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Cliven Buncy supporters take aim against BLM agents. |
The weekend showdown marked the latest resurgence of violent, anti-government sentiments that have existed in rural America for centuries, said Catherine Stock, a history professor at Connecticut College who specializes in rural militias.
"The question is whether we're going to see sustained flame-up now. We could see more of that if they actually think that the federal government is going to stand down," she said.
"It's not the groups, it's not their concerns, it's not their anger, all of that is old, but the federal government backing down? I was like, wow! Seriously?"
Stock said the rise of right-wing media outlets and websites and the election of Republican politicians who have shifted the party further to the right have given a new legitimacy to groups that were once dismissed as being on the fringe.
At least half a dozen state legislators from Nevada, Washington, Utah and Arizona attended protest rallies in Bunkerville at the weekend.
Michele Fiore, a Republican Nevada assemblywoman from Las Vegas who said she joined the protesters daily after getting a torrent of supportive emails about Bundy from constituents, called the resistance "justified."
"This is historic," she said. "This is the first time we went arm to arm with the federal government."
What happened last weekend could very likely be a seminal event which determines how these sovereign citizen types deal with law enforcement moving forward.
There were reportedly over a thousand armed men willing to engage the BLM and Federal agents in a firefight, over unpaid taxes.
Many of these men had no military training, or if they did it was decades earlier in their lives.
They had no consistent chain of command, and no clear idea of what would determine the right time to fire their weapons.
That means that those agents were in an incredibly dangerous situation, where one trigger happy moron could fire the bullet that resulted in one of the largest massacres in American history.
And that is EXACTLY what the Right Wing is waiting, and hoping for. They want somebody to die at the hands of the federal government, regardless of who fired the first shot, so that they can make them a martyr and essentially move this country toward a civil war.
Never before have the indications been this clear that the conservatives in this country are so angry that they are losing power, and that America is moving toward a more liberal viewpoint, that they are willing to rip the country in half in a desperate attempt to stop the inevitable.
Think I'm exaggerating? I only wish that I were:
A Tea Party Facebook page called Overpasses for America, clinching just over 79,000 supporters, is calling for a “Shot Heard Around the United States” day on April 19th. The post, showing a picture of a large group of men firing rifles in the air simultaneously in front of a barn, calls on every gun owner to fire into the air at the same time:
“April 19th, 2014… 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time Every gun owner in the USA is asked to fire their weapon at the same time. Spread the word, share everywhere.”
April 19th is also the day, in 1775, when the start of the Revolutionary War began. This is the same page who posted a status calling for Harry Reid to be imprisoned for his “deal with Communist China that led to the stand off at Bundy Ranch.” The page, in the last few days, has been riddled with many pictures and articles detailing the fiasco at the Bundy Ranch, calling Bundy and his supporters ‘Patriots’ and seeking to end the ‘bogus lies’ about the stand-off.
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Courtesy of Facebook |
And when that happens, the only question remaining is for how long after will the gunfire continue.
When people angrily ask me why I am so against American citizens having access to military style weapons, I often think that in due time they will become too shocked by the violence to ever ask me again.
When one takes aim on a federal officer as that man is doing, he has written his own death notice. There is no excuse for it. Harry Reid was correct.., Those who think they are taking up Bundy's cause are domestic terrorists.
ReplyDeleteThose anarchist nedd to be jailed for interfering with federal officer doing their job as per legal court orders under the US and Nevada constitutions, They are welfare scofflaw violators, and terrorist
DeleteYou are full of it. The American people have the right to take up for and stand by who ever they want to in this so called free country. And you can not even spell you dummy.
DeleteSo, what happened at 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time? Did they follow through?
ReplyDeleteI didn't hear anything in my neighborhood. And these are morons that shoot guns into the air on New Year's and the 4th of July.
DeleteNot a damned thing in my area of rural SE IN. Not one shot fired, no automatic weapons, nothing but families happily playing in their creeks and grilling up some burgers on a lovely Saturday afternoon. Just as it should be.
DeleteOh and that ding bat from NV and her constituents, the only people who bother with writing their congress critters are the insane fringe when it comes to gun nut crap. Most people didn't pay a damned bit of attention to the morons in the west and their gun buddies. All of the farmers and livestock owners around here think the guys is an asshole for not playing by the same rules as everyone else does.
Here in Redneck Bagger Marsha Blackburn's Congressional District (TN-7th), no shots were heard. Yawn. We're enjoying a beautiful afternoon listening to a couple of new birds who built nests on the back of our property this spring.
DeleteI live in oak park, il and this afternoon on the highway, there were ten people on an overpass with stupid posters calling for Obama's impeachment and saying that durbin is a communist. It was hilarious.
DeleteOver here in Massachusetts, where it all began, there were zero (0) shots heard at noon today.
ReplyDeletePerhaps being an older state -- a colony -- has made us more mature and less likely to play chicken with our firearms.
Being willing to sacrifice your life so that some old coot can avoid a million dollars of unpaid taxes is a rather ridiculous way to go. The legislation he's objecting to was signed into law by Saint Ronald Reagan.
We are a nation of laws. If you don't like them, change them, or move your cattle to las pampas of Argentina.
Quiet here in Connecticut too, where I live in the rural eastern part surrounded by gun owners. Also more mature here, and well educated so we know a little physics. Firing into the air is just stupid.
DeleteHow Fox News Gave Cliven Bundy a National Forum to Incite Violence Against the Government
ReplyDeleteIn its most simple and accurate meaning, a patriot is someone who feels a strong support for their country. The definition of a patriot takes on a different meaning for the religious and extremist far right who share a dangerous belief that they are a law unto themselves and not beholden to the laws of this nation, particularly the U.S. Constitution they hold in the same contempt as they do the federal government. Last week’s tense standoff between agents of the Department of the Interior and armed militias summoned by Nevada Mormon Cliven Bundy was, by any measure, the near realization of a dream of right wing anarchists claiming to be patriots; the start of a revolution. They yearn to wage war and destroy the federal government, and the Constitution, to reshape America according to Koch brothers’ John Birch libertarianism that explains the Kochs’ Americans for Prosperity encouraging and supporting the criminal Bundy.
Much has been written about Bundy’s belief that he is not beholden to the laws of the United States, why he hates America, and why conservative media and Fox News rushed to defend Bundy and encourage right wing militias, but there is a dearth of information about one of Bundy’s greatest supporters. Fox News not only gave criminal Bundy air time to spread his insane anarchist’s views about why the nation’s laws apply to everyone but him, but they also provided a national forum for a dangerous vigilante, former sheriff, board member of Oath Keepers militia, Mormon, and John Birch acolyte Richard Mack. Bundy likely got the idea to order the local sheriff to disarm and confiscate Park Service and federal agents’ firearms and deliver them directly to him from Richard Mack. In fact, on Fox News Bundy told Sean Hannity that “We’re standing, and we’re going to stand until all county sheriffs take the guns away from all those federal bureaucracies, and then we’ll start making America great one more time.”
Richard Mack is the man travelling the nation informing teabaggers, Oath Keepers militia, and John Birch groups the county sheriff is the ultimate arbiter of what is Constitutional as well as being the supreme law of the land. This bizarre idea that sheriffs have supremacy over all other law enforcement agencies, including the federal government, was first pushed by explicitly racist and anti-Semitic Posse Comitatus which promotes an extreme racist anti-government ideology embraced by militia groups. The Posse’s founding tract, the Blue Book, was written by white supremacist and member of the Silver Shirts, a Nazi-inspired organization, Henry Lamont Beach who asserted the county was “the highest authority of government in our Republic,” and that sole judicial power rested with “citizen grand juries;” lunatic concepts Richard Mack subscribes to and promotes religiously as if uttered directly to him from the mind of his Mormon god.
Mack believes so strongly that the country sheriff was the representation of patriotism that he once said he prayed for the day when a sheriff would be the “first one to fire the next shot around the world and arrest a couple of IRS agents,” so it should have come as no surprise he rushed to answer Bundy’s call to arms against the federal government.
i'm thinkin' schaffer cox is soon to have a whole bunch-0-new cellmates
DeleteI hope some journalist will look deeper into the Mormon aspect. The video I've seen of the Bundy confrontation looked like it could have been from a 'Big Love' episode.
DeletePoliticususa post is excellent and 11:35, I'm with you about the Mormon aspect of the Bundy mess. Bundy himself has 14 kids and 52 grandkids, all of them were "bunkered down at the ranch" he said. One of his great-grandfathers who founded Bunkerville, had 49 children by 5 wives. That's a lot of potential Bundy relatives and it's possible that the vast majority of those armed goons were Bundy relatives.
DeleteWe're not a "republic", someone's going to mistake a firecracker for a musket shot and all hell'll break loose.
DeleteI agree - had this on my list to share.
Good post. All we need is one nut going off after their daily Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh fix and all hell will break loose. Hate radio is the problem, not the federal government. If the listeners of this crap had one serious history class they would see how Nazi Germany evolved. But, this is a part of the hate radio agenda — malign education and an educated populace. Bundy is a bad man and if he is allowed to continue breaking the laws all of us agree upon, we are in deep trouble.
ReplyDeleteBundy needs to be arrested. He is a criminal and owes the government over a million dollars due to using federal lands for his cattle.
DeleteThis being anti government is total bullshit! The majority across the nation see him as a criminal!
You are so right. The only people who see him as some patriot are the Fox News morons looking for more clicks and eyeballs and the idiots who showed up to play Rambo on the feds. Morons the lot of them.
DeleteThere is no educating these right wing 'baggers in history, facts or anything else. Their brains aren't wired that way. They believe what they believe and NOTHING can change them.
DeleteBut you are right. Hate radio is a huge problem in this country and responsible for a good share of the crimes we read about.
Not Harry Reid's biggest fan but he is spot on in his assesment of these wackos.
ReplyDeleteAnd, in my humble opinion the federal government will have to do something against these idiots and home grown terrorists! They are going to get what they deserve having brought it all on themselves!
DeleteSerpent lady,
Deletewhat is your beef with Harry Reid?
Harry is the Senate Leader but lets Turtleface McConnell and Carnival Cruz call the shots in the Senate.
DeleteYou know, I have long argued that the Right are like a bully going down in the dust: They will resort to (and not stop at) anything that they think will bring their conquerors down with them (willful kamikaze acts of stupidity and hatred included).
ReplyDeleteHelluva strategy.
Well, if the Republicans and Tea Party-ers can't get support for a foreign war............... just bring the action home.
ReplyDeleteTotal silence here at noon, and I'm surrounded by gun owners not many of whom have a full set of teeth.
Their stupid ideology aside, do these morons understand basic physics? What goes up must come down, assholes.
ReplyDeleteEvery New Years Eve, someone dies by getting hit by a bullet falling back to earth after being shot into the air. Hopefully, if that happens from this little tantrum, it will hit one of the small-dicked wonders who are participating, not an innocent bystander.
They're so stupid that they probably will figure it was a gummint agent shooting back at them after their demonstration of militia firepower. You know, from one of those gummint drones overhead.
DeleteEVERYTHING these Tea Party people do are in full support of David Koch's Vice Presidential run as a Libertarian back in 1980. Just add this as another check in the box on his long list of plans to officially become king of the United States. His family pretty much owns it anyway.
ReplyDeleteThat's why politicians need to only serve for two years and that's it! Now, they're looking for a re-do to literally "take their country back" prior to every amendment that ensure freedom and justice for all.
So very, very sad! I sure hope enough young people and women are paying close attention to vote these Republicans out of office. It's sad their hatred for President Obama and minorities and selfish greed has led us to this point.
I fear for the kind of society my children and grandchildren will be left to live in.
Whether you are siding with the Welfare Cowboy or not, just the fact that they are willing to sacrifice their wives and children to prove a point (and start their war) should be enough for any sane citizen to run away from these idiots.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that they don't, nor have I heard any condemning from the right, proves that we have a large segment of insane people in this country. Patriots?? Are you kidding me? Homegrown terrorists is what they are. And if there is no further action by the BLM these nuts will think they won this one, but still will have the need to scratch that itchy trigger finger of theirs.
After all, THIS is why they have been stockpiling all those weapons for- they WANT an excuse to use them.
wtf is wrong with these people! just can't wait to see how many of these gun nuts shoot themselves or their supposed loved ones. sickening people
ReplyDeleteI hope the FBI is looking very closely at that guy in the top photo. He's aiming a weapon at US officials.
ReplyDeleteit's guarandamnteed the fed's expanded their domestic terrorist watch list data base to include these morons from this event in nevada - license plates, facial recognition software, photographs etc etc etc
Deleteonce again wanna thank the bumbling corporate controlled fuk_tard hand puppet george w bush for allowing the automatic weapons ban to expire
Be assured they are...taking names and numbers!
DeleteAs the income gaps widens and the super rich become royalty their strategy is complete when they can pit the left-overs against the left out. The NRA complies with this and hawks guns. The right wing wannabe's like SP agitate against anything non-white an Christian reminding them they are becoming a minority. Better to have the last vestiges of white Christians kill and be killed while the rich sit back, count their money and use the media to convince us the white backlash is nothing more than a few crazed individuals and create hysteria any time a non-white does something similar. It's a well thought out plan and sadly, much of America, at least the ones with guns are too stupid and afraid to see the real enemy is the fifth estate called right wing media.
ReplyDeleteThey'd love for us to all Thunder dome ourselves for their amusement.
DeleteAlaska sovereign citizens have not faired well in recent history. Shaeffer Cox is in federal prison serving 36 years for threatening the lives of judges, state troopers, and their families. Lonny and Karen Veron did the same, plus refused to pay taxes. They, also are in prison.
ReplyDeleteWhat has not been covered in the media, is Cliven Bundy's Mormon religion and alienation with the federal government since its inception in 1830. In 1887, then president James Buchanan sent federal troops to disband the then polygamous group. The Mormon's declared war on the federal government, going so far as to slaughter innocent citizens trying to migrate west. The Mountain Meadows Massacre.
Bundy still holds the resentment of his Mormon history toward the United States government. If he is not careful with his seditious talk and defiance of Federal Law, he may well be sharing housing with Cox and the Veron's.
What these right wing nutjobs can't seem to process is that they all could very easily have been slaughtered. They weren't, not because the government backed down but because the government made a rational decision that a few cows weren't worth the deaths of citizenry and that other means could be used to resolve the issue.
ReplyDeleteAnd they will. This isn't over.
Just wait until Bundy's assets are ceased and his cows are forbidden on Federal grazing land.
I doubt all these idiots are going to try to bring their guns into a courtroom and threaten a judge.
But you are right in that some Waco-like incident is going to happen at some point. But it won't stir up any more rebellion amongst the whackjobs than has already been stirred up. Most people will recognize that criminals are criminals and the police, military, government are on the side of the law and ultimately protecting us all.
There are many ways the government can go after Bundy. They can file liens against him that would mean if he sold something, the proceeds he'd get would go to the government and on and on. Personally, I think he should be arrested, put on trial and sent to jail.
DeleteHe will be made to repay the million dollars!! Too many laws out there that protect the government as there should be...for idiots like him!
11:36 -
DeleteI wouldn't be surprised if Bundy was under 24/7 surveillance and, once this hysteria quiets down, is arrested the moment he sets foot off his land.
Not only is there a whole lot of money at stake, but the federal government cannot let this incident become precedent, encouraging anyone and everyone to simply refuse to follow federal law and threatening federal officials with weapons.
Exactly. An example is going to have to be made and Bundy has nominated himself to be the poster boy for don't F with the Feds.
DeleteThis isn't over and Bundy is going to lose.
Eight minutes from now I DON'T plan on standing outside...just in case a descending bullet fragment is in the vicinity of my house.
ReplyDeleteIt was Noon Eastern Time, 9am your time, so it's already happened. You can go outside now.
DeleteI was listening to music at the time, and so, missed the grand event. Yawn.
DeleteWhy is it that a democrat can be the perfect definition of a stalker, regularly take things out of context, and write hateful things on the daily, and never be outed as the creep they are?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have this answered.
5 years ago, it was beyond sad that a group of random people took to myspace to stalk, judge, randomly pull bits and pieces to create propaganda. Even today, people still lie in the name of "democratic"journalism. You have actual Alaskans who prove they really have no clue what they're talking about, yet gullible internet masses believe them because it fits a myth. I reference commenter political karma and Barb, who don't even know 3 of Sarah's oldest, close friends, one of which has helped her with Trig when she needs childcare.
I could go on and take down the incredibly nasty people who had the audacity and maliciousness inside them to slander sweet people like Sarah's mom, the epitome of what a good mother is.
Think about all this. Then think about yourself and how you form opinions. If you're sane, you will realize you're a jerk.
Palin stalker, go home.
Delete@Chuckie, Jr
DeleteGet lost, Fat Boy. Yeah, we know you get the red ass bc your sister (and former fuck-buddy) gets called out as a fraud and a grifter, but you still have to keep holding onto her skirt in order to have an identity other than being just a pedo loser who's the son of a kiddy fiddler.
Deletecouldn't of said it better myself
that fat lazy inbred fuk's sooo easy to pick out when he comes'a trollin'
hey chuck_tard jr,
Deleteknow anything about that fire that killed Dar Miller and her dogs ?
If Palin's mom is the epitome of a good mother, thanSarah mustn't have paid much attention on how she raised her children. Looking at how well Sarah's children have fared so far, it clear she doesn't have a clue on how to raise children, if she even cares. She seems more concerned with herself than how her children prepare themselves for the future.
DeleteAlso, name one Democrat that who is "the perfect definition of a stalker, take things out of context, and write hateful things on the daily, and never be outed as the creep they are".
You appear not to have a clue about the Palin's fake facade, and clearly believe all of the delusional BS that Sarah wants her under educated, misinformed, and gullible fans to believe. It appears she has been very successful with you.
3 closet friends...bwahahaha
Deleteyou mean Britta and her parents....one of whom babysits
Oh look, it's the random troll. Yawn.
Delete11:20 say what you want but there were no birthday posts for trig yet there were for piper and skank!! Say what you will but there is some reason skank turned out so hateful and ugly and mean and stupid! Say what you will but skank has not shown trig's birth certificate nor has she ever clearly articulated whose care trig is in. Say what you will but the world watched a pregnant Bristol on dwts. Keep saying the same old thing but photos and words on the internet and in interviews are forever and they don't lie like you and your family do. Talk yourself around in circles but it won't make anything you say be anything close to the truth.
DeleteLet me share with you-skank has a show with her name in it yet rarely promotes it. No one writes about it. It can't even get in the top 100 in the first episodes. She is rallying for the losers in races and can't get her 100k fee anymore. She paid for travel to promote her book which sank faster than she has. Everyone knows she find 't give birth yo trig-even c4p and they are intentionally ignorant. And they are even beginning to see the grift exemplified by the ever increasing rumblings about her rabid fb screeds and lack of any movement yo do anything more than sell herself to anyone/everyone. As stated by others-it sucks to be you who relies upon skank and your familial association with her yo have any identity. Btw-how is it hoping wallpapering your house with the pages of all those unsold books of yours?
Get a life dude and try living it vibrantly!! Your constant idiotic diatribes here just reinforces the fact you are a loser.
Seems like and occasional firing of electricity courses through this particular troll's nervous system and causes the synapses to fire off, randomly of course, and they come off as the adult voices in "Peanuts Cartoons"
DeleteWhaaa whaaa whaaa whaaa whaa whaaa. Got a beef with Myspace? Mad that people know how to do math? What is it you find lacking in yourself that you feel the need to ramble on and on. Don't you have more important stuff to do, like dye eggs, bathe, color within the lines or play in traffic?
Wow 11:20 AM your Insider knowledge of the Heaths/Palins is more than what they know themselves. Could it be that your Stalker Trolling Ass is Fantasizing about being a Palin? You are a SICK bitch and you are beyond being cured. You are lucky that Gryphen ALLOWS you to Troll here. You are living a 'NOTHING' life.
DeleteDidn't hear anything at 8am in my little corner of rural Alaska. Methinks that the militia types here in AK learned a little lesson with the incarceration of Shaeffer Cox and his compatriots. Things suddenly got "really real" for them and now they aren't so loud.
ReplyDeleteShaeffer Cox-26 years
Lonnie Vernon-25 years
Karen Vernon-12 years
Coleman Barney-5 years
I wonder if the renegade rube training his rifle on government agents ever stopped to consider the very real possibility that a drone (or any other such armed surveillance craft) had its sites set on him from a few miles away and above. One could argue that it is for this reason alone that these insurrectionist clowns are doomed. If they want to instigate a civil war, so be it. But they'll be fighting it with Civil War-era weaponry against a military that many of them probably once touted as being the best in the world.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant strategy.
Cue "Granny Oakley" in 3...2...
Why isn't the NRA out there selling refreshments and guns?
ReplyDeleteThese people are looking for any reason and are itching to use their guns waiting for that armageddon revolution they've all been praying for.
I have a feeling the government will hit this guy where it hurts the worse - his pocketbook.
Oh they will, once somebody dies for their phony fucking cause.
DeleteAnchorage, AK - noon time - no guns have been fired in my area! Was sure they wouldn't be!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous11:20 AM:
ReplyDeleteRepublicans these days seem to have a fetish of accusing the Democrats of the same thing that they themselves are doing.
The Republican assemblywoman says this is "historic". Yeah I'll have to agree. Historically STUPID is how this will go down.
ReplyDeleteI think the Feds were right to back down for the time being. Better to let the situation cool down. We don't want another Waco or Ruby Ridge here. All those hot heads will go home if there is not action.
ReplyDeleteAnd once things have cooled down, the Feds need to come in the middle of the night and arrest Bundy and the other chicken hawks who pointed guns at Federal agents.
The Republicans have always said they were the party of law and order. Not so much now.
Bundy need to see the inside of a prison cell. He was a deadbeat; now is a criminal too. There are no Patriots in this crowd. Rather, there are many committing treason against their country.
Out in the country here where it's OK to shoot guns. Have several snake flags and We Support Israel signs in several neighbors' yards. Not ONE shot at noon today, happy to report.
ReplyDeleteI've notices that many people who "support Israel" don't actually like Jews.
DeleteAnd Palin is right there with them, a dangerous, dangerous traitorous ideologue who has been given a platform for way too long. What is wrong with this country is summed up by the likes of her and her ilk. We have no need to worry about terrorists from other countries when this country is full of home grown terrorists, who are supported by the likes of the Kochs and others.
ReplyDeleteNothing here, and if there was, I'm sure we would have heard about it immediately via the local news. And we're in the big bad city where all that "thug" stuff takes place, y'know.
ReplyDeleteI said it before, I'd LOVE to know who paid for all these transient pseudo warriors to show up in NV almost immediately, like it was all carefully planned ahead of time. And who's paying for their ammo in case they flew? According to Mr. Knishes, you can stow unloaded weapons in a cargo hold, but not ammo. The Kochs, Adelson, Faux News? I'm surprised the Patron Saint of Girls-N-Gunz hasn't made a special appearance at the ranch to cheer the patriuhhhts on, since she and the fam appreciate militias so much. Oh, that's right, it would be too chancy for her "stellar" political "career" if something nasty actually happened.
Do the anti-guvmint "patriots" know that the bridge they're using to target Federal agents is Interstate 15 and was built by the same guvmint that they hate? Summer and Fall fires have been bad the last few years. Will these same "patriots" rush in to put out the fires in their corner of "We don't recognize the American guvmint as existing" and if so, will they target any federal agents (fire fighters) who are there to fight the fires?
ReplyDelete"I often think that in due time they will become too shocked by the violence to ever ask me again."
ReplyDeleteGryphen, for once, I wish you were wrong. Got a bad feeling you're not wrong on this one.
Hope them fellers got their in-surance paid, cause personal liability for killing someone can cost the ranch, or more.
ReplyDeleteLet them all burn in the next fire! They hate their government so don't spend the money on them in the form of the fire fighters. Let them burn in Hell!
ReplyDeleteAll those fellers out there with big guns and tiny brains defending a moocher and a taker. Pathetic ninnies... the lot of them. This is the idiocy of the RW in this country.
ReplyDeleteIMO, if you level a weapon on a US agent on US soil, you might as well be an al Qaeda terrorist in Afghanistan targeting a US soldier..You should be shot and or killed.
ReplyDeleteYou'll notice that, when drug dealers or robbers shoot at law enforcement officers, the right wingers scream for the harshest punishment, especially if the shooters are 'blah people'.
DeleteNow that the potential shooters are white men with cowboy hats, they're suddenly the heroes and the LEOs just trying to do their jobs are The Bad Guys.
No double standard here...just move along.
Why isn't granny grifter out there in her camo leading them into the breach? Isn't she America's greatest patriot? The way she festoons herself with flags you would think so.
ReplyDeleteWhy has it taken 20 years for the BLM to evict Bundy ?
ReplyDeleteNone of us can go 20 years without making a mortgage or car or rental payment.
This guy obviously got special treatment.
Why aren't the right wing anarchists who were ready to shoot uniformed federal agents...in jail ?
Why haven't Sean Hannity and others on the FOX crew , plus their fellow anti government tea party
agitators on the right,
been charged with inciting a riot and encouraging attacks on federal agents ?
Hannity , FOX , Drudge ,Beck and the rest of the tea party anarchists were active participants in the targeting of federal agents
and should be charged as accessories ,
along with Bundy and the rest of the militia members.
It's a miracle that no one was killed.
"It's a miracle that no one was killed."
DeleteNot yet.
This thing isn't over, and the right wing media has done nothing but rile the protesters up even more. It could still get very ugly.
We're lucky to have a rational Commander in Chief. I'm sure they're working out the tactical points to implement after having the forces back off. I despise violence, but the Bundy's are clearly on the wrong side of this issue. They owe fees to have their cattle fatten on Government property. Raising guns at the Feds is like suicide by cop. What did Ruby Ridge and Koresh accomplish in the end?
ReplyDeleteYou're so right, this is exactly what the rwnj's have been hoping to accomplish.
There's more behind this than unpaid taxes and historical land rights. Reid, his sons, and John McCain made a deal with China and promised the land as part of the package. This is worth billions to the Reids. Members of the House and Senate have been selling government land to China and others.
ReplyDeleteA Fox News ditto head has arrived.
DeleteOh bullshit! That has been debunked as a complete fabrication
DeleteFor cryin' out loud! Even Fox, Beck and Breitbart have debunked this story!
Deletesux bein' you, eh dipshit
No one's selling Federal land to China.
DeleteInflammatory rhetoric.
Put down your crack pipe.
DeleteI have read this article and the comments made and one thing concerns me greatly. If we look at history the Boston Tea Party was a direct result of tax issues and the Revolutionary War began as a direct result of the government of the time (British) confiscating the Firearms. Those who pay no attention to history are destined to repeat it. Right or wrong the Bundy Ranch incident is over a tax issue and this article and most of the comments are calling for gun control or the confiscation of firearms. Yes I agree we are teetering on the brink of a major uprising. The so called Right Wing will only be pushed so far and the Left Wing is pushing as hard as they can. It will end in WAR.
ReplyDeleteLook nut job. What he owes is NOT taxes it is fees. He signed a contract with BLM decades ago. BLM allows him to graze on PUBLIC land in exchange for a fee. He paid said fees gladly then decided not to. Yet he is still grazing cattle on those lands free. Civil courts have adjudicated this issue and every time he lost. He needs to pay what he owes to the landlord - the public. He's nothing more than your garden variety deadbeat. Got it?
DeleteIt's "back rent", not taxes. He rented the land from the BLM to graze his cattle, then he didn't pay what he promised. There are also fines on top of that for failure to pay.
DeleteIt's been to court and Bundy has lost every time.
This isn't going to turn into a 2nd amendment war. It's going to become an IRS seizure and lien situation.
4:34 AM You RWNJS will LOSE the War.