Friday, March 14, 2014

Sarah Palin calls in to radio show to help promote idea that the "war on women" is fake and that the conservatives are more pro-women than the liberals.

This from the YouTube page: 

March 13th, 2014 • Sarah Palin made an unexpected call to the Dennis Prager show today. Guest host Mark Isler was interviewing co-authors Dr. Gina Gentry Loudon and Ann-Marie Murrell on their new book "What Women Really Want", and suddenly found themselves on the phone with the conservative leader as they were discussing the "War on Women" being waged by liberals.

So ostensibly the story is that Palin was driving around in her car, most likely in Arizona somewhere, and heard this show and felt the need to call in and give her two cents.

Gina Loudon, of course, also has a child with Down syndrome and she and Palin have met a few times, and this Ann-Marie Murrell woman is a right wing loon who writes for a number of conservative websites.

Isler starts of by having a mini-climax at the thought that Palin actually knows how to work the radio dial.

Palin then weighs in with her oh so well thought out and researched opinion:

"Hey I just wanted to call in and thank the gals for working so extremely hard to combat this BS "war on women" stuff, and explain to America that we are the party that are the true women liberators, because we are the ones fighting against this government control over all of us. And we care so much about every woman and every ounce of positive potential in every woman, so much so that we want to protect even our littlest sisters. They're the ones in the womb. We're the party with the plank in the platform. And you gals are the ones preaching it and i love you and I thank you."

The two women gush over this praise (I think one of them even cries.), proceed to praise her appearance at CPAC.

Isler than makes the claim that Republicans don't see gender and only see people as people. (You know people who work for a living and have value, and less important people who need to stay home with the kids and make me a damn sandwich when I tell them to make me a damn sandwich!)

Palin: "Exactly, who is it that is stereotyping women? Is it those who believe that every woman is a powerful, capable, strong individual? And we judge them on individual merits? Or is it, these who would lump women, especially, together and try to create this of these women? (In high pitched voice) Women are stronger, and more capable, and deserve better than that. So it just amazes me that there are some quasi intelligent women who buy into this crap. It blows my mind and when I find out a woman does buy into it, I'm like 'Dang, she disappoints me, now I realize she's not that smart."

To be clear this is Sarah Palin, you know the one who could not get through an interview with the MSM without making a fool of herself and setting the women's movement back 50 years, suggesting that women who realize that it is the Democratic party that has worked to help them get paid equally to men, have paid time off for childbirth, and gain access to free birth control under the ACA, are somehow stupid.

Palin goes on to promise to endorse their new book (Uh oh!) and tweet about it to her fan(s).

Isler then suggests that the education system indoctrinates children into liberalism, and expresses surprise that any person can remain conservative in that environment, while also pointing out how the liberal media "attacked" Palin over the years.

Palin: "Yeah well, they're...they're taking the shots, and they continue to take the shots at all of us, but we're still standing. And I believe we are winning. I believe, especially this year, that people's eyes are opening. It is a great awakening in America where people are realizing 'Ah we've been sold a bunch of hooey, and we're not going to take it anymore.' Look at Obama's poll numbers, that's indicative of, they've got a problem. We're going to win!"

So the message here, if I can find I underneath all of this predigested word salad, is that liberals are working against women, conservatives are working to empower women, and education is hurting America.

Well yeah that makes all kinds of sens.....wait a minute!

I actually looked for this book and could not find a mention of it on Amazon, so perhaps it is only sold subversively to people they don't think have good reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Isn't it spring break in Alaska? I would imagine they're in AZ. Many of Pipers friends have homes down there as well. Or like half of Alaska.

    And no offense to anyone here, but I work in a male-dominated field and have never felt inferior. Democrats are dramatic.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Stop lying. You don't work in any field. Aren't you an out-of-work actress or something?

      "no offense to anyone here..." Yeah right.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      mouth breather,

      so you picked up on the fact that it's spring break here in AK from a post i made a couple threads
      down ?

      piper has no friends unfortunately as no parents would let their kids be exposed to the white trash inbred's known as the palin's/heath's - thanks though for reading fuk_tard

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Piper is in school?

    4. Anonymous11:53 AM

      lou scarah,

      that you postin' again ? ... ya hunchbacked crosseyed treasonous overweight bitch

    5. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Bitch, you don't work, you Troll 24/7. You are Fabricating about your Palin information. You are a Sick Stalker with no life. How's that 2-toned Palin Vibrator treatin' ya? You are a LIAR!

    6. Anonymous12:16 PM

      So, based on your logic.....
      No offense to anyone here, but I've never had same-sex inclinations. I don't think bisexuals, gays, or lesbians exist.
      No offense to anyone here, but I've never met an atheist, I don't think they're real.
      No offense to anyone here, but I've never been raped. Therefore all sex must be consensual.
      Sounds legit (not). Just because the people you work with aren't dickheads-- or just because you have a higher tolerance for bullshit-- or just because you don't know about the pool they have going for who's gonna get you in the sack first-- doesn't mean that all workplaces are safe environments.

    7. Olivia12:33 PM

      Who knew that the job of bedpan sitter was dominated by men? I am pretty sure that the job of paid troll is dominated by men, however.

    8. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Half of Alaskans own homes in Arizona? Prostitution and meth dealing must be really lucrative fields.

    9. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Of course you have never felt inferior. You are not inferior and no one on this planet can make you feel so.

      On the other hand, if you are raped, a conservative government can force you to have the baby. Unless you have the leisure and finances to go to Europe or Canada for a perfectly legal, safe, private abortion. Because even a conservative government is powerless to stop that.

      Conservatives are so pathetically illogical (and, of course, absurdly dramatic.)

    10. Anonymous2:20 PM

      "Half of Alaska" has homes in Arizona? Really, where did you come up with that ":statistic"? I guess all my friends and family have been holding out on me.

    11. Anonymous2:29 AM

      $carah keeps saying "plank" and makes me wish someone would hit her over the head with one.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    More bad news.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Hahaha that retard can't get a job with ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX or any other network so that narcissistic butthole goes rogue.

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Sarah must hate being a mother. Always finding ways not to be at home or to ignore them kids of hers.

    3. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I wonder how many of her 4+ million Facebook followers will sign up. That's a lot of postage to cover the fake ones with only $1.1 in the coffers, right $arah?

    4. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Let's see where Sarah will get the most viewers-- Fox News or this new, you have to subscribe to it, start up thing. Will Sarah still be on Fox?

    5. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Does this mean that Sarah will be on Rogue TV morning, noon and night? That sounds like a real job, and a lot of work. I don't think that she can fill 8 hours, let alone 24 hours. Sarah doesn't have much to say after 5 minutes.

    6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:16 PM

      How long before Sarah Semple McPalin starts evangelicalizing for dollars on her Glenn Beckish channel? The only good thing about this is that the core group of doddering Palinistas will be SO velcroed to this mess day and night that they won't venture out into society. They'll be in a virtual Palin coma surrounded by empty Chik-Fil-A bags and Big Gulp cups. That's assuming they can raid the grandkids' piggy banks for the extra $10 a month over their SS payment to the SarahPAC ATM.

    7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:23 PM

      PS--The channel description also mentioned that Sarah Landers Crocker will also too be offering advice(!), recipes(!!) and guidance(!!!) Look out, Paula Deen!

    8. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Rogue TV renamed: Fap on TAPP

    9. Anonymous2:02 PM

      This venture could be a good thing for us if Sarah goes the way of Glenn Beck. After all when is the last time you heard of any of Beck's antics in the mainstream media?

      Beck =
      Palin = Rogue TV


      If Paula "INeverUsedTheN-WordExceptWhenIDid" Deen can get her own obscure network deal....whoTF says BaldyTV can't be available to rednecks...racist...hillbillies...methheads and other scrounges of the earth!

      Well by golly you don't know a mediawhore when you see one! LOL!!!

      BaldyTV....available for 10 a month....what a cheap ass whore...Amirite Toad or amirite! LOL!!

    11. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Fap on TAPP. Priceless.

    12. Anonymous4:19 PM

      lol bonus points for the Aimee Semple McPherson reference.

    13. Anonymous4:47 PM

      we can only hope sarah ends up the same way aimee did. :)

    14. Anonymous8:35 PM

      lol 4:47 I'd settle for her disappearing for a month or so ton start with. She can go hike her Appalachian Trail with whoever she picks anytime. The sooner the better. What's old Glen Beck ahve on his schedule? Limpballs also too?

      She would probably have to pay the police upfront to even care she's missing.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I don't want to hear Sarah Palin's whiny screeching voice so I choose to read the transcript than watch the video. That's where the problem starts. I got a fucking headache trying to understand her word salad! I'm so glad McCain lost. I'm so happy Sarah Palin is too chicken shit to run for senator or president

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Oh please. This "conservatives see everyone as people" and "we love hard workers" bullshit makes me want to spit. The GOP doesn't seem to realize that this is 2014, not 1414-- we have technology, we have advanced medicine, we have evolved as a society (women vote and wear pants and everything!). There is no excuse for the average person to HAVE to work several jobs just to make ends meet. No one should HAVE to make a choice between toilet paper or soap in their budget. No one should HAVE to survive on rice and whatever their coworkers forgot in the company fridge. Can't spare that 75 cents for a Kitkat because you are that fucking broke.
    That's where the Republican party is so fucking blind. Sure, there are ways to survive and overcome poverty. They trot out these stories of homeless teens who managed to study study study and make it into a good college and have a successful life-- but what percentage of the population do these bootstrap against-all-odds stories make up? Do the GOP expect the people who can't work nights to shut up and die? Do they expect the 30 year old woman with two kids whose husband ran off with another woman to give her kids to the state so she can work those 3 jobs without any distractions? That 16 year old girl who was raped better give birth to that baby and depend on mommy and daddy to babysit while she finishes high school.... oh but wait, her mom and dad are each working nonstop to keep a roof over their heads and can't afford the added expense of a baby. Better put it up for adoption, that way they'll only have to foot the $10,000-$45,000 bill for the birth instead. College will be a pipe dream.
    But that's the way the GOP establishment likes their sheeple: too poor to afford education, too busy and exhausted to read a book. Angry and looking for an outlet for that anger-- and the GOP gives them someone to hate, someone to blame, and pats them on the back for their nonstop labor while doing nothing to make their lives easier.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM


    2. Anonymous2:24 PM


    3. Anonymous4:15 PM


    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Thanks Anonymous 12:03 for the great post!

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    haha I love it. This is funny. So, Tripp loves when Willow cuts his hair as a surprise for his mom. Then what results is a convo between B and W over Willows future kids and jokes that Bristol will pierce her (W's) son's ear. This is one reason I don't like only having brothers.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Are you lost? WTF are you talking about?

    2. Oops, I think I broke one of the trolls.

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Why can't I stop laughing?

    4. Anonymous4:09 PM


    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      There you go again, Troll: CONVO? You tell on yourself without knowing it. You Palins are Trolls just like the Insane Stalker with the 2-toned Dildo.

    6. Anonymous10:59 PM

      12:06 PM Willow's future kids? How about the one that she already has? Sarah Palin is a Granny at least 4 times.

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    ... because we are the ones fighting against this government control over all of us.

    No, Sarah, no you're not. As long as women's access to birth control and reproductive health care is limited by foolish restrictions, government is controlling women's bodies. The requirement that doctors be affiliated with a particular hospital in order to perform an abortion (which is allowed and legal) limits women's choices in Texas. Abortion clinics had to close because of these restrictions. At the same time, failing to all health plans to cover birth control for women (while allowing Viagra and penis pumps for men) is controlling women's bodies. Sarah, Keith Olbermann may not be on MSNBC any more, but you are still an idiot!!

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Excuse me troll didn't you mean to say..."Crap you STOLE from Beefy's Fakebook page and posted the link before and nobody gave a shit" as the title of that Flckr link? LOL!!!

    You are certifiable and stupid to boot! Nobody gives a fuck about fake ass pictures of Piper (poor thing being part of the Palin's is one fucked up way to go through life) Tripp and whichever Trig that is....


    Time to go and vibrate with your's been awhile for ya! LOL!!!

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM

    We need to get drone photos of Sarah's AZ house.

    Would see how kids Bristol has poolside.

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM


    You are good at what you do here. LOL indeed! Thank you!

  10. Even on Gina Loudon's site her "latest book" is
    Ladies and Gentlemen: Why the Survival of our Republic Depends on the Revival of Honor: Loudon, Gina and Paterno, Dathan.

    The date of publication is 7/25/2012.

    1. Maybe this is what Sarah heard on the radio. There IS a book called "What Women Really Want", and one of the authors is a conservative -- but not the kind of conservative Sarah Palin is.

  11. Anonymous1:20 PM

    ”we want to protect even our littlest sisters. They're the ones in the womb.”

    Sarah Palin got on a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages). AND she boasts of her insane risk to an unborn in her book.

    Sarah Palin doesn't give a damn about babies in wombs unless she can use it to grift dollars from the clueless.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM


    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Anon 1:20 you don't know our Sarah. Sarah is a do as I say not as I do person.

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Guess they didn't get to the bit about a women's body shutting down the whole get pregnant scenario if it's a legitimate rape. Conservative morons like Sarah Palins have superb selective memory.

  13. Caroll Thompson1:49 PM

    I can hear the laughter of almost every woman in America from here. What a ridiculous statement.

    "That woman is an idiot." KO

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    She doesn't care if she is preaching to the choir it's all about the money. and yet her fool followers will not admit it because to admit it would mean that they have been taken.Taken by a dishonest money grubbing con and they can't face it, they are older people who truly THINK the country is in danger, their fears have been played upon by Fox News and all the T Party scammers they were ripe for the picking, picking of their pockets, picking of what they believe is their patriotism and picking of their age and fear.

    One of the c4p people actually said it was a great thing for her to be on the web "That's how Reagan started out" sadly they will continue to cling to the fantasy that has been created by Sarah Payme, they are a lost cause.

    Glen Beck made 90 million dollars last year on this same pay to see me scam Glen Beck for God's sakes! is there any doubt as to why Palin the mooch would not try the same? Money in the bank is worth a lot more to them than broad influence or country or their honor family or reputation.

    cling to the fantasy that has been created they are a lost \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


  15. Anonymous1:56 PM

    What is Sarah Palin's thought about men pimping out women and little girls?


  16. Nice use of the word "ostensibly"!

  17. "...we are the party that are the true women liberators, because we are the ones fighting against this government control over all of us."

    Palin is a moron.

  18. BlueDragon3:04 PM

    Hey Gryphen, and everyone. I love the work you do Gryphen, but a small point of order if I may.
    Contraception is indeed covered 100 % in any plan that covers contraception at all. (Some still don't offer ANY coverage). It is NOT free, though, it is covered by a plan that the women PAYS for.
    Perpetuating the statement that it is free just plays into the hands of the religious right that complain about it. You know, those mooching sluts and all that.

    1. Thank you for that, you are right, and I stand corrected.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Bravo, Blue Dragon. That was bothering me too. The whole Fluke thing got out of control when Rush lied about that. Sandra was just asking for the policies already in place, the ones the women were paying premiums for, to cover contraceptives, just like they cover Viagra and penis pumps, for infertile men. Or whatever.

  19. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The Queen of Cognitive Dissonance.

  20. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Oh, our eyes are wide open Sarah dear, and we know exactly who is standing up for women, and who is trying to beat us down.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Christ, I wish I could arrange a meeting between you and Palin: You'd demolish her. And all she would have to give in return is that paralyzed, shit-stunned expression of hers.

      To wit:

  21. Anonymous8:39 PM

    War on women is a fake!
    War on women is a fake!

    What in hell happened to the war on Christmas?

    Is Sarah starting a new war when she didn't finish her war on Christmas book tour?

  22. Anonymous7:51 AM

    " and explain to America that we are the party that are the true women liberators, because we are the ones fighting against this government control over all of us."

    First, what drug is she on now?

    Second, I am still waiting for her explanation of how they are true women liberators? By dressing like a hooker? Forcing women to buy rape insurance? Earning less than men? Having children out- of-wedlock? Please explain Sarah, we are waiting.

  23. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Hey Sarah, is this an example of how the Re-taliban is liberating women, how we have been sold a bunch of hooey?

    Michigan's New Rape Insurance Law

    "....As of today, your rape insurance proposal is now the law of the land in Michigan.

    Thanks to what every single one of you on that side of the aisle did, rape victims in Michigan that become pregnant from their attack will now be told by their doctor - and their private insurance company - that they’re on their own.

    Yes, a victim of a sexual assault in Michigan will now have to face the reality that their Republican legislators – those who decry government involvement in health care on a daily basis - passed a law that does exactly that. Except it only applies to women, so apparently that doesn’t count.

    And if taking away the rights of rape victims weren’t enough, thanks to what you did, Michigan women with wanted pregnancies who are told by their doctors that something has gone horribly wrong and their pregnancy must be terminated will be told that their government doesn’t think that’s necessary medical care.

    They too will now face a reality that you have prevented their private insurance company from covering the exact care that’s needed, that their doctor recommends, and is in the best interest of their own health.

    In short, it’s a whole new era of unequal health care you’ve created here today, an era in which women are treated as second class citizens and told their male dominated legislature and a the extremist special interest group that funds their election campaigns know far better about the types of health care coverage they should have than their own doctor does....."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.