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Sarah Palin doing her impression of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. |
Sarah Palin forcefully defended the only woman fighting for the Republican nomination for Georgia’s open Senate seat and hit back Thursday against a rival’s apparent dismissal of Karen Handel’s high school education.
David Perdue, the former Dollar General CEO, said that “there’s a high school graduate in this race, OK? I’m sorry but these issues are so much broader, so complex” as he talked about the economy and the federal deficit during a January meeting captured on video.
Appearing at a county women’s group Thursday, Palin said Perdue’s comments were disappointing and praised Handel’s ability to overcome the struggles of her youth. Handel, a former secretary of state, has said she left an abusive home as a teen, using a message of overcoming obstacles as a key element of her campaigns.
“She pulled herself up. Nothing was handed to her on a platter, fed to her on a silver spoon,” Palin said of Handel. “For those who would criticize and mock that, it really makes me question their judgment.”
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"Oh my God, what's on her head?" |
Cannot imagine why.
I think many of you will remember that it was Karen Handel who was behind the Komen for the Cure/Planned Parenthood debacle, and who unsuccessfully ran for Governor of Georgia back in 2010.
Palin showed up for THAT race as well.
Obviously that did not help then, and chances are it will not help this time either, as Handel is one of seven candidates vying for this GOP nomination.
And speaking of not helping, I don't think that whoever did Palin's hair for this event did her any favors either.
I mean seriously does it look like the top hair matches the bottom hair even a little bit?
You would think that if Palin REALLY wanted to help Handel win, that the least she could do was to put on her "going out in public" hair.
How much is this going to cost Karen Handel. Sarah's last visit cost Karen about 100k.
ReplyDeleteIt'll cost her the election, of that I can be certain.
DeleteAccording to a GOP friend in Southern Georgia it will cost her a second election.
DeleteMr Perdue said nothing wrong. But Sarah and her ilk seem to have a deep jealousy of those with a formal secondary education. Many people have pulled themselves up out a a poor situation in life, in fact, a good example would be our dear Wendy Davis in Texas.
DeleteBut I can tell you one thing, there is nothing people like less than some outsider yahoo coming in and telling them, that I think people across the whole political spectrum can agree on.how to vote.
Will someone run up and slapp some duct tape on that bitches mouth!?
DeleteSo flippin' sick of her. I hope the palin curse hits Handel hard and Sportman's channel.
that would be POST secondary. Secondary IS high school.
DeleteShe looks like Chewbacca from behind.
ReplyDeletePalin is flying high on something in this news report of the BBQ.Completely stoned.
Once again I ask, "don't they sell combs or hairbrushes in Alaska?" That's not a "sexy, tousled look" that's what your 2 year old looks like after a 3 hour nap when she is running a 102 degree fever...
Deletetop pic of this thread; three dudes in drag, particularly the seated white haired one
ReplyDeleteLMFAO !!
She must really have thin hair. She always uses extensions or hair pieces to augment what little hair she has. It's common for celebrities to uses hair pieces, but they also use the expertise of a hair stylist. Poor Willow just doesn't seem to have the talent yet.
ReplyDeleteHee. I read "going out in public" hair as "going out in pubic" hair.
ReplyDeleteAnd it was interesting to see that the blurry Twitter photo of Palin on the plane dress in this outfit and looking as if she was about to pass out was genuine.
But on a serious note, Sarah Palin has done nothing positive in her time on the earth. Nothing.
I can name one good thing that Sarah did, but it wasn't anything that she planned on doing. If McCain had picked a really qualified Republican running mate, that would have been a much closer race. Palin made it easy for people to pick Obama. There was no way that ridiculous woman could be considered a serious candidate for VP. It was frightening. I like to think that she won the election for Obama.
DeleteI agree, it's all your fault Sarah, YOU made McCain lose the election. It all YOUR fault.
Deletepssst, me too!
DeleteNo, no, no @3:24. The country was sick and tired of war criminals Bush/Cheney in 2008! I voted for Obama and I love Obama but the Republican candidate could have been Jesus Christ and still would have lost because people were fed up with the R's.
DeleteMcCain himself asked if the statute of limitations hadn't run out on asking him questions about $arah. Game Change won Emmys. You BETCHA, sister $arah, the worst VP candidate EVER!
DeleteMany undecided voters had a problem with the color of the President's skin & Palin was a large reason they decided they could not vote for McCain - they may have stayed home - but they did not vote for McCain/Palin - the Obama campaign must have cried tears of joy when McCain decided sex was more important than brains when deciding on a President.
She was a large negative for McCain - and he well knows it.
Sarah did lose the race for McCain. I heard of several HARD CORE R's that voted for President Obama b/c of screech! Also,too...
DeleteMicheal Savage a RWNJ said on his show "He picked her"? And proceeded to say why and what a awful choice it was. He recanted later (prob b/c his station demanded it) but she did cost mccain the race.
My father has voted Repub for over 50 years
DeleteIn 2008 after listening to Palin sounding like a 5th grader in those Couric interviews swore he could not support such an idiot.
He didn't vote Democrat, but he made it a point to stay home. As he put it "If McCain can't see what a fool Palin is, he doesn't deserve to be President"
I know that a lot of other Repubs felt exactly the same way.
I agree, Palin's hair is a total mess in those photos! The woman has zero class and has to be a huge embarrassment to those she supposedly supports!
ReplyDeletePalin is the kiss of death! She'd be the last one I'd want in my corner!
Last night, Sarah made a bunch of faces that were supposed to be her comedic response to Fallon's Putin imitation. A professional performer would rehearse by looking at tapes or in the mirror. Palin has no self awareness. She is has no idea how bad she looks, and she is stubborn enough not to bother to look in a mirror or watch a tape. It plays well to the low-information crowd. That's all that she cares about. Anyone who has half a brain cell working can see that she's a mess.
DeleteMichelle Nunn is running against her! Come on Georgia, Vote 4 Michelle!
DeleteShe better be flying on private jets because she'll get kicked off any commercial airline for her stench! Bathe bitch!
ReplyDeleteHandel looks like she's trying to hold her breath just standing next to her. Bet she almost puked when Palin hugged her.
DeleteI've heard she has an odor!
DeleteSarah disrespected the audience by showing up in an outfit that would be suitable for going out to the mall! I'm pretty sure she was well paid to be there and to talk-up Handel. She could have and should have dressed appropriately for the event.
ReplyDeleteWhen is she ever dressed appropriately? IS the Florida $500 BBQ next on her busy agenda? Does she never spend time with her kids? why do we bother asking any more? As she proved last night, she doesn't even know their real names.
DeleteSo she's evidently going to be watching her new fake TV show from yet another hotel room tonight. Yah, that Sarah is so devoted to her kids and husband she takes every opportunity to leave them elsewhere.
DeleteShe wore the same clothes at least for the day before also too.
DeleteBut, as a meth addict and a mentally ill person, hygiene is not at the top of Sarah's priority list. We all know from McCain's own people that she smelled and didn't bathe.
Worked with a gal who spray tanned and she didn't bathe very often either. Water doesn't do the tan any favors. Same with Palin's heavy layer of industrial strength foundation and false lashes. Easier for her to dab a little water here and there as she dashes around in her frenzy. 5 minute touch-up, plop on a wig and GO. Not having a professional hair and makeup team and stylist like 2008 must be what galls Palin the most.
DeleteShe did get her hair done, once, and stiffed the hairdresser. I read that!
Delete“She pulled herself up. Nothing was handed to her on a platter, fed to her on a silver spoon,” Palin said of Handel. “For those who would criticize and mock that, it really makes me question their judgment.”
ReplyDeleteThen I guess Sarah should be questioning Bristol's judgment concerning Wendy Davis, right?
I'm guessing Willow traveled with her, she never goes anywhere alone and her family seem to be the only people she feels comfortable with. Why would anyone let her attend a function with her hair looking like that? all it takes is a comb or a brush does no one including her carry one? It may seem trivial to comment on these things but it makes you wonder how she was raised, what her motivation is and is her ego so out of control that she has no respect for the people that have paid 500 dollars to attend and have taken their time to look presentable.
ReplyDeleteTruly something is mentally wrong with her, this is more than an act although a large part of her is an act.She wears the same jeans all the time, cheap looking tops and tacky county fair jewelry and frankly she looks from a lot of her photos that she smells.Perhaps the jeans and cheap teen jewelry is her way of trying to make a trademark for herself like Johnny Cash always wore black, Porter Wagner in fringe jackets, Minnie Pearl with the price tag hats? Whatever it is to me all it displays is a person not to take seriously and needs help.
Maybe those cheap, tacky clothes, hair and jewelry appeal to her cheap, tacky voters. Anyone with a little bit of taste and intelligence could see right through her.
DeleteJohnny Cash always wore black.
DeletePorter Wagner wore fringe jackets
Minnie Pearl had price tag hats
And Dolly Parton had the whole package, famously saying that "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap."
The difference is - it was all part of their act. It wasn't THEM - like it is for Palin.
Yeah, Cash, Wagner, Pearl, and Parton were all great performers. They had real talent. What's Sarah got?
DeleteHer Dad really hunts I believe. Deer hunters here in Texas go to their deer blinds and don't bathe for several days. Supposedly, soap repels the deer. I wonder if she had that drilled in her head growing up? Her children are usually clean I assume. It's a very strange thing for one who wants to be in the public eye.
What's Sarah got?
Why did Willow even bother going to hair school? Sarah's hair is a rat's nest!
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to wonder if somewhere in the background, Willow is screaming "Don't blame ME for (Sarah) wearing those nasty wigs".
DeleteAh, NOW I remember the name Karen Handel.
ReplyDeleteWell, fine, you pulled those bootstraps. But seems to me you've had plenty of time to go back to school for a bachelors. Plenty of other adults in your position and responsibilities have done the same.
Sorry, but if I'm voting for someone to represent me in government it will not be a high school graduate.
And it certainly won't be Karen Handel who single handed almost destroyed Susan Komen, an organization, I might add, that I have NEVER contributed to since that day.
agree with all you've written 3:25
Delete+2. I quit Race For The Cure when that came out. Look at their financial statement. For what they take in, they spend as much on actual research as SarahPAC does on candidates she supposedly supports. Not talking dollar for dollar, but the premise of what they stand for.
DeleteAlaska's Senator Begich didn't get a college degree, but he's worldly, conscientious, and a great leader. It all depends on the person. Heck, Palin went to five colleges, and she remained a stunted, myopic bitch.
Delete+3 And when someone very important to me died last year, requesting memorial donations to Komen... I couldn't do it.
DeleteEvery year our golf league donated to Komen. Finally I suggested we keep our money closer to home. As treasurer Komen sent me name tags and notepads and I thought the money need to be spent on research. We finally voted and donated to local hospital research centers. Then eventually donated to Hospice, a much more worthy cause. This woman may not have gone to college, but just like $carah she has a master's in GRIFTING and taking.
DeleteTop photo, Karen looks like she is saying to herself-what in the hell is this women talking about.
ReplyDeletebottom photo: Sarah went outdoors and got herself some good roadkill.
The change in Ms Palin's appearance, as shown in the photos, is sad but inevitable given her behavior. It must have been eery for those in the room to observe her decline over a relatively short period of time.
ReplyDeleteMs Handel's appearance is just about the same, though her hair style seems to be less flattering; it makes the contrast between the 2010 Palin and the 2014 model that much more stark.
My first take of the top photo was:
ReplyDelete...why is Betty White looking at a cardboard cutout of Sarah Palin?
Same jeans and belt she wore yesterday?
Last-minute confirmation... some things never change with Palin and company.
Palin's visit came as a surprise to many of the Republican supporters in the room. Her visit was kept secret because the venue at the Green Manor Restaurant was small. The Handel camp got last-minute confirmation that the former vice presidential candidate would make an appearance.
Looks like she only changed her top...
DeleteThe belt buckle of former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, reads "Girls with Guns" as she greets attendees of a county women's group meeting to campaign for Karen Handel, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, on April 3 in Union City, Ga. Palin is riding to the defense of the only Republican woman in the nomination fight for Georgia's open Senate seat, hitting back against GOP rival David Perdue's apparent dismissal of Karen Handel's high school education.
EW! Studio lighting is notoriously HOT - that's why Letterman famously keeps his theater in the low 60's when he tapes a show. YUCK! The same clothes she appeared in on Fallon? Gahhhhhh!!!! That's nasty, just plain nasty. Seriously!
Delete@KAO Airline lost her luggage again?
DeleteUm, no... that excuse won't work either.
DeleteShe has millions of dollars... she can buy new clothes anywhere...
Anyone who has had their luggage lost or misdirected before would know that they need to pack more than one change of clothes in their carry-on, in case that should happen again.
I remember that, Belmont wasn't it?
DeleteLeave the gun, take the cannolis.
She probably got that belt buckle free from her new show. The girls with guns people were styling her green screen appearances.
DeleteSame jeans for the BBQ and then for Hannity's show tonight.
DeletePlane ride, Fallon's show, Handel fundraiser, FL BBQ and Hannity's show -- WTF?
@9:47- Is that an American flag that Palin is sitting on in your twitter link? I'm curious what anyone else thinks.
DeleteIt might be the apron she had on earlier at the BBQ.
DeleteUS Senator with only a high school diploma-I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteWe need to be raising the standards in this country not lowering them.
3:53: Totally agree. A lack of college ed. was maybe ok 50 y/ago, but not today.
DeleteScott Walker, who is a wannabe presidential candidate, did not graduate from college..a minimal qualif. for POTUS. Handel should be DQ.
Alaska Senator Mark Begich doesn't have a college degree. It depends on the person.
DeleteI agree it depends on the person. George w Bush had a Bs from Yale and MBA from Harvard. We all know how well that went.
DeleteSaw another photo of her on a Georgia site and Sarah was wearing those black jeans again. She had that red top on with a pair of dark jeans and the same belt she had on Fallon's show.
ReplyDeleteShe is wearing the same shirt that she had on that was tweeted by a fellow passenger in coach a day or two ago. She hasn't changed clothes.
Delete4:15 PM Sarah Palin is a nasty, stinky mentally challenged mess.
DeleteOh brother... B-roll opportunity for Governor Palin’s arrival
LOCATION: Naples Residence
1805 Heritage Trail
Naples, FL 34112
5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Media check-in and credential pick-up
5:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Media escorted to staging area by campaign staff
5:45 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. Media Availability with Lizbeth Benacquisto
6:10 p.m. – 6:20 p.m. B-roll opportunity for Governor Palin’s arrival
6:21 p.m. Media escorted to check-in location for departure
DeleteMy Dog! If you peeps look closely that is the same outfit Sarah is wearing that the guy on twitter posted a day or so ago.
ReplyDeleteOh how the mighty have fallen, no private jet, no first class, no huge entourage, just drugged Granny Sarah flying coach!
I really want to make fun of her unwashed appearance and her ratty wig, but even I understand there is a point where someone needs to do something before Sarah dies of an overdose.
Always amazed when people who hate government cannot survive without having a government job.
ReplyDeleteHandel created a disaster from her minor venture outside of government, single handedly bringing down a major cancer charity. It has not & will never recover from her attempt to turn a charity into a right wing political machine.
The real story is that Palin will never have any political power again - Handel should be in exactly the same position.
Sarah's Tonight Show appearance will likely give a boost to her endorsements. Way to go Fallon and company! Congrats on aiding and abetting the mentally-deficient charlatan and her racist/anti-women/anti-gay agenda.
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt it boosted her endorsements, if anything I bet people's jaws were dropping.
DeleteRemember not everyone keeps up with her disintegrating self. What a shock!
If a Tonight Show appearance boosts your endorsements, there's something seriously wrong with this country. I would call it "comic fodder," but she wasn't even funny. Circus sideshow is more like it.
DeleteI was sooo disappointed in him...he was always one of my favorites, but no more.
DeleteCheck out the comments on this article from Naples.
If you only had 100 people at your event...1/2 were "fillers".....yesterday they were sending emails begging people to go!
Moma Grizzly is married to an avid Clinton supporter, had an affair, a divorce (so much for family values) knows nothing about the issues is afraid to face her opponents and has a name that says it all "Lizbeth Well Bought"
did this event even raise any money? Palin's fee including travel must be $15k, it cost a few k to fly Senator Well Bought from Tallahassee and then there was food and booze. Lots of effort to throw a break even event OUTSIDE of the DISTRICT.
The private jet plus expenses were estimated at $100,000. Sarah does not come cheap.
DeleteHandel's at the back of the pack... video from this morning
DeleteBoy, Sarah has aged horridly in the 4 yrs between these 2 rallies in Georgia.
ReplyDeleteThe future, it is 2020, phones at staff headquarters for Presidential candidates are ringing and when answered a disembodied but eerily familiar squawking voice is heard saying " Hey, Hi! 'member me? ya well I am offering to help ya win! A small fee would be accepted...Ya i am THE Sarah Palin...Hello? I said Hello!
ReplyDeleteStupid elitist morons, "Bristol get the next one on the line! A barbeque awaits it's next fool out there somewhere, and where fools gather so i shall also too go"
Video from FL BBQ... the Tea Party is upset with Palin!
Snort! TwoTone wig, dialated pupils, and five hundred dollars for a plate of slop, she's so manic on drugs, she doesn't blink, and the station's call letters are WINK
DeleteHoly Shit! The natives aren't happy with Granny.
ReplyDeleteOn the AJC.com article, a commenter called SP "Sarah Baraclueless". Check the Political Insider blog. Pretty savage comments over Palin & impact (hmmph) she made.
I believe that is a pretty darned accurate assessment. Why didn't anyone, to my knowledge at least, think of that?
one word: hotmess
ReplyDeleteShe's one brave high school graduate! Hopping in the outhouse not once, but twice! Hey, I said "brave", not "smart".
ReplyDeleteI had to look at those photos twice, Could it be the work of early high school graduate, debt free entrepreneur beauty shop owning Willow? Hey Will, don't quit your night job, just sayin'.
Can't wait to see Bristol's skin work!
Well, the blathering idiot on hannity tonight
Some more scary Palin pics from the FL fundraiser.
Couldn't listen to the Screech.... blah, blah, blah.
DeleteLook at Sarah's arm in this picture. She is not well.
DeleteNot one of her family or friends or employers care enough about her to get her help.
Really not well.
Her "team" is testing her. They are trying to get a feel for whether she can do a New York with Fallon, followed by an interview with Hannity, followed by a Georgia Handel endorsement appearance, followed by a Benacquisto endorsement in Florida. Her paid handlers are seeing if she has what it takes to do the grueling grind that is a campaign. I'm pretty sure they are voting against her being up to the task of a full 10-month campaign run if she was run this haggard after only 4 days.
ReplyDeleteOMG! liberal women from the cities and suburbs going heli-skying in Alaska as reported at the NYT!!!
What will The Star of Amazing America have to blat about this?!
Ouch! This has to hurt:
Sarah needs to slim down. She shouldn't carry that much weight on her frame.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if Karen Handel had been better educated she would not have made the huge Komen Race for the Cure blunder. Planned Parenthood has helped so many women over the decades get needed mammograms and breast cancer treatment. I know that she has kept me from ever donating to the organization again. (I used to for the sake of my sister's daughter-in-law whose mother died of breast cancer many years ago.) Those contributions now go to Planned Parenthood.
Exactly! Me too! Koman really opened up our eyes about ALL those fundraiser aggregates who skimmed "administrative fees" off our donations. Direct Donation has become our household rule.
DeleteKaren Handel paid herself the handsome sum of $500,000 a year.Most of the proceeds went to other staffers and fundraising. Very few of the funds went to research.She is also running last at 10% among the candidates.SHe is a big fraud like $arah.
ReplyDeleteon hannity, her hair looks orange, lots of weird mouth movements and she appears drunk, bashed David Letterman too, good grief
"I can open my mouth this big...." ha!