Friday, April 04, 2014

Sounds reasonable.

And then if the disagreements are deemed worthwhile I am sure that God will be happy to forward them to Neil deGrasse Tyson.

If it doesn't happen fast enough then I suggest the fundamentalist community simply pray harder.


  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    The herders of the superstitious primitives do this in an attempt to maintain an appearance of divine authority and truth. This show is a threat to them. It's all about power and money with these 'religious' hucksters.

    1. So totally true. I'd add "free sex" to what it's all about.

  2. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Fine. Then give Tyson equal time on The 700 Club.
    Your move, fundies.

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Beat me to it. Nice one.

  3. Randall3:19 AM


    The Xtians get "equal time" on Cosmos
    just as soon as Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman each get their own slot of Fox News.

  4. LisaB25954:26 AM

    Wasn't there just an entire TV series called "The Bible?"

    Honestly, what's stopping you? Oh wait, television programming is a capitalist venture which means networks air what they can make money off of.

    Clearly, these people thing TV is about being "fair." No. It's about making money. That's why we have Fox News and MSNBC. They make money that way.

  5. lostinmn9:41 AM

    Or they can spend their money going to watch Noah. One of the first major hoaxes put over on the gullible desert dwellers.

  6. They've got more than equal time on The 700 Club and Family Channel.


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