Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Full CNN interview between Erin Burnett and Ted Nugent last night. Might need your antacid pills for this one.

So as you all know Nugent cancelled a planned interview with Burnett the night that his "mongrel" reference concerning President Obama got national attention, and he was called out for using language similar to what the Nazis used to dehumanize the Jews during the Holocaust by Wolf Blitzer.

Apparently being called a coward by just about everybody, and having even many former conservative supporters turn on him, proved too much for Nugent and he decided to risk showing his hateful mug on cable news again.

The interview starts off with Burnett asking him if he really meant his apology to the President.

Of course Nugent cannot bring himself to give a straight answer so he starts off by suggesting that Burnett's ability to comprehend English is flawed:

Erin, come on. You've got this English language down really well. I bet you understand when the question is, do you apologize and I answer yes. 

You don't really have to ask that question again, do you?

Burnett then plays a tape of, first Ted Nugent using the term "mongrel" to insult the President, and then Obama using the word to describe  how ethnically mixed the American people are these days, because Nugent had used that comparison to defend his racist remarks.

As the interview proceeds Nugent continues to demonstrate an adversarial attitude and at one point claims to have been responsible for getting Piers Morgan thrown off CNN and essentially threatens Burnett with the same: 

NUGENT:But for anyone to claim that I am a racist or it had racist overtones is the typical crap that the propaganda ministry and the media, particularly most of your cohorts there, even though I got Piers Morgan's ass thrown out, and I'll do the same with Don Lemon and Wolf Blitzer when I can... 

BURNETT: All right, don't... 

NUGENT: But you might be able to stay on... 

BURNETT: - just do me a favor, don't talk about my colleagues that way... 

NUGENT: - because I appreciate that. 

BURNETT: I respect them both greatly. But let me... 

NUGENT: Well, I just - I just did. They don't deserve respect.

God this guy is an arrogant prick.

Later Burnett shows a clip of Nugent referring to the President as a "chimpanzee" to which Nugent claims he calls everybody a chimpanzee: 

Do you really think that I referenced any race as a primate? 

I call my buddies in my band chimpanzees when they miss a good guitar lick. Come on, give me a break on that. Now, I referenced no racial overturns there whatsoever. I was referencing people who would look in the camera with those four dead Americans in Benghazi and refuse to be accountable and say, what difference does it make?

Yeah, okay.

Burnett next calls Nugent out for calling Hillary Clinton the C word, to which Poopy pants decides to compare himself to the great Richard Pryor, and says it should be okay because Bill Maher called "the great" Sarah Palin the same thing.

However he then claims that in deference to the wishes of his family he is no longer going to call people names.

Oh yeah, does anybody think that is even a possibility for this trash talking racist has been?

I will hand it to Erin Burnett however, she did an excellent job of holding Nugent's feet to the fire concerning several of his racist and misogynistic remarks.

Well done.

(You can read the entire transcript here.)


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Ted looks sick. He has a periorbital edema under his eyes and his color is bad. I think perhaps Ted might be facing his maker sooner than later so is acquiescing to demands of the media to say his piece. For a guy who claims to have eschewed drugs and alcohol his entire life, he sure looks and sounds like an old worn out drunk to me.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      He does! Maybe he has hepatitis or lv CA. Couldn't happen to a better person.

      And WTF is he a bounty hunter? A vigilante?
      What a fucking piece of shit he is. He can't die too soon.

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Why is this shit bird pedophile getting any air time at all? I guess we should ask Sarah Palin, since they are BFFs.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Because he's Rick Perry's and Rand Paul's lap dog. He got a whuppin behind the shed and has been told to behave, you could hear it in his voice.
      The freaking punk.

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    UGH. Why is CNN giving this gross asshole the time of day? The fact that it isn't, tells you what a truly soulless organization it is, and the fact that its on-air "talent" hasn't risen up as one and refused to continue to help legitimize this ignorant prick's bigotry, tells you what heartless, soulless drones they are.

  4. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Ted's like that white trash grandpa that sits in his house all day listening to right wing radio and not even remembering the last time he took a shower. He's so gross, and so uniformed and so very stupid. And YES the GOP not owns him and Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz and the entire unwashed stupid wing of their party that they used to get votes. They are yours GOP, and Karl Rove shudders each time he sees one of these idiots pop up on camera. Sorry Karl, you should have snicker off their heads when you had the chance.

  5. The commenters here that hide behind an anonymous avatar have no credibility at all. They are probably people of little to zero importance and more than likely contribute nothing to society. But opinions are like tight butts. Everyone has one. That's right.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM


    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      12:56 If we irritate you on this blog, get the hell off it, asshole!

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I have no idea why the hell you would come to a site like this other than to start throwing shit. I hide my identity from fucking freaks like you who cannot accept that their mighty hero's are a bunch of lying ass, morons and who would attempt to do harm to those who they disagree with.

      Have nice day.

    4. Boscoe1:49 PM

      Unlike the majestic CHARLES REINHART, who so magnificently... um... wait, who the fuck ARE you?

      No, nevermind, question was rhetorical. I actually don't give a shit.

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Hey Charles, or can I call you Ted. Or is it Todd? So you think the people here are "of little to zero importance and more than likely contribute nothing to society."

      Well, our new visitor, (or have you been lurking behind an anonymous avatar?) I've been following this site since 2008 and let me tell you a thing or two.

      People who post here are grandmas and grandpas, college students, teenagers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, former Peace Corps Volunteers, librarians, auto mechanics, dental hygienists, political activists, stay at home Moms, poets, professors, tutors, blood donors, foster parents, foster children, coaches, taxi drivers, ministers, reporters, film makers, hospice workers, recovering alcoholics, farmers, flower arrangers, elected officials, mountain climbers, contest winners, ...do you want me to continue because I'm just getting started!

      We have earned our right to an opinion and this is a place to express it. Please go back to working on the next edition of the Ted Nugent Newsletter for Shut-ins and leave us to our work.

      And Have A Nice Day.

      Terry Stevens
      How's that for ya?

    6. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Charles ...I only have one loose butt, but I have many opinions.

      IMHO you need to just fuck off and leave.

    7. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Well, aren't "you" the smug one, Charles. Small dick syndrome?

    8. Anonymous2:26 PM

      ROFL. Like Ted Nugent is anything to society but a great big pus-filled boil on its ass?

      No wonder you admire him so much; like attracts like.

      Sarah H. Palin

    9. "The commenters here that hide behind an anonymous avatar have no credibility at all."
      Nonsense. Whether or not someone has an avatar has nothing to do with their credibility. What an asinine thing to say.

      For instance, your avatar appears to be a photo. Of you? Who knows? Who cares? What difference does it make? Because after all, your comment is stupid and has no credibility at all.

      Go google critical thinking skills and read up on them. It is okay if you have to move your lips and follow the words with your finger.

    10. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Dear Charlie,

      I always sign on and off as anon, but I used my acronym.


    11. Now...now folks...Chuckie is just frustrated that he's not able to see what we all look like...I mean have you SEEN Charles' avatar?

      *GinaM...throws out the baited hook and patiently waits to see if she'll get a nibble*


    12. Anonymous3:03 PM



      you habitate florida - 'nuff said ...

    13. Anonymous5:13 PM

      My butt's kinda...not that tight. I'm 64, and like the guy said about grandmas and grandpas frequenting this board, I'm one of the grandmas. So fuck you and kiss my flabby ass.

  6. Rick Hill1:08 PM

    As Carlin said there is a difference between a douche bag and a scumbag. Ted is a scumbag, my friend.

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    He and Sarah Palin match beautifully - they are BOTH nothing more than white trash!

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Absolutely white trash, but for some reason both Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin wear that as a badge of honor instead of trying to do better and achieve more in their lives.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

      How about "White Trash that stinks like anchovies fermented in meth"?

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Not in this lifetime would I ever watch that scumbag.

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I heard Piper will spend this summer at Ted's house.

    Ted is excited.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Ted might be more excited by the underwear photos of that little blond boy rolling around in a bid surrounded with candy. I'm sure he saved that one to his "hard drive".

  10. Anonymous1:45 PM

    This guy is really missing a humanity chip. I don't know if he smoked, drank, snorted or shot up his common sense, but he's done gone and lost his widdle mind.

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Same old stuff, Benghazi, poor victimized Sarah, Obama doesn't deserve respect, liberals are too sensitive, my best friend is black, etc. etc. etc. excuse-making and he didn't answer a question or admit a wrong.

    What did Erin Burnett expect out of him? These people like Ted Nugent don't "do" apology.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I might actually like to see her interview stoopid. I like how she kinda went after him.
      None of the men would have the balls to do it.
      Hey Erin interview Sarah Palin, ask her about Boys will be boys, as her about sexting a underage kid. Ask who is TriGs real mom. Ask her!!!

  12. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Yesterday Levi's lawyer asked the judge to find Bristol in contempt.

    Let the games begin

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      Woo hoo! Will she post a selfie of her on the toilet waiting for the pee stick results?

    3. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Do you have a link for that? This is wonderful news. So what is her punishment? Be brought back to alaska in pink handcuffs?

  13. Ted loves this country soo much he shitted his pants to keep from going to Vietnam, what a Patriot. Fuck you nugent, cruz, $arah

  14. Anonymous2:26 PM

    He got Piers thrown out. Yeah, right! What a douche, just like his female counterpart.

  15. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Why give this asshole any airtime? He's toxic for America and adds ZERO to any discussion. Oh, and by the way,he's got black friends!......Asshole.

  16. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I can't stand Nugent. He is so gross in everyway. As to the jerk who likes names. God bless his little soul. Perhaps he really needs one.

    How on this earth could we ever put Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin in the same category is beyond. It's like comparing sunshine and mud.

    10 cats

  17. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    Sorry, not doing it. I'm sure Sarah woke the whole family and watched on the big screen flat tee vee machine, then retired to her bordello inspired boudoir to relieve herself herself, but some things can't be unseen and I couldn't do it.

    Unless and until poopy pants proves he's a man of his word and does what he said he'd do if President Obama got re elected (commit hari cari) Then I'll watch, but with the sound off.

  18. Anonymous6:08 PM

    It was a disgusting mess of an interview. Nugent tried to walk back some of his racist comments but was unable to do and became even more angrily “Nugent”.


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