How many check points?
      Were they all a required stop?
      How many miles?
      And yes, I do know all of the answers to these questions, do you? I doubt it.
      Since you know so much about Alaska
      How much land area?
      How much is owned by the U.S. Gov.?
      What year was Alaska purchased?
      For how much?
      From whom?
      What year did it become a state?
      Tell me about the Eagle Lady.
      Tell me all about Pebble.
      Where is Mt. Redoubt located?
      You don't know shit about Alaska. You are so fake.
      Now, you really need to stop your lying, pull your head out of your ass, and step out of your fantasy land. Quit manipulating yourself into thinking that you are something you are not.

      Chin up Slanderella, I'll still pat your pointy little head. You know you can always count on me. After all, who gave you that dictionary to look up all those big hard words? You know, you really should take a minute and find some new ones. See, always looking out for you. I know you love me.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

      Hey, bubba, which team you rooting for this year?

      Oh, any of 'em, all of 'em that fly before me at breakneck speed, again it's got to be about shoring up the economy

      Team Levi's the last in the race, Todd and Sarah stand on the sidelines yelling "Go Team Levi! We've been rootin for ya the whole race!"

      "Community" races don't need sponsors and fees to join

  12. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I saw that Levi's cousin wrote on Willows iron dog picture he himself wanted to race BAD.

    And leave it to this blogger to completely manipulate things in bizarre ways. Trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about once again.


    The iron dog isn't something to mock or take lightly in a blogger's eyes. It's not personal, it's not "to win."

    And it's not to bring unrelated things to discussion.

    But I DO love Gryphen still tries to ignore shitty things the Johnstons have done an lied about. ahem pathological Sadie.

    Gryphen can't be THAT stupid to think their lies don't exist.

    Leave the iron dog alone. You OBVIOUSLY know nothing about it and youre in Alaska, which is sad.

    People don't quit for nothing. Todd wasn't the only one to scratch early

    These bog lies MUST stop

    1. Bog lies? Cranberry? Blueberry?

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Peeking through virtual windows again, I see.

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM

      yeah, I hate those bog lies too, they are the worstest kind.

    4. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Hey Trollie, why did Bristol name her first b@stard child after her daddies' prostitute?

      Why did $arah fake a pregnancy in her attempt to conquer the world?

      Why do you defend this nutso family? Perhaps you ARE one of them? Hmmmm.....

    5. Anonymous7:17 AM

      SMH bwahahhahaha bwahahhaha
      OMG, stop. You're killing me with all this humor. For the love of god stop typing smh! It's something they say at the middle school. bwahahhahah

      Also, too, we could use some of these smh, manipulation posts on the posts about $carah. Have you all given up on that idiot? Just defending the ones who will live to 2015??

    6. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Levi has done nothing for you to complain about and Todd Palin doesn't get to decide who runs.
      Sorry, but if Levi wants to run in the Irondog he has every right to do so. It's not like he is out "committing seril" whoring" like Bristol.

    7. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Please explain how anyone can drive a snowmobile hours to another destination with a catastrophic engine failure? The answer is ...THEY DON"T. In fact it would be impossible to drive that sled anywhere with the engine failure Todd stated. Sorry, but basic mechanics do not change even in the "palin reality" of the world. Sorry, but Alaskans do not have a monopoly on snowmobiles, if any state does it's Minnesota.

    8. Anonymous7:59 AM

      6:50 so acknowledging gryphen lives in Alaska and you don't huh troll? So much for any insider info you have. Move along. And FYI-having us reply to your comments doesn't mean you have friends so get out of here!

    9. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Are you Drunk again? Where are you and how do you know so much about the Irondog if you live where it does not snow. You type like a person under the influence of DRUGS. You must FAP to all of the Palin Posts to get your 'rocks off'. You are SICK.

    10. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Bog Lies
      Definition: 1)Bog lies are when cattails lie to the wild rice stalks about where their latest abstinence baby came from. 2) When Brisket Palin takes her tent and wine coolers to the swamp. 3) Southern col. meaning That Gator sure was a lying in the bayou, meaning to lay in wait, much like Brisket Palin in a tent waiting for the next dick to stroll by.

    11. Anonymous11:29 AM

      STFU bout the Johnstons already you idiotic skank. Tthey were not the ones getting paid big bucks to preach abstinence while getting fucked by every tom dick and harry.

    12. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

      ROTFL The underdog balloon from Macy's parade just crashed and burned!

  13. Anonymous6:51 AM

    OMG just let these people live in PEACE. WHY are you making them more public than they want to be?

    SERIOUSLY Gryphen. Seek help. You need it. You're a grown man who could be a grandpa. Stop using people to spread hate and lies.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Amazing America with sarah palin is being shown on the "private" channel troll? You can't get much more public than showing up on the t.v. You idiot and pathetic loser.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      6:51 AM You secretly are in love with Gryphen, why are you stalking him so much?

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      8:00 You can't get much more public than showing up on the t.v.
      TV, FB, twitter, blogs (Bristol/Nancy, Chuckles jr).
      Yes, please give this poor family some PRIVACY!!

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      See? Just a couple of days ago, I mentioned several times that you need help. Now here you are telling G to seek help. What the hell are you? A parrot?

      I know you adore and admire me and look up to me. But come on stop parroting everything I say. You are embarrassing yourself. Just because you have an attention span of ten minutes and no memory doesn't mean everybody else does to.

      Quite the opposite. We NEVER forget. Remember that, number one fan of mine.

      You are projecting again. That sick person that you idolize so much is the hater and the liar. Didn't she win liar of the year? Quite an honor. Hey G, ever won the liar of the year trophy?

      These people,as you call them, intrude into everybody else's business every day. Leave them in peace? They don't know the definition of peace. But you could look it up in your dictionary and send it on. A couple more definitions you might want to pass along, warmonger and whoremonger.

      That nasty old bag of bones will keep screeching lies and hate in PUBLIC until she tips over. Hopefully sooner than later. Guess what? That makes her a PUBLIC menace. She is also a traitor to the United States of America. Nothing to be proud of.

      See you later, my little pet troll.

  14. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I know this blog so well, I know when Gryphen is purposefully being misleading and writing things solely on the basis to manipulate people into thinking a certain way. It's when he pretend to know something when really it's just a random guess/rumor he's starting.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      6:53 AM Fuck Off TROLL. Go find a job, you have too much free time. That Dildo must not be working for ya.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Hey pet troll. You're projecting again. Quit it. You look stupid. If you're going to be my troll, you have got to stop embarrassing yourself. If you don't, I'm going to have to find a new one. Hopefully with an IQ over 50 this time. Don't panic. I'm patient. I'll work with you.

      Do you really believe G could manipulate me? Do you? There's not a fucking human on the face of this earth that could manipulate me. Not even a little. You see I have this special thing. It's called a mind of my own. And I know how to use it.

      I know that YOU can't understand this (don't worry Hon, I'll work with you on this) but only people that WANT to be manipulated can be manipulated. You know, like Queen Fester's flying monkeys. Or Jimmy Jones' peeps. Or those sicko Manson pukes. Are you starting to get it now?

      Okay sweet cheeks, define manipulation. No really, right now, do it. Tap, tap, tap, I'm waiting.

  15. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Plain as day Gryphen has no idea what the iron dog is about. It's sad. If even remotely true I wonder if it's because all the other racers are Bristol's friends, including frontrunners.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Paid trolls on here!!!! All folks have to do is follow the Iron Dog in Alaska and they will see that this blog is correct in reporting its information.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Bristol has no friends, she has FUCK BUDDIES. If Bristol had friends in the Irondog Race, where was she during the race, in Arizona getting DRUNK and Fucking Trial Daddies?

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:41 AM

      Dayum, Sarah!

      Take your meds before you start trolling. You're not making any sense!

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      The only time Bristol has "friends" is when she is spreading those legs of hers.

    5. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Hey, come on now. You should see 'em flock when she's buying the burgers and beer.

    6. Anonymous4:48 PM

      So, you admit thatBar$tool has 'done them all'? Where, up in Nome? Must have been quite busy!

  16. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Right after they scratched, Todd's partner's friends were saying "too bad" but you're still awesome. Get ready for next year

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Pimping for the Irondog behind the scenes parties.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Todd wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to whore around in Nome, oh, wait, he scratched this year and STILL went to Nome to whore around. Guess it doesn't matter whether he races or not, he still gets to whore around in Nome....

    3. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Ohhhh toady boy. You're sooo awesome.

      Oh damn, I'm sorry, you weren't kidding? That wasn't a joke?

  17. If the stories are correct, they hunted the boy down in the woods and forced him to appear next to a padded Bristol at the RNC to give authenticity to Sarah’s convoluted and false narrative. I’d be angry too, and rip a page out of the Palin playbook whenever I got the chance.

    Beware of dirty tricks, Levi, that’s all Todd has left. Never feel sorry for the man and never trust him. He might like kids well enough, but you’re a man in your prime now, and he sees you as competition.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Didn't he also pull a gun on Levi when Levi was still just a teenager?

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      that's the rumor - Todd threatened Levi with a pistol the summer of 2008.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Threatened him with a gun because Bristol named her baby after his whore.....

    4. Dat baby name stiil be causing troubles and now a MOVIE12:03 PM

      Yeah. Lets see... Toad suggested that name (Tripp) to Bristol?... I DOUBT IT!!!

      Someone else suggested it? That's possible.

      RanDUMB bad luck, Bristol chose "Tripp" and it is all a coincidence? Doubt it .

  18. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Levi is such a handsome young man! I hope he does the race next year as many, many will support him. Especially from folks in Alaska - where the Palins are very much disliked!

  19. Anonymous7:10 AM

    All Levi has to do (to beat Todd's record) is to finish the race.

    Even in last place, he will have done much better than Todd, who barely made it to the first checkpoint!

    Go Team Levi!!!

  20. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Gryphen's basically begging this boy to go back to being a douche and not live privately and happily.

    WHY you cannot just let people be is beyond me.

    Why you're such a instigating asshole who cannot maintain he knows nothing

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      7:15 You really are an asshole! If you don't like what is said on the IM Blog - don't access it. You lend absolutely zero to the conversation!

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM

      7:15 AM So you are telling everyone that the Palins are douches and have been living publicly and unhappily? We already know that. Asshole is what you display every time that you post your Juvenile bullshit. Why haven't you called Todd Palin a douche for his Pimping? Why haven't you called Sarah Palin a douche(she needs one badly) for her Fake Tri-g Pregnancy and her 'dressing like a Teen Hooker with Inflatable Boobs? Why haven't you called Bristol Palin a douche for her Drunk binges and Whoring for 5 nights straight? Why haven't you called Track Menard a douche for his constant Drug Use? You are an Insane POS with No Life and will become even more crazy when Todd and Sarah are INDICTED.

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:27 AM

      Why can you not write in complete sentences?

      Doing so would make your comments so much easier to read and understand.

      Why do you need to tell Gryphen what to write about on HIS blog?

    4. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Kind of in agreement with 7:15.

      Some posts on IM seems more d-list teenage gossip rag than anything else. Even if it is 100% true, who gives a shit, and why blog on it?

    5. Anonymous9:49 AM

      How about living vibrantly? How about manipulating people? The troll lost her talking points or spelling list.

    6. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Levi is living his life privately, with his beautiful family. And Levi has every right to enter the IronDog if he chooses to. He is living a vibrant life in Alaska.

    7. Anonymous9:51 AM

      7:15, So how's your blog doing? How many hits do you get daily? Can you leave a link to your blog so everyone can drop in and tell you what to and what not to print?
      What the hell is the matter with you? WHY are you here? Why? Do you have a point, other than the one on top of your head? I still think this troll is about 12 years old. That's about the mental age it seems to be.

    8. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Hello Anonymous 7:15 AM troll who misses her sure have been busy this morning. Seven posts (at least) between 6:44 and 7:15. Among all your drivel you call Sadie pathological, Gryphen stupid and a child, the Johnstons liars and then you defend old Todd. Whew! You've earned your postage again...happy now?

    9. Anonymous10:37 AM

      9:51 - I'm 7:15, you idiot! I don't have a blog! You correspond like a teenager - friggin' amazing!

    10. Anonymous10:50 AM

      well...7:15 (10:37) PROVES she's an idiot.

    11. Anonymous11:15 AM

      With all those "missed periods", 7:15am MUST be a Palin ;-)

    12. Anonymous11:59 AM

      7:15, Excuse me? Was that English?

    13. Anita Winecooler5:35 PM

      I see no one forcing anyone to join the Iron Dog. I DO see some random dude in mom's pants being forced to join or the missus will take away his entertainment allowance.

      Oh Shit, a can hit the latch on the fridge and it's broke.... someone call the maytag repairman STAT.

  21. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Good for Levi. That is a nice wholesome activity for a parent to take part in. I am a firm believer in parents needing hobbies and keeping up their interests in life.

    As for Todd, I am still trying to figure out how he drove that sled (yes that is what most Minnesotans call 'em, we build 'em, we get to name 'em) hours with a catastrophic engine failure.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      As for Todd, I am still trying to figure out how he drove that sled … hours with a catastrophic engine failure.

      Perhaps I'm missing something. Do you have a link for that? I thought he got a tow from his teammate's machine.

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Well Ted,
      About 75 yrs ago they invented these things called snowmobile trailers and before that just any trailer could be utilized. Because , if you are familiar with sleds, you would know that it would have just been about impossible to tow one sled with another that distance with a broken crank shaft. So, by Todd's GPS it is unlikely Todd is telling the truth about the catastrophic engine failure. BTW Maybe if the other sled had been one designed to be a work machine and not a race sled they may, just may have made it in close to that time, but not with his partners SkiDoo. Because it all comes down to basic mechanics.
      Kind of like the lies about "wrenching" on the snowmobiles the day before the race, that was untrue. Those race sleds were already to go before they were ever delivered to Alaska, it would be like taking a new Corvette and deciding to "wrench" on it before taking it out for a drive. Now don't get me wrong, there are entrants that DO work on their own sleds, but not the ones that have prime sponsorships, those sleds are already engineered for top performance.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      As a cross country skier and back country biker/hiker I don't consider snow machines a "wholesome activity". They are loud, smelly and often ridden recklessly and at too high a speed. Granted, there are a few areas in AK that are off limits for snow machines and we are always fighting for more, but they really do ruin the experience for the non motorized outdoor enthusiast in those areas we must share.

    4. Anonymous3:48 PM

      @11:18 AM I agree totally

  22. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hint for Levi: Dashboard camera, helmet camera, another camera just to be sure. Todd has some reputation for playing rough and tough.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      I think he will be fine because Sunny has his back!

      When our trollie today starts bashing Levi, and we know it will, Sunny will set the cops on it, again!

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Talking about Sunny: what gives - her facbook page is down!

  23. May I be entirely superficial for one post? He's so incredibly handsome. I don't know, like all say, that Bristol burns having lost him, but it sure make sense. And being replaced with a prettier, and far more sensible model would bolster that assertion. Nothing we've seen Bristol with since is a 'trade-up' from Levi though, is it?

    If he does this Iron Dog thing, no matter where he places in the results, I hope he has a good time. This guy really trips my romantic cord.

    Okay, done gushing.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I wanna play, too.

      Sunny is a babe! (Understandably married.)

      Sadie is a babe! (And miraculously still single.)

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      agreed - Levi is gorgeous.

      Bristol is not. No amount of plastic surgery can make her as pretty as Sunny.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I agree with you. When Levi first got trotted out on the national stage to try and bring some kind of legitimacy to Bristol's teen abstinence pregnancy I really thought he was kind of cute. And then I assumed that he would be one of those cute boys that doesn't seem so cute in a few years, if you know what I mean. But he has absolutely turned into a very handsome man.

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I always thought he is such a little cutie pie. He just has THAT look to him. I hope I never get face to face with him because I know I'd reach out and tweak that cheek.

      Hoping for good things for all of the Johnstons. After all of the bullshit you guys endured from that nasty ass family, you deserve it.
      And don't think for a second that the whole world doesn't know about them and their filthy bag of tricks. There may be a handful of mental cases aka flying monkeys that would disagree, all anyone can do now is laugh at them as they melt with mommy witch.

    5. Palin wimmins equals mom jean fittings starting in JR HIGH12:06 PM

      Strangely enough I can't imagine Levi wearing mom jeans in a few years. ;-)

      Sunny probably won't want or need to either.

    6. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Levi is so handsome and Sunny is beautiful. They have a lovely daughter and would welcome Tripp into their home permanently if they could. I am very happy that Levi has put his and his family's lives first.

      Bristol, not at all.

    7. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

      You are spot on. Levi has always been extremely handsome. He has great facial structure, clear skin and when his hair's done correctly..... woof!!! I think he's handsome either way. (OK, I feel a little icky, I've got kids his age LOL but the truth is the truth)
      Same for Mecede, his sister. She's stunningly beautiful and honest to a fault.

      I don't think Bristol ever truly dropped the torch and her weapon of choice is the child they both brought into the world. She'll never find another hottie, not even close.
      As my mom used to say, you made your bed .....

  24. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Good for Levi. As far as Todd is concerned, what a juvenile thing to do, decide to get back in because of Levi.

    We are seeing the glue that keeps these Palins together and that is 'competition'. They are obsessed with competing against people. They regard anyone who competes as their enemy. They seem to revel in having enemies too. They thrive and get their energy off of the misery of their enemies.

    Horrid people. They can't let it go. They can't live and let live. Everything is a show of one-upmanship against everyone. They really are miserable people.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Hear hear! And if trollie's return is any indication, the name of "Levi" pisses 'em off. Custody case, anyone?

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      It's not so much "competition" as it is REVENGE.

  25. Anonymous7:38 AM

    This scenario could become a real circus for the Irondog. Papparazzi like TMZ, ET, and all the lower 48 media turning this kind of race into a glorious blaze of celebrity-event fare. I'd bet the other racers would be furious. The 2015 Irondog would turn into a Palin/Johnston family feud.

    Entertaining for us, yet not so fun for the real serious racers and sponsors.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      They can and will blame Sarah and her Toad and their sponsors.

  26. London Bridges7:42 AM

    This ought to be some dastardly Snidely Whiplash fueled event!

  27. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Wow, Gryphen, you've really touched a raw nerve with this post.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      yeah, he really has. the poor troll is working double time to 'slander' and 'libel' our man G, it's really pretty funny and oh so obvious that they are PANICKED about the entire possibility of Levi beating the shit out of loser pimp Todd in this race. The glaringly obvious trolling is simply reinforcing the POWER and INFLUENCE that Gryphen has, and the fact that the troll is so out of control today and DESPERATE to slam G and Levi and Sunny and the Johnstons, REALLY shines a light on the pathetic loser mentality that the troll operates from. Does the poor troll understand how transparent their posts are? Do they even get how exposed and outed their frantic acts are? ANYONE with a brain and an ounce of self awareness can see it, but alas, that poor troll is flailing about like a drowning rat, gasping for relevance and a reason to continue living. And on all fronts, they fail.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      I think it's great that Gryph lets "it" in. You can't accuse him of censorship and it's a lesson in abrnormal psychology watching "it" go off.

  28. Anonymous7:44 AM

    As usual, selfish Todd has to turn his comrade racers' event into a media storm. The worst? Him racing against his grandson's father. Why couldn't he just let bygones be bygones and let Levi compete and allow Tripp to be proud of his dad?

  29. The Irondog is boys on toys. It was never and will never be a serious race.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I so agree, Liz. Look at the bright side, old bones are easy to break. The young guys bounce, the old guys break. Maybe it will be a neck next time.

      I'd love to see toady boy behind a dog sled. He's not man enough for that. Besides, I think the dogs would probably eat him.

    2. It was actually a reply fail to the opinion that Levi in the race would ruin it for the "serious" racers.

      If Levi's in the race, I will be cheering for him at the top of my lungs. Won't matter if I think the whole thing is stupid, LOL.

  30. Anonymous7:59 AM

    If Todd is really planning to re-enter for next year, this would prove without a doubt that he can't allow his reign of Palin terror to lose it's hold over AK. Sarah and Todd are growing old now. That's the one thing they can't control. Haahahahahahahahahahahahaa. They can't reason with it, barter, or bribe it, pay it, threaten it, old age is out to 'get' em', just like all of us. But, that's the ONE thing that the Palins can't control. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Others will replace them. Move over, Palins, the Johnstons are the new sheriff in town. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      What do you expect from a limp-wristed purse holder?
      "Captain America" is a sissy.

  31. Anonymous8:16 AM

    In his younger and dumber days, Levi road the Dog (Bristol) long and hard.

    Next years race should be easy sledding for Levi.

  32. Anonymous8:26 AM

    If I had the money, I'd sponsor the kid for a million bucks!

  33. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Wow! Wind up chatty Kathy is here....these "BOG" lies must stop?
    As in "Stop blogging, stop blogging now"! Ivy Frey?
    Ivy is on trollin' duty today?

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I think the "bog" troll is actually Bristol. She is so jealous that Levi has moved on and is happy and in love. Bristol will never get over Levi.

  34. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Get a locking gas cap Levi-

  35. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Levi owns Todd.

    All Levi had to do was leak he was interested in the Iron Dog and everyone forgets about Todd's race history.

  36. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I don't know how anyone can take the Palins seriously. Even Their trolls are not intellectually interesting and they just spout that same stuff over and over. meh......

    I think we all need a new hobby. Spring thaw and we should all be outta here.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      The IM troll may be the most successful troll on the internet. She's been saying the same crazy shit for years and IM readers still take the bait.

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Why wait til spring, meh-? Just amble on out and close the door so the cold doesn't come in.

      There are always more comments on a Palin piece, but remove the trollie-count and you'll see a pretty big spread of interest on many other subjects. It's sort of a benchmark; If you are horrified by how close Sarah got to the White House, more than likely you are also interested in other Right Wing attempts to control the population.

      Wild Tortoise

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Brava, Wild Tortoise, brava!

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Well, I for one enjoy Gryphen's Bog. It has plenty of other topics besides the palins.

      I get a little testy with commenters that say we should get "a new hobby" or "all be outta here".

      You could take your own advice, 9:18.

    5. Anonymous12:16 PM

      There are more than one. Troll smacking is an entertaining sport. We train hard. I know you don't think so but it does take a bit of skill.

      Are you sure it's a she?

    6. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Dear 11:25, I enjoy Gryphen's Blog very much also, too. However, I am really tired of snarking the Palin Trolls....and, I was rather good at baiting 'em and putting "em in a corner hissing and snarling. But a steady diet of Troll is as boring and unhealthy as the mythical bowls of moose chili night after night, day after day.

      So I am taking my own advice. I am not a Palin Troll. I am just bored with the battle. The people that have the facts on the Palins will keep them out of a position of power. Her one liners have gotten really old.

      So, Spring is around the corner and I will be happy to put on my mom jeans and clean up my own house and yard.

      You just might miss me. We have our own political and economic issues here in Kansas.

      9:18 AKA RJ in Brownbackistan

    7. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Can we all agree on at least one thing... stop using the term 'troll' for people that post opinions that may be different than yours, or maybe even put there purposely to piss you off? Honestly it is such a stupid term.

      I laugh at you folks who pretend like they have been in some physical battle with 'a troll' ... it is the internet... your 'battle' consists of typing your fat ass away at a computer arguing with another fat ass somewhere staring at a screen. The C4P crowd also gives themselves ticker tape parades after their 'troll battles'.

      You are all equally stupid and lazy. Peace.

    8. Anonymous5:14 PM

      1:59 PM You seem to know a lot about Fat Asses. It takes one to know one? Troll! Peace.

  37. Anonymous9:41 AM

    If gay men in the fashion industry in New York City think that you are good-looking then that is saying something. They have the most discerning taste in the world when it comes to looks.

    To go from dating someone like that to dating Strega Nona has to be difficult!

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Levi, quick blow three kisses into the pasta pot....someone is after your noodle.

  38. Anonymous10:48 AM

    @9:41 wtf are you talking about??

  39. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Bah! You people are just jealous 'cause Bristol and Junkie make such an adorable couple. They look just like Shaggy and Scoobie, so cute.

  40. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Well, can someone set up a pay pal to contribute to help him in the race??


  41. abbafan11:52 AM

    That picture of her with the Anti-Christ eyes snarling, says it all - she is an evil cunt!!!

  42. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Todd if you want your testicles back then you need to defend our family's honor.


  43. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Will the Sarah Palin Curse affect Levi since Levi stuck his wick into Sarah Palin's daughter (over and over)?

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      It has been removed since another 100 wicks have been dipped there since.

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Also, too, there is no curse on him, since they try to PUT a curse on him (and can't succeed)

  44. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Oh shit, will Bristol get Joey Junker to defend her coochie in next years Iron Dog?

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Only if she can get a reality tv show out of it and get paid. Of course, chances are, Bristol and Joey Junker won't be together next year.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Why 1:28? Because Joey already tapped it?

    3. Anonymous3:24 PM

      The only thing that could defend that coochie would be an astronomical amount of penicillin.

  45. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Bend over Todd. There's a new sheriff in town.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      cue up "duelling banjos"

  46. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Sunny has Levi, and Bristol temporarily has .....Joey Junker? BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Is that why Bristol has been on a 5 night Drunken Trial Daddy Audition Search??? You lost, Bristol, and Sunny won the PRIZE. Live with it.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I don't think Bristol can live with it. It has been about 8 years and Bristol still refuse to grow up and share Tripp.

  47. Anonymous3:38 PM

    How much money is Sarah Palin willing to spend on Todd's snowmobile so that he has a mechanical advantage over Levi?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      She can't afford a human hair wig for everyday, I doubt she can afford a ticked out aerodynamic mom jean accommodating snowmobile.

  48. Anonymous3:48 PM

    If Sarah Palin spends one dime on Todd's snowmachine so he can beat Levi then that shows America where Sarah's priorities are. Sarah did not spend a dime on Track's, Bristol's and Willow's college education.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Sarah Palin is a multi-millionaire. I don't understand why her kids didn't go to college.

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      It's laughable to think she'd spend money it. She'll get SarahPac to do it.

  49. Anonymous4:20 PM

    If Todd races in the Iron Dog next year then he shouldn't have any expenses. Todd only raced a little bit this year which means his helmet, jacket, pants, boots (his entire gear) and snow machine is practically brand new. Will we see Todd in the same gear and snow machine next year or will he ask Sarah for a new outfit and snow machine?

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Wasn't Todd the first one to quit?

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      First of all, it is a snowmobile, not a snow machine and it was provided by SkiDoo, though I doubt they will sponsor him next yr after his complete failure.

  50. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Is Todd going to participate in next years Iron Dog because Levi mentioned he is going to enter this race?

    If Levi stencils "TRIPP" on his windshield, will Todd stencil "TRIPP" on his windshield to show up Levi?

    If Todd stencils "TRIPP" on his windshield you can bet Sarah will give Todd an ass whooping at the starting line that he won't forget since Shailey Tripp said she has some history with the former governor's husband.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

      Wow, that just gave me an idea. How about Shailey Tripp joining Iron Dog? Trifecta of Tripps!

  51. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The former gov of Alaska and former Republican Party VP nominee, Sarah Palin, is three for three when you consider how many adult kids she had that did not enroll in college. Why is this person telling America how to raise their children when she doesn't believe in education for her adult children?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

      I bet she wishes she could get all those dollars she taped under chairs at LU. The chewed old gum is just a bonus.

  52. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Wow that troll person went absolutely apoplectic over this post today. You can always tell this particular troll because s/he is insanely jealous of Sadie and her entire family. Troll always says Johnstons do horrible things but never lists them except to say something stupid like "they started it first". Troll says people shouldn't come here but my goodness look at the traffic coming here! Troll probably checks several times a day & is the biggest visitor/fan. Anyway I love watching this troll lose it. They are helpless and hopeless to stop it ha ha ha ha ha!

  53. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

    I'm all for Levi going out there and having some fun. If Mr Mom Jeans has a problem with it, let him join. I guarantee Levi will have all the fun. Mom Jeans Todd will be overly distracted and quit or fake an arm injury or mechanical issue.
    A coward's yellow stripe never changes, right Sarah?

  54. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Who is going to want to be Toad's partner next year after the showing he made this year?

  55. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Levi heed this warning.

    Do not eat Sarah Palin's moose chili and blueberry pie before the race.

  56. Anonymous6:20 PM

    2015 Iron Dog

    On your mark

    Get set


    Hey where's Todd going? Looks like he's high tailing it back to Sarah Palin's house?

  57. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Lets make next years race interesting. How about Iron Dog officials inviting Glenn Rice and Brad Hanson into the lineup?

  58. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Shailey Tripp how about going to next years Iron Dog and stand next to Todd and Sarah?

  59. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Bristol at the starting line:

    Avenge Me Daddy, AVENGE ME! | 

  60. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The pressure is all on Todd. Todd is the only Iron Dog participant that has all year to get ready since he is unemployed and has a multi millionaire backing him.

  61. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Ben, Gino and Dylan at the starting line:

    Avenge Us Levi, AVENGE US!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.