Monday, April 14, 2014

Man shoots three in two Jewish related sites in Kansas, then yells "Heil Hitler" as he is taken into custody. Possibly anti-Semitic?

Courtesy of KCTV 5: 

A man yelled, "Heil Hitler," after he was taken into custody in connection with the fatal shooting of three at two Jewish-related sites in the Kansas City area. 

Two males were killed outside the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City. A female was killed a few minutes later in the parking lot at Village Shalom, an assisted living facility. 

The suspect shot at two other people, but the bullets did not hit them, said Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass. 

The victims apparently did not know their killer, Douglass said. 

The suspect is a man in his 70s who wasn't known to Overland Park authorities before Sunday. He is not from Kansas. His vehicle apparently had Missouri plates. 

Douglass wouldn't say whether the man, who is being held at the Johnson County Jail, is from Missouri. Douglass also wouldn't say whether the shootings were anti-Semitic hate crimes. He said authorities are evaluating comments that the suspect made after he was arrested.

I understand the police wanting to err on the side of caution, but since this guy went to two different Jewish sites to kill, and then yelled "Heil Hitler" upon arrest, I am going to suggest that these shootings might just be defined as anti-Semitic. 

I saw the video and the guy looks like your typical old asshole, angry at the world, who suddenly snapped and decided to act on his violent fantasies.

One of the victims is reportedly a 14 year old boy.

Just another example of how gun ownership makes all of us safe.

Update: The man has now been identified as Glenn Frazier Miller, a long time anti-Semite.

Update 2: The Daily Beast has more:  

The man accused of shooting three at Jewish centers in Kansas has a long résumé as a neo-Nazi and KKK grand wizard who once created a points system for murder. The sole suspect in a shooting that left three dead at two Jewish community centers outside Kansas City on Sunday is a former Ku Klux Klan “grand dragon,” neo-Nazi, and ex-con named Frazier Glenn Miller.

The guy is a Vietnam vet and well known racist who has a history of racism.


  1. I’ve long chided Jewish business owners for turning a blind eye to the growing right wing in this country. They were so eager for Republican votes that they ignored a real threat. Stalin was a leftist, but Hitler was an extreme right Christian.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      WTF are you talking about?

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      WTF are you talking about?

      I took Darlene's comment to mean that she feels:
      - The right wing in this country is growing.
      - This perceived growth is a real threat.
      - Jewish business owners are not responding to this perceived threat as she feels they should.
      - This lack of response is attributable to an eagerness for Republican votes.

      She has been chiding said business owners for the above.

      She remarked that Hitler was a member of an extreme right wing group, possibly in response to the report that the suspect shouted Heil Hitler.

      If you sincerely did not understand what she wrote, I hope this helps. If, on the other hand, you did not agree with it, felt it should not have been stated, etc, may I suggest that you explore other, more specific, ways of expressing your feelings?

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Actually, Natzi stood for National Socialist party.

    4. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Actually, Natzi stood for National Socialist party.

      The term Nazi Party was indeed commonly used by English speakers to refer to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, aka Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. I don't believe that either Darlene or I have claimed otherwise, here or elsewhere.

      Did you, perhaps, explain this well-known name for us in the belief that, because of the name of the party, the Nazis were necessarily something other than extreme right-wing?

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Extreme right, and extreme left tend to have similar ideas. Neither are good.

      No, my reference was that standard right is opposite from socialism.

  2. Anonymous5:03 AM

    You said crazy man, angry at the world. This idiot was deranged. It has nothing to do with gun laws!

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Of course it did. In a civilized country (I.e. not one whose cowardly lawmakers are so readily threatened by the tiny dicked NRA, forcing its deliberate misinterpretation of the second amendment on the public in order to sell more guns to tiny dicked individuals) hatemongers like this one would be prevented from getting their murderous hands on guns.

    2. Anonymous7:32 AM

      5:03 You say he was deranged. He obviously had a gun.

      So in your thinking a deranged man with a gun is just fine with NRA and the gun laws? Allowing and encouraging everyone to walk around armed in society does not improve us, it just makes all these senseless killings easier.

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Without gun laws, he was able to get a gun. Yes, he could have tried to do this with a knife, but that would mean that as a 70 year old man he would have had to get out of and back to his car - plenty of time for able bodied passer by to stop and disarm him.

    4. Anonymous12:58 PM

      By your argument, this country should be drug free. Baden even stated that there were already too many guns to be able to prosecute them all.

      Why don't we prosecute all those people that were denied guns through the background checks already in place. Out if thousands denied, only 40something were even looked into.

    5. Anonymous2:36 PM

      12:58...who is Baden? Or to put it another way, are you a Palin?

    6. Anonymous7:57 PM

      12:58 PM Was Creepy Chuck your English Teacher?
      Your word salad is Palinesque.

    7. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I type on my phone. Auto correct stinks.

      Yes, if more gun laws equal less guns, then more drug laws should equal less drugs.

      Please, I implore you. Tell the drug lords, quick!!! That way they'll quit breaking the law!!!

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    There have been shots fired at cars in South Kansas City over the past several weeks. As many as 24 incidents with no one killed but 3 or 4 people wounded, It makes one wonder if the ballistics may show this guy could have been the shooter. He isn't local but he has made waves in Missouri politics over the last several years. KKK etc. Former Green Beret, Vietnam.

    The shootings were a hate crime and this really hit close to home. Really, don't feel that safe driving in neighborhoods that we always have taken for granted. Two of the victims were Methodists. Weird.....Brink of civil war?

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  4. Curious that at least two of the victims were Christian. I don't know about the third. Shameful act.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      It's not actually possible to tell if someone is Jewish just by looking at them.

    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      He's got the Sarah Palin philosophy, i.e. let god sort 'em out.

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      The Jewish Community Center is used by the community not just the Jewish residents that it serves. There was an audition held at the Center yesterday for a play (To Kill A Mocking Bird) and also auditions for a singing contest. The boy that was shot was a singer and actor etc.

      It would seem the shooter did not know his targeted victims very well. The very conservative synagogue members walk to services on Saturdays and wear traditional clothing. Yes, in this instance you can tell by looking at them. I sure hope I didn't give some like-minded nut any ideas.

      Another highway shooting last night in a different area of town. One dead another wounded. So that one could not be the locked up guy. But there were cops out all over the place in S KC on Saturday. It's impossible to tell who is going to be a shooter unless he or she is holding the smoking gun....but there are clues. DAMN!!!


    4. I heard on the radio two Episcopalians and a Catholic.

  5. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Last night on CNN, I'm pretty sure it was reported that the police did not believe this guy was involved in any white supremacist group. How they arrived at that conclusion I don't know, especially after having heard the man yell "heil hitler" on video.

    Tragic and sad and yet, again, involving guns.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      This guy did a 'hate' crime and is as racist as t hey come. It's all over the news about his background and the fact he is a known racists and member of the KKK!

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Not involved with any supremacist group? He was the freaking Grand Wizard of the KKK! What the hell do you think the KKK is? The biggest hate group in the nation.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Any crime is a hate crime. Elevating one group of people over others..having worse punishment for one of the mist ridiculous things I've heard.

      Of course it was a hate crime. This derranged lunatic is a hater!

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    And some people would argue that the KKK is just a Christian organization that is being persecuted. Hmmm.

    Anon at 5:03 wrote: "this idiot was deranged. It has nothing to do with gun laws!" Well, yes, he is deranged but he also had a gun, so it does relate to gun laws. Anyone, like this murderer, who has served time as a felon and who is "deranged" as you say, should not be allowed to own or fire a weapon.
    Beagle mom

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Many elderly, fat white Republicans that we all know were and are members of the KKK. They are the worst and not Christians! They are pure racists!

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Actually they are correct, or at least partly correct. The KKK started in the Southern Baptists Churches.
      They still have church/KKK events together in many areas of the country.
      @ non 6:27 am Yes, they are Southern Baptists for the most part and your average christian in many states.

    3. Anonymous7:44 AM

      I know about the KKK origins but, even knowing that, I don't think there is a Christian thought or motive among the group's supporters. In their early years they protested and tormented Catholics (Irish, to be exact) as well as Jews and African-Americans. Funny that the organization started in southern churches: our African-American population came to this country in chains largely to serve southern plantation owners.

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Traditionally, KKK were Democrat. The NRA was founded to ensure everyone could take advantage of the second amendment, but especially blacks. Martin Luther King Jr carried a gun, when it was legal to do so, because of the work of the NRA. Republicans were responsible for passing the Civil Rights Legislation. If you look at just the facts, without the pre-assumptions of today's culture, it is a lot easier to connect the dots, than to trust a very biased blog(either side!) I read to see what folks are saying, and to correct the most egregious errors.

      Also, I don't see people with such ingrained views "switching sides" and aligning themselves with such different views. So before anyone tries to say that, you would have to show me specific examples of mass transfer.

      Let's face it, racism is in the eye of the beholder. There are many here that allude that I must be a racist if I don't agree with the Obama administration. No facts..just assumptions. If I try to deny that, it falls on deaf ears. I hope anyone reading this will take a moment to realize that you do not have to stream "RACIST" when someone disagrees with you. I'm not talking tea party, or right wingers, or "usually they start it. ." I'm talking about you and me. Not anyone else. I don't care what others have done. We can discuss differences without the hate.

      And Hitler was a socialist.
      Just sayin'.

    5. Anonymous9:11 AM

      anon at 8:58 am
      The NRA is a black association? Not in your wildest dreams. Racist is when people are harmed, killed discriminated against because of their race and only their race. BTW glorify the KKK all you want but we all know the truth and their truth is not in the past, it is still going on. There are sundown towns, murders that will never be investigated because someone was "uppity". My husband witnessed such a murder as a child, in fact, his KKK Daddy brought him along to "teach him what to do with those uppity N____s" and guess what, more than half of his relatives are still involved, as our their churches

      BTW racism is in the eye of the truth.

    6. Anonymous9:36 AM

      A Nutjob is a Nutjob, just sayin'.

    7. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Try reading with conprehension.

      I do not glorify the KKK. And I didn't say that the NRA was a black organization. I said it was STARTED to ensure everyone had the same rights. Specifically BECAUSE whites wanted to keep blacks unarmed and defenseless.

      An unarmed populace is a lot easier to control. You can debate whether that is a goal in this country, or not, but fact is that any time a leader wanted to control a population, guns were the first to go.

  7. Anonymous6:01 AM

    There are thousand of Muslims in this country on law enforcement watch lists, most for absolutely no good reason. Yet this guy was allowed to go about his business of making racist and antisemetic comments and threats without anyone "watching" him.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Not only that, he was involved with the KKK for decades, one of the largest hate groups there is.

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    The killer is nothing more than evil and needs to be strung up for all to witness!

  9. I live in a community close to KC and the local news said this loon was from SouthWest Missouri and had been the "grand dragon" of the KKK. He at one time ran for Senate and got a total of 7 votes! They also reported that prior to shooting anyone, he asked if they were Jewish. If they responded in the affirmative, he shot them! Another looney-tune with a gun!

  10. This guy was from Southwest Missouri and had been a "grand dragon" of the KKK. He did shout heil hitler when the local news showed him sitting in the squad car. Prior to shooting, he asked people if they were Jewish and if they replied in the affirmative, he shot them! At one time he ran for Senate from Missouri and got a total of 7 votes! The local channels would not air his campaign commercials because they were so racist!

  11. betsy s7:36 AM

    Convicted felon with guns. How does that happen?

    1. Leland9:56 AM

      They happen through private gun sales and gun shows.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The third death was a woman, a Catholic, that was visiting her Mother who was living at the Assisted Living Center at Village Shalom. So our community lost a former doctor, an occupational therapist, and a young talented boy that will never have the chance to step out on the adult stage of life. And, we are very aware of our false sense of security.


  13. Beldar AK Conehead8:52 AM

    Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, Gryphen.

    How many of those Jews were carrying Skittles and Arizona Tea? How many were wearing hoodies or dark skin? It's easy to imagine a 73 year old anti-semitic, white supremacist being frightened by such a sight.

    This could have been a clear case of self defense. Several times in one day. In multiple locations.

    Who knows how close those community centers were built in proximity to shooting ranges? Maybe the victims cut across a live shooting range to avoid parking fees and were shot by accident? That happens all the time, ya know.

    Sure, the victims had rights, but the shooter has rights, also too. Let's remember that when God wrote the original constitution, He made gun rights the most important rights we have and that's why He called it the Second Amendment. Because, like it says in the Bible "the second you think of rights, think of gun rights first"

  14. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Put the 'Tough Guy' in the General Population, he can handle it.

  15. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    I'm usually against the death penalty, but people like this vile, evil bastard really test my limits. A great deal of my business associates and clients happen to be of the Jewish Faith and Traditions.
    When my Devout Roman Catholic Father was suffering terminal colon cancer, we desperately needed help with in home Hospice Care. We were turned away from Catholic Charities and other Roman Catholic organizations. The ones who helped us more than words can express "because it's the right thing to do", was a group from our local Jewish Center and Synagogue. The quality of care, compassion and humanity shown by their acts is something I will never forget and have tried my best to repay.
    If he gets a life sentence, I wish the perpetrator a long, long, miserable life of suffering, but I'd rather remember those who died and mourn their families loss.


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