Thursday, March 13, 2014

You know that conservative talking point which says that the majority of Americans are against Obamacare? Yeah, not so much.

Courtesy of TPM:  

A substantial majority of Americans believe Obamacare should remain law, either exactly as it is or with small changes, according to a new poll. 

Bloomberg News found that a combined 64 percent of Americans said they support keeping the law in place. That includes 51 percent who said it should be kept but may need some small changes and 13 percent who said it should be left alone. Only 34 percent said it should be repealed.

That flies directly in the face of every talking point spewed by the conservative mouthpieces, from Rush Limbaugh, to Ted Cruz, to Sarah Palin, who has made repealing the law the central criteria for her recent political endorsements.

The problem for the Republicans is that as 2014 marches forward the numbers who have signed up for the Affordable Care Act are only going to grow, and positive stories about how it is actually affecting the lives of Americans (Many of which can be found here.) are going to continue to pile up.

It will be interesting to see if running against Obamacare still benefits candidates in red states, and then what happens to that rhetoric once they are elected and find themselves marginalized by the more rational Republicans who are currently working to improve the law rather than repeal it.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Semi O/T: Have a listen:

    1. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

      Awww how sweet. She's thanking gina louden, loser extraordinaire on "Wife Swap" who keeps a framed, signed and notarized piece of Sarah's used toilet paper on her night stand next to her family bible.

      Sarah sounds like she's coming down off meth and being whoozed out like Bristol in a Tent on alcohol. Seriously funny stuff! Slurred word sausage is a dead giveaway.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The Tea Party Motto is, 'Take back our country'. The White Supremacists Motto is, 'Take back our country'. Ironic?

    1. Sally in MI6:26 PM

      Makes sense to me. The Tea Party has always been white, older, mostly male, with a few idiotic women in the crowds. You don't see people of color, do you? The white male is so terrified of becoming a minority that those dopes will do anything, and say anything, to hold onto 'their country,' the one that never really existed. It would be sad and sort of humorous if they weren't so mean and angry. (And armed.)

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Sally,you nailed it!

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      The rank and file Tea Party is just a group of low intelligence and ignorant fools all enabled and riled up by the oligarchical Koch folks. They are a benchmark for stupidity.

  3. Del Rey6:25 PM

    Gryphen, You might want to change "singed" to signed.
    Shame on the GOPTP and their endless repeal of the ACA. They're wasting our time and our money. We all know that every time they repeal it's costing us money.

  4. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    Fox was on while my car was being fixed and they were chomping at the bit about Obamacare and that lying sack of shit who said she has cancer and Obamacare took away her doctor and her plan, proven wrong in one of your previous threads.
    I kept reading my kindle, not many people were actively watching, but you could tell no one believed their talking points. About a half hour before my car was done, someone asked for the remote and changed it to local news. Could hear a pin drop!

  5. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Have you all noticed that only liberals attack positive things? Things that they otherwise wouldn't know about? Have you noticed that liberals insult a wide variety of people just to attack one? Good people, stronger people than the attacker.

    It's a shame liberals cannot see this.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Are you on drugs or just drunk. Only liberals attack positive things? Like birth control, civil rights, feeding hungry things, equal pay for equal work, etc?


    2. Anonymous8:55 PM

      7:12 PM is an idiot or the silly troll who perches here. I suspect it is the resident troll who loves to fap.

    3. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Go read The Sermon On The Mount, troll, then get back to us on whom is attacking whom.

  6. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I notice that Gryphen fails to acknowledge that while irondoggers ride machines and not dog sleds, the weather is the same, the conditions are the same, the trail is double the length, and the mechanical knowhow is mandatory (esp when machines take swims in the lake and crash)

    And after months of prep work, unforeseeable things happen every year. Engines die. Parts fail early. Crashes happen 10 miles in.

    But the joy is still there.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Noisy, smelly, environmentally unfriendly. Thanks but no thanks.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      How the hell do you know "the joy is still there?" You don't live anywhere close to Alaska and probably have never even seen a snowmobile in real life. Of all the people in the world to defend, you pick Todd Palin?

    3. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Of the two sports, I think that the musher controlling and managing a team of dogs requires more skill that riding on a snow mobile. I give the musher credit for training the dogs, while the Iron dogger hustles up a sponsor who gives him some snow mobiles. I can understand unforeseen mechanical problems, but it is a total lack of sportsmanship to quit the race and go home.

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    7:12/7:14 PM Why are you still whining about the Todd Palin's Irondog Loss? That is old, and so are you. You stalk all of the Palin Truth Blogs, with your same old bullshit. If you hate Liberals so much, give up your Government assistance. Obviously you have no job. Social Security Disability is social medicine, so why do you accept it? You complain about the Government, but you are living off of Government assistance. Stop Lying, Get a Life, live Vibrantly with your Government paid for VIBRATOR.

  8. Anonymous8:22 PM

    You don't live anywhere near the Irondog trail, so stop making things up. You are as Fake as the Dysfunctional Palin Family that you have orgasms about.

  9. Anonymous8:38 PM

    The Goofus Ignoramus of the North will be chiming in via her ghost writers shortly.

  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I had a Facebook run in with a couple of flamers about how awful "Obamacare" is.

    I mentioned I am a 40 year career insurance guy, who lives half the time in Canada, half in the U.S. (gives me a pretty good point of view on something like the Affordable Care Act).

    That had no weight, I was still called a moron and an Obama koolaid drinker.

    One went on to show that she sees "Obamacare" as the name of a new, government owned insurance company. (Boy, wouldn't it be great if it WAS???)

    We went through the usual array of Fox talking points, and I finally caused it to fizzle out when I reminded them that it USED to be that thousands upon thousands of families had to lose their home, their savings, and then sit there waiting to DIE once the money ran out, all because the "kindhearted" health insurance companies denied their claim.

    That kind of obscene tragedy should never happen to anyone in America, ever again. (OR: you CAN figure that would never happen to YOU, and that you want to go back to how the insurers had no law to force them to act at least slightly ethically.)

    It appears no one wants THAT...they just want to see Obama have difficulty trying to help all the American people.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I am joyous! My daughter just obtained health insurance she CAN afford via (Obamacare/ACA).

  11. Randall3:22 AM

    Obamacare will (continue to) become the third pillar of Liberal society along side Social Security and Medicare, and rightfully so.

    Democrats should embrace it as such
    and very loudly call out
    Limbaugh, Cruz, Mitch McConnel, Fox News
    for the liars that they are.

    The ONLY replacement for Obamacare would be total single-payer (Medicare for all).


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.