Saturday, April 26, 2014

Palin attends Republican fundraising dinner in Alabama. The main course? The hand that once fed her.

Courtesy of  

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin offered plenty of red-meat attacks on President Barack Obama during an appearance at the Baldwin County Republican Party’s annual fundraising dinner Friday, but she did not spare her own party. 

Palin, who rocketed to political stardom after presidential candidate John McCain tapped her as his running mate in 2008, expressed nearly as much exasperation with the GOP establishment as she did with Democrats. 

She referenced her own upbringing in an Alaskan hunting family in declaring that she would fight politicians that conservatives deride as “Republicans in Name Only” during intra-party squabbles. 

“I’m not afraid at all to go on a little RINO hunt,” she said.

You ever meet somebody who is constantly complaining about how  crappy their life is, but when you hear them talking about it right away you recognize that everything bad that happens to them is a self inflicted wound?

That's what the Republican party has become.

They are the girl that hooks up with a guy, forgets to use birth control, and then complains that she got knocked up and the guy up and disappeared.

Or the guy that gets pulled over while driving home after drinking shots all night, because he "doesn't live very far from here."

Or the national political party that thinks they can rile up the most fringe part of their base in order to win elections, without that fringe suddenly turning on them and trying to replace them with lunatics just like them. Oh wait, that's EXACTLY like the Republican party.

And these local idiots continue to be unaware that they are dealing with the devil who is working toward their destruction.

Case in point:

Turning serious, Palin questioned the commitment of some Republicans to repealing the Affordable Care Act, Obama’s signature legislative achievement. 

“They’re giving a lot of lip service to it, but it’s not happening,” she said. 

The reason, Palin suggested, is that some Republicans have concluded they are better off raising campaign contributions off of the issue and leaving the law alone. She said too few Republicans in Congress supported efforts by Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Mike Lee, R-Utah, to shut down the federal government in order to force the defunding of the health reform law. 

“They left some of our guys out there alone,” she said. “Worse than that, they joined the lapdog media” in condemning Lee and Cruz. 

Palin urged Republicans to “send reinforcements” to help tea party Republicans in Congress. She paraphrased a famous Obama quote in crediting the tea party for engineering the Republican takeover of the House in 2010. 

“Republican establishment, you didn’t build that – the tea party did that,” she said.

One has to wonder if ever, in their wildest dreams, the McCain campaign could have realized that their ignorant little VP choice from the wilds of Wasilla, would someday help to found a movement that would elect subversive representatives, who would attack the party from within, while working to usher in the demise of its national relevancy?

You know, somehow I doubt it.

You know in the book Victor Von Frankenstein chased his monster all the way to the frozen north in an attempt to destroy it. In the end the pursuit took his life instead.

 Perhaps the Republican party will be more successful.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The fct of the matter is the racist BT (bible thumping) Teabaggers were too old and lazy to start their own political party, so they took over the Republican party. Guess what assholes, you drove the GOP into the ground! Now live with it!

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Bingo. The cannibals have taken over, and soon, will start devouring themselves like the self-deluded modern-day Donner party that it is.

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Sarah's hairstylist for the Alabama Redneck Riviera shindig --- or Nebraska or wherever the hell Sarah's been while skipping out on her special needs child and the rest of her "young family"---must be one of them thar "intelligent" Arizona Hair Skool gradyeates, like hard workin Waller and Beefy, who also too now has her one a them certificates so she put on finger polish and use a nail clipper, also, too.

      That lady is now a local celebrity, and was quoted in the newspaper saying, "Um, Sarah. Um, she's real nice. Um, Sarah said that steaks is a big thang up ere in Alaska. Cuz they eat a bunch of caribou up ere."

      Sounds like she qualifies for some tax credits now, free grazing on gubment land for her cows or her fat daughters if she got any. Oh, and a coupla REE-allitty shows like Serra.

    3. 12:19

      Strange, they hijacked the tea party's name also. It was ron paul's party for years before rove (?) stole it.

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    She's the Franken-stain of the North.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Sarah is the Rotting Corpse that's killing all the crabs in the live well on the boat. It's going to be a long, hot summer for the unlucky hucksters who will have to campaign alongside the $tanky $kank®. Reckon she's going to wear those same crusty black jeans all summer, or will she eventually wear the dry-rotted blue running shorts that she's worn the past nine years?

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Looks like she is dressed for a hoedown after her speech. Or would that be a "ho down"??

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Does anyone else remember the old Tom Jones' hit "Daughter of Darkness"? This SP pic is the epitome of it.

    4. Anonymous7:45 PM

      3:45 You can kick dirt in Sarah's face but you can't keep that ho down. She's like a greased pig. Except she don't care as much about her hygiene. And she covers up her herpes blisters with lipstick.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    It is pretty obvious to me that McCain selected Palin as his VP because the religious right forced his hand. Palin was picked by them because they knew she was dumb as a doorknob and would be more than happy to spread all their lies and support their social causes for dollars. McCain was down in the polls so he figured it was his only chance to win and even though Palin didn't "smell so good" it was worth a shot to try to nab the women's vote. Of course, the GOP thought that all the women folks will vote the way their husbands or fathers tell them to since the gals just can't wrap their little heads around politics and stuff like that since it is tough man's work. Palin is too stupid to know that the people she is working for this time are only using her but she is a true whore who will do or say anything for money. Well, Sarah, if the boys you're helping out now get their way, you will be treated like an old hooker and lose any freedom that you think you have.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Morris interviewed Palin in Juneau and he was the force behind her being picked as McCain's running mate. They didn't vet her and had no clue how inept she actually was...they learned it as time went along (in the campaign) and could not believe what a problem they had! Read the book "Game Change" (authors - John Heilemann and Mark Halperin) as it outlines the facts about the losing campaign.

      Plus, read the following books that will further enable you to learn more about her:

      "The Rogue - Searching for the Real Sarah Palin - by Joe McGinniss;

      "The Lies of Sarah Palin" (the untold story behind her relentless quest for power) - by Geoffrey Dunn;

      "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - a memoir of our tumultuous years - by Frank Bailey with Ken Morris and Jeane Devon. This last book noted - Frank Bailey (one of the authors) actually worked w/Palin on her 2005 campaign and then was picked to serve in her administration. Bailey found her to be all the things we have learned about her throughout the recent years: paranoid, unpredictable and emotionally fragile. Plus, he noted her being very self-serving and provided proof of things she had done before abruptly quitting the office of Governor of Alaska. (about mid way through her term).

      People need to know about this woman in detail. She is a fraud and liar!

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM


      Of course she is a fraud and a liar, but she is a useful fraud and liar. The establishment GOP would take her down in a heartbeat if she wasn't helping them in some way.

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Nope. They picked Palin because they think with their dicks,like all misogynists do, and they are so solipsistic they think everyone else is just like them.

      They thought the likely opponent was going to be Hillary for POTUS or VP. So being the dirty old men they are, most having traded in older women for young trophy wives they bought themselves a younger female candidate that was the most attractive and still fertile repug they could find. Sorta like when your football team is losing, and ticket sales are down, bring on the cheerleaders in ever shorter skirts.

      Now that Palin is so obviously past her any attractiveness at all prime, they've lost interest. She's not any sort of threat, just a Phyllis Schlafly wannabe without any of the even minor bonafides. .

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Gee, I'd hate to see what Sarah looks like these days in a pair of shorty-shorts. Her lady parts would be sagging out the side of the crotch like nobody's business, and every time she takes a step, glazed icing would be flaking all on her patriot ho-heels, like RAM trying to eat three of them glazed honey buns in two bites. I'm talking about her gettin shit everwhere. Sarah's nasty. Ask Junior Chuckie and see if he don't know that already. Cuz he grew up tappin that skank. Gross to even think about so I won't.

    5. Anonymous8:23 PM

      well said, 4:27

    6. Anonymous9:57 PM

      She knows exactly what she's doing. She doesn't want ANY office again, just the money and noteriety, and to usher in the second coming. It's not your call, smug bitch.

    7. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Anon@130p, it clearly suits some purposes, keeping the Queen of the Crazies in the public eye. But I think she's been a millstone around the necks of the mainstream GOP for years now, even before Palin and the rest of the Tea Party kooks cost them control of the Senate in 2010. Problem is, they desperately need to keep the nutcase fringe from bolting from the GOP altogether. I mean, being the party of rich or dumb white people is hard enough as it is; restrict it to rich or dumb but sane white people, and, man, you won't hardly see a Republican dog-catcher elected. Not to mention, bringing her down politically would mean some pretty hefty exposure within their own ranks, also too. I've long thought the game might be to bring her down once and for all, keeping that drug pipeline of hers open and flowing: let her shine on through the ages as a martyr.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I want to smack that smug look right off her skanky face. Gads, she brings out the 'wanting to smack her' part of me, every damn time.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Me too - except I'd personally love to knock her block off and/or pull the wig from her head! Truthfully, would love embarrassing the Hell out of her and that would take some doing, I'm sure!

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    What I find interesting is that she admits Republicans Ted Cruz and the Perry guy shut down the US government even through when asked, they personally deny doing so.

    John McCain - and the Republican party (Morris, etc.) - are responsible for bringing this evil bitch to the forefront.

    I again encourage everyone to get voters out in the upcoming elections and put the Tea Party gang and members of the Republican party out of office where possible.

    They are a horrible bunch - racists - members of the KKK and could care less about the very poor and middle class throughout the country.

    I hope they have guards around them because I think this is all going to get confrontational and ugly! They want a revolution and just might get it forgetting they will pay too! Idiots!

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    And you will see who is NOT on this list of important people. Hint: Check around age 50 and they are no where to be seen. But then there's 52, and that just chaps her ass, bigtime, doesn't it? LOL. She will never have him and it makes her furious. And of COURSE Hillary shows up.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Her ego is not going to be able to handle this! Cracks me up! She is totally irrelevant to the majority of Americans! Thank God!

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    So, IOW, $he admits that Cruz and the rest of the RePukes was to blame for the government shutdown...

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Everybody knows Cruz et al cost taxpayers 23 BILLION with his shutdown. Sarah must have had to take a cut in pay if she knows about it.... That's the only thing she understands...$$$$$$$$$$.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Hmmmmm you know, it mightbeinteresting to uh, point that out to Cruelz in sycophantic letter: "gee Mr. Cruz, wanted to thank you for shutting down the government- Sarah Palin pointed out how that was your and Mr.Lee's plan and you got left high and dry by those no good RiNO's.....

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I really hate that woman more every day. With that ugly black dress and her smug expressions she look more and more like some satanic creature. Begone Satan.

  9. Anonymous12:41 PM

    This guy sounds like he'll be Sarah's next endorsement.

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    “Republican establishment, you didn’t build that – the tea party did that,” she said.

    What the fuck?!?

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      The tea party at root IS what is right. Though id say, take out the fringe left AND right (few insane tea partiers and people like gryphon) and you have a good party combo

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      1:35.. Huh??? Your comment makes no sense. Maybe if you slowed done and wrote in complete, grammatically correct sentences, we would know what you are saying!

      The tea party is right?? Really? In what way? This country has never followed tea party principles, even during our most successful time periods. There is no proof that the tea party is correct about anything. Most of the members do not understand basic economic principles. Nor do they understand government. If the country was under total tea party rule, it would completely fall apart.

      What proof do you have that the tea party is right. Any?? You have no proof because it does not exist. Name ONE successful country on this planet that followers tea party principles?? You can't, because it doesn't exist. You are fighting for a completely idealistic, unproven system!

    3. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Shut the fuck up, 1:35. Sarah Palin IS the fringe.

    4. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Uh, no. $carah is the dried shit on the knot on the end of the fringe that got dunked in the toilet when the GOP had to relive itself after the drunk fest. Slept in, thrown in the back of the closet and never cleaned off.

    5. 1:36 What is the "fringe left?" Describe their function. Also there isn't a "fringe right," they are all right. One can't distinguish one from the other.

      All of them are fake christian, gun-toting, USA destroying, ignorant, stupid, racist, lying clowns. (they also hold the record for pervs, pedophiles, bomb makers, mass killings cowards -- animals or people -- for fun or for profit, homophobes, wasteful, cheaters, bullies etc.)

  11. Anonymous1:02 PM

    12:39 Another thought - be gone the devil incarnate! Hell awaits the evil woman!

  12. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Who dresses Sarah Palin and where do they get those clothes? And those wigs and shoes? I know that the GOP dressed Palin beautifully during the 2008 campaign. They showed how she would look if elected.\

    I guess that Sarah is dressing for the job that she wants now-- trash talking former governor former candidate who will never run for public office, living off of PAC contributions made by the suckers who fall for her ruffled lace with combat boot-heels or those skin tight jeans with the special white stitching in front to show how tough Sarah is. And that belt, that glitzy belt. Whew, I'm even sounding like her now.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      You CAN polish a turd, but when left to it's own devices, it's still, in essence, a turd.

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      4:16 pm

      You can spray it with shellac and it makes moose turds hard and shiny. Then you get a can of gold paint and spray it and then stick in a little metal hook and you can sell them to baggers as Moose Turd Gold Nuggets Christmas Tree Ornaments from Sarah's Former Home State®. That way the baggers can help win the war on Christmas and then they'll have some party snacks for when they have their cousins over for a sex party and to watch Nascar and Rasslin on the teevee machine.

      Hey, I'm kiddin about eating the Gold Moose Turn Nuggets. They'll break the baggers' teeth like corn nuts, and then they'll be suing me, so seriously nutters, don't eat that shit unless it's fresh on the ground. Just keep the gold nuggets on yer Holiday Tree cuz they're look real perty. Sorry, meant Christmas tree, so don't freak out and start shootin in the house.

  13. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Sarah Palin seems to react to her critics by dressing, eating and acting the opposite to their criticisms. She probably reads here and elsewhere about her hygiene, dress and comportment in social settings. She rebels, which is in her nature. She'll rebel so wildly, even if it turns heads and more criticism. This is probably why she wears hooker sandals and above-knee skirts and jeans and fake-filled t-shirts. It's in complete rebellion to social norms.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      In watching the Joan and Melissa Rivers segment (which they are replaying on TV currently!) with Bristol and Willow Palin, we viewed how automatically defiant, defensive and reactive both were. They have learned it from their Mother!

      These are things they will have to change as to their personalities or their lives will continue being a total mess as they move through it.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Because it makes me personally very sad when lazy, stupid people act stupid just to spite others by embarrassing themselves.

    3. Anonymous9:43 PM

      8:15 PM You have one foot in the insane asylum and the other on a banana peel. You have lost it.

    4. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Well, you try having lots of lies spread about you, and being attack mercilessly for no reason, WAY before you CHOSE to enter the limelight. You'd crack. I guarantee it. These girls are classy and strong.

    5. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Bristol and Willow are far more mature than every hate troll on every blog. They don't sit around writing mean things for fun, they remained quiet for a long time while people spread lies about them, and certain boy was led into a vortex to fabricate their lives.

    6. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Thanks to Gryphen, an entire mythology of lies has been created concerning Sarah's kids. He will rot for it. It's disgusting really. But blogs are not truth.

    7. Anonymous6:06 AM

      3:06 "they don't sit around writng mean things"? REALLY? So all the bile Brancy spews for Bristles is bought and paid for, right? They showed their true selves in the numerous "reality" shows, they are mean, lazy and slutty. Next you will try telling us that Bristles has given birth only once, when we have seen her big belly on DWTS, and also with Junker. She can hold her big son in front of her growing belly all she wants to, we are not stupid. Down in the lower 48, we are not as easily fooled as the Alaskans were with this family. Tell us (again) how Bristles works at the doctor;'s office, while spending most of her time in Ariz. We are not as dumb as the Palin family, we see through the lies.

    8. Anonymous6:12 AM

      @Anonymous3:06 AM

      Welcome to Obama's world, FUCKNUT. You don't like it, FUCK OFF.

    9. Anonymous6:29 AM

      actually that was supposed to be @anon 3:05 but it's the same idiot anyway .

    10. Anonymous7:25 AM

      4:19 PM

      Both girls fake their schooling and jobs. Neither can seem to hold down actual work. They, too, need fake publicity writers to appear normal and productive.

      Bristol and Willow's failures are their doing, with the help of Palin brand people. The brand's trolls can never show back up to their claims and they can't prove the fake and manufactured stories. The harder they try, the worse the Palin brand looks. Trolls are just more Palin failure. They are doing a bad job and should be fired or dispossessed.

      The last job Bristol had that maybe she got on her own was as a Barista. Willow? Nothing. What would they do without Mommie Dearest?

  14. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Sarah's always been against RINOS. ESP in Alaska, where they roam like wholes and play dirty. You know the biggest whole of all, someone not respected by respectable people (she's a consummate trash talker (LG)

    It's funny. Her aide from 08 is still a good friend. He didn't lie about her for selfish reasons post-election. He actually knows truth.

    Sarah would never betray McCain, a good man and leader who actually TAKES chances, unlike the President who's a puppet. HOW can you deny that now?

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      1:34 PM Obama is the best thing that could have happened to this country after two disastrous terms of Dubya. He has put up with more shit and trash talking from Palin and the other teaparty fools than anyone should have to deal with. The GOP has been lying and trying to obstruct everything he tries to do to save this country from assholes like Palin, Cruz, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, etc. Palin is only for herself and she will do anything for dollars in her pocket.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      blow off


    3. "roam like wholes "

      You demented loon.

      "...unlike the President who's a puppet. HOW can you deny that now?"

      Easily. We are literate, educated, and intelligent. Unlike a drunken moron like you. You should be embarrassed to say such stupid, easily disprovable things.

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Jesus H. Christ, are you high or what? Who are these "wholes" you speak of? nitwit....

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      You really are such an idiot.

    6. Anonymous2:18 PM

      When your "r" key is broken you just replace it with an "l"


    7. Anonymous2:28 PM

      chuck_tard jr, ya fat fuk inbred,

      inebriated so early in the day ?

      havin' a hard time keepin' your new young bride inline ?

      your ex rightfully flippin' ya an excess amount-0-shit ?

      it'd suk to be you, eh

    8. Anonymous3:46 PM


    9. Anonymous4:02 PM

      McCain takes chances all right. Keating 5.... Songbird traitor in Vietnam and stupid as all get out.

    10. Anonymous9:41 PM

      1:34 PM Do you also like FLIED LICE? You have your 2-toned Palin Dildo in one hand and an alcoholic drink in the other. You are funnier than Comedy Central without trying.

    11. Anonymous4:00 AM

      Jesus Christ you are such a fucktard!

      How are you able to read the constant stream of shit you post on this blog day and night and not be embarrassed? You are borderline retarded and a psychopath just like your heroes the Palins. You shit all over practically EVERY thread on this blog in a pathetic attempt to convince us that the Palins are perfect and we need to stop talking about all the things we KNOW they are capable of as well as guilty of. While at the same time bragging about how tough and strong they are and they just laugh at the haters. Well if they are so tough why do you need to defend their sorry asses and talk shit on every left-leaning blog in existence. And yet you attempt to lecture US, people who love this blog but aren't able to spend all day typing the same tired-ass trifling bullshit OVER AND OVER AND OVER, on having lives. How does it feel to be such a pathetic piece of shit that you have to pretend the Palins are friends with you and that you are involved in their personal lives, because no one on the planet gives a FUCK about you.

      How does it feel to have no love in your pathetic life whatsoever? No husband, no children, no friends, no hobbies, just sitting on IM all day trying to convince people who are FAR more intelligent than you or any Palin (But then like I've said before, my 12 - year-old has 50 IQ points on that ignorant bitch Sarah, and he would make a better leader), that your psychotic "happy shiny Palins" delusion is real. You are a sick and pathetic person and you definitely do need help. Don't waste your whole life trying to defend that bunch of cretins because they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, sweetie.

      On to another point - So... the first black President..the man who took out the most wanted terrorist on earth after years of him being at large, and taking out nearly 30 top Al Quaeda leaders, doesn't take chances? The man who has given us healthcare after 70 years of this country fighting for it and getting left in the dust by other industrialized nations? The man who ran two historic grass-roots campaigns, one while governing this nation to the best of his ability in the midst of crisis after crisis? All the while with traitorous vermin like Sarah attacking and sneering and insulting and slandering him at every opportunity.

      What the fuck has Sarah done that makes her more courageous than our President? She didn't even have the balls to finish her fucking job and yet she runs around the country criticizing people who "don't keep their promises" to their constituents? She tries to dispense unwanted advice about how to win elections yet she is such a cowardly, hateful turd she will NEVER have the balls or the intelligence to even know how to begin a ground campaign for any office, nor does she understand what any high office requires and what her job functions would be. The bitch that lectures the President on the Constitution when it's obvious the numb cunt has never even read it? She's a pathetic shit-stain and you IDOLIZE her...I'd feel terrible for you but you're such an annoying asshole I'm afraid I can't manage. Bless your retarded little heart.

    12. Anonymous5:01 AM

      Sorry for the essay lol got a little carried away, MAN the troll is annoying as hell.

    13. Very well said and spot on! You definitely have her downn pat @4:00! Love it!

    14. Very well said and spot on @4:00! You've got her down pat! Love it!

    15. Anonymous6:13 AM

      The troll is probably trying to keep the paychecks coming in by spewing the ridiculous rants about that family. We all know about Bristles numerous pregnancies, about Willing's vandalism and pregnancy. So many grandkids, still no son-in-laws. So sad.

    16. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Thank you loretta :) She makes me so mad I want to choke her out sometimes!

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I can't tell whether she is a corpse, or the mortician that embalmed it.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      At least she's dressed in black.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I do like her ruffled lace top. It reminds me the kind of clothes that Tammy Faye Baker or Dolly Parton used to wear, back in the 1980's, playing to a rural crowd.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      So true about the ruffled top - lol

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      The see-thru black top with the white shoulder pads showing! Gag

    5. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Yee Haw! Let's get to the hoedown, y'all.

    6. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Does she,still have those same,jeans on, with the gaudy belt buckle?

    7. Anonymous6:58 PM

      "Daughter of Darkness
      Stay out of my life, my life..."

  16. “Worse than that, they joined the lapdog media”
    “Worse than that, they joined the lapdog media”

    Wow. Talk about lack of self-awareness... What a miserable waste of saggy, rapidly aging skin.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Even her skin can't stand her and keeps trying to get away.

  17. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I think she got real angry at the joke he made about her on late night TV, something about choosing her because he knew that would give Tina Fey some work. Thus her scorching of him, everything but actually mentioning his name.

  18. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Sarah who?

  19. Anonymous1:56 PM

    She is just one big "FART" isn't she.

  20. Anonymous2:10 PM

    If the establishment Republicans won't go full bore to take her down then their party deserves exactly what it has coming to it as the fucking fringe takes over. There are those in the halls of power, Rove, McCain, McCain's advisors and many others that could spill all of her secrets tomorrow and use full force to discredit her forever and ever, but for some reason they don't.

    If they continue to let her run wild then their beloved party WILL become the TeaParty and the GOP will be laid to rest. I assume even the GOP power players find the TeaParty/Koch Brothers policies to be more economically favorable to their bottom line, thus they keep their mouths shut. Less regulation, less government oversight, lower educational standards, lower wages and more religion in government can only be beneficial to business, and after all, these guys are only in it for themselves and their shareholders. I don't begrudge investors a high yield on their stock purchases, but even I feel a little dirty these days knowing that my economic windfall is often due to the suffering of others and brought to fruition by the unscrupulous actions of immoral CEOs and and the politicians that they have bought.

  21. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Imagine if Sen. McCain admitted that choosing Palin was a gamble and, most importantly, that she lied to the campaign vetting team. Schmidt already acknowledged the limited and failed vetting process. I think McCain could finish her off quickly and easily. And, no, she doesn't have anything on him that would stick and cause him political or personal damage.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      How do you know? Legend has it that he and his cronies partied with Todd's hookers before Sarah was the chosen one.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      That is the ONLY way John McCain can redeem himself for having brought her to the national spotlight.

      Then he could be resolved of his wrong doing, and that of his team, that approved bringing her to the campaign.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Old Johnny Boy, Sarah sure did turn on you, in a very deliberate and public way. You brought this Loose Canon on board the Ship of State and SHAME on you! Her newest BFF is Eduardo Cruz and Mike Lee, the worst of the worst self-serving Senators. When, when will you stand your ground against Sarah's pot shots at you?

      McCain is too senile to run for the Senate again so who cares if he pisses off the Tea Baggers? He could just remove that dead albatross around his neck and come clean with his conscience, the GOP, and his country.

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Sorry 5:20. Johnny Mac has no conscience.

    5. Anonymous8:30 PM

      You are correct - I retract the part about conscience.

    6. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Little Johnny Mac has no scruples, no respect from others. He has his medical and military records sealed for very good reasons. He is a JOKE.

  22. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Cut and curl her hair and she looks exactly like her mother.

    Normally, that would be a natural progression, simply part of getting older. But Sarah must be traumatized by the fact that she's eligible for AARP, her children are dead weights on her ambition, her husband is a numbskull, and there are fewer and fewer bots who find her circus act entertaining.

    She's not perky and cute any longer; she's like the woman at the end of the bar at closing time, hoping the dim light will fool a drunken cowboy or two. She never was smart; now she can't use her moderately attractive face to attract a crowd. The paying customers are moving on to the next tent.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      She'll fit right in as the old hooker in the corner of the bar. She's lived that life for ages. Has a barstool named after her already.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      What is the name of bar in Wasilla or Palmer that she hung out at...did drugs and boozed it up - where the barstool is named after her? I've been there, but it was years ago and now cannot remember the name.
      Wonder if they get much business today in that she is the kiss of death to everything she touches?

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM


      back in the crosseyed skank's all-nighter heyday, the bar in Wasilla with skank's very own personnel barstool was then known as Hoopies Roadhouse now known as the Mugshot Saloon

  23. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Their monster must be trying to start the Kochlican party by destroying the Republican party. The Republican party of yesteryear would be distraught over the turn of events. Palin makes them all look stupid, she is a rabid, foaming at the mouth behemoth. They created the monster, they must deal wiht it.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I hope she keeps it up. She will be swimming with the fishes...I'm sure the bigwigs are not pleased.

    2. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Maybe there is a method to her madness. If the gop took up a collection and paid her a few million $$$$ she would go away??

  24. Anonymous3:23 PM

    So little old Sarah Palin is declaring war on RINO's by strapping on a fake pair of tits and getting the 65 to 90 year old Fox news viewership to take their Medicare induced erections and ride their Hoverounds behind her. How fucking ridiculous is that! LOL!

  25. Anonymous4:18 PM

    what irony - the bitch, $toopid $carah - whose entire family is on "government" health insurance, rails against government ensured access to health care for others.

    She's made this personal now. She is attacking my family's health and well-being - for many families, particularly those with special needs children, the very survival of the individuals of that family. Should I ever have the opportunity assist karma in giving her what she deserves, within the bounds of legality, I won't turn it down.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      She is going to get hers and I bet it isn't going to be pleasant. Can hardly wait to watch as she will deserve every nasty thing coming her way. She's been so evil to so many throughout her life...karma will get her!

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      And people here are such nice souls? Spreading hate and lies? Hypocrite is what you are ,5:12

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      You need to actually look into how health hasn't gotten better for MANY

    4. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Why twist words? That's what a blogger's job is, which is why bloggers aren't respected.

    5. Anonymous5:10 AM

      @ Anon 3:02

      Yes, I agree. Bristol Palin is not respected at all and LOVES to twist words...probably after she had Tripp help her dumb ass read them to her. Glad you can admit it finally.

    6. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Bristles could not write a blog herself. Her mother pays Nancy French to write under Bristle's name. Quoting bible verses is not conducive to Bristle's bar hopping lifestyle, picking up guys for one night stands. She is as trampy as her mother and just as "intelligent" Name ONE idea that $carah has put forward to help this country? She has none, just as she has no ethics, scruples or decency.

    7. Anonymous6:58 AM

      @Anonymous 6:22 AM

      Oh yeah, I know it, but to the nut sack that keeps whining about how mean we are to the Palins, if Bristol's blog has her name on it and she claims to be the author, this moron will believe it because everything that comes out of a Palin's mouth (or keyboard) is absolute truth. It's everybody ELSE who lies, but never the Palins. No matter how much their stories may change THEY ARE ALL TRUE, right troll?

  26. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Seriously, what options does she have left than to go after the GOP? None of them are running to her defense, and when they do AND run for office, they're screwed.
    I'm surprised "GWG" Sarah Palin (FMR) (Facebook Mental Retread) hasn't gone after Cindiloo and other wives of GOP Candidates living high off the hog, like Princess Ann of Romney. Don't know of many Democrats' spouses that have to get a passport to count their money.
    If she has any balls at all, she'd stand beside Bundy, birds of a feather.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      I'd rather she stand in front of that one guy who uses women as a shield.

      Sarah is qualified to do that. Maybe. ..

  27. Anonymous4:32 PM

    How long before the establishment republicans tire of her bullshit and follow the architect's playbook and start leaking some incriminating info about mr. & mrs. tawd palin?

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      That's all it would take....

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Prolly 1 call to someone in the AK GOP

  28. Anonymous5:55 PM

    So Palin goes before Alabama Republicans and calls them names ?
    And they don't boo her ?
    Her reception in Oklahoma was a tad different.
    The local Oklahoma tea party does not consider the candidate Palin and Cruz were fluffing to be tea party.
    They call T.W. Shannon " a poser ".
    They feel Palin should have checked with them before endorsing Shannon.
    Sounds similar to the failed Palin endorsement of Benacquisto in Florida.
    When Palin took the stage in Oklahoma to endorse Shannon
    ( a black man ) Palin was flailing
    and screaming , quite literally and without a script.
    Flashing back to her Glen Rice days, Palin screamed out ,
    in a freudian slip , that Shannon
    was " the whole package ".
    “The Democrats accuse us of not embracing diversity?
    Oh, my goodness. He is it.
    He is the whole package ".
    The ABC hosts smirk as Palin
    goes berserk for TW Shannon's package.
    In Alabama, it was revealed that Palin's followers call themselves
    " Sarah Palin's Earthquake Movement " ala those that followed the Grateful Dead.
    " The organization, formed in 2010, filled three tables at The Wharf’s Events Center
    in Orange Beach for Palin’s speech at the Baldwin County Republican Party’s annual fundraising dinner.
    The men and women came from states far and wide."
    Only 3 tables ???
    " Organizations ( sic )
    said the group has 2,300 members hailing from all 50 states and Canada ."
    That means about 45 Palin groupies
    per state and Canada.
    As of last Tuesday night, tickets were still available for Palin's Friday night put down
    of her Alabama GOP hosts.
    Afterwards , Palin was going to sell and sign her last book.
    I wonder if those paying Palin, Cruz and
    Lee to appear ( The Three Stooges ) have figured out yet that the Three Stooges are
    using the venues for their own self promotion.
    They could care less about the local candidates and issues.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      There are two "Teaparties" one the "REAL teaparty" and the other Teabags by Kock.
      The Tea Party (Ril one) don't like the kock one.
      LOL. Bunch of Tards all of 'em, any of 'em!

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Why is she still trying to pimp her failed Christmas book? A contractual obligation? Not likely to draw a big crowd.

  29. Anonymous6:25 PM

    4 Corners Bar by Trunk Road. Across from Knick Kountry Liquor on the Palmer/Wasilla Highway.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM


    2. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Is that Sarah's new hangout since the Mugshot Saloon was exposed?

  30. Anonymous7:38 PM

    "She referenced her own upbringing in an Alaskan hunting family"
    Big deal Sarah... my dad and brothers hunt and I fish so what? I also own a gun, what does that have to do with anything? Did I mention the house we lived in as kids had an outhouse, no running water or electricity, does that make me special?
    I guess all you have is nothing more than the rest of us have done. Just another blowhard

    1. Anonymous3:00 AM

      lol You FINALLY get it. Sarah's said from day 1, no one's any better than anyone else, that all the "snobs" of the words need a laxative, that all the judgment needs a vacation.

      People should be free to live as they choose. Sarah's never not said that. Whether it be proud redneck (which you small-minded people mock sadly), or academic who stays in school forever, no one deserves ridicule.

    2. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Oh stop it! Sarah knows we don't have rivers or lakes to fish in, or guns to hunt with, or mountains, or tight-knit families, or even pickup trucks anywhere in the lower 48! Hell, Sarah doesn't even think we can see the North Star down here. That's what Santa Claus told her! They're neighbors, you know, Oh yeah, and remember, she doesn't even think we have a Fort Knox, because as she informed us, ALLLAAAASSSSKKKKAAA is America's Fort Knox! lol she's such a stupid asshole.

    3. Anonymous5:14 AM

      @Anon 3:00

      Well, Sarah's wrong, troll. Plenty of people are better than that imbecilic fucking asshole. A tapeworm has more class and intelligence than that stupid bitch.

    4. Anonymous8:30 AM

      3:00 AM 24/7 Trolling and Still the undisputed Champion Palin ASSLICKER. You Never sleep, Gryphen's Blog is too important to your SAD life.

  31. Anonymous8:15 PM

    “I’m not afraid at all to go on a little RINO hunt,”
    -Sarah Palin

    Does this mean that the village idiot of Wasilla will be placing her target crosshair on the faces of these Republicans?

    Dumb fuck Sarah needs to go back home and raise Piper and Trig

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Sarah stop trying to start violence again. Didn't you learn something from the shootout at that Tucson parking lot? You are a freaking ass hole. Stop it right now before a politician gets shot.

    2. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Uh-oh, hope we don't have a "Blood Libel 2 - The Cunt Strikes Back" sequel if she gets another person shot with her reckless incitement to violence.

  32. Anonymous8:21 PM

    That's a fine looking woman in the top picture.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      "daughter of darkness/ stay out of my life, my life"

    2. Anonymous9:25 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA it must be Troll time again.

    3. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Read Gryphen's post about unhappy people. Then look in the mirror ;)

    4. Anonymous5:15 AM

      You go read it. Then kiss my ass.

    5. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Have you recently had a serious eye injury? Did someone throw hot grits in your face for being a fucking annoying dipshit and it got in your eyes? That's the only logical reason you would think that bitch is remotely attractive.

    6. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Are you happy, troll? Happy people don't feel the need to constantly antagonize and scold others for differing opinions. You're a miserable sack of shit just like Sarah.

    7. Anonymous11:51 AM

      8:21 PM Have you smelled her body odor yet?

  33. Anonymous8:33 PM

    She said later in her address that if “I were in charge” — a line that drew applause from the crowd — “they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”
    -Sarah Palin

    Is this the same woman who is supposedly married to a pimp? If that is true, then is her husband a terrorist for supplying prostitute(s) to the United States of America's Secret Service agent(s)? Sarah would you waterboard Toad?

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      "If I were in charge."


      So, why aren't you in charge, Sarah Palin? What's stopping YOU from putting your money where your big mouth is and running for office?

      Because until and unless you do, you will never be anything more than a spitball shooter. And everyone, EVERYONE, knows it.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      No surprise that she would happily and willingly commit war crimes.

  34. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Did I mention that's a fine looking woman in the top picture?

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      You like granny nostrils?

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Did I mention you need glasses, 8:38 PM? What about the second pic? Satan's mistress!

  35. Anonymous9:15 PM

    That's easy for YOU to say, Sarah Palin. You're nothing but a useless, hypocritical nag. If you really had the courage of your convictions, you'd get off your lazy, chickenshit ass, run for national office, and try to send your own self to Washington to right all these supposed wrongs you accuse other Republicans of ignoring. But nooooooooooh. That would take EFFORT and sacrifice on your part, and you're only about mouthing off. You are a total waste of oxygen.

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Anonymous 9:15, America loves my auntie.

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Sarah Palin will run for national office when the moon hits the earth.

    3. Anonymous2:57 AM

      What pray tell, are you, Anonymous, doing with your life to support yourself?

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      The question is, 2:57, what is SARAH PALIN doing, besides accepting money for mouthing off, to effect the results she claims to hold so dear... that she rips others for failing to bring about. The answer is, not one damn fucking thing. Sarah Palin is all show and no go.

    5. Anonymous11:47 AM

      2:57 AM Are you asking yourself, ANONYMOUS? How Stupid are you? This Blog is your Life, you have nothing else. Obviously you have no one to love you, all of your time is spent kissing the Palins' asses. Wake up, they don't LIKE you.

    6. Anonymous11:49 AM

      @2:57 AM I am doing the same things that Track Palin is doing, is that alright with you? Or would you rather that I have several Bastard Babies like the Palin Girls?

  36. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Sarah Palin is nothing more than a bullshit artist.

    1. Yes she is! So the illiterate will keep sending her cash. Stupid fools!

  37. Anonymous2:03 AM

    America loves to laugh at your Fake Auntie. BWAHAHAHA.

  38. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Does anybody know how Amazing America is doing in the ratings? Has the viewers dropped?

  39. Anonymous7:29 AM

    John McCain why did you pick that retard as your running mate?

  40. Anonymous7:47 AM

    “I’m not afraid at all to go on a little RINO hunt,”

    Once again with the shooting/killing reference. She's disgusting.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      It's easy to go on a hunt from behind a podium.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      In Magical Pretend Land she's kicking ass lol

  41. The Higgly-Piggly momma's who can't make the PTA meetings are off and on romping thought fields (of their own making) of their putrid mouth sludge proclaiming Palin never was in the PTA...if they can get that far.

  42. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Many writing here could not even get elected in a PTA race,,,,that makes one think about their level of...enjoyment of civilization and maybe things have passed them by....

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      6:28 PM Your writing leaves much to be desired.

  43. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Notice that on her desperation she wears clothes that will show a peak at her boobs, and it would work for her expect for the granny expressions. I think she either lost her teeth and wears dentures or purposely had them taken out to wear veneers.
    The result is, you get the old toothless mouth she's been showing off lately. poor poor Sally, I mean Sarah.
    But at least she's wearing long sleeves to hide the sagging flappy arms.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.