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That's right bitchez I got a new video show. |
Fox News contributor and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be launching her own digital video channel, tentatively called “Rogue TV,” a source familiar with the project told Capital.
The channel will be available through Tapp, the digital video service founded by former CNN chief Jon Klein and former NBC Universal entertainment executive Jeff Gaspin. Subscriptions will cost $10 per month.
Rogue is expected to launch in April or May, and it would be one of the first of the digital channels offered by Tapp.
Palin’s channel will feature video commentaries from the former Republican vice-presidential candidate, discussing current events and political issues.
“Think of it as a video version of her Facebook page,” the source said.
That said, Rogue is also expected to feature footage of Palin and her family in Alaska, much as the 2010 TLC reality series, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” did. (TLC’s parent company, Discovery Communications, is an investor in Tapp.)
It will also have advice and guidance from Palin, such as tips for parents and recipes. There are also tentative plans to have subscribers engage in regular video chats with Palin.
Representatives for Tapp did not respond to a request for comment on the plans.
Can you believe she is calling it "Rogue TV?"
Well of course you can, what else would she call it, "Hockey Mom radio?"
You know this might finally be the perfect venue for Palin. A radio show that asks very little from her but to post the same content that she currently pays ghostwriters to write on her behalf for Facebook.
It's like scratching your ass like you do everyday, only this time somebody is paying to watch you do it.
Well at least this answers the age old question where do Fox News contributors go to die??
It is the same place that Glenn Beck went after HE was drummed off of the air at Fox.
And hey he is not doing too badly over at Blaze. I mean he's a whole lot crazier, but apparently there's a market for crazy.
So who knows, Palin might do very well in this arena. After all she is at LEAST as crazy as Glenn Beck. Probably crazier!
The only question is how long can the woman whose picture now sits next to the word "quitter" in the dictionary be willing to stick this out? And how long will her rapidly disappearing fan base be willing to pay $10 a month to listen to her babble like a schizophrenic who missed their last dose of Thorazine?
Only time will tell.
What is interesting is how isolated this radical group of Right Wingers, like Palin, Glenn Beck, and Herman Cain. have become. They are no longer considered reasonable enough to have an easily accessible platform and are instead now forced to find little media pockets where those of a like mind can seek them out and listen to their insanity for a fee.
If only Charles Manson had possessed the foresight to wait a couple of decades, instead of rotting in jail like he is today, he could have had his own show (Helter Skelter?) right alongside Sarah Palin and the other not ready for prime time lunatics.
Wait, Sarah is going to be putting her family on TAPP TV, too? I thought that they were afraid of stalkers. How much interest is there is seeing the Palin family play Eskimo Bingo or heat up Chuck Heath's frozen moose chili?
ReplyDeleteGood! Maybe they will add the “jailhouse” interview in when that happens?
DeleteCan’t wait for Sarah all decked out in Prison Orange and Naughty red monkey’s with Pink handcuffs (courteous of Arapiho) Then they can fly her on Con air and land and she can be transported to GooseCreek Prison by her house….
Ummm Gryphen reading my mind?
Posted on Malia's:
'Yea bring on “The Rogue” Channel. Can We ask Charlie Manson why IS HE in Jail and Sarah isn’t? Isn’t that unfair? I mean he didn’t pull the TriGger neither but got Death penalty. Sarah gets Rogue TV."
Are the Alaskan taxpayers going to be scammed AGAIN by this family from Arizona? Will they be tapping into the film fund for $$$$ thousands more? How many times do they have to FAIL before they realize TV is NOT for them, since there is not an ounce of talent in the entire crew?
DeleteSarah's fans are not taking this announcement that well. They are having a hard time processing this move and Sarah's presidential run in 2016. Right now her Facebook following is supposed to be 4 million people, many names bought and paid for from a service. When they charge $10. a month, guess how many far right wing viewers Sarah will have.
ReplyDeleteYou know, "far right wing viewers" so easily reads "fright wig viewers"...just sayin'
DeleteTwo thumbs up for Anon @2:47
DeleteAw, gee, does this mean that Sarah won't be on Fox any more?
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHAHA she is hardly ever there now.
DeleteHmmm... which is the better deal?
DeleteA. Netflix for $7.99/month with tons of streaming movies, documentaries.
B. Watching an amateur video of Thing, resembling a mop stick handle with fake Belmonts attached with velcro screeching repetitive worn-out cliches and malaprops as well as gaffe-enriched stupid talking points read from a script written by a Right Wing Bagger Consultant paid for by stupid bagtards.
Which is the better choice? LOL
I will have to take a pass on "Tapping" the Skanky Quitter. Her next business venture will be diddling her lady parts for $ .99 per minute, which thinking about makes me want to puke. But that's an easy fix. Just put Baby in the corner and give her a flask of vodka and a Red Bull. She'll take it from there. Then we can leave and check back on her in January, 2017, to see if she was elected POTUS.
Confused, PeePonders? Look up Cognitive Dissonance. Gryphen and The IM Blog OWN Sarah's ignorant hillbilly bony ass. Haha
You BET Gryph does. I LOVE it when he calls out the trolls on purpose by one little post!
DeleteThe C4Pers should be in heaven over this news!
Everyone's Got An Idol
TAPP is building online video channels around them, allowing super-fans close-up access to the personalities they adore. Fan-supported subscription channels you can watch on any device – your phone, tablet, PC, ,TV or gaming platform.
For personalities, we supply soup-to-nuts service – creating and producing their channels, distributing them over the Web and on apps, handling the marketing, and managing the back-end technology, payment processing, and data analytics. For consumers, we’re making a fantasy come true: the chance to watch micro-channels built around their interests and their idols.
Deletesuper-fans...ultra-niche celebrities...personalities...idols...fantasy...adore.
I don't have an idol--one entertainer or politician, or even one favorite tv show I'd pay $9.95 a month to watch.
Another disturbing quote from the TAPP website:
"Generating big data troves about viewer behavior. That’s TAPP."
Gryph, I would LOVE to see you get such a channel and refute everything this stupid carp has to say at every turn in real time..
DeleteI pay $300 per month for the ultimate cable TV, internet and cell phone package. There is no way I'm paying additional dollars to access anything on the internet.
DeleteOh those c4pers are arguing again over whether this is good or bad for their "she WILL run in 2016 because she's the ONLY one that can save us" wet dream. A "guest" came in and teased 'em a bit. BOOM. Banished.
DeleteThat little world is someone's PhD thesis in abnormal psychology waiting to happen.
DeleteMany a PHD will be earned by all those who study Palin's multiple pathologies.
2;29 I would pay 10$ a few months if she took calls (not screened) and got to ask her some questions. However, there is no way in hell she'd EVAH do anything unscripted, so my 10$ is safe!
DeleteTapp, there's a great name for Trig and Tripp's new brother or sister.
DeleteI thought that was Brisket's nickname, or that's what the Wasilla hockey team told everyone. If your horny just go Tapp a Palin.
DeleteMost of the subscribers are going to be media people because they are the only ones who seem interested in what she has to say.
ReplyDeleteIt might keep her skanky ass off the street. Naah, just kidding. Hos got ta Ho.
DeleteIt's perfect. All those panty sniffers can tune in, listen to the screech and have wet dreams about her presidential candidacy. She will continue to bleed them of their hard earned disability and social security money pretending that she is close to making a decision. I just cannot wait to see how many people pay to hear her.
ReplyDeleteHoly Hand Grenades! Palin, the most ignorant and infamous of all the Teabot lunatics is going to give advice on "parenting"?
ReplyDeleteYep, I can just see those small sub channels now on Palin TAPP with names like:
Where to buy the best foam pregnancy belly
Abstinence onleeeey!
Keeping your daughters virginal
Forcing your sons into the military in one easy lesson
Grifting for fun and profit!
Stealing building materials the easy way
Superpacs explained in simpleton English
Keepin' up with an enemies list
Plastic surgery 101
Fake tits and push up bras
There is no way on earth that her fragile psyche and ill health can sustain this series of projects she has signed on to: Amazing America. TAPP. Promoter of Tea Bagger Candidates. Mom. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Hot Yoga Goer. Former RV Driver. Public $peaker. FOX Pundi(n)t. Tinker Tailor. Soldier. Spy.
ReplyDeleteWow. Sort of like airplane disasters, this has "catastrophic system failure" written all over it.
She is running out of money. Check. She is running out of ways to fleece her Sheep. Check.The National Republican Party understands that she is a bad joke. Check. She can't figure out where to live. Check. Her kids are so fucked up she doesn't know where to turn. Check.
So, as usual, she flails about and grabs any low rent auto show appearance, low budget car race, 25 person High School graduation speech that comes her way.
We've said this for years. She needs an intervention. But clearly family and friends have no stomach for it, for a variety of reasons, so it won't happen.
This incredible farce is heading for a really bad ending.
A Fan From Chicago
Take parenting tips from this derelict parent? What has the culture come to when people like Palin are considered good parents? I am sensing some pretty slick marketing to the parent of low expectations: you know the type — they raise homophobes, vandals, barely literate kids who are good “American Patriots.” Sheesh ...
Delete"Wow. Sort of like airplane disasters, this has "catastrophic system failure" written all over it."
DeleteRoger! LMAO!!!!! "Wasilla, we have a problem!"
Chicago, you have been spot on for days!
DeleteClean up on Aisle 9!
DeleteNumber nine, number nine, number nine....
She needs a intervention but gets a teevee show.
Well she go her har cutters, her make "artistes" All she needs is a midwife (piper) for Willow and Brissie and she is all set.
Todd "what's in it for us" can be Fluffer and supply the entertainment {wink-wink}
Too much of a dollar commitment for the broke-ass Sarahbots. But personally, I'd pay five or ten bucks every now and then for live PPV to watch Sarah cook/slice a turkey or watch her pretend to have an urgent need to cut her lawn with one of her pretend kids riding on her back like she did for Joe.
DeleteSarah provides a comedic value that you can't get anywhere without going to to see a marquee comedy act. She doesn't even have to rehearse, just show up and "be herself".
It will also have advice and guidance from Palin, such as tips for parents and recipes.
ReplyDeleteOh, my dear lord! I can hardly wait for that!!! bwahahhahahaha
omg. bwahahahhahahha
Great news for those who don't know how to open a can or enlist their children in the military instead of facing criminal charges!!
How to carve an upside down turkey.
Delete... how to hide her cellulite-pocked thighs and saggy ass by wearing panty hose for her pretend-fitness runs, a la Newsweek. Oh, and also, too, wrapping herself in the flag.
DeleteYes, Anonymous 5:33, and with a cheese knife! LOL. That picture was a hoot!!
DeleteHow about "how to cook the books"? Or "cooking your OWN goose"?
Delete"...discussing current events and political issues." I'm certain they meant "mangling" instead of "discussing."
ReplyDeletewhat are those ridges around her chin?
ReplyDeleteBotox channels.
DeleteThat used to be her choochie before all the facelifts.
DeleteWho truly cares when it comes to Sarah Palin? She has such a small following anymore that her impact is minimal throughout the country. She's really fallen to the bottom when the fee to watch/listen to her is $10 a month!
ReplyDeleteSo. her PAC contributions are not from well-to-do nor are thy youngsters.
ReplyDeleteMany of them won't know what "streaming" is, and won't be able to afford $10 a month, on top of what they have been sending to Sarah.
I think this is the moment that Sarah kills the goose that lays the golden eggs.
And, besides the few media interns who'll have it running in the background in case she says something outrageous, who but the homebound are going to be glued to this down-market drivel? The Sportsman Channel, seen by only a few, is a worldwide release compared to this home-movie channel.
Will she reimburse the state of Alaska for reusing film it gave her a tax break on? Royalties to her production company?
How does this net Sarah more than a pittance -- especially after all the hard WORK she'll have to do writing her opinions and testing her recipes and washing her old bathrobes?
I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.
i stand corrected: the actual quote is "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
DeleteWatch those last minutes of "Sunset Boulevard" on you tube and you'll see how Billy Wilder predicted Sarah, 64 years ago.
I'll never be able to watch her again without seeing Gloria Swanson in the background.
"Streaming video"?
DeleteThe C4P dunces will be disappointed to learn this doesn't mean that each subscriber will receive a personalized video of them on the receiving end of their very own golden shower from their Quitter Queen. Major fapping material in HD for the soon-to-be-expired Bagger faithful.
Her fan base over at C4P tend to complain that pages that are too video laden or even .jpg heavy will not load for them. I have a feeling that a lot of her fan base are still on dial up internet or the very cheapest cable internet, basically her fan base is operating on year 2005 technology and probably won't be able to enjoy an internet streaming radio program unless they upgrade their connectivity.
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to bet their computers are so ancient that they couldn't stream with DSL.
DeleteSince Rogue TV will be a whole channel devoted to Palin & crew we should help them come up with some programming ideas.
ReplyDeletePimp My Snowmachine
Bristol's Happy Ending
Flipping Out With Tripp
Willow's Salon Takeover
Diaper Piper's Arrested Development
Bones starring Chuck Heath (or Game of Bones)
The Meth Housewives of Wasilla
Crack Tracks
I just want to see MooseBitch heave a large can of corn from close range at pencil-dick Toad. Or maybe a case. That's worth ten bucks. You know... REALITY.
It might be interesting to see the behind-the-scenes family scwabbles over who does what and for how much. The fakery that will end up being broadcast and the media coverage of it...meh.
ReplyDeleteOh dear god. *facepalm* Well, perhaps we won't have to hear about her anymore because she's on such a remote channel. She can't even keep her eyes open for a 10-minute leading-question 'interview' on Fox! This is gonna' be a mess!
DeleteI would rather have a rattlesnake screen saver than pay $120 per year, plus tax, to watch reruns of Sarah's greatest hit jobs.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have a rattlesnake in my house.
Deleteh/t huffington post,
Delete"I'd rather have a root canal."
"I'd rather give birth to a chair."
"I'd rather give birth to a chair through my root canal."
Anything for a nickel. You betcha!
ReplyDeleteI won't be clicking on that!
So Tapp video service (“Tapp! We’ll tap anything!”) will offer the Wonderful World Of Wasilla for a mere $10 per month, which is about five Slim Jims if you are a Plslin fan, or two four-packs of Bartles & Jaymes if you are a Palin daughter. No doubt there will also be commercials aimed at the very targeted “will watch Sarah Palin on TV” market. We’re guessing Bacon Bowls, Christian Mingle, and those man-pee pads that Tony Siragusa hawks on TV because, hey, it’s a paycheck.
ReplyDeleteAnd what kind of delightful programming might we expect on this new addition to the other eight-hundred channels you never watch??
‘America’s Top Meth Chefs’
‘The Big Bang Theory Behind The Circle K’
‘So You Think Bristol Can’t Dance, Well Screw You, She Does Just Fine, C’Mere Sweetie, Don’t Listen To Them’
‘How I Met Your Mother’ hosted by Glen Rice
‘Dr., Who Knocked My Daughter Up This Time?’
Let the hilarity ensue...
Delete‘America’s Top Meth Chefs’
‘So You Think Bristol Can’t Dance'
‘How I Met Your Mother’ hosted by Glen Rice
America's Idol
DeleteThe Enemies List
Under the Tent -- Bristol's Bacherlorette
Petty Little Liars
That Voice
Parenthood By Palin
Sarah Saves the World
The Talking Dead
Wasilla Sixty-Nine
Secret Life of a Palin Teenager
Enlisting with Track
All My Grandchildren
Good Morning Ladies
The Craziest One
Some titles need no change...
Masters of Sex
Bad Girls Club
House of Lies
You forget... Duh Dynasty
DeleteLay off my funny bone, folks. I can't read comments on this tiny smart phone screen while I'm ROFLMAO. HELP, I've fallen and I can't get up!
DeleteWho wants to be Grifter?
DeleteBetween Two Frauds
I don't get it. How does she expect to pull this off? From what I understand (I never go there), she doesn't post on facebook everyday and some of those posts are ghostwritten. How often does she expect to appear on Rogue TV? She'd have to get dressed (Well, I guess, she could always just pop on her Big Bird robe), plop on an uncombed wig, smear on the clear lip gloss, and pump up with enough uppers so she'll look more awake than she did on Hannity last week. How often can she pull that act together? Or has she hired an understudy? If she doesn't appear often, even her rabid idiot fans will revolt and her viewership will fall from 30 to 1. I'm sure Brianus B will hang in there and deconstruct every syllable the screecher utters,
ReplyDeleteDoes she get the $10/month from the subscribers or do Klein and Gaspin? If it goes to Klein and Gaspin that's going to cut down on their Pac donations. After all in this worst economy ever created single-handedly by that unrill murikan in the white house, the bots are going to have to cut back somewhere.
I got it! She's going to solicit for ad dollars and sponsorships for her channel. Make her guests pay to appear on her show, and have all interns/ghostwriters pay for their parking spaces.
DeleteShe can offer "gift" $10/month subscription for $100 donation to SarahPac and use SarahPac donations to pay for the subscription, just like she did with her books.
DeleteDoes anyone still have any doubts about CNN as "Fox Lite"?
DeleteGryph whatever dirt you have puhleeeeeaaaaasssseee get it out and shut her up!!!!
ReplyDeleteI second that, a MILLION times!
DeleteAlso, too... Is FOX NOOSE OK with her using the camera set and the studio THEY paid for and supplied to her in her misappropriated-materials-from-the-sportsarena house???
ReplyDeleteLOL!! Sarah Palin has been relegated to a video blogger. Limbo lower now...How low can she go? Wearing jammies with the floor littered with Taco Bell wrappers, empty Red Bull cans and used meth pipes strewn about her turret.
ReplyDeleteAnd some of her loser fans think she is still going to run for an elected office.BAAWAAAHHHHHH!
ReplyDeleteSo, it's time to see if she can actually earn her keep on a television station that people have to seek out and pay for. AS IF!
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they do this with BBC? They INVENTED paying for the privilege of watching something on tv. I WANT to watch what they have on tv.
It will feature footage of Palin and her family in Alaska. Hahahahahahem......hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's a Palin/Heath show.
ReplyDeleteIt should be called, "How to cash in TV"
HoooooWeeeeee. These people just don't quit on grifting. THey'll quit on real work, but can't quit snapping those high-yield profit deals.
ReplyDeleteSarah wants to be the Martha Stewart of the tundra. Soon, K-Mart and Wal-Mart will be carrying Sarah housewares, Sarah cosmetics, perfumes, a Sarah clothing line, shoes, all of em'. Maybe even a monthly mag called Sa-Rah-Rah-Rah Magazine.
Broadcast exec to his fox in the morning castoff producers: "lets throw some shit on the wall and see what sticks.". "Yep! A Sarah Palin network seems to fit that bill.".
ReplyDeleteAt least Trig Palin and others willwatch, but can they afford to spend their whole monthly allowance? Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin CPAC 2013: "It's time we all stop preaching to the choir."
2emptynest 03/14/2014: "WTF, Sarah? You'll do anything for a buck."
With this new venture, she will definitely be preaching to the choir, the choir and nothing but the choir. As long as the money keeps coming in, she won't care.
DeleteYes, I wonder how she'll spend the $30 a month this farce will generate. LOL!
DeleteDoes this mean she has to produce shows herself and be responsible to choose the content? Is she responsible for hiring staff or do the TAPP people provide everything for her?
ReplyDeleteKeep tabs on her Pac; she'll probably try to 'tapp' into it for programming consulting.
You betcha her PAC will be covering her expenses. If she makes a political statement on her new channel, the PAC will pay for the hair, makeup, new clothes, shoes, Todd to work the camera, Willow to find the wig, Bristol to touch her skin, everybody gets paid. Thank you PAC.
DeleteWait until TAPP finds out that Sarah doesn't really have four million likes on her Facebook-- but that she bought them to beef up her ratings.
ReplyDeleteJust a matter of time.....seeofpee is funny. They don't contribute anything. That Pete dude had $3, on food stamps, went to work for the IRS temporarily, bitching all the way that he had a job and best fan EVER! I just DIE laughing!
DeleteShe'll be appearing on camera regularly - you can't very well do TV, even webbased, without appearing on camera. So I predict a treasure-trove of hilarity, bad wigs, and inappropriate attire.
ReplyDeleteIt will also have advice and guidance from Palin, such as tips for parents and recipes.
ReplyDeleteYou are f-ing kidding me. Sarah Palin giving parental tips?
Like on Sarah Palin's Alaska? Willow I don't want your boyfriend to go past this gate to go to your bedroom and as soon as Sarah turns her back, Willow and boyfriend dash to her room.
Well that WAS a big step up from Brisket just screwing all over outside, come on, even you have to admit that.
DeleteMaybe Sarah will show Bristol how to cook a chicken and make a chores chart for Tripp. More tips for parents: If you suspect that your teen aged daughter is pregnant, take away her cell phone for a couple of days. That will teach her to take her birth control, I mean cramp medicine! More hints: If your kid is involved in a major act of vandalism with his pals, let them take the rap while you ship your kid out of town. Or better, let the boys take the blame, and the girls don't. One more tip, and this goes out to all of you parents who have disabled kids. Don't bother with therapy. Put everything in God's hands. Yes, I can't wait for Sarah to give family and cooking advice to everyone.
DeleteI'd rather watch My Drunk Kitchen on YT with Hannah Hart.
DeleteHow stupid. You wake up at 3:00 am and see Sarah Palin's mug on tv telling you how much she hates Obama.
ReplyDeleteCan you see it now? Imagine that face like the one in the picture above with Sarah sitting in a chair in front of her roaring fireplace telling everyone that they are going to hell if they don't raise their kids like Sarah did.
DeleteSarah will Trig be your program director?
DeleteSarah's Parenting Tip Number One:
ReplyDeleteIf your underage sexually promiscuous daughter moans out loud like a wildebeest during sex then send her out to her boyfriend's mother's house so she can keep them up all night which allow you to sleep.
Oh, I can HARDLY wait for someone to post her parenting tips. HAHAHAHAHAHA
DeleteSarah Palin's TV Beauty Pageant... LOL!!
ReplyDelete.....like a video version of her Facebook page?......and you have to pay her to see it?
ReplyDeleteHow stalkerish would a person have to be to do that?
Insanity.....and I would guess it would be endless loops of her mishandling rifles and the English language.
People like the two anus guy, the virginia vag and dee3personalities must be over the moon.
DeleteKrusty/Cara/Google/Tammi/Disappointed will Stalk Sarah's site until her Disability money runs out each month. Her 2-toned Dildo will get a Hell of a workout.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHAHA those Palins are Dysfunctional Trailer Trash.
So that means that Sarah won't post anything on her Facebook, which anyone can look at??? Hey, that's a great idea! Maybe, if Rogue TV is the only way that people can see Sarah-- this could be a good thing.
DeleteAnonymous 7:47 pm
DeleteThat's what I was thinking. Would she continue posting on her Facebook page for free? Wouldn't make sense to compete with Rogue TV. Perhaps, it's the Republicans way of quieting her voice and limiting her reach. Do they have it in her contract that her rants can only be displayed on Rogue TV? That's a win, win for everybody! The Blaze guy is doing just fine and seems more content and I don't have to hear his voice. Win-Win!!!
Doesnt Beck have The Blaze?
ReplyDeleteo-t but I just ran across the funniest video. Tripp is in what looks like as basement/downstairs hallway room and he's "breakdancing.' He can move well. Pretty impressive. To all parents with kids the same age, karate really does help with a lot.
parenting=doin it right
6:29 PM Bullshit, you are a Palin Troll. Bristol is not parenting, she is Bar Hopping and Fucking Trial Daddies. Whoring=doin it right.
DeleteHey Lou Sarah,
DeletePlease give us a link to the video.
Why does Bristol keep putting videos of her child on the internet when things like this should be private and shared only with family? She must get off on the fact that creepers watch her little boy dance...
DeleteIs Tripp flashing gangsta signs, too?
Delete6:29 Maybe he is not break dancing, but imitating the moves he sees his mother do with her one-night stands? He must have witnessed a LOT of those.
DeleteSo now she wants to charge for rants she now gets to post on facebook for free!
ReplyDeleteShe is following on the "Tot Mom's" footsteps. You remember Casey Anthony, the woman who killed her kid in Florida, and got away with it.
Yes, but I'm also thinking about "Octomom" and all her grifting.
DeleteIs she trying to do the "duck" lips or is that her natural look. either way...WTF is that face about.
ReplyDelete"Faux intimidation."
DeleteLooks to me like she forgot her bottom dentures.
DeleteHer only true talent: pulling faces that reveal her true nature.
DeleteM from MD
you're right Anonymous11:50 PM. It looks like she dropped her dentures and she has the neck going on, too, which should not be hanging at 50.
DeleteAt this point, since she's aging so fast, I bet everything else is hanging.
...parenting advice and recipes....
Let's see, who do you think has more viewers? Fox News or this new, subscription streaming web unknown video channel? I think that even the Sportsman Channel may have more viewers.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Mrs. Palin made fun of Katie Couric moving to an internet show and saying it was a step down from her talk show? Now, in classic style, Mrs. Palin emulates Katie's career move....too funny! Guess it's not a "step down" when Palin does it!
ReplyDeleteKarma is a bitch isn't it Sarah?
DeleteAnd, I'll wager Katie Couric will make far more money in her big move than will Palin. Couric is light years ahead of Palin and has such a pleasant personality and darling smile!
DeleteWhen all is said and done, it doesn't matter one lickety split what WE think. This is a political machine that they've tied into, al their records are wiped clean, and they are "free to move about the country." Like they'd take Southwest Airlines. SNORT.
ReplyDeleteThe Palin family are nothing but frauds and, thanks to Bill Kristol, records sealed, prostitution rings, and a trust fund they honed in on, are crystal clean because NO one will call them on it. NO ONE.
My suggestion is that you help your friends and neighbors as best you can to survive. Pay it forward. SCREW her. She's a "persona" and she will have her day. It's called karma, $arah, you know it, I know it, and so do your trolls.
Sarah has a servants heart. Are you listening c4p? for small fee of 10 dollars a month you can have the joy of listening to your idol your savior of the republic. Why should she give it away for free? you want to hear her solutions for problems? well excuse me! ask yourselves when has that ever happened.When are her followers going to get the guts to call her out and say "If you can fix everything why don't you run?" you loud mouth. Servants heart my ass! . And when is the press going to take the time to do some in depth reporting on said ass? you know why, because she who will not be named gets a lot of comments which equals pay, it's all a game to them but this idiot needs to be called out, I want to see her on a panel of the "Lame Stream" media,
ReplyDeleteHey Payme followers that's something your never going to see the brave Grizzley Momma cant cut it because all she is is a parrot for the right wing.My God has this United States Of America become so stupid?. I choose to believe that the majority of the people that live work and die for this country are not that blind and that looks can rule over substance, although her looks are fading. Where are your ideas Sarah The Great? let's hear them, you don't like Obama care, you don't like gays, hell what do you like?. Well we know you hate abortions but you don't want to contribute to helping those single mom's, no they are just moochers then because they don't have a mama with the big bucks to turn them into a failed reality star with a worthless blog and no goal in their life but to talk about that kid on their blog an expose her and them to ridicule, and if you call that being a a parent God and the angels weep.
your daughter who gets a free pass
Come on out Palin trolls....tell us we're wrong. Of course you won't. We knew you from the get go.
DeleteSP: America I should have been your president....
ReplyDeleteSP: Wait a second America.
SP: Somebody in my house better wash up in the cement pond. It's starting to smell like ass in here.
SP: Sorry America, now where was I?
This Rogue TV, is it like getting a message from hell?
ReplyDeleteSarah couldn't cut it as an Alaskan sportscaster
ReplyDeleteSarah didn't make a connection with ABC, NBC or CBS.
FOX took her in until they found out that she's incompetent.
So now it's time for Sarah to make a fool of herself on......
Wait one.....
She got her Ivana fame. Too bad it's as a cartoon. You GO $arah. Your gods await you. Money and attention. OH...and by the way? Put out an Easter message about Jesus and how you're persecuted like He was and rose again. See you Good Friday on the cross next to Him, you freaking looney toon. You took the 30 pieces of silver. Judas ROCKS!
DeleteIs it true that FOX tv keeps their female announcers until they get old and ugly?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't say much for Sarah.
They got rid of Sarah and kept Greta.
Gotta admit it that Sarah gave it a try to make it in the big leagues. Wore false breasts, tried different hairstyles, wore even bigger false breasts even tried to look like Elmer Fudd the hunter. Well its back to the minors for Sarah.
DeleteHeads we get rid of the old and ugly one
DeleteTails we get rid of Greta.
Its heads, sorry Sarah you lost.
Greta can, talk out the side of her mouth, but Palin has perfected talking out her ass.
Deletethe latest crap being sent out on Facebook.
Latest? that's from 2011!
DeleteBless Sarah's heart with this Rogue t.v.
ReplyDeleteSadly this reminds me of election night back in 2008 when Sarah tried to give her famous concession speech and was denied. Then after everybody left the stage, the Palins crawled back onto stage to give her famous speech and John McCain had the microphone and lights shut off
ABC, CBS, NBC and now FOX has turned off Sarah's microphone and lights.
The theory is that Granny Palin actually cried that night, which is a huge accomplishment for a narcisstic sociopath.
DeleteJust imagine that vicious pig ignorant lunatic harpy being PRESIDENT, had McCain died in office.
The Big 3 and FOX may have cut off Sarah's hopes of becoming the next Katie Couric but she will not be denied! On with Rogue TV.
ReplyDeleteHey, if Jeff Gaspin was responsible for Hoda and Kathie Lee, $arah was the next BIG step into cyberspace. I cannot stop giggling............
ReplyDeleteI like Hoda (especially) and Kathie. Sarah Palin doesn't begin to compare to them! They have talent, can sing, interview folks and communicate (nicely, I might add!).
DeleteTelevision Academy's Board of Governors has voted to award Sarah an Emmy for.....
ReplyDeleteYou bitches won't be laughing at Sarah Palin's new network next year.
Someone had to take over for Pat Robertson! She's really hit the big time, hasn't she?
DeleteThe big time for the Palins is whoever pays the most. Pimps and hos all of them.
DeleteSarah Palin schlepping for $10 blowjobs online would be as bad a s Balloon Boy dad Richard Henne having to work the balloon counter at Party City. The $100k speaking engagements are all gone.. Bwaaaaahhhhh!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Caint Get Right can finally get a job and get hired by Rogue TV?
ReplyDeleteAah, every time someone mentions the unmentionable son I think of Neil Young's song "the needle and the damage done".
Deleteevery junkie's like a setting sun, little part of it in everyone...
DeleteIs this Rogue T.V. supposed to be like the Special Olympics for wannabe newscasters and make Sarah feel like a winner?
ReplyDeleteHoward Stern does 6 hours a show 3 days a week, max. That costs me $9.95/month, plus I get all of the other channels. That is soo much a better deal than what I am sure will be Ms Palin giving at most 2 hours a week per month.
ReplyDeleteLet her drain their wallets, it's not like she's going to do anything with the money that's actually going to affect you or anybody who matters.
rogue channel? hahahaha the insufferable witch is stuck on stupid. To this dingbat it's still 2008. We's rogue. We's maverick. We's uncouth is more like it.
ReplyDeleteWas't this witch making fun of bloggers, people using the internet as useless web radio channels? I kinda remember when she dissed the people and the internet. Well lookie now...palin, if one begging media fails she will scrape, scrape, scrape the bottom.
Each endeavor will fail and cost her money. hahahaha plus old stinkyass will lose most of her bank account.
Fap on TAPP.
DeleteThe Dr. Seuss channel.
The only way this venomous, two-headed Hydra is going away is if/when Todd and Sarah get prosecuted and go to jail.
ReplyDeleteThat is the only way.
M from MD
If there was EVER a picture of Granny Palin that truly captures her character that has to be the best
ReplyDeleteIt's even better than the anorexic clown that showed up for a loser campaign stop.
It's even more illustrative than the KMART scarecrow
Yes Granny, your true character of hate, bile, and viciously prejudiced right wing racist bigotry are showing through in your FACE!
The woman looks like FU#$K! lol. And I think the blond woman here: http://austinisafecker.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/palin9n-2-web.jpg?w=640cw, is laughing at her not with her. LOL
DeleteWhere are the fashion "advisors" when you need them. And her followers think she's presidential material? Give me a break. Imagine that thing in the national stage!
How could Sarah Palin "retreat farther" into the Right Wing? It seems to me that she's been flying on the wing tip for years, perhaps without understanding any of the implications of her place but still there.
Palin has milked the cash cow so long, it only gives powdered milk now.
ReplyDeleteFor christs sake, Sarah, you're 50 years old. It's time you took off the f*cking beauty pageant tiara and got a real job. Oil authority... NOPE. Politician... LOL! Mother.. Nice try but MIA
ReplyDeleteMost train wrecks come to a stop, not Sarah Palin.
DeleteI though her beauty school daughters were supposed to be helping her out with her hair and skin. I would fire them ASAP if I were the SarahPac. Not only that, if I were the Penrose beauty school, I would make sure that I was not associated with those people--with such horrendous results.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of Palin makes her look like a dinosaur.
ReplyDeleteThe description of her pay per view channel makes it sound like the Palin Peeping Tom Show .
For 10 bucks a month , you can watch Palin and her family.
Beck charges $4.99 / month and he has a stable of regular contributors , plus his usual gang .
Plus his radio show.
Palin by herself cannot sustain any sort of interest beyond the
voyeuristic kind.
The show with it's " online chats " does have the potential for hilarity with the heavy breathers calling in.
Imagine the get ups Palin will don
to entice the octogenarians.
For 10 bucks a month , you can watch Palin and her family.
ReplyDeleteIf you wait 4 months you can get it for $1.99
Is this Palin's Rogue tv the trailer park poor man's version of Keeping Up With The Kardashian tv show?
ReplyDeleteWho is Bristol playing?
DeleteFor 10 bucks a month , you can watch Palin and her family.
ReplyDelete$10 for the entire Palin family?
$10 a month?
Dang that's a lot cheaper than what Todd was charging for Johns to be with Shailey Tripp.
You laugh now but wait until Sarah Palin interviews President Obama on her show then we will see who gets the last laugh.
ReplyDeleteNow all we have to do is find a person who does a spot-on Obama impression...
DeleteThat's her cross-side gila-monster-look. At least her wig is not crooked. But boy, does she look mean....
ReplyDeleteWhy are you angry $carah, running low on your PAC money or are you just freaking out.
Money is getting so tight for the Palins Bristol may have to start charging for sex instead of giving it away to anyone who will screw her out of pity.
ReplyDeleteI think she dropped her dentures as she was spiting out her hateful rants. Look at the shock in her eyes as she's trying to keep her mouth from showing the toothless gums.
ReplyDelete@1:45 PM " Look at the shock in her eyes"
DeleteNo, look at her bloodshot eyes!!!
"It will also have advice and guidance from Palin, such as tips for parents and recipes. "
ReplyDeleteOh I get it, this is a comedy or sci-fi channel !!!!
By the way didn't she plagiarize the recipe for Kellogg's Rice Krispy treats in her war on Christmas book?
Denise Schappell to Sarah Palin Facebook
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of people who come here to tell Sarah to run for President. Sarah will need our support so lets show our support to Sarah by Donating to SarahPAC. http://www.SarahPAC.com/If Sarah decides to run for President she has to know that we will be there to support her and not only with our words for her to run,but also with our actions.
Sarah probably did her Book Tour to see how much support she would have if she decided to run, and a lot of people came to see her.
2014 is now here and we should be donating to SarahPAC with 4 Million people here we could help Sarah raise a LOT of money in her quest to get the right people(Conservatives) NO RINO'S elected so we can take back the Senate and keep the House Electing More Conservatives to the House NO RINO'S because if we can't do that then it would be pointless for Sarah to run because she wouldn't be able to get anything done.
So if you want Sarah to run WE need to show Sarah that we have her back.
If you also are still interested in buying Sarah's Christmas book go to Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Good-Tidings-Great-Joy-Protecting/dp/0062292889/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372379449&sr=1-2&keywords=good+tidings+and+great+joyI am just a supporter of Sarah who would like to see her run, so lets show her how much she can count on our support.
You may not think that buying a book would go into her decision, but you never know it might.
with 4 Million people here we can make the difference between whether she runs or not, so lets show her not only with our words,but also with our actions.
So go to SarahPAC. http://www.SarahPAC.com/and Donate today Sarah needs our help she can't do it all by herself
If you go to Amazon and have read the book leave a good review.
The Looney PDSer Trolls are there leaving vile and disgusting reviews, I have E-Mailed Amazon about it,so if you all could also Contact Amazon and let them know how you feel.
Is this the self appointed leader of the dumb fuckwads?
No way I'm falling for this scam again that you give money to SarahPAC to convince Sarah Palin to run for president and then she never runs and SarahPAC keeps our money. Either Denise is part of SarahPAC or she is a complete idiot.
DeleteYou can buy Sarah Palin’s ‘One Nation Tour’ bus for a modest $279,000
ReplyDelete$carah is desperate, now they have "supporters" like Denise Schappell go to facebook and beg for people to throw money at them. Dang, they sound like they're begging.