Saturday, April 12, 2014

Poland grants church of the Flying Spaghetti monster the right to register as a religion. So that just happened.

Courtesy of The Independent:  

A church that worships an invisible flying spaghetti monster can now apply to be registered as an official religion in Poland, after a 2013 court ruling was overturned on Tuesday. 

A Warsaw court rejected a ruling by the Regional Administrative Court because the it had not allowed the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) a two-month extension for submitting outstanding documents, Polskie Radio has reported. 

A group of Pastafarians who gathered outside the court shouting "pasta" during the hearing on Tuesday welcomed the ruling. 

In January, Pastafarian minister Christopher Schaeffer was sworn into the Pomfret New York Town Council this week with a colander on his head throughout the ceremony to represent his unique religious beliefs.

Am I the only one that predicts a new onslaught of Polish jokes in response to this, or we have we moved on from that kind of thing?

Starts off as a joke, and then becomes an established house of worship.

Pretty sure that's how Christianity started as well.

For those who are still in the dark you can learn more about the FSM at their website.

And while you're there do yourself a favor and read the about page.


  1. London Bridges4:19 AM

    Obviously, a religion with balls that you can whole heartedly sink your teeth into!

  2. Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. RAmen.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM


    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Death to anyone who mocks the Prophet, Rigatoni!

    3. They is one of the funniest of anything I have read.

  3. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Iowa is really losing it!

    ...Taken in context, the Brandstad Proclamation must be seen as just another aspect of the conservative knee-jerk reaction against their loss of privilege, and a stab at the religious (and other) liberties of all other Americans. This is “our” country, they are saying, “and you had better get used to that fact.” Payback is coming, they say. They use God’s name a lot but they are really thinking about their own vengeance, and how they will make the nonbelievers pay. Nationalism by itself can be scary enough, but ethnic nationalism, and worse, an ethnic nationalism fueled by religion, is a very real threat to American liberties. American would do well to take notice, and act accordingly.

  4. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I hear ya' Gryph - it's hard to understand how and why religious worship starts at all. In this case, it's so recent that we witnessed the beginning. In a thousand years, if they survive, the legends will have grown and will be so distorted as to be believable. Who knows? Maybe we'll be successful in space exploration and meet creatures that resemble the FSM in all it's glory.

    I was disgusted with the idea when I first heard it....then I laughed at it. But it really is no laughing matter. It's proof that people can and will believe anything.

    IMO, religion has a place in all of society. Some people really really need it and use it as a crutch. They can't get through life without God, the father, taking care of them every single day and for that they are thankful.

    Others use it as a moral guide to raise their families. The stories and tales and beautiful and who doesn't love Christmas. It's become a traditional family holiday without any religious ceremony in some households.

    We need to build more SCIENCE museums and encourage our children to study history and science. There's an old saying that History Repeats and it's happening now. The US has quickly become a country that belongs to the 1%.

    The 1% have increased their wealth by more than 400% in the past 30 years while the middle class has disappeared into poverty levels. The working poor is a new phenomenon. Working 40 hours a week and receiving a paycheck that can't put a roof over your head AND food on the table...there has to be a choice.

    It infuriates me that 6 members of one US family have as much money as 33% of this country. They DID NOT earn that. Sam Walton stole it from his employees and his children inherited the wealth accumulated from taxpayers.

    rant over.....organized religion was developed to control the masses. In some cases, it started as a joke like above... Mormonism started as a scam and it worked. More than likely, all religions started as some pretext or another for reasons mostly unknown.

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I had a conversation with a bible thumping co-worker yesterday asking about eternal life after death on Earth. I asked can we pick or does God pick who we are in the afterlife. He goes on to tell me only God can choose. I said God chooses? According to bible God flooded Earth because he was upset at the errors he made when creating earth. I then asked what if death on earth is it, no afterlife. I get the same canned answer.. Because the bible says so horseshit

  6. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

    I think Poland is accepting of this religion because of their love and acceptance of Pierogies, and a lot of pressure from Rev Al Dente.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.