Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Andrew Sullivan returns from vacation and immediately takes Sarah Palin to task over her attacks on Hillary Clinton.

As all of you know I posted about Palin's hypocrisy concerning Hillary's health right after she made her clumsy attempt at an attack last week.

Sadly for Andrew Sullivan he was out of the office that week. However now that he is back in front of his laptop, he is ready to take Palin head on.

First Sullivan takes a moment to agree with Palin about the importance of a candidate releasing their medical records when running for office. Then he reminds his readers that he was vilified for doing the exact same thing in regard to Palin in 2008:

When did Palin actually release something about her health? She released a two-page letter from her doctor one hour before polling day. 

No records at all. Was she subjected to a press grilling? I know of no reporter who asked her to verify her Trig stories; there were no questions ever about her weird stories about giving a speech while having contractions or getting on an airplane eight months pregnant and already in labor. The McCain campaign never asked her for verification or explanation of any of these stories. Those of us who did ask were then ridiculed and slimed by the press and the campaign. 

These facts need to be remembered when Palin tries to rewrite history. And one above all: all Hillary Clinton needs to do, if she is to follow Palin’s example, is to wait until an hour before the polls open, and release a brief doctor’s note saying nothing is wrong. Somehow, I don’t think the press will let her get away with that. Which raises the question of why the press let Palin get away with the same thing. And still do.


And that is really the crux of the argument put forward by those of us taunted with the "Trig Truther" label.

IF Palin had released comprehensive medical records, or released a verifiable birth certificate for Trig, then I think she could have legitimately mocked those who kept accusing her of faking her pregnancy, or continued questioning the circumstances surrounding it.

However to this day, she has done neither.

Nor are their any pictures of her bare pregnant belly, no testimonials of any friends who felt a baby kick, or any photos of her in the delivery room holding her newborn. (Which by the way is something that I believe EVERY mother has in their possession.)

And let me just say how nice it is to see that Andrew has not stepped away from the babygate controversy. He obviously rarely has need to bring it up, but if Palin gives him an opening he is certainly not shy about taking it.

And isn't Palin an idiot for giving it to him?


  1. Caroll Thompson2:41 PM

    If what Andrew Sullivan said about Sarah is not true, why didn't she sue him for libel? If I was a public figure and he said my children were not my own, I would sue him and I would win.

    But of course, the truth is the defense against libel and since Sarah is not the biological mother of her fifth child, she could not sue him and win.

    1. LisaB25952:53 PM

      To be fair, Andrew never said anything libelous. He only asked questions and asked for proof.

      However, others have outright said thing she could sue for (if Gryphen had a dime for every time, right?) but she never has.

      Because she knows telling the truth isn't libel. ;)

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Exactly! Also, why aren't they suing Shailey Tripp for outing Toad as a PIMP. It's not like they don't have lawyers and can't afford them. Their silence in the faked pregnancy and Toad's sideline business as a pimp speaks loudly.

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I think Sullivan's tactic is pound in that Sarah Palin's own story of the birth of Trig undermines her claim to be a sane and moral person. Her own description of the risks she supposedly took are the reason we should not trust her.

      I also think Sullivan knows the truth and knows how to keep pushing Sarah Palin's buttons without getting himself sued.

    4. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I agree, 2:56 PM, but they'll never sue anyone. As someone said here, the defense of libel is TRUTH and they can't afford it to come out.

    5. She is a fraud folks3:55 PM

      The reason Sarah Palin has not taken the five seconds required to prove that she gave birth to Trig Palin once and for all is that she did NOT give birth to Trig.

      Palin cannot prove something that did not happen. It really is that simple.

      Just as Lance Armstrong is the biggest hoax, bully and liar in sports, Sarah Palin is the biggest hoax, bully and liar in politics.

    6. Anonymous3:58 PM

      If she sues anyone, the attorneys of whoever she's suing would be able to depose her. Whatever she says in a deposition, under oath, must be the truth, or she could be convicted of perjury.

      Sarah Palin has a hair-trigger temper. The reason she hasn't sued anyone is because her lawyers have warned her that she can't tell lies after she's sworn on the bible. Thus, we can conclude that these stories are close to the truth.

    7. Anonymous5:22 PM

      I truly believe $arah is so delusional that she does not know if/when she tells the truth or lies. $he has said so many twisted things over the years, she can't keep them straight. And furthermore, she doesn't give a damn.

      "Oh what a fateful web we weave, When first we practice to deceive." Karma is comin' her way, you betcha.

    8. Anonymous3:10 AM

      I posit that she has dissociative personalities that say different things. Thus the contradicting narratives. narratives.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    "getting on an airplane eight months pregnant and already in labor "
    Well, I'd prefer to see more specifics but crumbs are better than nothing. Specifics like:

    Sarah Palin boasts of having boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) and avoiding neonatal intensive care unit equipped hospitals to supposedly give birth in small hospital not even rated to handle twins and attended by a physician that has no qualifications for difficult deliveries and rarely handles any at all.

    1. LisaB25952:55 PM

      Yep. Even if that is God's own truth, she comes off looking bad. In fact, I think the story of the "Wild Ride" makes her look worse because she's actually endangering her child.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      oops, forgot to add that Palin claims she was induced to give birth in the hospital not even rated for twins, instead of being transferred to an Anchorage hospital with facilities to handle a possibly life threatening situation for the new baby.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Agreed, and what I've said from the beginning, Lisa B

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      You don't induce someone already in labor.

    5. Anonymous4:59 PM

      "You don't induce someone already in labor."

      What about a frontier super-woman who needed to get home ASAP because she needed to cook dinner and move a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer? You know how some people are concerned about their appearance, and really detest wrinkled clothes.

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM

      It happens when the cervix does not dilate properly after hours of labor, Pitocin (30 years ago).

    7. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Then $he takes "her " newborn DS child with a "heart defect" to work as governor when he is three days old??? $uch a pathetic liar - and the media are such pathetic losers for not doing their job and exposing this hateful fraud.

    8. Anonymous6:53 PM

      I was in labor and I was induced-- for both of my kids' births. My OB did not think that a prolonged labor was healthy for the mother and the baby.

    9. Anonymous2:39 AM

      Her Premie newborn lol!!!!

    10. Anonymous3:46 AM

      I'm a Nurse-Midwife. Her whole story is bullshit. I've known that from the first time I heard it, when she was nominated for the VP spot. Any of it, all of it.

      As for the Pitocin part of the story, when someone is having a prolonged labor, Pitocin is commonly used, but at that point it's called "augmentation". A fine point that lay people might not know.

    11. Anonymous5:44 AM


      Yes, Palin's entire story is bullshit. But, beyond that, it was the GOP and John McCain that attempted to use that bullshit story for political gain.

  3. Sarahtard thinks that the letter from her doctor was equivalent to real medical records. Only the truly stupid fell for it. Hmm, so why did CB need to bring her attorney with her when she went to be interviewed? Even she knows that she helped Sarahtard scam voters.

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      The Palin letter from her MD has so many irregularities in it that it easily arouses suspicion that it, too, is a fake. A very visible irregularity is the MDs signature in two colors of ink, as if it had been manipulated.

    2. Anonymous5:51 AM

      And the good doctor got piper s birth year incorrect. Supposedly she delivered her.

      Just a little typo for the GOP VP nominee- no big deal.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    And isn't Palin an idiot for giving it to him?

    I think she is an unsub that needs attention. An idiot as well.

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Palin needs to be taught a lesson. Her lame stream media is loath to shine a light on her hypocrisy, while the hard questions come from real Americans running blogs and asking the pertinent question.

    No wonder the Kochroaches and corporate twin parties want to shoot down net neutrality. Oy veh, shut us up in favor of corporate heifer mounds loving them some stupid like Palin.

    Sorry about your luck, grifter Sarah. As fast as google and the NSA pawns can sell out, new social media will arise to disseminate the truth.

    Try this Palin retrogress: #shine a light on a Kochroach

    1. Olivia3:19 PM

      Sarah doesn't know the difference between mainstream media and blogs.

  6. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Republican candidates have set a low bar: last minute note from your/a doc, and a minimum tax record release.

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Andrew Sullivan has a presence and stature that will give his Palin questions real weight among the "lamestream media."

    Palin could so easily have made her point about the medical records of candidates without bringing herself or Trig into it. But she's just so dumb -- really, really dumb -- that she couldn't see beyond her own nose.

    Not only did Sarah not supply any real medical records, but my memory tells me that John McCain presented his in a room into which only a handful of reporters were allowed, for something less than an hour, and the journalists could not make copies or take notes. The NY Times sent its esteemed physician/reporter to Arizona to look at the documents, and he felt they were often general and not specific about McCain's condition, especially his cancers. Of course, he was not allowed to ask any questions.

    Voters would need no other reasons for not electing McCain and Palin that we were offered no substantive assurances that they were physically able to perform the jobs of President and Vice President.

    The fact that Sarah Palin offered a bold-faced LIE is a separate damning fact.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      It wasn't just one LIE.

      She lied over and over and over again about every single detail.

      Then when curve balls were thrown (her dad) she changes the story again.

      Someone who lies that easily and that readily is truly scary.

      Not only that -

      She made every single member of her family complicit in her lies.

      Sick sick sick.

  8. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Being a Governor, one would think before arriving in Anchorage and in labor, someone would have called Alaskan Troopers (her security detail) to meet her at the airport. Did that happen? Did she have a trooper in the caravan to MatSu for the unblessed event? Oh hell no!

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      And at the time MatSu didn't even deliver preemies, those deliveries were sent to Providence in Anchorage.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:22 PM

      Excellent question and observation. Then, we're talking about a special needs kid who's sister's boyfriend is photographed in the hospital holding the kid (properly, with spine and head supported).

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      NO. Troopers dismissed for the return to AK trip. Todd provided escort services for the sitting 'pregnant governator.' It is certain that 'no TX fish picker' papa was handsomely paid to do so.


    4. Anonymous6:56 PM

      She passed up the big hospital in Anxhorage for a small town hospital which did not do special needs premature deliveries.

    5. Anonymous2:42 AM

      Also, she did not hand over power of the state to the next in line. What if she had to be put under anesthesia? What if she died? Isn't it standard procedure to hand over power ?

    6. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Yes, 521.

      She actually CANCELLED her trooper detail prior to her Texas Tripp! (Ha. Typo and it stays).

      A Governor was traveling across the country. This merits security.

      The Governor also happens to be a pregnant forty something.

      The pregnancy is already high risk.

      But the "pregnant" Governor REFUSES her NORMAL security detail on this trip, choosing only Todd Palin to accompany her. Todd is not trained in any medical field in any way.


      The troopers would have noticed everything.

  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    One more time folks. Sarah bragged about having her tubes ligated after Piper was born. End of story. And those miscarriages, what about the white out on the medical reports?

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      What are the names of the people to whom she bragged? Have they talked in public about what she said to them? Do they know the name of the doctor?

    2. Auntie ruth4:06 PM

      I personally know a woman who got pregnant after a tubal. Look up the stats. I would love for this to bethe last word, but it just isn't.

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM


    4. Anonymous6:41 PM


      Funny you bring up the Bailey book. I bought it on Kindle two days ago and my god it's so poorly written that I had to stop reading after the second chapter! That man is an idiot!

    5. Anonymous 6:41 PM:

      Hi, Ivy Frye... I'll bet you had something to do with that 2 page letter that Sarah...er, Dr. Cathy BJ signed and sent to the McCain campaign.

      BTW, why did you wait 'til now to buy the book? It's been out for 3 years. Compared to Sarah's books, Bailey's book deserves a Pulitzer.

    6. Anonymous2:43 AM

      Was the person in their forties lol??

    7. Anonymous6:06 AM

      I just realized that even in the title Bailey is still pining for Sarah.

      A memoir.of OUR tumultuous years.

      Makes it sound like they were a couple! He is an idiot who still knows a lot.

    8. Anonymous7:14 AM

      6:41 PM
      Sarah is an idiot. It makes sense anyone she allows around her is also an idiot. Look at Todd Palin and Ivy Frye to start. Idiots and ingrates.

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Sullivan is a courageous man to bring this up so articulately. I'm positive that he is paying a price to speak his mind. Because so many others have not. Prob for some v compelling reasons. Carrots and sticks of various sizes.

    Good of you to alert us to this, Mr G. I guess we can all help by sending the link to all our friends.

    I've noticed (in studying compulsive lying in the sad case of Sarah Palin) that accusing others of what you yourself are guilty of is a technique that works amazingly well. And she's doing it again here. Not being a chronic liar myself, I would not have thought it would work. But I see that it does and has been used a lot in politics.

    Let's do all we can to support Sullivan. He is a hero to keep this going, because rather than being some tiny pecadillo, the baby issue is a huge hoax perp'ed on the U.S. electorate, and the suppression and cover-up of it is a very, very serious matter. McCain, Schmidt, and the MSN are very very guilty.

    1. She is a fraud folks4:05 PM

      Lance Armstrong did the same type of lying, denying, bullying and threatening that Sarah Palin now does.

      They are both liars and frauds. One down, one to go.

    2. Maple5:32 PM

      While there's plenty of evidence to suggest Palin was NOT pregnant, it seems to me that, if she indeed was, and that she knew the baby had DS, then she did just about everything in her power to actually lose the baby before it was born. To me, that is a far worse crime than simply lying about giving birth. And the fact that she is simply too stupid to realize that her Texas to Alaska story demonstrates it speaks volumes.

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Thanks for the Lance Armstrong reminder. How long did he go on with his charade?

    4. @Maple 5:32 p.m.

      First sentence of your comment describes what is sometimes termed a "fundie abortion," often attempted earlier in the term, but it still may be relevant here.

      And yes, she is "simply too stupid," not only about her wild ride story, but about everything. That has been her downfall. She can try to blame everyone and everything else, but it's just her. She's simply too stupid.

    5. Anonymous2:45 AM

      I doubt a real hospital like MatSu and a pseudo physician like CBJ would agree to help her have a fundie abortion though. This is the key. Out them and the gig is up.

    6. Anonymous6:10 AM


      The "fundie abortion" means losing the baby WITHOUT an actual abortion!

      Like throwing yourself down the stairs, punching your stomach, etc.

      This way the "fundie" can say they never got an evil abortion!

      They just "lost" the baby. Twas God's will.

  11. Anonymous3:29 PM

    No woman, (unless they are insane) behaves as recklessly as she did (in her own words). Her story is shocking. It's shocking to think she actually could do what she said she did, and that the Presidential candiditate, John McCain and his campaign staff still chose her to be on the ticket.

    Shocking, shocking, shocking. And when everyone was shocked and asked questions, she played the victim and was able to convince people she was unfairly being attacked.

    It would be like anyone noticing our neighbor's child with constant bruises and cuts, and not being concerned enough to call authorities. Concerned thoughtful common sense voters wanted to be assured this woman could make rational decisions and her story was totally irrational.

    1. F U McCain6:12 AM

      Dont you think we made the right choice for the next Vice President of the United States?

      - John McCain after Palin's acceptance speech

  12. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Sarah is daring people to catch her. I wish that someone would take her up on that dare. I don't think that she has the power that she used to have.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Many criminals-think serial killers for example- want to be caught so they can boast about how "smart" they have been. Many criminals want to get caught because the weight of the lies gets too heavy. And many criminals get caught because they think they are smarter than anyone else . Skank is stupid and a narcissist and that is her undoing. And she is and her stories are unraveling- maybe not fast enough for us but they are.

    2. Caroll Thompson4:10 PM

      Surely, there are folks in Alaska who know the truth. It may take awhile, but the truth has a way of getting out. Nothing stays hidden forever.

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      look there is not one person who came forward to say that yes, i was there when palin gave birth to trig. not one person who said yes i was there at matsu hospital the night she came in and witnessed her in labor. cbj only said she was "present at the birth of trig" she did not say she was present when palin gave birth to trig.

      c'mon-when trig "arrived" she was the most popular governor right? 80-85% approval rating in alaska or something? not one person saw their beloved governor at the hospital checking in or heard her or anything? not one photo? no one handing around emergency or waiting to hear news of a loved one while waiting? not one doctor, nurse, orderly, intern, janitor, no one came forward to say i was a witness to this event? that alone tells the truth. that alone reveals she was not in that hospital that night giving birth. remember this was at a time when alaskans supposedly loved their governor so there would have been tweets and photos,etc. if they had seen her at the hospital, in the parking lot, there would have been something somewhere. she wasn't there. end of story.

    4. Anonymous5:24 PM

      4:04 PM So true. That is encouraging.

      4:41 PM No one came forward and good well rewarded Dr. Cathy disappeared or had to have an attorney. She acts like a criminal with something to hide. Nothing at all like a doctor who delivered a bundle of joy.

    5. Anonymous6:39 PM


      Many blogs, including this one, have mentioned that the truth of Trig's origins are very unsavory and a dark and disturbing matter, in fact, some bloggers actually shut down their blogs and refused to discuss the matter any longer once they found out more details.

      I'd have to assume it was either Willows baby at age 13, or a product of incest, to make the scenario that distasteful to people. I can't imagine anything else that might be as cringe-worthy. One blogger noted that the Palins let Bristol be the fall guy for Trig's mother because it was better than the truth.

      Someday the truth will out though, even if it is unsavory.

    6. Anonymous7:13 PM

      6:39-- who shut down their blog because what they found out was unsavory. This isn't true and stories like this hurt the cause. That is not the reason for ANY blog being shut down.

    7. Anonymous11:04 PM

      The only person who came forward was that guy in the airport who said she didn't appear to be in labor.

    8. Anonymous2:49 AM

      You write untruth.
      The ONLY time it was said the story is unsavory was a random commentater (Texas something).
      It was a comment, a supposition, noting based on any knowledge. No blogs shut down over it.

    9. Anonymous7:30 AM

      I don't recall why Bree shut down. Palin's Deceptions was a long time ago, but that didn't shut down because Sarah's Trig facts were too unsavory. There was also someone named Morgan. I don't recall why she shut down but it seems it was more about threats and intimidation. She did not want her family to stay in danger and she chose to shut up.

      It would be interesting to revisit those stories. How did the Palins or McCain/Palin get rid of all those blogs?

      While reading about the McCain's I came across Don Bolles. (before blogs, this is how people where shut up)
      McCain's family connections to Murder, Inc and all. When did the mob (blood) money that paid for McCain's political career become clean money?

    10. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Anon@639, one of the questions I've asked myself is, when the going got tough, and Our Lady of Narcissism was craving an attention fix, why didn't she ever make the tearful confession, yes, I adopted my daughter's special needs child to give him a better life, and the callous liberal media kept hounding me until I had to reveal our family's most intimate secret to the world? A confession like that would have played well to her fans, back when she had fans who weren't totally insane. Red State types can relate to family complications involving babies. The only answer I come up with is, she didn't go the tearful confession route because the truth is in fact darker yet, and once she admits the ruse, the door would be open for real investigation. As for the question, what would be more unsavory, there are a number of possibilities besides incest, including a much older father, and a FAS baby who might or might not have died before being replaced.

    11. Anonymous3:18 AM

      That ship has sailed.
      Sarah has continued with the lie at too many speeches and collected too much money along the way to fess up now and say "I did it ti protect my daughter".

  13. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I'm pretty sure McCain's team held off on the med records till the last minute, and kept them only to a few notes instead of actual records, because they didn't want it to get out she is psychologically incompetent. :)

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Which way clearly why McCain suspended his campaign by using the economy as the excuse instead of the truth that it was about Palin and nothing else!

    2. Anonymous2:50 AM

      True dat also, too. A mentally ill women would fake a pregnancy to this extenet, among other things.
      Thanks McCain et all, fucking unbelievable.

  14. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Have there ever been any photos produced of very-pregnant Sarah giving that speech in Texas?

    Having been pregnant, I can tell you that the last thing a woman whose labor has begun would do is to act macho and get in front of a roomful of (mostly) men and give a coherent speech, while her insides are telling her that time's a-wastin'.

    Nor would a woman in labor, who's already given birth four times (meaning that her labor might be very short), get onto two airplanes, putting at risk her child, herself, and all the passengers who'd be delayed by an on-board birth. The problem of introducing a baby, much less an at-risk baby, into a pressurized cabin, with low humidity and less-than-sterile conditions, demonstrates that Sarah Palin is crazy, callous, or lying.

    And why would a caring and concerned father-to-be not get his wife to the nearest Texas hospital? I don't know what "fish picking" is, nor do I want to know. I do know that the life of a baby is more important than where that baby takes its first breath.

    The only reason this stupid couple might have had is that their Native health insurance might not pay for an out-of-state birth.

    The only other explanation is that they're LYING.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Good point about Todd Palin, Captain America, First Dude, Iron Dog hero, ad nauseum. What kind of caring father allows these events to transpire and be more concerned about a baby's place of birth and have absolutely NO worry about endangering his life?
      This is the man who kept an office in Palin's Administration who was in her inner circle, making governmental decisions and he couldn't convince his wife to go get an immediate examination after leaking amniotic fluid, but instead allowed her to risk their unborn child's life boarding that plane.

      This couple are not just lying, they have to be mentally retarded to believe anyone would believe this crap.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I would think a pro-life advocate such as Sarah Palin purports being would ever handle an imminent birth of her child in the manner she did. Truth is Trig was already born and was dismissed from the neonatal facility he was in on the date Sarah professes to have been his April 18th day of birth. That's why she could take him to work with her 3 days later. Any rational, logical person knows what a crock full of BS she is!

    3. Anonymous7:41 PM

      There is a pic of SP at the speech and I believe she is standing next to Gov Goodhair (aka Perry). As I recall she is wearing the ubiquitous black jacket and colorful scarf so it's hard to see her silhouette but it definitely does not look "Gusty" big.


    4. Anonymous2:54 AM

      There are photos of her in Tx wearing the pregnancy apparatus.
      In her book Going Rogue she said she gave the speech. while getting "more laughs, more contractions".
      Hmm. I have video of me in conversation with my husband during my first labor. We'd be talking, then a 90-120 second lapse as I dealt with a contraction and then we'd continue speaking.
      That must have been a really long odd speech Sarah!!

    5. Anonymous2:55 AM

      The ironic thing about Toad's fish picker comment is that Texas has a huge angling and fishing industry. He is too fuckin stoopid to know this.

    6. F U McCain6:22 AM

      Exactly, 2:55. There is just SOOOOOOO much stupid there.

      But MOST importantly - WHY not simply get "checked out" at the local hospital?

      The baby could have been dying.

      And the flight to Seattle. Wait.

      Flight to Anchorage. Pass the hospital equipped to handle this high risk birth -

      Drive another hour to Mat-Su to a hospital that does NOT HANDLE high risk births.

      Finally, forget where you actually birthed your child and write Mat-Su in your book and then say Anchorage in a speech.


      Nobody is paying attention, right, Sarah?

  15. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Rational people know professional medical staff would not do what Dr. Baldwin-Johnson was purported to have done, per Sarah's story. No doctor would endanger an unborn child. Mat-Su was not equipped to handle premature births, especially those with special needs babies. How could a sane doctor take such a risk?????????????? What kind of hospital do they run there? Who would have their unborn babies delivered there? This Mat-Su hospital declares it sends special premature babies immediately to an NICU-equipped hospital of Anchorage. Why would they take such a horrible chance and risk that child's life? No doctor in their right mind would stay in contact with a patient and ask them to meet them at the hospital that is NOT equipped with the life-saving equipment in the event of emergency.

    Outrageous that this doctor got away with this and was not brought to the floor about this event. She has a responsibility to explain her actions to all Alaskans.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Because it didn't happen.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      There is no negligence when there is no pregnancy. Sarah Palin was not pregnant in 2008.

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      No, she is just a fraud that concocted her 'condition and health' in order to deceive a nation for her own personal gain. She wore costumes and conspired with others to execute her crimes.

      The crimes didn't end when the McCain ticket lost an election. She went on to defraud poor unfortunate victims out of money to continue to glorify her status and collect more and more money and fame.

      She used the fraud to position others in her family to gain from the false brand she concocted. Many in her family went on to live off the fake brand and hoax. I think her brother gave up his actual paying job, he now must pan for gold or write another book. He could become a preacher I suppose.

      Sarah and her co-conspirators will go on and on making money off this fraud until their charades are over.

    4. Anonymous6:07 PM

      What kind of conniving BITCH does this in the name of God? MAN there are some really stupid people out there that think she's the savior of this country.

    5. Has anyone ever tried writing to the Matsu hospital's insurance carrier and asking them if they were aware this happened? The documentation is there in Palin's words. I am sure they could request the info from the hospital An insurance company can't be to happy bout the hospital and doctor taking this kind of risk. The only way the hospital could get out of this type of investigation would be to dummy up paperwork or admit it was a hoax.

    6. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Why don't you just try that yourself, genius at 6:52? Jesus fucking Christ, do you honestly think you'd get the time of day from anyone in that scenario? Please get real.

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The suspicious birth was a false flag for the real problem with Mrs. Palin, her unmedicated mental illness. That is what the McCain campaign was trying to hide and the fake pregnancy was a very convenient distraction from the fact that Mrs. Palin is cuckoo for cocoa puffs insane and refuses to be medicated.

    By letting the Trig issue be the fall guy they were able to withhold her medical records and they only released the "doctor note" on the eve of the election because they knew they were going to lose.

    If somehow that McCain Palin ticket would have won, well, there would have been many, many questions needing answering. It's lucky for both McCain, Palin and their campaign team that they lost. Then again, they knew the second week of September that they didn't have a chance so they just sat tight and waited for it to be over.

  17. Anonymous3:52 PM

    "Nor are their any pictures of her bare pregnant belly, no testimonials of any friends who felt a baby kick,"

    Uncle Gryph I must admit I felt a baby kick.

    In my wife's belly.
    Frank from Beaver Falls, Penn

  18. Anonymous3:57 PM

    So pleased to see that Andrew Sullivan once again calls Sarah Palin out as a liar. Each and everyone who keeps trying to get the truth here has been shut down/out, and I truly hope that someone will finally tell the truth and force the media to see/report this truth. SP should never have been able to get away with this deception; I can only believe that the powers-that-be, ie: the 1%ers, paid to keep this quiet. It is time to blow down the walls of lies with the truth! Thanks Gryph and Andrew for continually trying to get the truth out there for all to see. It could destroy the power of the GOP for a long, long time and nothing could be better for our country!

  19. Anonymous4:01 PM

    The thing is we all know it didn't happen. But the only way to get the MSM involved, is to take Sarah Palin's story to task. Give her the benefit of the doubt. Make her stand on the story she told. Ask her why she could take such a risk?

    We know she made the story up. But, in order to get the participation of media, the first order of business is to dissect the story and look at the inconsistent and outrageous details. Finally, when the details show that only an insane woman could make such choices and take such risks, they go to the next step, and ask themselves if this story could possibly be true. The last step is media's reluctance to believe it, and dig into the "why" a governor would make up such a story. If they could then prove her story is false, she would possibly be criminally investigated and charged with some kind of fraud against the American people.

    1. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Go right to the hospital and BJ and ask follow up questions.
      "CBJ, You ar not a high risk obstetrician. Why would you tae on Palin as a patient?" blah blah blah answer. "When is the last time you performed a c-section doctor? " "Does your malpractice insurance cover high risk obstetrics?" "Was there a neonatal intensivist on hand at the birth?"
      Stuff like this. Same line of quesinos about Mat Su, focusing on credentials and their own standards.
      They would HAVE TO SING and it would all be over.

  20. Anita Winecooler4:06 PM

    Haven't read the comments, but Andrew Sullivan is simply doing what Sarah expects the main stream media to do, ask the who what where when and why to get the truth out. And getting to know the warped mind of Sarah Palin, she's kicking herself in the butt as we speak, because she MUST make it about her, she MUST portray herself as the "Victim and she MUST want the media to go after Hillary's Hillary's brain, especially when she camouflaged her own "gates" with "Hillary's brain is off limits".

    Sorry, Sarah, when you're running for higher office or the second highest office in the country, you must answer to a higher authority, the voters, and people like Mr Sullivan, Gryphen and many others who've only asked what SHOULD me asked of every candidate.

    You didn't fool anyone then, and you're not fooling us now.

  21. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Gryphen, this is totally off topic, but I've been keeping an eye on this and I'm here to tell you that it JUMPED from 55% to 59% in the last few days. I've got it bookmarked so I can keep on top of it, and maybe you and your readers might want to do the same.


    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Thanks. Very useful. This graphic brings the key Senate midterm races into focus.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM


      I would like to think that the face of the Republican party, Sarah Palin has everything to do with that.

      When she blasphemes with baptism/water boarding and hops on to Hillary's brain with all her attacks and petty idiocy between, she does get attention.


  22. Anonymous4:28 PM

    " photos of her in the delivery room holding her newborn. (Which by the way is something that I believe EVERY mother has in their possession.)"

    Not if it's a c-section, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      You're right, 4:28 PM, both my children were cees, but her vagina could birth a watermelon.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      I think Palin claims she was induced. There could be a c-section after that but it's hard to believe Palin would be back in the office with baby in couple days after a c-section.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      I had 3 vaginal births and not one hospital photo. Ex-husband was unthoughtful.

      A hospital photo of Sarah would only place her there and wouldn't be evidence that she had just given birth, just as the photo of Levi holding baby Trig isn't evidence that he's related to him.

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Even with C-secs they bring the baby back in after the mother has awoken from anesthesia. There are still opportunities for photos with c-sec babies.

    5. Anonymous6:48 PM

      My baby was born c-section and I have photos of me with my baby son as soon as I was put back together. His father was the first to hold him and there are many pics of him and his newborn. I have hundreds of pics of me and my baby in the hospital bed, nursing, gazing in wonder -- C-section does NOT mean no photos - Miner are within the hour of birth.

      And Yes, it took time to heal from the C section. I did not go b ack to work AND haul my baby around until I was totally healed.

      Sarah did not have a c section. She had a fake birth.

    6. Anonymous3:03 AM

      Bullshittt bullshit bullshit.
      My second was a c section and there are many photos of my baby at my head as I was being sewed up, held by my husband.
      Absolute lie.

    7. Anonymous3:04 AM

      PSI had an epidural and was awake.

    8. F U McCain7:10 AM

      Gryphen meant most people have at least one hospital photo of the baby and mom.

      You may not. But we know that they took a picture of LEVI with the newborn,

      So we're just saying it is kinda strange to have that picture. ..

      And NONE of Sarah holding her newborn IN THE HOSPITAL ROOM.

    9. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Just as weird (and a red flag that the Palins are lying) is that there are no pictures of Todd or another proud Palin in the hospital room holding the newborn. The only picture with a new born is a teen boyfriend Todd didn't like but Bristol was having sex with in tents.

      They had the PR machine going because someone put together the picture of a newborn in the hospital lobby with the maternal grandparents, the Heaths. Another red flag, what person in their right mind would have a compromised newborn in the lobby right away for first pictures for media release? That hospital should be shut down if they allowed that.

  23. Anonymous4:32 PM

    In late February 2008, Palin's bodyguard, Alaska State Trooper Gary Wheeler, had accompanied her to Washington, D.C. for a Republican Governors Association conference where she met McCain and his campaign manager Rick Davis, who was to be in charge of the vice-presidential nomination selection process. Palin had been mentioned as a potential vice presidential choice for the eventual nominee, albeit a long shot, for several months in conservative publications.

    Wheeler recalls that when Palin changed into jeans upon her arrival in the capital, there was no apparent sign that she was pregnant.

    On March 5, 2008, McCain all but clinched the Republican nomination.

    On March 6, the Anchorage Daily News reported that Palin had announced she was expecting her fifth child and already was seven months along. "That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news," wrote reporter Wesley Loy. "The governor . . . simply does not look pregnant. Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting."

    On April 15, Palin and her husband Todd flew to Dallas where she was to give the keynote speech at a Republican governor's conference on energy. Trooper Wheeler, a 26-year veteran who had provided security for several other Alaska governors, was told at the last minute that he was not needed. He says that no explanation was given.


    Sarah Palin why was your security detail Alaska State Trooper Wheeler cancelled at the last minute? You were pregnant and traveling to Texas without a seasoned veteran Alaska State Trooper? WHY SARAH? Could it be because you didn't want the trooper to know you didn't have a pregnant belly and ruin your whole fake story?

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Creepy, and I DO mean Creepy, Chuck Sr. was the one that offered up the "her water broke" lie. I'll bet she and the pimp just loved that! Such a pile of crap from the start. I'm sure Trooper Wheeler was paid well to say nothing more on the matter.

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      You're "sure Trooper Wheeler was paid well....".

      Seriously? That makes no sense. What could he possibly tell about the AK-Texas-AK trip since he wasn't there?

    3. PalinsHoax7:17 PM

      "On April 15, Palin and her husband Todd flew to Dallas where she was to give the keynote speech at a Republican governor's conference on energy."

      I have long been curious above Palin's flight TO that convention in Texas.

      1.) On that flight, did the crew and passengers note that “the stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation", like the flight crew could not tell that Palin was pregnant on the flights back to Alaska?

      2.) Who met Palin when she landed in Texas? Did those people meet a pregnant Half-Term Quitter Governor or did they meet a Half-Term Quitter Governor whose "stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation"?

      3.) What about the staff at the hotel. Did they see a patron who was pregnant or did they see a patron whose “stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation"?

      Somebody must have seen the Half-Term Quitter Governor on her way down to Texas or once she got there. Somebody must have seen how pregnant she was.

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Sarh and Todd didn't want any witnesses to their scam. Dismissing her security detail is very curious under the circumstances.

      So many curious actions on the part of the Palins at this time of extreme risk to the Governor of Alaska!!! It makes no sense if we are to ablieve the palins were so concerned for the gift from God.

      The only logical answer is that Sarah and probably not Todd either are the birth parents of TriG. Trig - how cruel to name a DS child according to this birth defect - was just a prop and continues to serve from time to time when needed.

      I have never seen such a sick family as the Palins and the Heaths. If I were a Christian I would believe they are Satan's spawn.

    5. In late February 2008, Palin’s bodyguard, Alaska State Trooper Gary Wheeler, had accompanied her to Washington, D.C. for a Republican Governors Association conference where she met McCain and his campaign manager Rick Davis, who was to be in charge of the vice-presidential nomination selection process. Palin had been mentioned as a potential vice presidential choice for the eventual nominee, albeit a long shot, for several months in conservative publications.
      Wheeler recalls that when Palin changed into jeans upon her arrival in the capital, there was no apparent sign that she was pregnant.

      She would have been (as per her claim) 6 months pregnant in late February 2008. There's no way she wouldn't "show" above a pair of low rider jeans if she was pregnant.

      But.....if she just took off the empathy belly and threw it in her hotel closet before putting on those jeans...well, then!

    6. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Some governor in Texas also offered her a PRIVATE PLANE and she refused lol. Have the Palins EVER since refused a private plane lol!!!!

    7. F U McCain6:40 AM

      Thing is, when you are a slim woman you can not hide pregnancy.

      It literally takes over your body. It is not one spot.

      Your face fills, your nose may spread, you might get skin blotches. People see this in your face.

      Then there is your body. Sure you try and keep your regular wardrobe as long as possible but there simply comes a point when the clothes don't fit.

      You can't really wear your high heels anymore either. Sure you try for awhile, but your whole center of gravity is give and as you get to month seven or eight, you are not feeling the sexy and usually opt for slip ons that will give you stability.

      You find yourself touching your belly.

      You have HUNDREDS of Doctor appointments!!!!

      You stopped drinking more than one cup of coffee each day.

      You are probably trying to eat better.

      You haven't had a drink in nine months.

      You are hesitant to take aspirin or other drugs people in the office might offer you.

      But not ONE person in her office thought she was pregnant. Not ONE.

      People don't keep pregnancies secret for no reason.

      If Sarah Palin were pregnant - why the secrecy?


      Why would it be a big deal for her to be pregnant?

      It wasn't. It just was a last minute decision that they had to try and cover up.

    8. F U McCain6:49 AM

      I forgot - things that make you sick!

      I could NOT be around cigarette smoke when pregnant. I became very ill at work. You can not anticipate what may set you off.

      But Sarah was still drinking skinny lattes, running in heels, staying trim and thumping on that poor belly for Elan (what was the filmmakers name? )


      these Palins are sooooooo tough they have it to their little guy through the blood stream!

      Hole in your heart? BUCK UP, little fish picker! Mommy has to go back to work!

      Those wolves don't get shot without my permission! Those oil companies won't get to rape the land if I don't get back to give them permission!

      I'm so important! I can't just stay home with you! Plus, you know, you're retarded, And that's gross. Go stand with Todd I don't want to look at you anymore.

      No, ugh, don't try and hug me! Yuck.

    9. Anonymous11:38 AM

      So Sarah wanted to be VP, had a little problem with a pregnant teen (Willow?) by some unsavory means, and then hatched a cockamamie plan between February and March 2008 to "ensure" she got the nomination? Otherwise, the specter of a pregnant teen might derail her chances. But she still wound up with a pregnant daughter, which she knew about, right? Both daughters were pregnant, then. And she wanted so much to be VP that she was willing to risk one pregnant daughter and hope for the best, but faked a pregnancy to cover for the other?

    10. Anonymous12:25 PM

      11:38 AM

      You got me but it sounds plausible. I only know Sarah was not pregnant and did not birth in 2008. She and McCain are the biggest frauds of this century. Since they are still living the BIG LIE as frauds, their fraud is growing and bigger than if it would end now. They are stuck with this snowball that will one day avalanche and take out 96.5% of the Republican Party. None of them know how to unravel their dirty tricks, Palin makes Nixon look like the sweetest crook. The Republicans have to wait until someone else gives them up. They are in the dark about some things and they won't know what hits them. In time they will have no control at all. Just sad attempts at controlling the story when it hits the losers. If you feel sorry for them send them some Depends, they will need truck loads.

  24. Super Fan In Atlanta4:45 PM

    I agree with so many other posters that any mother AND father that would fly at that stage of pregnancy was, perhaps, trying to kill their "special needs baby". However, logic always takes me back to the fact she was never pregnant in the first place. People's hatred for President Obama, greed, desire for power and "winning" the election, was all that was needed to excite low information voters. I'm most positive most of the them knows she didn't give birth to Tri-G (that name, ugh!...what a cruel, cruel family).

    Totally O/T: Malia's last paragraph on the Sarah Palin Admits She's Stupid on Steroids Is Awesome

    The most offensive and amazing thing is that Sarah Palin promotes her image as a gun enthusiast, and refers to a “gun-free” zone as “stupid on steroids.”
    Yet whenever Sarah Palin appears at a public event, she insists that her audience be free of guns. Even in 2008 when McCain and Palin appeared together they would do so only in gun-free zones. Thus, Sarah Palin suggests that we would be “stupid on steroids” to protect children at school or movie-goesr from guns. Yet at Sarah Palin events she restricts the 2nd Amendment rights of her audiences. Sarah has found a way to ensure her domestic tranquility by limiting the presence of guns. Why is it that she doesn’t insist on the same protection for children in school? Could it be that she has no children who attend school, so she’s not worried. The alternative is that Piper and Trig do go to school, but they don’t merit the same level of protection that their mother gets.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      She lives in fear of guns. She fears she may not be as lucky as Gabby Giffords


    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Killing a late stage infant in utero is a pretty tough thing to do. Really as all Sarah could have done was hope that she contracted an infection through the breach in the sac, since her water had broken, and that is just as likely to have made her very ill yet she and the infant would have been likely to survive it. There's very little likelihood that flying with broken or leaking waters would cause death to the fetus, however hard she may have wished it.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM


      A premature Down Syndrome baby and a high-risk mother (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages), would be a serious situation in neonatal intensive care unit. In an airliner with no medical staff, it would be, well, stupid on steroids.

    4. Anonymous8:15 PM

      One thing Sarah Palin didn't do is come close to killing a late stage infant in utero.

      A child was killed in Tucson.

    5. Anonymous9:51 PM

      And remember--the wild ride didn't actually take place, at least not as Sarah recounts it. There was never any intent or risk of killing Trig by flying to Alaska from Texas because Trig wasn't "in there"--Sarah was never really pregnant.

    6. Anonymous7:57 AM

      The deaths in Tucson would not have happened if McCain didn't conspire with the Palins in their fraud schemes. No one would have heard of Sarah Palin outside of Alaska, not long enough to remember her. No one would have heard her instigation or when she appeals to and stirs up the violent nut cases. Sarah would not have made that map targeting politicians across our country.

  25. O/T


    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      That was one of the strangest comments. Not at all appropriate or professional.

      Someone said she was drunk? Was she? Over medicated?

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Did the goofy Judge woman go along with the psychologist guessing the shooters anxiety issue?

  26. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Wow! Sarah Palin must be the most haunted woman in the United States of America.

    Sarah should be happy, Sarah is number one in one category.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      S/B hated not haunted

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Haunted??????? Lol!!!

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM

      She won't allow guns when she speaks. I think she is haunted by the ghost from Tucson massacre.

    4. Anonymous11:17 PM

      Satan's spawn isn't haunted by anything. If she had a conscience, she might be. But she just thinks that she's cute because so far she's skated free.

    5. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I don't believe she is haunted due to conscience. Paranoia is more like how her sick mind haunts her. Paranoids I've known stay medicated like Palin appears to be. It keeps their 'ghosts' away. Only when they come back down it starts over until they can get something from their Dr. Feelgood.

  27. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Some very ambitious people can hide truths, exaggerate, and tell little white lies, but very very few have the gall to tell pre-meditated lies, or practice pre-meditated fraudulent acts and then pretend they are being victimized, and accuse others of trying to hide things, and condemning others for lying.

    It might be easy for a politician to get caught in a lie, but it's unheard of, for a politician to scheme a plot to con the citizens of the United States of America; and this kind of con wouldn't be some irrelevant con that just makes the con artist rich, but it would be a 'con' that fools, deceives every living breathing christian and conservative in the country. It would be the kind of con that deceives a public, which could put all Americans and the world in a precarious position. A person who would be willing to pull a 'con' like this, would be pathologically capable of saying and doing anything to win or get ahead, even to the point of endangering citizens' safety and lives. Involving an innocent baby in such a con is the lowest of the lowest form of deceit, and if a baby's life is of so little importance, then how can one believe a voter's life is of any value.

    This Sarah Palin story isn't just a 'oh, well, it's over now' story. It's a sordid very serious disturbing story that needs to be brought to the light. It's devious, evil.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I think the worst part is the media doesn't get it or believe the public has the right to know. Salon and other liberal media aggressively helped protect the lie. Others, like Rachel Maddow, closed their eyes and pretended the deception never occurred.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      "A person who would be willing to pull a 'con' like this, would be pathologically capable of saying and doing anything to win or get ahead, even to the point of endangering citizens' safety and lives."


    3. Maple7:36 PM

      Frankly, I think we're being too hard on the media. While reporters certainly heard rumours of the suspected "deception", they would have been hard put to uncover the truth. Fear of libel suits would have kept these rumours out of newspapers and news broadcasts. Besides which, the story would have seemed much too preposterous to be taken seriously. Thanks to IM and Malia and others who have persistently and diligently sought the truth, the Palins still live in fear of the truth coming out. The very fact that NOT ONE LAWSUIT has ever been launched by the Palins is proof enough that the rumours are actually the truth.

    4. "...very few have the gall to tell pre-meditated lies, or practice pre-meditated fraudulent acts and then pretend they are being victimized..."

      Sarah Palin wrote the "lie, lie some more, then pretend to be the victim" playbook for the GOP and the Tea Party back in 2008, and every GOP and TP politician has a copy -- so it's not such a rare phenomenon any more.

    5. Anonymous3:11 AM

      No way Maple, sorry. If someone, anyone in the media had put heat on MatSu and CBj with real questions and follow up questions - it would have been over in a heartbeat.

    6. Anonymous9:20 AM

      The worst part is the media is controlled and they can black out the most obvious blatant crimes and criminals.
      Or they can destroy truth tellers when they don't want the truth told.

      Lew Wasserman, the Reagans and the mafia. Richard Stavin, a former veteran federal prosecutor who was assigned to the Justice Department's Organized Crime Strike Force in Los Angeles and was an integral member of the MCA-Mafia probe team Richard Stavin, a former federal prosecutor, left his Mafia crime-fighting career because he was unable to fulfill his duties. 'It's my belief that MCA and its involvement with Mafia individuals, Mafia-dominated companies and our inability to pursue those was not happenstance,' he says. 'I believe it was an organized, orchestrated effort on the part of certain individuals within Washington, D.C. to keep a hands-off policy towards MCA'

  28. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "The McCain campaign never asked her for verification or explanation of any of these stories."

    This is extremely important. I don't think this has ever been reported before and I wish we could find out the details.

    The campaign staff would have made sure NOT to see her medical records if they suspected she faked the pregnancy. They needed to honestly be able to claim ignorance and protect Sen. McCain from being party to her deception. The scene in Game Change when the staff and Palins discuss how to handle the hoax rumor could be the moment when Palin's reaction alarmed the staff enough to suspect the rumor was true.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      The McCain staff stayed at the Johnston house and their computer was shuttered. McCain had to know something was going on and to secure the Johnston's place.

      At the same time almost anywhere you would go on the internet regarding Sarah Palin, it would be shut down or disappear. The McCain's had to be aware of something and they were in rapid mode to get rid of all they could and recreate Sarah Palin as they wanted her to be.

      i don't know when McCain knew she was a fraud but I think it was early on. He may say he vetted her, he did not. Once he was part of the hoax, it was too late for him. At least, that was the call he made because he didn't find a way to change his mistake.

  29. Anonymous6:43 PM

    One thing that's always bothered me is the picture picture of Levi with a hospital bracelet on holding the baby that supposedly Sarah gave birth to and then comparing that photo to the picture of the Heaths holding the "newborn" at the hospital and it's fat & chubby and looks at the very least 2 -4 weeks old. Yet Sarah took her "newborn" to work 3 days after she gave birth??

    People in that family know and I believe including Levi plus other friends. Apparently nothing will make them talk. Nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Levi is NOT wearing a bracelet in the photo with Trig. The one with the hospital bracelet is when Levi was holding Tripp and, yes, the two babies look different.

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Levi in the green shirt when Sarah was to be in bed by him and Trig... he looks like he was still in high school or close to that time. When he was playing for the Warriors and had his hair dyed blonde.

      That picture is a mystery and I will be happy when it is accurately explained.

    3. Anonymous9:08 PM

      I have wondered too, what threats Levi must live under not to tell what he must know. I think the whole story is far more complicated and astounding than just the fact that Sarah didn't give birth to a baby in 2008. I think it includes a fire, a plane crash, and more than one fake pregnancy.

    4. Anonymous12:04 AM


      umm, a minimum of two fires, one in the wasilla bible church http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/12/14/sarah-palin-church-fire-p_n_150825.html

      Dar Millers death http://www.adn.com/2009/01/13/653001/death-of-hospice-nurse-shocks.html

      and heck, for good measure a third http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/arson-suspected-fire-destroyed-alaskas-mat-maid-dairy

      wonder where numb nutz chuck_tard jr and his dipshit pal todd were those evenings ?

    5. F U McCain7:20 AM

      I didn't realize that Rex Butler handled Sherry's case.

      If he was working for Palin, Then he very likely took everything sherry told him in confidence - believing in client lawyer confidentiality - and told it to Palin.

      You say sue over it?

      Yeah, okay.

      I believe the Palins have had their boots I the neck of the Johnston family for a very long time.

      It's difficult for us to understand but this was a small town and Sarah was elected queen.

      In "Sarah Palin: you betcha" there is a gay kid talking about how terrifying it was having Sarah as mayor because she was so vocally homophobic.

      And the kids says: when the mayor of your town is out to get you, It's a pretty scary thing.

      And no one will defend you because these are the people of the town who elected her so they must agree with her.

      Pretty scary.

  30. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I had pics of my daughter BEFORE the midwife cleaned her up, and pics immediately after.

  31. Regarding Hillary, Palin was giving her support. "Hillary's brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right..." So what's the bitch? Palin was thoroughly vetted for the 2008 election and her pregnancy was not a main issue in the election. So why are you all non-medical people so obsessed with her pregnancy and delivery? Get over it.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM


      Palin was and is so deficient in so many areas that her selection as VEEP candidate was treason.

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      It is not the "pregnancy and delivery". It is the crimes.

      No one much can believe there was a pregnancy or delivery to obsess over.

      No one much believes she was vetted.

      Why do you care if you are over it? Thanks but no thanks for your opinion.

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      A person that can boast of all the details of Palin's wild ride has serious mental problems. Such a person is not fit for high office. The GOP ran such a person for vice-president.

      It's important that these facts are known. No one wants the USA in such a dangerous situation again.

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Sarah Palin's autobiography discusses the details of Trig's birth. Palin, of course, expects people to read and discuss her autobiography. So, that's what we are doing.

    5. Anonymous8:23 PM

      You're a hoot Gary, "fully vetted" she was not, and even McCain's people admit that now. She never even met the head of the vetting team face to face; he vetted her by phone!

      Also Mrs. Palin was being facetious and snarky in her Facebook post regarding Hillary's medical records. She fully believes that Hillary should have to show her medical records, because Palin herself was asked to, even though she did not comply.

    6. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Gary Truga are you stupid, or just naive? Sarah Palin was not vetted, and it is fact. Are you her newest paid Troll? You have been a Palin Panty Sniffer for many years. She has finally started paying you 'postage'? Are you one of Todd Palin's Johns?

  32. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Correction: October 22, 2008
    Because of an editing error, an article on Monday about the health of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates misidentified the place in Alaska where Gov. Sarah Palin has said her son Trig was born. It is Palmer, a town about 45 miles northeast of Anchorage; she has not said he was born in Anchorage.

    I swear I heard a video and she said Trig was born in Anchorage. I don't know the date but guess it was way after 2008

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      You are right, she got mixed up at one speech and said he was born in Anchorage, but all along she has said in the Mat-su hospital, which does not deliver high risk births (like twins, and certainly not a DS baby who is statistically likely to have unforeseen problems at birth.

    2. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Yes, Palin changed her story and said she "had the baby, in Anchorage" at seven and a half months when she gave a speech in Waco, Texas on September 14, 2010.

      That's the problem with lying, it's very hard to keep your stories straight.

    3. Anonymous11:51 PM


    4. Anonymous3:14 AM

      She said it in a paid speech after 2008. i think it was to a "Women of Joy" gig in the south. I have heard the tape. She said Anchorage.

    5. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Thank you 11:51 PM
      Sarah Palin says Trig was born in Anchorage.wmv September 14, 2010 in Waco, Texas


      This photo documents the Heaths with a baby they say is Trig Paxson Van Palin, born at Mat-Su Regional Hospital on April 18, 2008. "Governor Sarah Palin's fifth child and second son"

      Mat-Su Regional Hospital Says Trig Palin Was Born There (2500 S Woodworth Loop, Palmer, AK 99645) http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2011/04/28/not_really_breaking_mat_su_regional_hospital_says_trig_palin_was_born_there.html

      Levi Johnston writes he is holding Trig and that Sarah is in bed nearby.

  33. Anonymous8:02 PM

    If there were any pictures of Trig being born or pictures of Sarah Palin in bed holding Trig with her family, then I'm sure photo op Sarah Palin would have shown them.

    But she can't.

  34. Here is a picture of Palin pregnant. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lee-stranahan/anchorage-tv-station-pali_b_123029.html

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Alledgedly pregnant. She sure is proud of her faux-belly. This photo is proof of nothing. A birth certificate would be nice.

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Hey Truga, she was flat 3 weeks prior to that staged photo. But you are blind to her hoax, because you believe anything that she says. Leaking amniotic fluid, still gave a speech, flew 2 flights to Anchorage, but was driven to Matsu Medical Center where there were no qualified Doctors on duty? If Sarah Palin WAS Pregnant with Trig, why not show the Birth Certificate? Because she can't. It was a Hoax like most of her and her Dysfunctional Family's lives. She is wearing an Empathy Belly in your photo. Nice Try, Palinbot.

    3. Anonymous9:56 PM

      @8:19 PM BWAHAHAHAHA, you are a joke.

    4. Anonymous10:54 PM

      So glad Gary Truga 8:19 posted the link to that photo.

      This photo (and its companion photo) did not appear on the web until Aug 2008. There are many suspicious features re this photo:

      -- See the dark door behind Palin? This was allegedly taken along with a "Live at 5" TV broadcast, but the sun set after 8 PM on that day, so why is that door dark?

      -- The video that was put on the web after the election (that supposedly was the one that was taken at this time) has multiple splice marks on it. It was probably a video made in August, NOT before Trig's birth. In August, when Palin's styling was done by the RNC, not when she wore her updo as in other pix from the pre-Trig-"birth" days. And no scarf, as was famously her habit.

      -- In photos taken AFTER the supposed date of this one, she is shown with a remarkably flatter profile. You can put on a fake pregnancy belly, but you can't take off a real pregnancy.

      --Anyone in doubt should just google earlier parts of this site, IM. There is SO MUCH to prove that the pregnancy was a hoax.

      -- Respected journalist Christopher Hitchens said it was common knowledge among his top-tier journalist pals that this was a hoax.

      -- The supression of this story is a far bigger travesty than the hoax itself.

      -- We all saw Princess Kate's non-flat profile a few days after giving birth. Every mother knows that it takes more than 10 minutes to get that flat profile back. But when Palin showed her PREMATURE newborn with a HEART DEFECT (so she has said) off at her germy office a couple of days later, Palin's profile was once again flat.

    5. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Here is a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger

    6. Anonymous3:15 AM

      lolololGary. Wake the fuck up man.

    7. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Thanks 11:12!!!!!!
      I don't think Gary will appreciate as much as we do though.

    8. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Gary Truga 8:19 PM
      There is a history of the picture of Sarah (taken 4/13/08). For anyone who will take the time and honestly access the pictures, by no stretch of the imagination does it appear Sarah Palin is pregnant in 2008. She has fooled many people but more people are seeing through her deceptions now.


      The picture of Sarah in red is a picture of how she looks when actually pregnant. The other picture is when she claims to be pregnant.

      The Elan Frank video Sarah talks about "tight abs" while "pregnant". The stomach she has filmed is square and in no way can anyone believe that is a baby. Pillow, yes. Baby? No.

      Elan Frank Interviews Sarah Palin-April 2008 part 1


      How Sarah does it.

    9. Anonymous8:14 AM

      wow, thanks. The photos are so so telling.

    10. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Criminals and their co-horts are indicted on less evidence. Many people are rotting away for life in U.S. prisons at taxpayers expense on far less circumstantial evidence.

  35. Anonymous4:23 AM

    $ Sarah Palin said Trig was born in Anchorage, but all along she has said in the Mat-su hospital, 

    $ Sarah Palin said Trig was born early at 7 1/2 months.

    $ Sarah Palin took her premie DS baby with a heart defect to work 3 days after birth.

    Sarah all this doesn't compute. Tell the truth:
    - Is Trig' s real birth mother a prostitute Todd impregnated or from a one night stand?
    - Is Trig's real birth mother Todd's girlfriend?
    - Is Bristol Trig's birth mother?
    - Is Track Trig's father from a prostitute or a one night stand?

    Sarah are you ashamed to tell the truth? Who are you covering up for?

  36. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook
    Yesterday at 1:58pm · 


    Fuck you Sarah. You couldn't even show up to the Freedom convention held in Wasilla that was about 1 1/2 miles from your house.

  37. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I am with Sullivan. Many women have family at births. Then the baby is birthed and everyone is taking pictures in the birthing room. She is the Governor and no one took any pictures to show? High profile person and not a single picture from any family members other than Levi holding what looks to be a newborn. How strange. Even I was near distant family who birthed and I was able to get a couple of pictures. The birth mother wasn't even high profile. In what world does this birth happen?

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      She is the Governor and no one took any pictures to show?


      She is the photo op Governor and no one took any pictures to show or sell?

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      They must have family photo albums. It would be packed with newborn Trig in the hospital with all close friends and relatives.

      Of course, there are many hospital photos with Trig. Sarah is going to share them with her loyal followers like a good Christian is sharing and proud.

      That is if she gave birth to the child April 18, 2008 in Palmer, Ak.

  38. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Also, the dingbat carries around a cell phone all the time. I am sure she would have had it in delivery.

  39. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The thing about labor is at some point you just want to push. I remember trying to walk to the hospital lobby. Step. Step. Stop. Contract. Pant. Repeat. My 12 hours of laboring in the hospital were exhausting. The last thing I wanted to do was take a cross-country flight.

    All experienced and sane mothers: Raise your hands if you've ever sat patiently in an airport between flights, thumbing through a magazine as your body convulsed and split wide open.

    Sarah behaves as though labor is the equivalent of holding your pee until you can dash into department store restroom.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      And when your Down Syndrome baby is 4-6 weeks premature, an amniotic fluid leak needs an immediate medical check, because if you are going into labor the baby will quite likely need neonatal intensive care.


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