Saturday, March 29, 2014

Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. I'm pretty sure he owes me copyright money for that.

Courtesy of Al Arabiyah News:

The Insider’s co-host Kevin Frazier on the CBC network described Palin, the former governor of Alaska, as taking the opportunity to further her fame just like “The Kardashians,” who have been lambasted by some observers for seeking fame. 

In a segment discussing her upcoming show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin,” Frazier said: 

“The one thing I kept thinking - I have met the political Kardashian,” right-wing U.S. website Breibart reported him as saying Thursday. 

Bad news I just did a quick Google search and it turns out that just about EVERYBODY has been comparing Palin to the Kardashians for years. I KNEW I should have had Klondike Kardashian copyrighted!

I love this part of the article.

Frazier added: “She has made something out of nothing and people keep eating [it up].”

Well that may be about the truest things ever said about Sarah Palin.

Of course the one thing that separates Kim Kardashian from Palin is that HER reality shows were an actual success, and that success has now spread throughout her entire family.

Palin on the other hand has failed time and time again, and every attempt by her family to ride on her coattails ends in a complete disaster.

Personally I think we are seeing the final death throes of Palin's unnecessarily extended fifteen minutes of fame.

After this it is going to be sad little appearances on local talk radio shows, which of course she has already started doing, and old people porn that nobody will ever watch.


  1. I never watch their show, but the Kardashians seem genuine, in an odd sort of way. They don’t push religion, nor do they seem particularly mean. Kris has been pretty open about her past.

    All that estrogen has ruined Bruce Jenner, though.

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Kris sold her dayghter's sex tape for fame (the one where Kim gets peed on). That's genuinely twisted. Kim played out her fake wedding and marriage in tv for a ton of cash. I don't know if I'd call them genuine.

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      There is NOTHING genuine about Palin or the Kardashians. Both parties make a living eye fucking the public for attention.

    3. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Kim and Paris Hilton used to hire out for threesomes with wealthy men. Once Paris leaked HER sex tape, then Kris convinced Kim to make one. In hers Ray J urinated all over Kim, so classy. The woman is a whore, no other word for her. Half the black men in Orange county have had her skanky arse.

    4. I've never watched the Kardashians and have no desire to. I have only seen what can't be escaped in advertising , headlines, etc.

      However, they at least seem to be content being famous for being famous and throwing their money around.

      I have never seen any indication that any of them think that their fame in any way qualifies them to voice political opinions, let alone hold any sort of political office.

      Would that Duncinella felt the same.

    5. Anonymous7:54 AM

      7:11 Both parties make a living eye fucking the public for attention.
      yup. the kardashians are great at marketing their own brand. And yes, they ARE mean, even to each other, but I bet that's also a calculated strategy.

    6. Anonymous8:26 AM

      @Nefer Do you remember any scene from Bristol's reality TV show where she and Willow sat around bitching? They sat on the sofa, they sat at the dinner table, and all they did was whine about stupid stuff and bitch at each other. That was modeled after the more successful Kardashian show. That seems to be their format, too, except when they go out, they shop for expensive things and go to expensive places. All that Bristol could do was bitch about how phony Hollywood is Has she taken a good look at her own mother?

    7. Anonymous10:03 AM

      7:40 AM Maybe she likes real sex, and not 2-toned short penises.

    8. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Larry Flynt reportedly said he was offered the Kardasian/Ray J tape first, looked at it and then refused to buy it. He said it was too dirty!!

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    This is off-topic, but according to this Poltico article, in Palin's latest Facebook rant, Christie's name was misspelled in the original posting. Maybe she writing her own stuff now? Can't afford the writers?

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Her writers suck, too.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Sarah's complaining that they are paying too much attention to Christie because it's a local matter. No, the George Washington bridge carries the most traffic in the world, and it connects NJ with New York City. People's right to interstate travel was blocked. It affected business in NY. People could have died, being stuck in an ambulance in that traffic jam.

      But Palin tells us not to pay any attention. Could it be because Christie's lawyer issued a report that exonerated Chritie without interview the principal people who were involved, and those who were interview were not under oath. It sounds exactly like Palin exonerating herself in Trooipergate while that is the opposite of what the Branchflower report found. She is afraid that someone in the media might make the comparison. (For anyone who likes The Twitter, Christie was exonerated in Bridgegate the way that Palin was exonerated in Troopergate. You may quote me).

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Sarah had better careful about poking the media with a sharp stick. One day, they just might do an investigate report on her and her family.

    4. Politico sure likes to use Sarah Palin as clickbait, don't they?

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Sarah's badly written facebook post shows her anger with the media. How dare they cover Christie when she has a reality show coming out next week? Too much time on Christie? They have also been covering the mudslide in Washington and the missing Malaysian jet. Sarah has not posted her thoughts and prayers for the missing and the death and their families in either of those stores. Silly me. Most of the people on the Malaysian jet were Asian. As for the people in Washington, they were probably democrats and smoked weed.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    This is worth repeating:

    "Of course the one thing that separates Kim Kardashian from Palin is that HER reality shows were an actual success, and that success has now spread throughout her entire family. "

  4. angela5:18 AM

    Palin is like a Kardashian with absolutely no talent. Which means she has negative talent as opposed to their zero talent. Plus lets face it,; the Palins are personally boring and could not hold anyone's attention with their silly ass reality series for more than three episodes. Boring shit starters do not make for riveting television.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      I think that much of what you say applies equally to the Kardashian tribe. I think what has appealed to people is the conspicuous wealth shown on the Kardashian shows: no taste, no talent but lots of money spent on themselves. It's not a good statement about this country but it's true: people like to see how the 1% live, even if they're seeing the most vulgar side of it. I've occasionally wondered how the "Momager" would react if one of the youngest daughters had wanted to finish high school, go to college and train to become a teacher or a doctor. Hmm. The poor girl would probably been driven from her home by her overly bottomed sisters.

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      6:03 I doubt that any Kardasian (or any Palin) is interested in higher education. Maybe they are just not equipped with the brains for that. So much easier grifting. Kim auctioned off some of her clothes for "charity" 10% went to charity that turned out to be the Momager's church!! Yes, Pimp Momma Kris has a church, another sure fire way to rip off taxpayers. The rest of the money Kim kept. Imagine flying to Europe, being paid $500,000 to be the "escort" for an old multi millionaire. I wonder what she had to do for that, get peed on - AGAIN??

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Exactly Beaglemom.
      I also don't think that when we compare the palins to someone, that we should automatically like the opposition. The kardashians are an embarrassment to us as Americans, but unlike the palins, they are successful at their craft sadly.

    4. Anonymous9:58 AM

      7:46 AM At least Kim took the high road and got paid, the Palin girls do it for free in pup tents.

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      7:46 AM If Sarah Palin could find any man or woman who would Pay Her big money to 'Pee' on her, what do you think that Sarah would do? Money Whores will do anything for money. Didn't Sarah Palin marry a Pimp to cover for another man's baby?

  5. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Except for being famous for being famous, I don't see any parallel. Kardashian is not mean and vindictive.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Or political. Palin, however, is mean, vindictive, and vicious.

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Kim Kardashian stole Ray J's ( her sex tape buddy) moms credit card and ran up a TON of charges.
      they worked something out and the mother didn't press charges.

      They are scum.

  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Maybe if Palin had done a sex tape she;d be successful too.

    1. She tried, but then she quit halfway through.

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Ahh man I was going to bring up doing a sex tape. I guess I woke up too late.

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      She's probably shopping Bristol's around now...

  7. Anonymous5:40 AM

    It's "amazing," actually SAD, how Palin attempts to remain relevant while America and the world laugh and roll their eyes. How sick mentally does one have to be that they continue to make such a fool of themselves?

    I remember when she had her very own link on HuffPo and assorted news/political sites. All that now remains is Beitbart which should tell you something.

    Hope those thirty pieces of silver were worth it.

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Palin and Kim are both used up whores.

  9. AKinPA6:45 AM

    Cheer up, Gryphen. Maybe you lost "Klondike Kardashian" but you've won with "Immoral Minority." As someone who became politically aware and active during the reign of St. Ronnie Raygun and was totally repulsed by the moral majority, I was delighted to find your blog back in 08. Every time I click on Immoral Minority, I feel like I'm getting back at that 3rd rate actor who pandered to the fundamentalists and to the racists among us. (Being able to vent about the Klondike Kardashians is just icing on the cake).

  10. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I liken her more to kris jenner. Using her kids, competing with her daughters & dressing like she's in her 20's. Both have had some bad plastic surgery and their inner ugliness shines through the spackling they hide behind. Both p-whip their hubbys and encourage their kids not to further their educations. They are so similar in so many ways.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      The exception is that every Palin reality show and every Palin appearance on tv has failed.

  11. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I am love, loving watching her desperate attempts to stay in the public eye! soon she will have a roadside trailer attraction-tent revival thing going on the outskirts of wasilly or wherever she is these days... grovel on scarah

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian.,"

    Is she saying they both did the nasty with black guys?

  13. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Kim has a nice round ass and real breasts.
    Sarah has a junior high boyish ass and store bought breasts.

    Wait a second!

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Ha ha ha if you think ANYTHING on kk is real! !

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      There is no part of Kim that is REAL. Everything about her is fake. Fat from her thighs was injected into her very large arse, and her breasts are fake. Her face looks like something from Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. When she reaches 40 (in 7 years) she will look as real as Joan Rivers. Her mothering instincts are as authentic as Palins also, too.

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Ha ha ha Sarah Palin looked like a damn fool in New York with her Dolly Parton removable breasts. At least Kim ain't shy about taking off her top without having to remove her breasts.

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM

      When have any of you Palinbots seen Sarah in a BIKINI? Sarah would not dare to wear one. Even Bristol would not wear one right now in her post birthing condition.

  14. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Are you saying Sarah sucked a black dick like Kim did? That's slanderous.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Well did you Sarah?

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Could explain her big donkey ears? Sometimes it means they've been yanked on.

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      No, that would be the truth.

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Anonymous7:10 AM
      "Are you saying Sarah sucked a black dick like Kim did? That's slanderous."

      @Anonymous7:10 AM
      According to one of Sarah's "Elite 6" former friends, Sarah Heath *technically* did not *suck* Glen Rice's DooLolly. But Sarah did admit to rolling it around in her mouth and licking on it for a half hour until all of a sudden it discharged, and she caught a money shot in her eye.

      Result? Sarah was fired from her unpaid intern position at KTUU-TV, where she had been *hired* to read sports highlights from a teleprompter for KTUU-TV. Besides Sarah's breach of journalistic ethics, her new wonky eye scared children and upset small pets in the television audience, resulting in a loss of 50% of the regular viewing audience for the newscast.

      This event occurred in 1988, and Sarah's been a reliable, consistent ratings-killer ever since.

  15. Anonymous7:16 AM

    She is such a desperate, pathetic loser.

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Sarah wanted to be Ivanna Trump but Todd is no Donald. Todd is a worthless high school educated unemployed leech.

    Sarah wants to be a Kim Kardashian but Todd is no Ray J or Glenn Rice.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Shailey Tripp said that Todd's little penis is multi-colored. Does that count for something?

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Donald Trump is a worthless, college-educated, leech.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Hey Todd was the cheapest option for the Menards to deal with Curtis' mistake.

    4. Anonymous9:51 AM

      That's right, Track was a mistake, and Curt Menard paid for it with his life.

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Old Granny Sarah wants to be Kim?

    Glenn Rice please.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Glenn Rice please? What does that mean? Oh I get it. Trying to be politically correct.

  18. Anonymous7:29 AM

    How can Sarah be like Kim? Two inch Todd is no Ray J or Glenn.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      No way they are the same. Right Sarah?

  19. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I came upon this brilliant take down at Austinisafecker blog.

  20. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Todd is no Ray J. We heard from ex prostitute Shailey Tripp that Todd uses a condom and after Todd finishes doing Shailey he wraps his used condom in a face cloth and takes it with him.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      They are afraid that someone will collect his DNA to see if he is Trig's birth father. And, he doesn't want Shailey to have any evidence of his visit. (Remember Monica's blue dress?)

  21. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Is that why Sarah is always ragging on President Obama? Does Sarah feels like a jilted woman because he won't leave Michelle for Sarah and her kids?

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      She just a jealous asshole. She's jealous of any person who is smarter or more successful than her. She's jealous of any person who is more attractive than her. She's jealous of any person who has a happy marriage and well-adjusted kids. She's jealous of anyone who gets attention.

      The fact that President Obama has never paid her any mind just kills her.

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Nope, President Obama doesn't give Sarah even a sideways glance. He must have really hurt her feelings when he that "Pitbulls are delicious" with that killer smile of his.

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      7:47 AM Even Todd does not want Sarah. Todd only hangs around as long as he is paid.

  22. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Looks like Kim can park a Harley between her butt cheeks without it falling over.

    Sarah can probably only park a kid's tricycle.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Sarah can only park a 2-toned short penis.

  23. Anonymous8:04 AM

    If President Obama wanted to leave Michelle for Sarah, do you think Sarah would leave Todd and her kids?

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      In a heartbeat.

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Then who would take care of Track?

    3. Anonymous9:34 AM

      "who would take care of Track"? His extended family, the Menards. Who would take care of Trig? His mother - Bristles.

    4. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Leave Michelle for a crazy Botox filled, Plastic surgery corrected, stinky, illiterate fool? What a joke.

  24. Anonymous8:12 AM

    The Sportsman Channel Left Plastic Surgery Scars of Sarah Palin in Promo Video, But Added Tanned Freckles to Photo

    Jesse Griffin at Immoral Minority had this picture on a blog post today. These are from the promos of the new show. It's extra large here so we can see the arms. Notice there are no plastic surgery scars and she is just as freckly as she can be in the arms.

    Here is a close up. These are obvious incisions from surgery. I know my nursey-ness is showing and I don't think getting plastic surgery is a evil thing to do, but we are talking major overhaul here. With Sara the grift-o-matic everything is faked, hair, breastages, layers of makeup, pregnancies, parenting and now faked photos.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      $carah wasted her $$$ on plastic surgery. The word is out, she can not "carry" a TV show, they had to hire 2 professionals to co-host. Plus Toad had to be brought in to fill in some time also, too. Why does she need surgery to write a blog?

  25. OT, again: I mentioned in one of your previous blog posts, Gryphen, that I was reading a series of books by C.J. Box, with a protagonist by the name of "Joe Pickett".

    I mentioned that the setting of the books, Wyoming small towns, redneck-y inhabitants, surrounding national public park lands, and the protagonist's job as a Wildlife fish & game warden, were the backdrop for some murder mysteries.

    The plot of the book I just finished had echoes of the Ruby Ridge and Waco federal vs. separatist firefights, with a rogue FBI agent and a batshit crazy BLM supervisor agitating the situation.

    If it weren't for the fact that C.J. Box wrote this book in 2003, one could believe he patterned the batshit crazy BLM supervisor's personality after Sarah Palin. He got Palin's speech mannerisms down perfectly, her usage of a "shield" as a defense mechanism, and, of course, the narcissism.

    If anyone's interested, the name of the book, 3rd in the Joe Pickett series, is "Winterkill".

  26. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Another glaring difference is that the Kardashians seem to understand and practice personal hygiene.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Another glaring difference in the families...the Kardashians are worth far, far more money than the Palins - the Palins are hillbillies and act like it daily - the Kardashians are a class act - could go on and on. There is no comparison between the Palins and them. The Palins have no clue even how to act or be classy!

  27. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Kim Kardashian has a big ass.
    Sarah Palin IS a big ass.

  28. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Please no Palin sex tapes!

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      I betcha Bristol has one. How much do you wanna bet.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      If she has one she probably destroyed it by now because she's scared it will get out.

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Who would want to see any of the Palins having sex?

  29. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Kevin is now on her enemy list since he asked the question has she completed the transitioned from politics to television

    She did not like the fact he implied she is done with politics (more like politics is done with her).

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Put a fork in Sarah Palin's political career. She is done and will never be elected to any office.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Sarah is done in politics. That's why that untalented narcissistic moron is seeking attention on that trailer park home made third rate show.

  30. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Deserves a repeat:

    @Anonymous7:10 AM
    According to one of Sarah's "Elite 6" former friends, Sarah Heath *technically* did not *suck* Glen Rice's DooLolly. But Sarah did admit to rolling it around in her mouth and licking on it for a half hour until all of a sudden it discharged, and she caught a money shot in her eye. 

    Result? Sarah was fired from her unpaid intern position at KTUU-TV, where she had been *hired* to read sports highlights from a teleprompter for KTUU-TV. Besides Sarah's breach of journalistic ethics, her new wonky eye scared children and upset small pets in the television audience, resulting in a loss of 50% of the regular viewing audience for the newscast. 

    This event occurred in 1988, and Sarah's been a reliable, consistent ratings-killer ever since.

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Hi Sarah and family.

    We know you read Immoral Minority.

  32. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Yes, he owes you . And another little name I think I first heard here was, Snowdrift 'Snookie .

  33. Anonymous5:37 PM

    The comments about Glenn Rice, President Obama and black men's anatomy and sexuality are stereotyping and racist. There is no wit or humor in perverse and over-the-top crude pornography. I had thought that trolls were making those type of comments to make IM look bad. If so, they succeeded.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Sarah Palin started the Glenn Rice story, not us.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Is Sarah infatuated with President Obama? Nuff said.

    3. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Is talking about Todd's two inch penis racist too?

  34. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

    The Kardashians are fake, but smart business people. Every time Kim tweets a brand name like "I just went to Rodeo Drive and bought a chain mail thong by Versace Caching, she gets thousands for the endorsement. It can be anything, sketchers sneakers, a brand of personal lubricant, She rakes in the bucks, and that's just for tweeting.
    Their reality show does have a following (not my thing) and anything that's new and gets photographed, they make money.

    All because their deceased dad represented OJ Simpson.

    The Palins don't have that kind of draw, unless it's "every time Tripp calls someone a derogatory name or flips the bird, a nickel goes in his elementary school fund.

  35. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I'd pick the K family any day over the Palins! Momma K is far more loving as a parent than Sarah has ever been. Plus, we have college educated kids in the K family - Rob has a degree. The K girls earn money and have actual jobs where the Palins kids do not.

    There is zero comparison between Kim and Sarah. Zero!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.