Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ex-Sheriff and supporter of Nevada cattle rancher in stand off with the Feds, had planned to "put women up front" so that they would be shot first. Including his own wife.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

In a statement to Fox News on Monday that was first flagged by Glenn Beck’s The Blaze, former Sheriff Richard Mack talked about his strategy to put women on the front lines if a gunfight broke out between “rogue federal agents” and rancher Cliven Bundy, who reportedly owes the taxpayers more than $1 million for allowing his cattle to graze on government land. 

“We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,” he recalled. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.” 

Speaking to radio host Ben Swann later on Monday, Mack explained his plan. 

“It was a tactical plot that I was trying to get them to use,” Mack said. “If they’re going to start killing people, I’m sorry, but to show the world how ruthless these people are, women needed to be the first ones shot.” 

“I’m sorry, that sounds horrible,” he continued. “I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die. I would gone next, I would have been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here.” 

“But the best ploy would be to have had women at the front. Because, one, I don’t think they would have shot them. And, two, if they had, it would have been the worst thing that we could have shown to the rest of the world, that these ruthless cowards hired by the federal government will do anything.”

This guy wanted to put women on the front line hoping they would be shot, and it's the FEDS who are the "ruthless cowards?"

Just in case you not familiar with this whole Bundy Ranch brouhaha here is the Atlantic's synopsis: 

Twenty-one years ago, rancher Cliven Bundy stopped paying his grazing fees. 

Bundy does not recognize federal authority over land where his ancestors first settled in the 1880s, which he claims belongs to the state of Nevada. The Bureau of Land Management disagreed and took him to federal court, which first ruled in favor of the BLM in 1998. After years of attempts at a negotiated settlement over the $1.2 million Bundy owes in fees failed, federal land agents began seizing hundreds of his cattle illegally grazing on public land last week. 

But after footage of a BLM agent using a stun gun on Bundy's adult son went viral in far-right circles, hundreds of armed militia supporters from neighboring states flocked to Bundy's ranch to defend him from the BLM agents enforcing the court order. The states'-rights groups, in echoes of Ruby Ridge and Waco, came armed and prepared for violence. "I'm ready to pull the trigger if fired upon," one of the anti-government activists told Reuters. Not eager to spill blood over cattle, the BLM backed down Sunday and started returning the livestock it had confiscated. The agency says it won't drop the matter and will "continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially."

Bundy has been egged on by the likes of Sean Hannity, and the Koch brother funded Americans for Prosperity, who are clearly hoping for some kind of fatal incident in order to fan the flames of anti-government sentiment.

These Right Wing groups and conservative media types are being incredibly irresponsible, and potentially placing people's lives in danger in order to inflame passions and then manipulate it for their own use.

This rancher and his supporters are NOT heroes, they are simply pawns being used in a game from which they will ultimately receive no benefit. In fact if they were to lose their lives in this endeavor then it would be all the better for the folks pulling their strings.


  1. Caroll Thompson4:34 PM

    This man is a dead beat who is not paying for grazing fees on land he does not own. I say that anyone with a cow should head west and put their cows out on federal land without paying. If this idiot is allowed to do it, so should all the ranchers.

    All for one and one for all.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      He's a taker, a moocher. Why isn't Paul Ryan denouncing him? Oh, we all know why.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Koch bros behind it http://bit.ly/Qonb6i

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Bundy is a squatter on land owned by all of us. I would like to know how many of the militia types showed up?

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      the militia types that did show up, if not already on a domestic terrorist watch list, well welcome to the club - ya inbred dimwits

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      I wonder how many of the militia types that showed up are Cliven Bundy's family. He's got 14 kids, his great-grandpa settled there in 1877 and had 49 kids by five wives. I'm guessing that there's a lot of Bundy's relatives in this fracas.

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      How is it his land? What about the people who shared the land before his great-grandpa?


  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I bet this asshole is against Women in combat in the military.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Unless they are used for target practice.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM


    3. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Or makin sandwiches

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    This ex-sheriff sounds like he believes he came up w/ a most brilliant plan. But, he is aligning himself with the most vile leaders and/or foreign governments in history.

    Bottom line...he is willing to sacrifice those who he believes to be the weakest first. If he REALLY is committed volunteer to man-up and sacrifice yourself.

    A headline from just a month ago - "Putin Threatens to Use Ukrainian Women and Children as Human Shields" http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/putin-threatens-to-use-ukrainian-women-and-children-as-human-shields/

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Bundy owns 160 acres and over 1000 cows. He is making a lot of money without having to pay for grazing those animals. He is a crook. I also have read he is a Mormon and has 14 kids by more than one wife. Nothing about the man says "honest" or "victim".

  6. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Shucks....I was kinda hoping the "Feds" would put-em down.......they and all the rest of their ilk........please and thank you.....

  7. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Bundy has been grazing those animals on Federal land for 20 years. Huckabee said that it was just about eating some grass. Let's move the cows to Huckabee's house. They can eat his lawn and flowers and shrubs.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      And Him (Huckabee)!! Vile POS!

    2. Anonymous9:30 PM

      It is okay for Bundy's cows to eat free (subsidized by we the people) but many of the 'pro-lifers' don't want to feed and house poor children and their mothers.

      Just 'blades of grass.' Just wow.


  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I just got hung up on by the chickenshit (Xsheriff)! He said that people from all over the country came to make sure another waco didn't happen. I called him a liar as nobody from California couldve gotten there by the time shit went south & that it was real big of him to sacrifice his wife and daughters to make himself a big man in front of the group of limp dicks with guns. He got flustered then hung up on me. I tried to call him back but he put my number on CallBlock! Here is his website: http://sheriffmack.com/index.php/biography

  9. Anonymous5:17 PM

    This would be the conservative plan to put women in leadership positions.

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Conservative women on the front lines for rill Umurkins, equal rights for all? *disgusting*

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      LOL! *chuckle, chuckle* Good one.

  10. Anonymous5:22 PM

    OT This is really Off Topic, but people here have expressed some interest in this guy because we are all paying for his medical care, one way or another. He claims that he lost his insurance due to Obamacare, in spite of the fact that his wife has a job as a nurse. (Doesn't she have any insurance where she works?) We're paying his social security, medicare and his veterans' benefits. So, we have an interest in how he takes care of himself, considering that we're paying the tab.

    I had a call from VG a little while ago and he asked me to share the latest news from his big round of testing today. The news was not as positive as he had hoped - it turns out that his implanted device has fired 40 to 60 times in the last 6 months, which is more than they had hoped. He is also at high risk of stroke. He is feeling a bit introspective tonight and ready to start a new medication that may help him. He had a shot of his favorite amber liquid (but just one!) and then switched to RC Cola and is watching the drizzle wash some of our yellow tree pollen away. The Boss should be back soon with his new medication and they plan a good evening together. If you have been lucky enough to experience spring in Virginia, you know that he has some beautiful landscape to relish with his "snuggle bunny." Chuck, Jr., if you are reading this he said that he will send you an e-mail tomorrow. He is still processing the news, I think. Prayers are always appreciated.

    The guy's got a serious problem with his heart, and he had a glass of his favorite amber liquid, and then he switched to RC Cola. Good choice. There are 43 mg. of caffeine in a 12 oz. bottle of RC, and caffeine may not be such a good choice for his heart right now. Compared to coffee (70-80 mg/cup) 43 mg. isn't as bad, but we don't know how much RC the guy drinks, when caffeine will raise his blood pressure and may affect his risk for stroke. We're paying for his health care, so we have a right to say something about the way he treats our investment.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Buds with chuckie jr, huh?

      Oh sorry, I could care less about his health. I really think he is lying about everything.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      In the interest of accuracy, the cost of Medicare is deducted from an individual's SS check. That $$$ pays for the 'insurance' that Medicare offers.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:31 PM

    He'll be the next to die if the Feds opened fire on his wife and daughters? Suuuure. I'm betting he'd run away screaming like a toddler. Maybe his wife would turn a weapon on HIM if he actually tried to implement his little plan? He's truly a special kind of sick.

    BTW, I was wondering who footed the bill for the militias' immediate swarm to Nevada. Doesn't Sheldon Adelson live there? IMO, the TP would just LOVE some manufactured 24/7 chaos right before the mid terms...doesn't matter who dies for it, unfortunately.

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Is Cliven Bundy related to Ted Bundy?

    1. lizbeth8:11 PM

      No, but he is related to John Huntsman, according to Abby on "the cycle"... she said yesterday that they share a great-grandfather.

    2. Boscoe9:52 PM

      He's clearly related to AL Bundy.

  13. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Are these the same RWNJ "cowboys" who blast it all over the internet that they "protect their girls? and women? and families"? And wave their assault rifles around to prove their bravado? Because "strategizing to put the women in front so they'll be shot first" doesn't sound brave to me, it sounds cowardly. So it's really about publicity for the world to sympathize and the cowards with the firepower have a reason to start a war. Putting women and children up as human shields for themselves. Holy shit!

    Is that part of the highly touted "defense training" of these militias? "Bring your assault weapons but stick your wives and children out there ... and count on the integrity of the authorities to not shoot but if they do shoot, exploit the publicity". Wow. It's about publicity except the wives and/or kids will be dead. If nothing else, it shows the men up to be cowards and in no way protective of their women. And children.

  14. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I have been following this story closely since it broke this past week and I have to say that it's one of the most disturbing events of the year thus far....armed, crazed, self-proclaimed militia converging to stand Bundy's ground for him. Incited by RWNJ media and Bundy himself this is truly frightening that these gun nuts ran to the defense of something that they are categorically opposed to which simply illustrates how easily riled and persuaded these people are to take up arms and use them. There were many who were clearly distressed that the BLM backed away from what would have been a disaster reminiscent of Waco.

    I've done extensive reading trying to locate articles that cite references to give the most accurate picture of the history of this feud and the Bundy family. There are a number of very credible sources out there that arent connected to either conservative or liberal media.

    I've never felt more concerned about the direction of the extreme right wing zealots than I have this weekend.


    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      A terrorist is a terrorist no matter the stripes...if he ended his speech with Allah Akbar (sp).... FOX news would be bombing the entire area.... cowards are always the same.

    2. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Ed and Elaine Brown of NH are another example, but they were not so extreme as Bundy. They both ended up with life in prison after losing their castle, their business and all of their assets. They owed a LOT LESS $ to the IRS than Bundy does.

  15. Anonymous6:04 PM

    If they want to play "idiots with guns" then maybe playing their game their way is not the way to go. They want to play martyr. The way to win that game is not to play it at all. Let the bastard find out what happens when he goes to try to sell these illegally grazed cattle now. You do have to wonder how many illegal cattle has this guy sold while they were playing footsie with him in the last 16 years and why it took this long.

    1. Get the IRS involved. They can put a lien on the cattle and his property until the bill is paid. They can cease his assets.

      I'd also put BLM or even National Guard along the perimeter of that land with orders to shoot any cow that crosses the line. Let Bundy haul it off and try to sell the meat to pay the bill. He won't be able to because the cow wasn't processed according to FDA. So he can only sell it to be rendered at a big loss.

      There are plenty of ways to skin Bundy's ass. You only have to have a backbone and balls.

    2. Anonymous4:02 AM

      Bundy's assets should have been seized fifteen years ago. How many ordinary people could get away with not paying taxes for that kind of time period and not end up losing everything? I think that the federal government has been extraordinarily gentle with this jerk. And I bet he's not too kind to his cattle either!

    3. Anonymous5:47 AM

      @8:38 - Who does he owe the $1.2 MILLION to???

    4. Anonymous7:23 AM

      It's "seize" his assets.

  16. These people are disgusting cowards, who are too stupid to realize that they are just pawns of the Koch brothers, Sean (I'll be water-boarded for the troops) Hannity, Limbaugh, and the like. You will never see those fat-cats stand on the front lines of anything.

  17. As a woman, if I had seen that on TV news--just women out front getting shot and killed--I would not be mad at the Feds! I would say these assholes are a bunch of yellow belly, chicken livers! And then I'd hope that they were next! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Chickens!!

  18. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

    And I thought chivalry was dead. Just like the Titanic, Women and Children First,
    Excuse me while I loosen my corset and take to the fainting couch.

    Note to Richard Mack - sleep with one eye open and hire a food taster, better to be safe than sorry!

  19. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Why doesn't this Mack just ASK his wife for a divorce and save her the danger of being put on the front lines.

    Who are these people?

    1. Sheriff Beldar J Conehead, Attorney at Law, ret.7:11 PM

      Exactly. Sounds like strategery concocted by a clever matrimonial lawyer. Or a man with more wives/girlfriends than peckers who needs to cull the herd, so to speak.

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Strategery is my favorite word, Sheriff, and they suck at it.

  20. I am a woman, and if I saw ALL women out front getting shot, I wouldn't be mad at the Feds! I would be mad that the assholes of yellow bellied, chicken shits that put them out front! And then I would hope they would be mowed down next!!! What a bunch of chicken shits, starting with the sheriff!!! That's the only thing everyone around the world will see--that the chicken shit men are hiding behind the women!!! They will look desperate, stupid, and like a bunch of chickens!!! I just can't say this enough!!

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      As a woman I would think that if they were stupid enough to stand in front and start a gun fight then they would be too stupid to live anyway.

    2. I have to agree with you too! If my husband said something like this to me, I'd head to the divorce court! He's no man. He's a yellow bellied, chicken shit!

  21. Anonymous6:20 PM

    “It was a tactical plot that I was trying to get them to use,” Mack said. “If they’re going to start killing people, I’m sorry, but to show the world how ruthless these people are, women needed to be the first ones shot.”

    I am speechless... no... just let me ask this... who are these stupid women that would have voluntarily stood with their daughters in front of these armed pussys to be a HUMAN SHIELD over some grazing cows?!!! There is something disturbingly wrong with this man if he thinks he can order his wife and daughter to sacrifice THEIR life to prove HIS convictions. And if they are willing to do so then they are even more disturbed.


    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Mack is a fundamentalist Mormon. His wife and children problem think their after-life status depends on being obedient.

    2. Boscoe7:37 PM

      The sick thing is look at what he said! He thinks putting his wife and daughter in the line of fire shows how ruthless THE FEDS are!

      Textbook sociopath!

  22. Anonymous6:23 PM

    He says this as if he's proud of his strategy.

    1. Boscoe7:19 PM

      OF COURSE! What could possibly prove you're totally committed to the freedumbz more than being willing to shove your daughter into the line of fire and let her take a bullet or ten as a publicity stunt??

  23. Anonymous6:24 PM

    This was federal land before Nevada even became a state and federal land long before this moocher's family settled in the area.

    Rangers get a sweet deal being able to graze their cattle on government land. They pay relatively little for the privilege. But this guy wants to pay nothing.

    Do you think he's someone who complains about government handouts?

    1. Boscoe7:16 PM

      You KNOW he is. That's the moral of this story, Teabaggers are all outraged against the moochers, unless they looks like a cowboy, then it's all about FREEDUMBZ!

      What I love is the truth that I keep hearing people point out that if Bundy were black, their reaction would be totally different.

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      And it's OUR land, the American people's. They are cheating us and think it's ok. How dare they speak on the radio and TV and defend their actions? If this were anyone but a white cowboy cheating us out of our tax money, you can bet we'd hear about it 24/7 from fox and cohorts.

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      But that welfare and food stamps nonsense is different. Those people don't deserve to get any help from the government because they...well, they just DON'T.

      He's got a God-given right to graze his cattle on government land for free and then make a profit by selling animals that were raised on land that belongs to taxpayers. Because he says so and because he's got a gun.

      And he doesn't have to follow any of those stupid laws from Washington because he's a sovereign citizen and not a citizen of the US. Except when he need the roads. Or electricity. Or clean running water. Or safe food from the grocery store. Or clothing. Or a truck. Or gas to run the truck and the other vehicles on his ranch. Or the internet. Or the phone.

      But not the rest of the time and DEFINITELY not when it comes to paying any stinkin' government fees!

    4. I guess the Mormons must have left the part out of the bible that says render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's.

    5. Anonymous5:45 AM

      The wild horses get murdered by BLM so that ranchers can graze their cattle and sheep. Stop the ranching altogether..... Let the horses live free.

      The grazing fee goes back to the states. Therefore this 'farmer' is robbing his state. He's lucky he only owes $1.2million for TEN YEARS of unpaid taxes. How much profit has he made those years? I would be willing to be it's more than a MILLION per YEAR.

  24. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The ranchers who do pay their grazing fees aren't too impressed with this buttmunch.


    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      No they aren't. The Nevada Cattlemen's Association isnt too keen on Bundy and his behavior.



  25. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I hope the Feds seize his financial assets. That would show this jerk.
    M from MD

  26. Ri-i-i-i-ght...............no war on women by the GOP.......move along now, nothing more to see here.

  27. Boscoe7:33 PM

    This guy is clearly a sociopath with no sense of reality at all.

    I mean think about it, this guy actually believes being willing to watch his family die while he dutifully yells "Noooooooo you bastards!" in the background, makes him some kind of noble super patriot! How out of touch with sanity do you have to be to think that would even work?

    WHile it's true you and I might be angry with the feds for gunning down the women and children, I'm pretty sure we'd be far MORE angry and disgusted with the stupid assholes who put them out front in the first place. Anyone with a functioning conscience and moral compass would.

    Any non-psychotic person would be getting gunned down first while trying to shield his loved ones, not pushing them out to their deaths just for a publicity stunt.

    Seriously, this guy's brain needs to be donated to science so they can dissect it and figure out how to keep any more of him from ever getting born.

  28. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Remember when all the conservatives went apeshit over the report from Homeland Security warning of the growing threat from right wing extremists?

    How dare that evil Janet Napolitano accuse good, hard-working, patriotic American citizens of being a potential terrorist threat against our country! It's all those foreigners who refuse to follow our laws, don't pay taxes, and treat women and children like property.

    That kind of thing would NEVER be done by Americ...

    Oh. Never mind.

  29. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I suggest we send in the "well regulated militia" the second amendment refers to and show them the meaning of the entire second amendment.These clowns do not stand a chance against the U.S. military.

  30. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The federal government just needs to sell permits for people to hunt "wild" cattle on BLM land. Belive me, he would start making arrangements to pay immediately if the feds did that. I doubt his neighbors would be worrying about him and his hissy fit since they would be out hunting "wild cattle".

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Excellent idea and made even easier by the fact that he hasnt bothered to brand some of his cattle.


  31. Women and children first…for the front lines. They lied about the land saying they owned it since the late 1800s and made it sound like the government had taken it from them for an energy company. It’s the BLM who ruins people’s land for oil and gas so that was easy to believe. I started to be on their side and then got more information. They tried to make it look like Senator Reid was a part of it which I could believe considering what I know about one of his associates. In the end the story was a patched together steaming pile of cowshit. Each component of the story was a lie. They nearly started a blood bath. This is about a man who thinks he can do as he pleases with land that belongs to the people of the United States. Cliven Bundy must be a libertarian.

  32. I'm thinking of that little Cuban kid, years ago, in Miami I think, who was supposedly under his father's custody in Cuba, and his mother got him to the U.S. The Cuban government requested that the kid be sent back to his father. Legally, they were in the right. And the house was raided, the child was grabbed, and taken care of and shipped back to his father. The feds even had a child psychologist there during the raid to help keep the kid from being too traumatized.

    Seriously, there has to be such a thing as tranquilizer guns for humans. Knock them out, drag them aside, make sure they're not dying, and staple a tag to their ears... and then release them back into the wild... except for the one who needs arresting.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Well stated. Thanks!

    2. Besides stapling a tag to their ears, we need to brand them too "Chicken Shit".

  33. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Does the irony of it sink in......they want the government go away...then they call 911.........MORANS all of them, pay yur fekkin rent or get out.

  34. The IRS needs to seize his assets until the $1.2 million is paid.

    The BLM needs to stake out the border of the grazing land and shoot any of Bundy's cattle that cross the line. Let him drag the carcasses off and try to sell them for meat.

  35. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I know somebody who's no getting any - for about the next 90 years.

    1. Anonymous11:16 PM

      oh well, he probably hasn't been able to get it up for the last ten

  36. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Sheriff Mack is an NRA darling who roams the country speaking to TeaParty and gun nuts. I'd never heard of him before today but he's got quite a reputation. He's also a devotee of W. Cleon Skousen as is Glenn Beck and Sen. Ted Cruz. About a year ago, he moved to Fredericksburg, TX.


  37. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Love these "patriots" whose ancestors moved onto Native American's homelands, killing most who didn't hand over their lands peacefully. I'd bet too, they supported the "Feds" efforts over the next hundred years to keep the Native Americans in check, making sure they didn't wander off the reservation.

    The shoe is on the other foot now, eh patriots?

  38. Anonymous4:08 AM

    "Bundy does not recognize federal authority over land where his ancestors first settled in the 1880s..." Well, MY fucking ancestors settled in what is now the Boroughs of Brooklyn Queens, owned thousands upon thousands of acres of prosperous farmland, had streets and towns named after them (Smith Street, Smithtown, etc,) I so propose to go over there with my six-shooter and claim sovereignty. And back taxes.

    Its been said before, but I'll say it again - these shitwads wouldn't be so bold & abusive if Barack Obama was not president.

  39. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Oh those brave men with their big guns, hiding behind women skirts!

  40. Anonymous10:59 AM

    "I regret that I have but one wife to give to my country."
    "Give liberty or give me my wife's death!"
    Such gallant and patriotic utterances.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.