Saturday, April 12, 2014

In interview Sarah Palin takes shots at Hilary Clinton and talks about something called a "Convention of States." Oh she's up to something!

Bolling starts off by asking how conservatives can fight back against the fact that their "freedom and liberty are under siege." Which I assume to mean that they are finally being called out on their bullshit, and pissed off about it.

"You know on the national level we make sure that we're electing candidates who will promise to pay whatever price it's going to take to protect our Constitution, Then on a state level I think it's very important that we find candidates, and elect them, who would be willing to call for a convention of states if need be, because that is the way, that is the tool, that the people have to rein in government, is a convention of states.  (A "convention of states" by the way is something apparently outlined in Article V of the Constitution, which would allow a convention of states to amend the Constitution. This is the newest conservative brainchild, to be used as an effort to obstruct the Obama administration agenda. Is anybody else hearing Dixie playing in the background?)

Bolling then asks Palin which amendment she thought was most under attack.

"You know I would agree with Rand, he said that that first amendment, there, If we're not able to express the will of the people then government will take over, will grow, will continue to do what it is doing today. The problems that we see today start at the top. We have a President who doesn't understand, or chooses to disrespect, our Constitution, those rights, the rule of law, the separation of powers, all those things that we learned in elementary school about how our nation was formed, and why it is the most exceptional nation on the earth because of that Constitution. Our President has set a tone in this nation that kind of says 'Eh, you know it is going to be a select, elitist crew of guys that are gonna run the show instead of we the people.'"

The Bolling asked Palin about her remark that Hillary Clinton should run in 2016.

“I said it’s fine if she ran, I didn’t say it’s fine if she won. I tell ya we don’t need, you know, more of the blue blood you We need new energy! We need new people in there, who again will understand what the Constitution has done to create this great country. Not those who would choose to seek constitutional changes, amendments that are NOT the will of the people. That they would amend themselves by just seizing power from the people. So no, we need new people in there.” 

Okay I am confused. On the one hand Palin is endorsing this "convention of states" whose purpose is to amend the Constitution, yet she then claims that it is Hillary who would seek constitutional changes by "seizing power," when one would assume she would have then been elected to the White House by "we the people."

And exactly when has Hillary EVER talked about amending the Constitution?

Palin then goes on to take a shot at Al Sharpton over his activism, but since she is appearing in that PSA with Jon Stewart, avoids any criticism of him and instead pimps the cause that they joined forces to work on.

As Palin interviews goes this was mostly just the same old shit, different day.

However that convention of states is a whole new wrinkle, and one that we better keep an eye on.

I have said before that I would not put it past these Right Wing lunatics to start another civil war, and this feels very much like one more step closer to that terrible eventuality.



  1. So, the solution, according to the right wing nutjobs, to "protecting our Constitution" from that evil government that's mandated by our Constitution, is to attack the Constitution and amend it by a convention of states?

    Sounds to me like the RWNJs are trying their usual sleight of hand, doing what they accuse their critics of doing, targetting Hillary Clinton in particular. It almost makes me hope they expend all their energy attacking her, only to find out a stronger less compromised candidate emerges and wins the Dem nomination in 2016 (Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, for example).

    BTW, Gryphen, that's "rein in government", not "reign in government".

    1. Ratfish8:45 PM

      Except for Palin. She's exceptional, and wants to reign.

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I've never understood why she isn't questioned on her inconsistencies during these interviews. It's like the interviewer has no interest in clarifying her answers but just lets her rattle on with nonsensical gibberage. Are there no real journalists anymore?

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM


    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      No ONE is EVER questioned anymore.Believe you me, that's orders from above. We all know who owns the media.

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Not media any longer, none of them, any of them. Simply entertainment now, no news, no information.

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I heard someone on CNN say that the search for that plane will be hard because in such deep water it's "frozen down there". Media is just a pretty face these days, with few exceptions.

    5. jcinco2:37 PM

      uhm, because the only person other than fux news who has interviewed her is sell-out fallon, since the couric/gibson interviews?

    6. Anonymous2:46 PM

      That wasn't an interview jcinco.

    7. Anonymous2:49 PM

      It's all staged. This is no interview. It is a reading of WRNJ talking points.

    8. Anonymous2:59 PM


      Fallon didn't interview her, merely taped a skit with her days before his show aired. Fallon and Failin deserve each other, both are pretenders and neither has real talent.

    9. Anonymous3:31 PM

      I heard someone on CNN say that the search for that plane will be hard because in such deep water it's "frozen down there". Media is just a pretty face these days, with few exceptions.

      No, it's not frozen down there. It might be 34 degrees, which is close to freezing, but the water that has absorbed the most salt is heavy and sinks. The salt lowers the freezing point, so the water is very very cold, but as long as it is moving, it does not freeze. They have discovered some frozen forms of gas but working at that depth is difficult because of the pressure, not to mention a number of other problems.

    10. Anita Winecooler3:47 PM

      I'm waiting for the day Fox shutters it's doors and Rachel Maddow does an in dept interview with rattle brained Sarah. But we all know Sarah's too chicken shit and out of her league with anything resembling a real reporter.

      The ding a ling couldn't answer a softball question like "What do you read?" from Katie Couric.

    11. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Rachel would cream her ass and I'd watch every second of the interview....which she'll never get because retard Sarah would be scared to death of her.

      Rachel wouldn't provide her the questions first either before the interview. She'd finally learn what a 'real' journalist and interviewed is!

    12. Anonymous5:33 AM

      We all know that $carah's idea of "journalism" is giving blow jobs. Glen Rice was "interviewed" by her during her very short stint on TV in Alaska. She has developed the Cheney sneer to perfecton. I wonder if that gross lip gloss glows in the dark?

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    'Convention of States' like Alaska Independence Party? Sarah Palin and her Pimp Husband have stomped upon the Constitution since her days as Mayor of Wasilla. "I will do what I want until the Courts tell me that I can't". Sarah is a Sick, Mentally Challenged Bitch who researches nothing. She can 'Tell the Truth' about her Fake Tri-g birth, and the 'hidden' Bastard grand babies, then she might make a little sense. Any Fool who believes any of Sarah's Bullshit is as crazy as she is.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      The retard from the Tundra didn't even know what a Vice President did when she was picked by Kristolnacht. Apologies for the word retard.

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    She looks stoned again.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      She probably has lost sleep doing her taxes. I wonder how her's compare to President Obama's? He sure gave a lot to charities (Veterans, Education, etc).

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Obviously someone gets fed talking points, and the talking points don't always fare too well in the translation from the puppet. Ya know, Eric, I think we should start with the 1st Amendment, it's number 1, after all.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Well, not surprisingly, Faux has not caught on to the fact that EVERY time this skank shows up on their channel, their credibility goes down even further. No other station would accomodate this bird brained pretender. Grandma, trying to look like a teenager with pink shiny lip gloss and a junior prom wig from the 70's. With her bony chest, she really should wear higher necklines, her wrinkles and age spots are glaringly obvious.

    2. F U McCain6:26 AM

      Just like when Glenn beck asked Sarah who her favorite Founding Father was. ..

      George Washington!

      He was first so I know that. Phew!

      These exchanges are so void of substance it's ridiculous.

      This person has been spouting about the Constitution yet I assure you she has Never read it.

      She appeals to idiots because she has boiled everything she knows about government into greeting card phrases that she repeats ad infinitum.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM The REAL program to help returning troops, one that has been working for 6 years, with no catchy snarkisms. What has Palin done to help troops, except, now, jumping on the bandwagon that the first lady and Mrs. Biden have well under way?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Well, Sarah supports starting more wars to keep those troops busy! She supports building more airplanes and ships that we don't need, to keep those contractors in cash. She supports talking about helping vets. That's about it.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      She lets Track and his buddies live in one of her spare garages. She supports the troops!

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      1:40 PM Sarah should 'support' the Drugged out 'VET' who is Curt Menard Jr.'s son and lives in her Hangar.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Stewart and Palin appear to be (very) late comers in the drive to help veterans. But then they both have shows to sell. Any port in a storm.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Stewart has been part of this program for a long time, Palin, only recently. Personally I feel like our Government should be the one to rehabilitate returning soldiers, but some people like Stewart, even though a liberal, believe that individuals should play a role in assisting these soldiers begin lives after war. Stewart has shown himself to be proactive, Palin, just lending a voice to another cause she will never actively support.

      It is sad the private individuals must step in to do what Government should. Not sure why anyone would ever enlist in our military given the shoddy treatment they get upon their return.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      To be fair, Stewart has been talking about problems with the VA for YEARS.

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    She sits there saying absolutely nothing new. Protecting Constitution rights, reining in government, elect the right candidates, President chooses to disrespect our Constitution, elitist crew of guys, we the people, blue blood, seizing power from the people.

    Same old words, same sentence structure, she never learns, never offers a solution, never gives a precise explanation. And because people question her sanity and ability to rationalize any political point, she claims she's hated.

    Who asked to put her in front of cameras? She must have called Fox and begged them to put her on.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Isn't she pretty much made for a show called "Cashin' In"?

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      "Cash for Crabs"?

  9. Anonymous1:05 PM

    if the treasonous seditionist retarded crosseyed skank does perpetuate an armed revolt hopefully she'll be one of the first to "bite the bullet"

  10. Anonymous1:07 PM

    We need new people? How about that chicken shit village idiot from Wasilla?

    Fuck you Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      She was on;y 'new' for about 8 weeks in 2008. Since then, she has gotten moldy and elite and very very rich. Hillary's upbringing was not elite...and the fact that she has a law degree only means she knows how to read, write and think...oh, of course. Three things Sarah Palin has NEVER accomplished..nor her children so far.

    2. jcinco2:40 PM

      Excuse me, the Clintons are "blue bloods"??? The fucking idiot needs to look up words before using them. The Clintons came from as humble of backgrounds as sarah did, Bill Clinton even more so. The Bushes and Kennedys are considered blue bloods, you moron.

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    What are Palin and Stewart doing compared to the extensive programs of Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Biden? Why didn't at least Stewart give credit to the people that have been helping returning troops BIG TIME for 6 years?

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The Koch Bros. agenda is for the right-wing nuts to control as many state legislatures and governors as possible. Then their wet dream of Constitutional conventions could happen.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Indeed. Looks like Sarah has been handed the Koch Playbook. Wonder what they're paying her to talk about more stuff she doesn't understand?

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Yeah, but they keep failing, awesomely. Did you see the report on Coblert or The Daily Show about how they fucked up a local election in a teeny tiny city?

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "All those things that we learned in elementary school, about how our nation was formed..."

    Why does she have to inject 'child' points to her critique. Why does she have to even mention 'elementary school'? Intellectual political critics draw from their post-secondary education to make contrasts and comparisons and in-depth critiques. Does she think an elementary school kid can run the show? Her need to keep her base licking her toes is so evident; she has to remind them that they're just as smart as those elitist blue bloods so they can keep sending those dollars.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I pretty much remember history lessons when I was a child were pretty skewed and had a distinct anti-communist agenda. There was no room for discussion we students parroted the material we were presented. Why does she never refer to the classes she took in high school or college? Is she attempting to appeal to people who never experienced classes where materials were discussed and critically analyzed. So Sarah Palin, unable to understand anything that wasn’t “put in front of her.” She is now a parrot for the tea party low information idiots who yearn for their grade school days when everything was spelled out for them.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      All those things we learned in elementary school... like the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and the Statute of Liberty.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:02 PM

      Because the only school Sarah has been graduated from was nursery school and "elementary school" seems like swavarski crystal vs her rhinestones and cheap plastic.

      Anyone see her Diplomas?

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Why does she never refer to the classes she took in high school or college?

      Because she 1) didn't take those courses or 2) took them but didn't pay attention

    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      All those things WE learned in Elementary School are just now being found out by Sarah Palin. She is always late to the party.

  14. They put her on during a beautiful, warmer, sunny-most-everywhere in the country Saturday morning... when hardly anyone is in front of the tube. BTW -

    Bristol's spidery eye makeup job looks like shit. Reminds me of A Clockwork Orange...

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      warmer, sunny most everywhere else except snow flurrying Anchorage 8)

      but yeah, the crosseyed retarded skank does look like shit - the spidery eye makeup also_to reminds of David Bowie's or maybe even Alice Cooper's stage makeup

    2. jcinco2:42 PM

      she's probably losing her eyelashes just like her hair from her unhealthy lifestyle. Fake on top, drawn on twiggy ones for lowers...

    3. Anonymous2:43 PM


      I know, right? We had this incredibly warm winter in Southcentral AK but now we're having this cooling trend for the last few days. Have hope though, it will be in the 50's next week! Even after nearly 30 years here I'm still amazed that it is still light at 10pm this time of year. Winter seems to go so slow, but them BAM, hello, it's light at 10pm mid-April. We have a little party soon called, "so goodbye to the stars for 3 months". Sad to not be able to stargaze, but midnight sun means lots of fun!

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I was thinking Vampira.

  15. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Gryphen: Take a look at the Lunatic's latest Facebook post about the new HHS Secretary. (SP has the gall to blame her for the closings that took place during the government shutdown!) Even more appalling is her use of the word "stain" in the last paragraph. Someone REALLY needs to do an intervention - The woman is insane!

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      She only uses stain because that's what's SHE'S called on blogs. No one disparages the "anointed" one. Amirite, crazy bitch?

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      There is no need to look at that mess. She calls the Director of OMB, a highly accomplished woman who is not a quitter, a "political operative" and lies about who shut down the government (hint: he read Seuss on the floor of the senate before Ms. Palin copied him.

    3. jcinco2:43 PM

      she got the word "stain" from reading comments here. the dumb twunt hasn't had an original thought in her life.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      People have been calling Mrs. Palin "stain" since 2008. Wonder where she heard that term ;-)

    5. Anonymous7:01 PM

      We should make up an insult or spell and insult wrong and wait for her to repeat it LOL

    6. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Griftin' Granny With Guns.

  16. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Why would Palin say Hillary Clinton is 'blue blood?' HRC's father was a small business owner. She went to public schools. She has the work ethic and intellectual capacity Palin can't comprehend.

    Palin's inferiority complex and defensiveness is tiresome and transparent. Hey, Sarah, "Who's Your Daddy?"

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Hillary is the best example of one pulling herself up from her lower position in life in just one generation. Mrs. Palin is an example of never trying very hard and romancing the dumbest quadrant of American society to make a buck. Neither come even close to being a "blue blood" but one is an example of what to do and how to do it, and the other is an example of taking the easy way out and courting the lowest common denominator.

    2. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Hillary has "class" to spare. I doubt PayMe knows what it is, she is such a scuzz bucket. Snarky, uneducated, money grubber. I can't wait for this entire family to hit the skids. Not one of them has work ethics, or even brain power. $carah is a caricature of herself!! Just lke a cartoon, only she THINKS she is smart. I LOATHE this piss poor excuse for a political "pundint" (her word) Even for Faux, she is a joke.

  17. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Very real. Very VERY real.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Those people are just an extension of the tea party. You know, the tea party that came into existence 1 minute after Mr. Obama was sworn in, and the tea party that will fizzle out once the black American president is out of office. The Tea Party that did not care about more than 4,000 military guys killed in Iraq and numerous wounded, when there were no weapons of mass destruction. The Tea Party that did not care about unfunded wars, unfunded medicare improvements, and going from a surplus to a deficit in those few short Bush years.

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      No, it's not. They won't be able to agree on anything, and Obama will be out of office soon anyway which is what they mostly want.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      The Tea Party isn't going away -- to many pundits and consultants are making money off of it. And when Hillary becomes president, the level of anger won't be any different. In fact, it will probably be worse.

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Real, Very Real, for about .00001% of the American population, but yea, it's really real for those people.

    5. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Oh, I so do hope that the Tea Party sticks around for a good long while: They will be the death of the GOP.

  18. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I agree with looking stoned. I wish that someone would straighten out her wig. She is looking older and older. And, out of control with that make-up.

    If you nature boys think she is so hot, envision her the next morning without make-up, castrating you about not making enough money to support her in the manner she desires or how she makes/controls all of the family money--you are just a leech. You are better off dead, my friend.

    Even Todd is looking like a guy who could reasonably be seen with someone looking younger than Sarah.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      She looks a LOT older than Todd.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Wouldn't it be funny if Todd started dating one of Bristol's friends?

      Oh Sarah, love the black jeans with the suggestive crotch stitching. Nothing says sexy like calling attention to your 50 year-old Alaskan Wild Bush.

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Mrs. Palin is easy to support. Her wardrobe is provided gratis by her friend that owns the jeans company and her shirts are provided free by the guns and girls people. She obviously requires little food so really your only expense in supporting her is for Adderall and Redbull. Hell, they may be sponsors so she won't cost you a dime, except in angst and aggravation. I have dogs that cost more to support.

    4. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I'm pretty sure that Todd has boned at least two of Bristol's ex-boyfriends, does that count?

    5. Anonymous7:02 PM

      @anon 2:56
      OMG. THAT'S why none of Bristol's trial daddies stick around LOL

    6. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Girls with guns, is now "Grannies with Guns" thanks to PayMe. Grow up, $carah, you are way beyond a "girl"

  19. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Don't worry. The teabagger nutjobs will never, ever get the civil war they are so desperate to start. The vast majority of their putative soldiers would never take their fingers off their keyboard long enough to go to more than a cyberwar.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Moreover, the majority of them are chicken hawks who boast about the righteous and noble need to spill blood in defense of the country, but are yet so cowardice as to refuse give their own for the cause.

  20. A J Billings1:51 PM

    $arah the idiot is just parroting the latest ultra right lunacy proposed by a fringe sector of the Christianist teaparty.

    Anyone can guess what some of their top goals would be, including banning all abortions with no exceptions, making Christianity the official religion, recognizing the bible as an authority in legal cases, and making English the only official language of the USA.

    Other gems include making flag burning a crime, overturning the anchor baby statutes, and possibly even revising the 1st amendment to delegitamize all religions except Christianity.

    A few things nearly all citizens might agree on would be term limits for Congress and tax reform.

    The good thing is that it would take 3/4 of the States legislative delegates to approve any amendments.

    Fortunately, that's a very high bar, which sane people can only hope would prevent the Christian Taliban from making new amendments about forcing militant Christianity on the USA

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      All I can say is if I were Jewish, I would be very afraid. Or, if I was different than Sarah and her group, I would be very scared. If Sarah is elected to anything, am not getting into any Great Alaskan trains, for any reason, if you get my drift.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Oh noes, if they turn over the anchor baby statute then America loses Michele Malkin....oh, wait, yes, that would be a good thing.

  21. Randall2:14 PM

    Oh my, isn't Sarah Who important?

    Big bad scary Sarah who?

  22. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Most citizens are against "personhood" once it's explained to them that the fertilized eggs would have rights to hire lawyers, to prosecute the mother if she ate something wrong, to criminalize and make public all natural miscarriages, to outlaw most contraception and all IVF processes that choose the strongest most healthy zygote and through away the rest of those "babies". So, they can crow about their assembly of states, but most legislators won't want to touch those hot potato issues with a ten foot pole.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      It's going to be awkward when the fetus wants to confer with his lawyer but he hasn't learned to speak yet. And, his mother is always listen. Can't give them a few minutes of privacy. Sometimes the state appoints a lawyer to represent a minor (the fetus). What if the fetus gets a pro-choice lawyer instead of a pro-life lawyer? That's not going to turn out well. Then, we have the problem of the fetus paying his legal bills. The next thing you know, the fetuses will want to organize and have their own union to protect their rights, but their mothers won't drive them to the meetings. Sound absurd? So is that personhood stuff for a couple of cells that haven't decided whether they will be a him or a her. In fact, if Mom sneezes too hard or falls down the stairs, watch out kid! You're nothing more than a ball of cells. If you're not attached to anything, you could keep on rolling out of there.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Yup. Anyone could sue a pregnant woman for child endangerment just by wearing heels or eating sushi. What about those first few tender weeks when you don't know your'e pregnant--what if you drink during that time? What's the statute of limitations for fetal abuse/neglect/endangerment, I wonder? Could you be sued retroactively?

    3. Anonymous8:35 PM

      What if you boarded two separate flights on a trip from Texas to Alaska after your water broke and you had contractions? Could the hypothetical fetus shoot you in the name of standing his ground?

    4. Anonymous7:25 AM

      If Bristles many fetuses were armed, imagine the arsenal of weapons SHE must have. Maybe that is what scares the trial husbands away, they wait for her to pass out drunk, then make their escape.

  23. Anonymous2:22 PM

    It's nice that she gave Hillary permission to run for president. I'm sure it's a load of Hillary's mind that a woman who couldn't even finish one term as governor said that it's "fine" if she runs for president."

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      BINGO. And you can bet that Palin will be the first to bitch when Hillary wipes the country blue.

  24. jcinco2:34 PM

    As I said over on Mediaite, "hey sarah, just because Jon Stewart did a PSA with you doesn't mean he doesn't still think you're a birdbrain".

  25. Anonymous3:06 PM

    In my South Carolina small (Republican) town newspaper, the letters to the editor have been all abuzz with this convention of states thing.

  26. Anonymous3:12 PM

    When the cancer was first injected into our country:

  27. Anonymous3:12 PM

    We need new people in there, who again will understand what the Constitution has done to create this great country. Not those who would choose to seek constitutional changes, amendments that are NOT the will of the people. That they would amend themselves by just seizing power from the people. So no, we need new people in there.”

    Amendments which are not the will of the people. In order to become an amendment, it takes a 2/3 vote of both Congress and Senate, plus ratification from 3/4 of the states. That WOULD BE the will of the people.

    A little history lesson. The last amendment was passed in 1992: The Twenty-seventh Amendment (Amendment XXVII) prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for Representatives. It is the most recent amendment to the United States Constitution. It was submitted to the states for ratification in September 1789 and became part of the United States Constitution in May 1992, a record setting period of 202 years, 7 months and 12 days.

    No one has been trying to change the constitution except those people trying to put in the defense of marriage (as between one man and one woman).

    As for the other amendments, 1971,granting the right to vote to 18 years old (or older). 1967-the amendment had to do with presidential succession. Wow, Sarah, this is some really radical stuff. No one have been trying to seize power and change the constitution.

  28. Anonymous3:14 PM

    She's still burning that America told her to fuck off in 2008.

    Run, Sarah, run; let us tell you to fuck off again.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      and again and again and again.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Exactly. Hey, hey Sarah, what was that about you being "undefeated?!?" BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHHAAAAA!!!!

  29. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sarah looks angry. She came on last and got less then 5 minutes. They didn't ask her the questions that her fans wanted her to be asked. Awwwww.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      If we gave human characteristics to a Sexually Transmitted Disease, it would look like Sarah Palin; an angry and painful itch.

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      @5:16 Did you get a good look at Sarah's neck. She already has an angry and painful itch.

  30. Anonymous3:23 PM

    $arah is a Kochsucker.
    And dresses like one.

  31. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Is Wasilla, Alaska the breeding grounds for Stupidity? Is Wasilla the hangout for Single Unwed Unemployed Moms?

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Wasilla is located about an hours drive from Anchorage. It is called 'the Valley' along w/Palmer, a small town located not far from Wasilla. Palmer began as the farming area of Alaska.

      Now that Sarah Palin is known in such a negative way across the country, Wasilla is and will always be connected to the Palin clan. It is considered the white trash area of Alaska now!

      Is it any wonder why the majority of Alaskans would prefer the Palins all move permanently to AZ? They would love to be rid of them forever!

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Hey, 4:33pm

      Wasilla has been considered the "white trash capital" of Southcentral Alaska way before the Palins ever became famous.

      However, there are many of us that live in "The Valley" that are upstanding citizens; we live in tiny enclaves of nice homes, some of them gated, and don't have much in common with the Palin Klan.

      Many of us have children that are high achievers, enough so that they are offered partial scholarships to private Ivy League schools, or if not, then we can afford to pay for their tuition.

      The Palins are the epitome of the worst that "The Valley" has to offer. Many of us wish that they would relocate to Arizona permanently.

    3. Anonymous5:15 PM

      WE don't want her in AZ either!!!

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      You forgot about Wasilla's achievement as the meth capital of Alaska.

    5. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Many Alaskans call Wasilla 'Gravel Land' - although I accept there are nice people there who must suffer through the $tain of $arah.

    6. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Why don't the good citizens who want the PayMe's gone from Wasilla start speaking out? They HAVE to know how the PayMe girls were in school, how many bouts of "mono" Bristles had. Why not expose this family of grifters? If you want them to leave, shame them with the truth. I seriously doubt that any one of them feels shame, not after the things they have done.

    7. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I grew up in a town that could be considered the Wasilla of Wisconsin. Lots of people like the Palins-trash with money. And this town has a huge heroin problem.

      Jennifer K

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Tennessee Criminalizes Birth Complications From Drug Use in Pregnancy – Even if Drugs Had Nothing to Do With It!

    ...This bill not only represents a danger to the physical health of pregnant women and their prospective babies, it is also deeply patronizing, as well as morally self-serving. It reinforces outdated opinions on the morality of certain types of drugs. For example the bill clearly states that women will be prosecuted if they use narcotics during pregnancy. However it says nothing about drinking alcohol. Why? Because one is illegal, and the other is not. One is morally unacceptable in society, the other is positively encouraged by advertising, even though the damaging effects of alcohol on a developing fetus are well-documented by medical science.

    Additionally, the sweeping criminalization of all prospective mothers found to be using drugs means that many will no longer take part in the Safe Harbor scheme for fear of being prosecuted. This will in turn will lead to mothers placing both themselves and their developing fetuses in grave danger. However, consideration for the health of women and girls rarely stops conservatives from passing measures designed to restrict their choices. In fact, it seems to positively encourage them.

  33. Anita Winecooler3:49 PM

    Time for whoever feeds her talking points to widen the tines of the pitchfork, because she's obviously over her head, and that says a lot for Bolling on Fox News.

  34. Anonymous4:06 PM

    and so is their puppet, Sarah:

    Twenty-Six Reasons Why the Koch Brothers are the Personification of Absolute Evil

  35. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Sarah always looks angry and sneers as she speaks. The sides of her mouth turn down into an angry-looking frown. As others have said on this blog, the ugly inside is really showing on the outside. No amount of make up can hide this fact. Oh well.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      $carah IS angry. Miserable, cross-eyed skank. Why can't everyone worship at her crusty feet, she keeps telling them how wonderful she is. Maybe she has found out the hard way that $$$$ does not buy happiness. Seems to have brought her nothing but despair. Imagine not being able to let your grandchildren celebrate their birthdays on the correct day, or even acknowledge that they exist? All the lies are weighing heavily on this fraud. All the plastic surgery in Hollywood will not be able to correct her face from the misery that is inside her.

  36. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Freedom AND liberty are undersiege? I could live with it if it was just one, but both!?!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I see what you did there. :-D

  37. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Lady Liberty at her best again
    So much better than Shillary Clinton

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Is that you, Food Stamp Pete? You do sound dumb enough to be him.

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Brilliant snark! I just LOVE defusing you cockwads.

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Sarah Bitch Pimp's wife can't spell Liberty.

    4. Anonymous3:44 AM

      4:39 Is that you, Bristles? Did your one night stand leave already??

  38. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Stupid people need heroes too.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      And Palin is their kind of gal... no fancy book lernin', thinkin', and speakin' with her. They can relate.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Just all wiggin' and cock teasin.

  39. Anonymous5:42 PM

    What a fucking lunatic. She is truly the Tea Party's version of Richard Perle: All influence, stupidity, and no accountability.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Facts: $creech lives in AZ and only comes back to AK for phony photo opps. She has not claimed a PFD in Alaska for four years. (Todd, Willow, and Trig claim AK residency and PFDs. Not Bristol). Easy to check.

      Todd does not have a job. He has not fished Bristol Bay salmon for years.
      Track does not have a job and also has not been seen for years at Bristol Bay - or anywhere for that matter.
      Bristol does not have a job.
      Willow does not have a job.

      What an inspiring family. NOT

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      They are a Photo Op Family only. Knowledge is not a Family Trait. Sex and Drug use is the norm.

    3. Anonymous3:47 AM

      Birthin' babies is Bristles talent. Seems that she has yet to learn that getting pregnant does NOT keep a guy around, or lead to marriage. She REALLY is dumb. When $carah runs out of money, Bristles will be on the Maury show, having a whole series of guys tested to find the real father of all her babies. Child support seems to be her alternative to actually WORKING for a living.

  40. Anonymous6:52 PM

    In Sarah's mind, the Bill of Rights only counts to 2: freedom to shriek like a hateful harpy about things you don't understand, and freedom to bring a grenade launcher to Safeway to buy diapers. Please Sarah, please save us from our ignorant, Harvard-graduated, Constitutional-law-studyin' President! Who wouldn't rather have a college-hopping communications study debating about the Constitution than the man who actually knows it forward and back? I know I would! I'll have my popcorn ready any time Sarah challenges our President to a Constitutional debate :D

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Sarah Palin would lose a debate to Homer Simpson.

    2. Anonymous3:08 AM

      If he could stop laughing long enough.

    3. Anonymous5:50 AM

      When $carah gets on a roll, she starts to sound like Latka from Taxi, except he was likeable.

    4. Anonymous6:40 AM

      actually I always found andy kaufman to be a real creep, much like sarah.

    5. Anonymous6:49 AM

      lol, very good. unfortunately palin is far too mentally ill to realize she's just an ignorant fucking joke. if she thinks for a minute that her fellow gotp party members and co-workers at fux respect her rather than scoff at her idiocy she's deluded. think about all the times folks have been caught on open mikes remarking on her stupidity. The general consensus is that she's a fucking moron. sarah, you will never shed that reputation.
      Just as President Obama will always be known as the first black president you will always been known as the stupidest human being to have ever entered national politics. It's your legacy, shrew.

  41. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Now that Bristol has her PhD in skin care and cosmetology, I love Sraah's new eye make up-- reminds me of Tammy Faye Baker.

    1. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Looks like those fake dollar lashes teens wear for Halloween! Nothing but a freak.

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM

      her eyelashes have fallen out like her hair, now she wears upper false ones (like her inflatable boobies) and draws on the lowers. she's such a natural beauty, lol.

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      At the celebration of Bristles graduation (with a years old photo) not a single one of her trial husbands showed up. Were they home taking care of the nursery she has birthed?

  42. Wendy7:08 PM

    Gack (expression of disgust). During this interview Palin cited the current number of unemployed as 18 to 20 million. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the actual figure in March 2014 was 10.5 million.

    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      And "gack" is also the sound of a cat "gacking" up a hairball. Very apt.

    2. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Wendy. Please do not confuse $carah with FACTS. Facts are for "left wing elitists" doncha know? With that Tammy Faye makeup, maybe she is getting ready to launch her own televangelist religion? Bristles is already laying the groundwork by quoting bible verses. I doubt if she is aware of that, since Nancy French writes her blog. What we are seeing now is the slow, relentless demise of the grifting family of PayMe's.

    3. Anonymous6:37 AM

      nah, bristle is busy taking a different "random" guy home after the bar closes every night. now that she has been graduated maybe she can take some "random" stds home with her to alasky...wait & see if there isn't an epidemic of them now that she's returned home.

    4. Anonymous7:36 AM

      It is called "living vibrantly" unless she is refering to a vibrator?

  43. Anonymous5:06 PM

    So Palin has now jumped back on Team Rand, hmmm..
    Whatever Rand says is fine with her , especially
    regarding " that first Amendment "..
    The state's convention she gushes about is something promoted by Mark Levin...
    He could say to show support
    for " the Constitution " ,
    women should roll in garbage and then jump in the lake and Palin would oblige.
    Palin and her tea party nut bags think that they personally own the Constitution .
    It applies solely to them.
    How can any person purporting to be an interviewer , like Bolling and his fellow FOX employees ,
    pander to Palin as they all do and
    hope to be taken seriously ?
    Is there anyone at FOX with personal integrity
    and journalist scruples who balks at being forced to
    treat Palin like she makes sense ?
    Or has even the vaguest
    familiarity with any subject ?
    Apparently not.
    As others have noted , Hillary Clinton is not a " blue blood " as the term is generally meant.
    Maybe Palin thinks Hillary has some hematologic disorder ??


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