Saturday, April 12, 2014

Begich campaign ad in Alaska touts his participation in passing Obamacare. Okay, NOW we're talking!

Courtesy of MSNBC:  

“I was lucky I beat cancer, but the insurance companies still denied me health insurance just because of a pre-existing condition,” Keller says in the ad. “I now have health insurance again because of Mark Begich. Because he fought the insurance companies, so that we no longer have to.” 

For those who believe the conventional wisdom, an ad like this is simply madness. Why would Begich’s allies remind red-state voters about his role in bringing affordable health care and consumer protections to Alaskans? 

Maybe because the broader conversation is undergoing a long-overdue shift. As an electoral matter, Democrats will own the increasingly successful health care law whether they brag or hide, so they might as well start reminding the public about why this was a good idea – and why they’re proud to have championed reforms that benefit Americans like Alaska’s Lisa Keller.

Is it weird that watching this ad made my nipples erect?

I actually did a little dance of joy around my office after seeing it.

For those of you who are consistent visitors here at IM, you know I have been suggesting that the Democrats do something like this for months.

Instead of running from the Affordable Care Act they need to pimp their participation in getting it passed in every campaign ad, interview, and debate between now and November.

And right after that, they need to call out their Republican opponents for advocating against the law, or actively trying to stop or repeal it as well.

In Alaska Mark Begich should have campaign commercials that list the number of Alaskans that have been helped by the ACA and then a list of the number of Alaskans still without insurance due to Governor Parnell not expanding Medicaid in our state.

If I were Begich I would be slapping the shit out of the Republicans for attempting to kill Alaskans by denying them coverage at every opportunity.

 He needs to go big and shut these Republicans down hard. And I think he can.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Bill Maher ripped Republicans like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz who are more interested in howling at the moon, and making money than they are in governing.


    ...'Truth is there has never been a better time to quit government, and go into the lucrative business of b*tching about government. It worked for Joe Scarborough, Mike Huckabee, and most famously, of course, Sarah Palin. The one night stand of Alaska governors. When Sarah announced she was resigning as governor, she said, “It may be tempting to keep your head down and just plod along, but that’s a quitter’s way out.” Yes, only by quitting was she not quitting. You see, Sarah realized she could have a greater affect on influencing stupidity from outside of government, and pledged to work to elect people just like her, just not her.

    The fact is today’s Republicans aren’t built to govern. They don’t want to go to the moon. They want to howl at it. That’s why just the fact of getting elected means you’re already damaged goods. Unless you go to Washington and act like the single biggest prick in the room every time, you’re suspect...'

    ...Sarah Palin was a trailblazer for Republicans in this respect. Palin shows them that they can abandon the responsibility to the people who elect them, be famous for nothing, and make a ton of money in the process. If the government doesn’t work, it’s because Republicans have zero interest in governing.

    They have their eyes on bigger prizes. There are only so many of those Fox News and talk radio jobs out there. The media environment doesn’t reward hard work and legislation. The real money is in being extreme, outrageous, and crazy.

    Republicans don’t take governing seriously, which is why they shouldn’t be taken seriously by the American people.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      As usual, Bill nails it! These are just updated snake oil peddlers, but what they deal in is lies, hate, rage, racism, sexism, homophobia and faux patriotism as a product. They are charlatans of the highest order and would be run out of town on a rail in ANY other century.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Yay, Mark!! Good job!

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    So agree with you IM! Go Senator Begich! Kick the butts out of the Republicans in Alaska!

    Gov Parnell needs to be brought up short and not reelected. Hopefully, that will be the outcome in spite of the money being brought into Alaska from outside their state (Koch Brothers!).

    Don't forget that Parnell is close to Sarah Palin and to this day protects her! Plus, he's tied way too closely to the oil industry from which he was formerly employed (Conaco).

    Is there corruption in the State of Alaska government currently controlled by Republicans?

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hooray for Begich! I hope this is a trend for all Democratic candidates. I get giddy thinking about a Democrat moving into the AK Governor's office.

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    O/T but talk about assholes!

    Open Carry Texas intimidates woman, posts her phone number on YouTube video

    Open Carry Texas, an extreme gun rights group, publicly posted on YouTube the name of a citizen who called the Plano police department. The group has previously harassed Moms Demand Action, once again proving that they can only count to the Second Amendment as long as they skip over the first. In the description it reads, “Another helpless sheep calls its master to report scary inanimate objects and shaking flags. You be the judge.”

    Open Carry Texas actually stalked Moms Demand Action previously at a restaurant and looked like snipers out in the parking lot. This is not how we have a reasonable discussion. Their intimidation tactics have amped up since then, and now they released details on a concerned citizen who phoned the police after seeing men with assault rifles. This woman is not with Moms Demand Action. She was simply concerned.

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Sarah Palin Takes Shots at Hillary, Sharpton… But Praises Jon Stewart

    Sarah Palin joined Fox News’ Eric Bolling on Cashin’ In Saturday morning and shared her thoughts on some of the big news stories of the week. After throwing some harsh words towards Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton, the only person she seemed to have anything nice to say about was Jon Stewart.

    Despite the fact that Palin recently suggested Clinton should run for president in 2016, she clarified to Bolling, “I said it’s fine if she ran, I didn’t say it’s fine if she won.” She added, “We don’t need, you know, more of the blue blood. We need new energy!”

    On the recent revelations about Sharpton possible role as an informant for the FBI during the 1980s, Palin said, “There are so many reasons to look at Al Sharpton and not be impressed, this is just one of those.” Without much elaboration on what about helping the FBI makes the current MSNBC host a bad person, she instead focused on his role as a “critic of the average American” like her. “He’s not one to help to get the country back on the right track,” she said.

    Towards the end of the interview, Bolling brought up a recent PSA in which both Palin and Stewart’s voices appear side-by-side. To be fair, Palin avoided saying anything explicitly positive about The Daily Show host, but did highlight his role in the effort to help wounded soldiers who are looking for training and work.

    Watch video below, via Fox News:

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      She is just so vile and dirty looking and vicious. What an utter c*nt.

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      the crosseyed skank fraud could give a rats ass about anyone or anything other than her skank self ..
      her demise can't come soon enough ..

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Methinks he's just getting started, Gryph!

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    When will Sarah Palin start her campaign?

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      This IS her campaign, 10:54 AM, what she's doing right now. All those doors God was gonna open and she'd push through 'em! This the door God opened for her -- a fame and money whore. Unlike Stephen Colbert, $arah is not playing a character. A worldwide laughing stock. As the saying goes, "be careful what you pray just might get it."

  9. Anonymous11:24 AM

    OK, even though Mark weenied out/caved on the gun control thing a while back, I'll give him a pass on that in lieu of his stance with the ACA - he can make amends on the gun thing later, though I'd prefer sooner, one thing at a time ...

  10. Let's not forget that Begich is one of the Senators who is being targeted by Koch in their attempt to regain the Senate. We need to support him in more than just talk. He needs the campaign funds to fight back. We don't have Koch billions but we can donate according to our abilities.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    every single Democratic ad in red states need to start with....Sarah Palin's Death Panel Idea Adopted by Republicans. She might be remembered for something other than the rifle scope targets that way....

  12. Anita Winecooler4:11 PM

    Mark's ad is fantastic and should be a blueprint for every Democrat running in a Red State. Anyone who's ever had a disease/pre existing condition and had to fight insurance companies on their own feels like they have a heavy weight that won't allow them to breathe. There's no guarantee it won't come back and you stand to lose everything you've worked for all your life.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.