Saturday, March 01, 2014

Shockingly Ted Nugent's assertion in recent CNN interview that he participates in raids with the DEA, ATF, US Marshals, FBI, and Texas Rangers is all BS. What, Ted Nugent lies?

So in that recent interview with Erin Burnett Ted Nugent did a little law enforcement names dropping in bolster his claim that the term "subhuman mongrel" did necessarily HAVE to have racist overtones.

Here is what he said to excuse his word choice: 

"I've been a cop in Lake County, Michigan, since 1982 thereabout. I conduct federal raids with the DEA and ATF and U.S. Marshals and the FBI and Texas Rangers and heroes of law enforcement. 

"And we are re-arresting fugitive felons let out of their cages after murdering and raping and molesting children, carjacking. And we keep going after these guys. 

"The adrenaline is something like you will never experience, I hope you never have to experience it, but when we are done with these kinds of raids, we get together and our hearts are broken that we have to face these monsters. We call them mongrels. We call bad people who are destroying our neighborhoods mongrels."

I know what you're thinking. Can Ted Nugent even spell DEA and FBI, much less join them in a raid?

Interestingly enough the folks over at Politifact wondered the same. So they did a little checking: '

I've been a cop in Lake County, Michigan, since 1982 thereabout' 

Lake County, Mich., is located about 90 miles north of Grand Rapids. It has about 11,500 residents and describes itself as "an outdoor recreation paradise." 

Nugent is a reservist for the county sheriff's office, Sheriff Robert Hilts told us. But, "He’s never joined us for any raids. Fortunately, we don’t have those sorts of problems up here." 

Hilts said Nugent has no authority or official responsibilities. The only activity involving Nugent that Hilts could recall was raising money on behalf of the department and for a local boy who has cystic fibrosis. 

"We’re always searching the woods for a hunter that’s lost or hurt," Hilts said. "He helped us buy a four-wheel drive offroad vehicle so we could reach people faster."

They "don't even have those sorts of problems" you say? Well that's one, but surely he was not lying about all of them, right?

 'I conduct federal raids with the DEA and ATF and U.S. Marshals and the FBI and Texas Rangers' 

Nugent does not seem to be a cop in the way most people would understand that word. The picture was about the same for the federal agencies Nugent named. 

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) told us, "We are not aware of him conducting any raids with us." 

We asked the Texas Department of Public Safety on what occasions Nugent had joined Texas Rangers on raids. Press secretary Tom Vinger said, "In regards to your question about the Texas Rangers, that did not occur." 

Joe Moses, a 22-year veteran special agent at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), told us they have no record or recollection of Nugent participating in any of their operations. However, when there are special projects that involve many federal, state and local agencies, they wouldn’t necessarily know the name of everyone who showed up. 

At the same time, Moses said there are strict standards for who is involved in an actual raid. 

"You would not have someone who didn’t hold the status of a police officer or federal agent participate in such an operation," Moses said. The process of arresting a person or collecting evidence must withstand challenge in a courtroom. It is not a place for the inexperienced, Moses told us.

So not only has Nugent NEVER been included on a raid, he is not even qualified to do so.

Ahh, but not all of the agencies listed went on the record to reveal that Nugent was full of shit.

The FBI said it could neither confirm nor deny Nugent’s participation in a raid.

Which of course is FBI speak for, "Ted Nugent go on a raid with us, what are you nuts?"

The only evidence that in any way supported Nugent's claims seems to be a ride along he did for his reality show with the US Marshals nine years ago. However he was not allowed inside the homes of suspects, and had to wait outside in the car or on the sidewalk.

In other words Mr. Draft dodging poopy pants made the whole thing up in order to distract from his racist remarks. 


  1. Chenagrrl6:20 AM

    Right up there with Elvis telling Nixon, "I'm on your side," while asking for a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Here's a story at the

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    There it is.

    He's a hot-aired braggart who wishes he was with the big guys, but chose the stage and the road of sex, more sex and rock and roll and instant fame.

    Now, he's old and wrinkled and wishing he had the guts to take the harder road, like real people, and worked and studied and trained and did apprentice work and take an entry-level pay. And he wants to steal the glory from the real workers who do these jobs day in and day out, without fanfare.

    Ted is a real piece of work. He reminds me exactly of Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      The word is "poseur."

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I thought maybe he was a bounty hunter like dog the bounty hunter, so funny he is nothing but a LIAR like Palin is!!!

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      The Sportsman Channel claims HE represents their values and beliefs!! Have to find out how to e-mail this to them.

    4. Sally in MI8:56 AM

      I doubt he wishes, any more than the Palins, that he had 'worked and studied and trained.' Even her kids who are at an age to do that don't bother. Why work when you can get money for saying outlandish and untrue things for far more than any starting wage as an apprentice? Heavens, one would think this country was founded on shysters instead of people who worked very hard for very little just so their kids could go to college and make a better living than their parents. That;s how it was in my family. Hard work. Benefits. Sarah preaches it, but doesn't live it. Why is the GOP so screwed up? And so angry? Calm down, people. America isn't changing because of Obama; it is changing due to the hatred, mistrust, and lies of the right.

    5. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Why work when you can get money for paying someone else to saying outlandish and untrue things in your name for far more than any starting wage as an apprentice?

      Sally, hope you don't mind I fixed that for you?

  3. Sally in MI6:39 AM

    Funny. I guess I could claim I 'went on raids" too. In high school, our Journalism teacher arranged for a few of us to ride along in police cruisers on Halloween night. Small town. TPing was about as 'adrenaline rushed' as it got. Does it surprise anyone other than his BFF SP that Nugent is an even bigger liar than she is? And a dangerous child molester too? I'd cry too, Teddy, if I had to come after a scum like you. If anyone belongs in a cage, it would be Ted Nugent.

  4. Olivia6:54 AM

    Someone needs to drug test that asshole.

  5. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Isn't he supposed to be dead or in a camp by now?

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Shit, Nugent is like Uncle Fred, who served as a supply Sargeant handing out shoes to the soldiers going overseas , until he tripped over his own shoelace, broke his coccyx and was medically discharged. Now he sits at the end of the bar, telling the "tale of his tail" war injury to any and all impressionable comers. Who humor him, because after all it's become an entertaining and ever taller tale over the years. After he fifth retelling, though - they buy him beers just to shut him up.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      I have one of those too 7:19. Doesn't everyone? Only mine is lovable and kind in his old age.

      Poopers is just an embarrassment to his family.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Look at that hat. I thnk he started using THAT for a toilet, instead of his pants.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Ha! We have two of those in our extended family. During the Viet Nam era and whlle serving at a base in middle America, one of them was shot in the calf. It wasn't military related but no question about it, was drug-war related. He now claims he "was wounded in Viet Nam" even though he never left the US.

      The other one joined the Army at age 18, made it through basic and then went AWOL. Hid out at his mama's until a more realistic relative convinced him that it would be better if he turned himself in because the Army would come and get him. He received a dishonorable discharge. These days he tearfully complains that he was "a CIA operative who was sent to Viet Nam on clandestine missions and forced to do horrible things" and the PTSD he suffers is why his life has been so screwed up and his problems are not because he's a druggie, or because he beat his wives and never paid a dime of child support. Don'tcha know.

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Did Ted Nugent shit his pants before the 'raid'? Why does anyone give this Pedophile airtime? Sarah Palin seems to attract Sexual Perverts as 'friends'. Such nice 'friends' to be around your daughters, Sarah. I guess that does not matter since a Perverted Pimp lives with them.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    My great, great, great uncle was one of the first Texas Rangers and is buried in the state cemetery. I'm sure he would think Ted Nugent was the literal pos he is. He would expect someone to keep his word, so why in the hell is that rat bastard not dead or in jail???? The world will be a better place without that total waste of space, the draft dodging, animal murdering, pedophile. He and Palin belong together in the hall of shame of criminals who always get a pass. They make this country look like a pile of human filth.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      They are both on a sports channel, where the brass does not vet the talent any better than little Johnny McCain did.

  9. ibwilliamsi7:35 AM

    Do you mean to say that the cowardly sack of sh/t is also a lying sack of sh/t? That harxly EVER happens!

    I'm old enough to remember when Cat Scratch Fever was new, but other than NRA board member, I'll be damned if I can figure out how Teddy earns a living - other than spewing hate and lies to old farts who were head banging to Cat Scratch Fever in 1974.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Cat Scratch Fever- one hit wonder and it's all the Artful Draft Dodger has

    2. @742
      "Cat Scratch Fever- one hit wonder"

      Dont forget semi-hits Stranglehold And Wango Tango, also, too. According to the official international music authorities, that would make Ted a 'three minor hits wonder'.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      7:42 here. You know BJC, I was in college in the 70s and I really can't recall those other two. Never heard of them. And we all hated Cat Scratch Fever.

      Sorry, Ted.

    4. @742
      Ted was more of a modest late 60/early 70s midwest (Chicago/Detroit/Ann Arbor/Gary) B lister than even a minor national figure. Nothing he did as a solo was ever as well known as the Amboy Dukes' single. He's much more talented and successful as a pompous teabaggin' bullet bully than he ever was as a rocker.

    5. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Ted's so-called hey-day is a little before my time, but what kind of people are in his fan base? I can only imagine him appealing to the nostalgic, teabagger crowd.

      On the other hand, musicians around his age like Bruce Springsteen and David Bowie are still making really vital music. Plus they still look really, really good. Ted looks like he should wear a Roach Motel around his neck.

      Jennifer K

    6. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Thanks for the info BJC, and I agree totally with your last sentence!

  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Ted wants to raid Piper's bedroom ... she is at the age he likes.

  11. Our Lad8:03 AM

    Just when you think this silly old fake tough guy fuck knuckle cannot possibly say or do anything more easily disproven or faux inflammatory, he does. No one is outraged, nobody is surprised. How audacious, Ted!! You certainly are quite the provovateur. This fuckin ape caused more of a stir when he was a youngster in The Amboy Dukes. Journey To The Center Of The Mind, in all of it's psychedelic buffoonery was more of a societal quake than his current incessant panderings to the like minded geriatrics he hucksters his brainless, endless bullshit toward. I am the SAME AGE as this transparent cocksucker, he makes me ashamed of myself by even being born in the same fucking century. I hope I outlive this dickless, witless, godamn traitor. Sorry for the vulgarity. Not fuckin really, however.

  12. Anonymous8:15 AM

    He may have participated in raids with these organizations as a raidee. As a raider, not so much.

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    And we are re-arresting fugitive felons let out of their cages
    I seriously doubt Ted Nugent would be allowed to do a ride-around while there's an activie manhunt for an escaped prisoner.

    He's evoking a bizarre fantasy reality where scores and scores of violent criminals are breaking out of jail or - in his fantasy land - being let out without cause. And that organized manhunts are rounding them up, like hunting stray animals. Does anyone recognize this as reality?

    This guy's brain is sick.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I see no evidence of a "brain" in any of what he says and/or does.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      I am starting to wonder, seriously, if he has syphilis? Al Capone died from that because he was afraid of needles!! Nugent might have the same fear. No person in their right mind claims thngs so outrageous and easily debunked. $carah's lies will be exposed soon, hopefully.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      It harkens back to the Willie Horton ad.

  14. C'mon you guys give Uncle Ted a break, he was probably working undercover...
    Like under his covers whilst he shat his bed.

  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I can smell him from my front porch.

  16. Anonymous8:43 AM

    No wonder he and Palin are friends....both are liars. Palin is just more street smart at covering her dastardly deeds up!

    They can have each other!!!

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I suspect Nugent has violent tendencies!

  18. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Here are some facts about Nugent

    He is a coward
    He is a pedophile
    He is a liar
    He is a republican

    There ya go.

  19. Anonymous8:54 AM

    We've all known losers like Nugent. They've all been Special Forces and/or have a heap of guns and ammo, with which they will defeat the government soon as the call goes out. Best you can say for them is that they have a rich fantasy life and should best be left alone to buy their own beer.

    Those who willingly associate with posers like Ol' Ted deserve to have some of the stench wear off on them.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Ted is more like Special Needs. Maybe he's just confused.

  20. Beldar Amboy Conehead8:56 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, lighten up on Ted a little, will ya! You don't even know him! How can you put him down if you don't know him?

    Sure, he's old and a little addled but I'd like to see YOU stand in front of a wall of screaming Marshall amps, many of which are actually plugged in, for 50 years and see how well you do on standard memory retention, word retrieval and/or common shapes/basic colors tests.

    At least have the decency to recognize that Ted was the FIRST American rock musician to successfully combine 'wango' and 'tango' in one composition. I know that doesn't seem like a lot today, but in Ted's era that was considered Nobel Prize-level genius.

    Finally, let me correct a HUGE misconception you are perpetuating on this defunct blog of yours. Yeah, maybe it's true that Ted didn't participate in raids for DEA, FBI, ATF, The Texas Rangers, The Secret Service (when they protected an actual white president, of course), the U.S. Marshall's or Lake County Animal Control. Yeah, maybe he exaggerated those claims a little bit.

    But here's a story you probably didn't know: that there was once a little boy in a small town who was crying because his little kitten had gotten stuck in a tall tree and couldnt get down. The police and fire departments were too busy that day to help the little boy and his kitten.

    Just when the little boy thought that kitten would never come down out of that tree, a camo-clad man with long mangy-looking hair pulled up in an old muddy 4WD pick-me-up truck, asked the boy what was wrong, grabbed a battered old .03-06 Springfield bolt action hunting rifle out of the rear window gun rack and blew that kitten out of the tree with a single shot, got back in the truck, and drove away, laughing his head off. And that little boy will never forget that man for as long as he lives. (I'm not saying the man was Ted, of course, but it is a good story, i'nit?)

    Ted will cheerfully come to any neighbor's house to shoot injured dogs, stray cats, racoons, possum, deer, feral pigs, noisy birds, surplus rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, field mice, moles, voles, ferrets, weasels, pigeons, geese, goats, sheep, wild turkeys, bobcats, snakes, otters, fishers, bats, coyotes, and much, much more. Often without even being asked!

    So, next time you wanna bag on Ted, bag on somebody else!!

    AND GROW UP!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

      How is poopy pants with titmice and chinweevils? I hear they're a problem in Arizona and Alaska.

      Thanks for the laughs, but I think a "beer summit" is in order, you're being a bit harsh on Mr G.

    2. "you're being a bit harsh on Mr G"

      Why, thank you! That's music to any troll's ear! Sadly, that music is being is played by the execrable Mr. Nugent, but still...

  21. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Well, what do expect from one who poops his pants to avoid serving his country he professes to love so much? Or one who diddles under age girls? Or one who calls for the former first lady to have a firearm rammed up her private parts. Or who calls our commander in chief a "subhuman mongrel"? The guy is pond scum, he's a steaming pos, he's vermin.

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM

    That picture should be side by side with $arah's horse face one. Peas in a pod, those two.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Moose and squirrel.

    2. Balzafiar9:35 AM

      That picture is iconic, really. For me it has become the symbol of ignorant, unwashed redneck turds everywhere. The stupid just drools down that inbred chin from the snarling mouth.

  23. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Yeah, I have a retired relative who's a reservist on the police force in his small town. He helps direct traffic during the 4th of July parade (in his uniform, and very proud of it). He has coffee with his police buddies. It's a lot of fun for him to say he's part of it. That's about it.

  24. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Next Ted will be telling us he led raids on the Viet Cong in 1972 thereabouts. And some people will actually believe him.

  25. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Oh shit, Nugent is just another Steven Segal. Tin badge wannabe!

  26. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What I WOULD believe is that ted "oops I crapped my pants" went to a practice shoot with some Michigan survivalist militia group or went to the Texas border for "guard duty" with some vigilante "border patrol" group. That qualifies as the SAME thing as raids with federal agencies right?

  27. Anonymous2:15 PM

    When ask if he would campaign with Ted Nugent, Ted Cruz could only say "You know, I haven't yet and I'm going to avoid engaging in hypotheticals".

  28. Anonymous3:19 PM

    What a POS! I can't stand to look or listen to him anymore than I do Granny Grifter.

  29. Our Lad5:06 PM

    How come I'm the only nut on here who remembers The Amboy Dukes? Crickets?

    1. abbafan4:36 PM

      Our Lad - No, I puffed weed to "Journey To The Centre Of Your Mind" MANY times! I remember the Dukes as well! I have the first pressing of the album; about the ONLY good music the perv made - his solo work is all noise and shit!

  30. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

    Who would hire him if he used his REAL resume? I'm a fan of rock music and am amazed how well a lot of them have aged. One Hit Wonder crap for brains wasn't even luke warm back then, Would love to find out more about his "lineage" since we're on the subject of mongrels.

  31. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Nugent and his reinvention of his past life....he now says he "made all the stories up" (lied) about the draft/poopy pants and never did any drugs or drank back in the beginning of his "rock star" days. He already admitted he lied about that. Well...back in the day he DID drink and smoke weed. Ask any of us who had to work with him. And he did like the young ladies. YOUNG ladies. He's psychotic.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.