Thursday, April 03, 2014

CBS Reporter attacked by anti-Obama protestor.

Courtesy of the YouTube page:

An anti-Obama protester attacked CBS Chicago reporter Jay Levine during a live broadcast Wednesday afternoon from outside a restaurant where the president would attend a fundraiser. "Obama is a war criminal," the unidentified protester shouted as he grabbed the microphone from Levine. The CBS reporter swung back and another man appeared to tackle the demonstrator. "I've obviously gotten a little reinforcement here from one of the protesters who decided to speak his mind on live TV," Levine said afterwards. "Obviously that's his right to do." 

There was an NBC reporter also doing a live feed and her cameraman caught what happened next which you can see here.

Okay if President Obama is a war criminal then what in the hell does that make George W. Bush?


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Makes Bush another war criminal.

    Meanwhile, Wait until the Obamacare rate increases and there will be even more protesters.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I guess those people liked it better with shitty insurance or no insurance at all.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Guess what, 4:42. Despite what your RW media shouts into your head all day, President Obama does not set insurance rates. That is done by the companies that your party refuses to regulate. So stop making Obama the scapegoat for YOUR ineptitude and ignorance.

    3. Anonymous3:38 AM

      Anonymous 7:02 PM

      Well said! It really is a shame that you need to deal with insurance companies at all. Being fortunate enough to live in a country with universal health care I'm truly thankful that we do not have that problem.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Nobody has the "right" to speak his mind on live tv. And, of course, nobody has the right to grab someone's microphone.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    It's people like Limbaugh, Cruz, Bachmann, Palin, et al who have emboldened all the RWNJs to do their bidding. It's getting scary out there. May President Obama stay safe.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Exactly! And media coddles these fuckers and look what happens! And no it is not "his right" to do that. Fuck that shit? When will these media get a flippin' clue? These people are nuts and dangerous!

  4. Did you see the illiterate rant on YouTube comments about the video? This is the ignorance we're dealing with.

  5. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "Okay if President Obama is a war criminal then what in the hell does that make George W. Bush?"

    It makes gwb 'The one who got away with murder'... :/

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      EVERY time I see that bastard I want to pinch his face off. Sorry for the terminology, but I mean it.

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Someone posted this onto my FB page:

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Was that from above, 4:42?

  7. And the non-stop media insinuating the President should not be fundraising for the democrats incites the fools (as the media wants) - but it is just fine for Koch & Co to donate millions to the GOP and for idiots like Palin to raise money to pay for their lifestyle - pfft on all the racists - make no mistake, this has NOTHING to do with being a war criminal - this has everything to do with the President being a black man.

  8. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

    Ohhh tough guy gets taken down by two bystanders. Someone on MSNBC had a clip of GWB saying the war in Iraq is over and the troops are coming home, on the deck of a warship, with a "mission accomplished" banner behind him.
    Either someone lied or Bush's lips were moving, cause it took President Obama's Orders to take out Bin Laden, while he was at a dinner calmy roasting Trump's chestnuts, and others, while being his authentically awesome self.

    Did you see Congress repeal and replace vote for the fifty fifth time? What a bunch of Einsteins.

  9. hauksdottir9:51 PM

    Of course, Obama is a War Criminal. He defended and protected Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the others. Those 2 sweet Mormon boys who established the torture regième and the lawyers who dressed it with gentle and deceiving words all have positions of trust, honor, and excellent pay.

    Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid, etc., join the Republicans in being War Criminals. Not only did they take impeachment "off the table", they didn't allow investigations, indictments, trials, punishments in order to save their own guilty asses. They are all War Profiteers... torture and rendition and drone attacks and murder lead to continuous warfare, and continuous profit.

    Hilary Clinton is also a War Criminal. Knowledge and concealment of crimes is itself criminal.

    BTW, I've always voted Democratic, for social reasons. I do have respect for Eisenhower, who tried to warn us, so I don't tar all Republicans, or even all politicians, with the same broad brush. However, neither major party is apt to nominate a true leader. If it is down to Clinton vs JEB, I'll just skip that section of the ballot or write-in Warren.

    I did not vote to reelect Obama. I can not in good conscience vote for a War Criminal. Period. My single vote may not matter to the war profiteers, but it does matter to me.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      By not voting for President Obama in 2012, you could have helped elect Mitt Romney. Then the Koch Brothers would have owned us completely and the Bush "foreign policy" method of war, war and more war would have been upon us once again. Voters like you cost us the election in 2000. Really dumb.

  10. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "What does that make GWB?"

    We're going to find out just what he was and that right soon when the CIA report gets declassified.

    1. Anonymous4:05 AM

      Yeah, well, good luck with that. It will be heavily redacted just like putrid Palin's e-mail.

  11. Anonymous1:21 AM

  12. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I found that a few days ago.

  13. Anonymous4:02 AM



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