Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Palin curse is spreading like a virus. This time infecting Mississippi.

More pearls of wis-dumb from the Wasilla Wendigo's Facebook page:

Chris McDaniel has a proven record of fighting for conservative principles in the Mississippi State Senate. He has been a champion of limited government, free enterprise, civic participation, reduced tax rates, a strong national defense, and a return to the original checks and balances of the Constitution. He’s a proven fighter for the rights of We the People. (Who the people?) For example, he’s taken on special interests in defense of our private property rights against the abuse of eminent domain, and he’s introduced legislation to protect our 2nd Amendment rights against federal government overreach. (Ahh, a gun nut. That explains it.)

The Mississippi Senate race is a clear fight for the future of the Republican Party against the entrenched interests of the permanent political class in D.C. We desperately need new conservative leaders in the U.S. Senate who will serve with passion, intelligence, and integrity. Chris McDaniel is just such a leader. He is in this race not for career, but for conservative change. (Funny how she equates government sabotage with "conservative change." I believe that was the same kind of change once embraced by John Wilkes Booth.)

 -Sarah Palin

Interestingly enough McDaniel is challenging Republican stalwart Senator Thad Cochran, who has been serving the state since 1978.

From all accounts the race has split the state between the brash Tea party upstarts and the traditional conservatives who value longevity and experience in their politicians.

Many think that McDaniel has a real shot, thought one GOP strategist was quoted as saying:

"Senator McDaniel is ineffective in the state senate and not really able to get much accomplished in the state senate. So it's hard to think why he deserves to be promoted."

Still, he continues to hold his own against Cochran.

So if McDaniel's fortunes take a turn for the worse, and he finds himself suddenly plummeting in the polls, we will know exactly where to lay the blame.


  1. Abo Gato2:09 PM

    Who is that woman with him, his wife? If so, she sure looks like she wants to be a Sarah 2. That kinda freaks me out. Someone would really WANT to look like her, and they are not a pron star.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I was going to say the same thing, Abo Gato. Needs to slut herself up, right $arah?

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I thought it WAS Palin which only added to the creepiness of this teatardic candidate.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Same here. I had to enlarge the picture to make sure it wasn't Tundra Turd.

    4. Anonymous5:10 PM

      What's with the fat Sarah Palin impostor with the nice rack in the photo? Is she another Palin look-alike working the pole down at the big tittie-bar in Laurel, MS. Laurel is an old Klan haven from way back.

      Chunky Sarah's® husband, the candidate, is a big fucking fundie joke, using all of the templates provided by ALEC legislation on all of the RW fringe topics : school prayer, gun laws, pro-discriminatory anti-gay, terrorism (required death penalty by state of MS because Murica), etc. Don't go to his website. I already did it for you. It's someone else's turn to take the next " endorsee" by GovGrifter©. By the way, why do these two exceptionally fake kkkristyuns have ONLY TWO KIDS? (Sorry 'bout the sticky cap key.) They appear to be using some of those evil contraceptives of the devil worshippin' Libruls.

    5. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Anon510. Yes he is an ALEC toadie. When it was reported that he spoke at a Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting in August, his campaign said that he wasn't there, he was at an ALEC meeting. How bad is a group that he used ALEC as an alibi? Well they are a neo-confederate group, and he has actually spoken to them on several occasions. Also, google image his wife. I was also wondering why Sarah was in the above picture. In every picture I found, she was not wearing glasses, and her hair was back behind her shoulders. She looked nothing like Granny Grifter. Then we get the above picture.

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hey $arah, thanks a bunch for letting us libbies know in advance who the Kock Brothers are supporting this year. Now we know who to pay more attention to for the moment.

  3. Is she actually making a donation to these candidates? Maybe someone's PAC is taking a little heat?
    didn't she donate a big whopping $5000 last year? After raking in quite a bit?
    Or is she just is cheap, Sarah! If you only talk, then EVERYONE will know how cheap you are!

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      She's not financially supporting anyone.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Au contraire, Pierre. Of course Sarah is making the maximum political contribution to the candidates that she endorses.***

      *** Max contribution to candidate's official campaign AFTER Sarah's regular 95% skim off the top. Grifting ain't easy and damn sure ain't cheap. See SarahPAC disclosure for details.

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      My bad. I thought she'd divvy up the minimum 5K required between all of 'em. "It's So Raven!" Excuse me.....magpie.

    4. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Not a prob, magpie. The amount she contributes is such a small percentage (under 5%) of the $ amount she takes in, because she donates almost exclusively to Congressional/Senatorial candidates, with the exception of a handful of SELECT candidates for other offices, at state levels which likely have lower caps on individual contributions anyway. With 6 year terms for US Senators, there are not that many races to contribute to (out of 100 total seats), plus the fact that she's endorsing teabaggers running as GOP PRIMARY hopefuls, there are only a certain number she sticks her neck out to support. Basically, she is given a list by her puppetmasters and ordered to get word out to the low-info voter "base" of personality cult voters.

      Occasionally she might do a shout out for some obscure candidate for a local office, which is about as effective as "friending" or "liking" on social media but costs only about 30 seconds of Sarah's ghostwriter's time, or essentially, $0 additional cost (kind of like someone getting a promo free ride from a hooker that an associate has already paid for, with Sarah being the ho in this example, Koch Bros being the pimp/financier, and the candidates acting as the john who is being serviced).

    5. Anonymous4:58 AM

      Are Palin's followers so dumb that they can not figure out how to donate directly to these candidates, instead of through SarahPac? That $carah lookalike wife should study up on LAUNDRY, they all look sort of grungy.

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    That picture of Palin's puckered puss if perfect. One can almost see the constipation in her brain. I'm betting it's also the same stunned, faux-rage look she gives to anyone "brazen" enough to question her unassailable ignorance about most every subject imaginable.

    Cynically-speaking though, there's a part of me that almost hopes the Teahadists take the Senate: They'll fuck up so badly as to completely submarine any GOP hope of a win in 2016.

    Either way, the Dems are in the proverbial cat-bird seat.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Pulling the sort of faces that show her true nature is her only real talent actually.
      On another note, why do these families in those ads all look so creepily generic?
      M from MD

    2. Sally in MI8:00 PM

      They all are brainwashed zombies from their churches and Fox.

    3. Anonymous10:45 PM

      $he made a pact and sold her soul to the devil and he's extracting a price - only thing is Sarah didn't realize it would be her looks fading faster than a comet.

    4. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Looks like the Palins are going to cut-rate cosmetic surgeons. $carah looks like HELL, and it is not just the weight loss that causes that.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

      Why didn't Sarah bring her divine gift from God with her to pose with all theses endorsement photos? They bring their kids, and it would be a nice gesture to return the favor. Where's Trig? Any of 'em, all of 'em we've had pushed in our faces for a few years? '
      Noooo, she's gotta use other people's kids as props.

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Who is actually running here, the cute little blond featured in the center of the photo? Or the bigger dude who couldn't be bothered to look at the camera? Or maybe the $arah-wannabe-wifey-distraction-thingy? I'm pretty sure it's not the littlest one with his back to the whole mess. (Kind of reminds me of poor Trig on Grand-Mom's hip).

  6. Anonymous2:24 PM


    ‘Homophobic’ Southern States Watch More Gay Porn Than Other States

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      They're "studying" it, dontcha know, to better speak out against its evils.

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      4:41 pm

      With many friends in the legal community, I've heard that excuse many, many times regarding religious spiritual leaders at a particular local southern Baptist megachurch with (approx 30,000 members) especially among the lay ministry leaders (many biz leaders and self-promoting "pillars" of the community) that are "outed" as a result of divorce proceedings. It's always okay until Mister Pious won't pay what Mrs Pious' attorney thinks he can get for her (and usually bc kids are too old to claim "daddy sexual abuse" to extort more alimony). Just the threat (along with online receipts and docs) of exposure and subsequent embarrassment will cause Mr Pious to reach for the checkbook and start writing. It's almost enough to make one cynical about those red state creeps who pretend they're so *above* that sort of thing, but honestly, you can usually tell that the "guilty dogs" are barking the loudest and the most often about the "sins" of the *others* until they are caught in their own hypocrisy. But that's just their way of life as pretenders. There are many humble, often very successful, people that are comfortable in their own skin, who actually live their lives practicing their faith diligently with respect and compassion for others, and I have many friends and associates that fit that description who don't gossip or put down others. But when I see and red mark on their forehead because they've done a face-palm and when asked about it, they just say, "same old same old...", well, it's never a shock anymore to learn who among the crowd are the sexual deviants (or in this case, just plain old, garden-variety, hypocritical, closeted pretenders)

  7. angela2:28 PM

    Normally I don't comment on photos of Palin---but why does it look like she has just eaten a mouthful of shit in that photo?

    Her advisors must be blurry eyed from uuummmm, advising the talking meathead.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Lizard lady with a lizard brain

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    HA! He married a beauty queen!

    McDaniel is married to Jill Tullos McDaniel, a former Miss Mississippi USA.[43] They have two children, Cambridge Christopher McDaniel and Chamberlain Christopher McDaniel. McDaniel is a Southern Baptist.[44]

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Southern Baptist?!?
      DANGER, Will Robinson!!

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      from wiki:

      He is the grandson of early country singer Luke McDaniel and distant cousin to U.S. President John F. Kennedy

      Ha, Ha, he's related to the most famous Democrat EVER!

    3. Cambridge and Chamberlain as first names? Well, that'll go over real fine in the snuff-dippin' precincts...

    4. Sally in MI7:59 PM

      And the same middle name? Reminds of a family I went to school with...the kids were John, Joan, Jan and Jane...all four had the same name.

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Cambridge and Chamberlain?

      Horrible and that particular kind of pretentiousness of trying to find "classy" names. Just bad.

    6. Anonymous1:11 AM

      4:04 pm. You are right, Mrs TB. Those boys will pay the price on the playground and will have to either fight or take the shit and shut up. Recess is too short to spend whining and complaining. Gee, thanks mom & dad.

    7. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Setting up a kid for a nickname like Chamber Pot??

    8. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

      Don't people "think" when naming their kids? I can't use the real name, but one of my daughter's classmates is named "Livie" (Short for Olivia) and the last name is "Wurst". You get the idea.
      I think it's a beautiful name, but it just doesn't go with the last name and she's been ribbed all her life over "liverwursrt"

  9. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Horrible photo of Palin - her chin and lines! Pensive appearance too! Someone questioning or disagreeing w/her that she's allowed them to do publically?

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      i'm thinkin' the barely alive, cross eyed skank's appearance has more to do with short circuited/misfiring/malfunctioning brain synapses - realistically the skank's practically braindead ...

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      She is packing on the pounds these days.

    3. Anonymous3:45 PM

      absolutely unequivocally

    4. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

      Gramma forgot her teefus? OR did it freeze that way? She'g got all kinds of lumpy stuff happening and deep creases where none belong.

  10. Did Sarah send them clothes from the thrift store in Alaska? They could have at least washed the jeans.

  11. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Gryphen - Look at this picture. Then look at the picture you posted earlier today of the Sasse Family Senate Candidate from Nebraska. And then the picture of the T.W. Shannon Family Senate Candidate from Oklahoma yesterday.

    Same look. Same coordinated clothing in the pictures. Parents on the outside of the frame. Adorable kids holding hands on the inside.

    This is a well coordinated, Tea Party roll out of visuals and message. I bet Mrs. Todd Palin doesn't have a fuckin' clue who these people are. Somebody, probably the Kochs, are paying her and others to highlight these cookie cutter freedom lovin' young, white, happy forward looking folks.

    Really interesting.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Same thought, Chicago, My post came in right below you!

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM


      Not all white, that first guy was a "blah"

  12. Anonymous2:40 PM

    What's with all the pics of families walking holding hands? A Koch TP mandate? At least the wording is more professional this time. And $arah doesn't read IM. Riiiiiight.......

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      prayer circle, christian images, covet prayers

    2. Anonymous10:48 PM

      They're copying Krisp Krispey who spent hurricane money on family ads.

  13. Anonymous2:46 PM

    John McCain legacy highlight and Bible Belt yuckster Sarah Palin made a very important announcement on her ShoutyFace page yesterday that she is going to be making very important announcements on her ShoutyFace page real soon that will save our “free republic” from people who are just in it to “line their own pockets”.

    Let that sink in for a minute. I’ll wait….

    Well, okay, then.

    According to whomever re-assembles Sarah’s divinely-inspired glossolalia into approximations of ideas, Sarah’s Shecky of the Tundra routine last week at CPAC was a clarion call to America that it “needs bold Constitutional conservative leaders who will fight for us with intelligence and integrity to restore our exceptional nation and preserve the blessings of liberty and prosperity” which is her round-about way of telling us that she sure as hell won’t be running again.

    But buck up, Little Patriots. Via her SarahPac grift organization (donation request email to follow), Sarah will be anointing many lucky candidates across this Great Land Of Ours with her endorsement, or ‘taint’, as it is known in some circles. And don’t think that Sarah hasn’t give her choices some really deep vetting and stuff unlike that A.B. Culvahouse guy who obviously mailed it in back in 2008. No sireee…

    Lots of vetting and research goes into these endorsements because this is for YOU. It’s to allow you to take a closer look at good men and women with servants’ hearts who are willing to get in the rough and tumble arena to help save America. Please do your own homework on candidates; never put all your hopes and unattainable expectations in anyone running for office (because humankind’s imperfections aren’t absent in politicians), but know that I’ve been diligent and pragmatic in choosing patriots whom I believe we can trust to do the right thing. I never want to let you down!

    Also, too:

    And you know me well enough by now; you know I do my homework; I use discernment, and then I go with my gut.

    Here is homework-doin’ g-droppin’ Sarah Palin talking ’bout the economy:

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    that pic of the cross eyed skank, if the makeup wasn't troweled on, i'd swear she was dead - literally

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Think Elvis.
      Michael Jackson.
      Marilyn Monroe.
      Whitney Houston.

    2. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Big difference. THEY had real talent & class. Sarah doesn't even have as much class or real-ness about her as Honey Boo Boo.

    3. Anonymous5:10 AM

      She thinks she's as big a star as they were. Drugs also destroyed them, and they will her as well.

  15. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I still believe Todd Palin was the driving force to get the wife to run for AK Gov. As things progressed with her fame a door opened to further their exploits, the fake birth tale took root adding to her credentials. Then McCain picks her ass and looses and subsequently quits for more fame and fortune. These people are just con artists. They hate America and Americans, but proudly wave the flag, speak patriotic gibberish and raise the bible as good christians to con the faithful to fleece the flock.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      She couldn't even govern, the shadow AIP pimp did. All a show, folks, all a show. Bill Kristol pumped it and Schmidt/McCain bought into it. If you don't think McCain would have had a small "accident" had they won in '08, you don't know the Palins.

  16. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Good angle on the dumb ignorant shit head. Stupid to the core.

  17. As if Mississippi didn't have enough troubles to begin with! They typically rank first in bad stuff and last in good stuff nationwide, duking it out for the positions with Texas!

    The last thing Mississippi needs to import is more crazy, in the raddled form of $arah. Although I would be amused if someone forced her to spell the state's name and correctly identify its capital before being allowed to run her mouth deep in Dixie...

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Oooh, MrsTarquin, you said "run her mouth deep." You just excited the base! :-)

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Reminds me of that tricky trivia question: Name all of the US states that have only 4 letters.


    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      'AND out of all the states in the US, Mississippi has the highest percentage of gay porn watched.'

    4. Anonymous1:18 AM


      Don't forget to add these two, also, too:
      Alabama- a,l,b,m
      Hawaii- -h,a,w,i

      Might be others, just those two popped in my head.

  18. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I was reading this post and got to the end and I will tell you Uncle Graph that you put a big old smile on my face. That face of Sarah Palin is hilarious. Maybe someday you will post:

    The Many Faces Of A Loser

    Does anybody else have another name?

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      The face of a shit spewer. I think she needs a big gulp to wash it down.

  19. Okay....


    WhyTF does Baldy look like a gila monster who's forked tongue is about to come slithering and flickering out of her old lady looking "mouf"??

    And those EYES!

    Good gravy! If those ain't the eyes of a psycho who is about to go on a rampage I don't know what to tell ya! I betcha' (hehehe) the Toad and the kids have seen this FACE many many many times! THAT face probably haunts their dreams! She really looks like one of her alternate personalities posed for this picture....let's call this one.....


    A stare that turns folks into STONE!



    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      You know, Gina M, I think she truly is a Sybil. That CPAC speech? With a psych background, I haven't listened to her videos for ages but watched for body language, facial tics, and the like. Because of the Dr. Seuss stuff, I listened and OMG....where did "those" voices come from?!? She is textbook mental.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Gina M ...cut her a bit of slack... at least her cold sore is under control in this photo.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      Good points, but can we change her to rock salt? That's something I could use. I agree with the Sybil comparison. The beauty of Sybil was you could actually see the various personalities on their own. Sarah, medicine, ego complex and bile filled hate keep all the personalities fighting with each other.

    4. Anonymous1:21 AM

      What about sea salt; works good on the rim of a glass when pouring margaritas.

  20. Chenagrrl5:08 PM

    Look at the woman in this ad. She is dressed like a younger, firmer Sarah. Like Stepford Wives. Also, I suspect the same PAC media company did the photos. The poses are virtually identical. No individuality at all.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      'The poses are virtually identical. No individuality at all. '

      I wonder if it is a Koch related PR firm creating this campaign?

    2. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Those Tea Party types are well trained and well coordinated. They probably all say the same thing, too.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

    Is there a clean pair of hip waders? Sarah's flinging so much poo, must be to keep her PAC compliant. Where's the dude's wife in this one? Was Sarah's shirt white a few hours before this was taken? Just asking.

  22. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Probably TBogg's best, most extended, satiric take on the Great White Wonder of the North (what do they call her, the North Star?)

    "John McCain legacy highlight and Bible Belt yuckster Sarah Palin made a very important announcement on her ShoutyFace page yesterday that she is going to be making very important announcements on her ShoutyFace page real soon that will save our “free republic” from people who are just in it to “line their own pockets”.

    Let that sink in for a minute. I’ll wait….

    Well, okay, then."

  23. Anonymous7:33 PM


  24. Sweet mother of Zeus, Gryphen!!

    That photo is grim....

  25. Sally in MI7:54 PM

    Wait wait...she just came out against eminent domain! Sarah Palin is against the Keystone XL!

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Is Sarah against XL because she prefers two inxhes.

  26. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Why did Graph post that bottom picture of Creepy Chuck?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:35 PM

      ya know, when he tries, he's a dead ringer for latter day Sarah... hmmm... maybe they share the strap on bosoms?

  27. Anonymous10:57 PM

    My goodness. That is the face of...of..a very unhappy person who spends 24/7 dwelling on negativity. Thinking up hateful stuff to say just to make money off of it sure does take it's toll. Guess she had no clue when she told the devil, "I'll do ANYTHING if you make me rich" and that he would extract a price for it. Looks like satan has the last laugh.


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