Sunday, March 16, 2014

In this case Sarah Silverman speaks for me as well.

The planet is dangerously over crowded, our resources are running out, and these so called "pro-life" people insist that every potential life should be carried to term, and yet when there are starving children in their own country they do nothing.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:28 AM

    I think that those who call themselves "pro-life" are not that way at all. They are 'pro-birth'. Once the child has been born, they do everything they can to make life difficult for the child.

    Just this week, Paul Ryan was running his big trap about a child not wanting lunch unless his parents provided the lunch. In other words, another Republican against school lunch programs who give free and reduced lunch to kids whose parents cannot afford the cost of school lunch. They are against SNAP, TANF, WIC, Section 8, job programs, school loans and pell grants and even want to do away with the minimum wage.

    The real kicker for me is the same folks that are against abortion usually are against birth control too. Pregnancy is usually preventable if women (and teenage girls also too) have access to contraception.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      As is typical of the rethugnicans, Ryan's stupid little story was a lie. The truth? Back in 1986, a street child told a reporter that if she was going to get him a lunch, he wanted a lunch in a brown bag like the other kids. He wasn't turning down food at all--he just wanted it to look "normal", to better fit in.

    2. Maple6:34 AM

      Caroll -- They also need access to sex education.
      The sooner people stop referring to them as "pro-lifers" and actually call them what they are -- anti-choice -- the better.

  2. But you're wrong. They do do something. They stop abortions; they make sure women don't have health care; they make sure there is no birth control; they cut food stamps; they cut funding for Head Start; they cut low-income housing; they cut student aid; they cut school lunch programs; they cut long-term unemployment benefits so parents can't get a job to take care of their families; and they have not brought back any jobs from overseas or started any jobs programs.. These idiots have been very busy making sure babies aren't aborted, but leaving no way to insure that the children that are being born can eat or go to school. And the last thing these idiots have done is make sure there are enough guns in the homes and on the streets so that children are accidentally shot and killed in their own homes, and so they can also get shot in school, or the mall, or even the movie theater. These idiots are really protecting the American way of life! These are the crazies that have stolen the local, state and federal governments!

  3. Sally in MI3:27 AM

    Oh they don't 'do nothing' about starving's worse than that. They refuse to feed them. They throw their lunches in the trash if Mom forgot to keep the account up to date. They belittle them. They think, like Gingrich, that poor kids should be sweeping the gym floor and cleaning toilets for their food. They block unemployment insurance so there will be MORE hungry kids and desolate parents. They block contraception so that more young women are forced into motherhood before they are ready. Yeah, the GOP is far far worse than the party that ignores hunger...they create it.

  4. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I agree! It seems that the pro lifers want the baby born, but it is up to woman or man or whatever ie the state, to take care of it. Horrible way sometimes for children to be born into.

  5. Leland4:04 AM

    Those kids are seen only as potential future slaves. Who CARES if they eat?

    Certainly not the "pro-life" people.

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Somewhat along the same vein of GOP being oxymorons, SC Legislatures trying to censor State Colleges and Universities because their conservative fee-fees are hurt and their "freedumb" is being denied... Had to do a triple take on the headline alone

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Same idiots that think it's okay to leave guns out for children to get ahold of and either kill themselves or another child. They are calling pro choice ppl killers, but let the parents off (and call it just an accident), that leave guns out . But don't have a miscarriage that's no accident

  8. Anonymous10:06 AM

    They are not pro-lifers. They are slow deathers.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

    Sarah Silverman is an absolute gem! I wish we saw more of her on television because she's funny and wise beyond her years.

    I have a question. Where do all these pro-life/forced birth panel babies go once they're born? I've seen and known many couples who find adopting in the states so much of a hassle, that they go overseas to make it easier. Do the same people holding the signs and marching for pro life adopt them all and raise them? Love them? Educate them? And what about the older not so colorful children? Where do they all end up? Any plausible answers much appreciated!

  10. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Statistics show that the white race is declining, the brown race is growing, and the largest percentage of abortions are performed on white women. The republican war on abortions is to grow the white. They don't care about the life of the child they care most about increasing the white race and throwing black and brown people into privately owned prisons which most of them are part owners. Don't believe this shit about "we care about life". BECAUSE THEY REALLY DON'T. This sham is strictly about their fear of retribution if the white race ever becomes the minority race in America.


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