Saturday, May 10, 2014

Chelsea receives doctorate from Oxford. (Probably just to help her mother's Presidential aspirations, and draw attention away from Benghazi.)

Courtesy of ABC News:

Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton are in Oxford, England, this weekend to attend the graduation ceremonies of their daughter, Chelsea. 

Chelsea Clinton will receive her doctorate degree in international relations on Saturday from the prestigious British university. Her father was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford from 1968 to 1970. 

The graduation ceremony comes as her mother is considering a potential 2016 presidential campaign. 

The 34-year-old Clinton is reaching a number of milestones this year. In addition to her doctorate, Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, are expecting their first child in the fall. And she has taken a more public role at her family's Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, where she serves as vice chair. 

A longtime advocate for public health, Clinton has played an active role in developing policies at the foundation to address childhood obesity, HIV/AIDS, and childhood diarrhea around the globe.

You know it's like this young woman has NEVER even seen the "Sarah Palin guide to Edjumikation,  Unwed Child Birth, and Werk Ethic."

Besides as we know Chelsea is simply being given this doctorate in order to keep Monica Lewinsky out of the news. (Well as least that is how the Right Wing is going to spin it.) The younger Clinton, a special correspondent for NBC News, is a graduate of Stanford University and holds master's degrees from Oxford and Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.

You mark my words folks, someday in the future we are definitely going to have another Clinton running for President. And this one might be the most qualified, and experienced, of all. 


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    How do ya like THEM apples, Bristol!!!

  2. Ratfish5:01 PM

    Can't wait for Palin to "congratulate" her by comparing her pampered elitist upbringing to the tough go that Bristol has had pulling herself up by her own boot straps.

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      You know, the Palins couldn't even tell you where Stanford University is, much less dream of being admitted there or studying hard and working for four years (full-time, Sarah) -- not to mention getting two Master's degrees and now a doctorate. What exactly is this Oxford place, anyway? Is that Margaret Thatcher's alma mater, or was she at Cambridge? You know, getting her fancy degree in chemistry.
      And she just the daughter of a grocer!

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I can't wait for Sarah to equate Chelsea Clinton's accomplishments with Bristol and Willow's months-long beauty school training.

    3. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Sounds to me as if Chelsea Clinton bucked up and got out of the truck -- and got herself an education so she could tackle health problems around the world.

    4. abbafan7:34 PM

      Anon @ 5:25 P.M. - the palins might have an idea where Maggie went for that "elitist" edumacation. After all, Toad went to "Oxford" and $arah went to "Eton". Toad went to the one-room schoolhouse near Dillingham where the oxen would ford across the river (they called it "Oxford"), and $arah excelled at eatin' Crunchwrap Supremes!

    5. Anonymous7:38 PM

      5:36 PM Bristol and Willow were 'helped' to pass the tests by Mama's money.

    6. I wonder what their SAT scores were.
      Which is a discipline?
      Attending hair and skin (questionable) school (academy, hahahaha) v. Oxford Doctorate.

      This is a tough one.

    7. Anonymous3:40 AM

      You know what the Palins will say, "What ! She can't get a degree from a 'Murican university'" ?

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    She is an amazing woman. Bill and Hillary must be busting with pride!

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Well...Ms. Clinton is a highly educated and intellectually smart woman, who by the way is happily married and expecting her first child. Yeah!
    Bristol and Willow Palin are ... let's see...hmm..well, maybe they have barely a high school diploma between them?? But you know...Hillary and all that..a committed liberal who believes in a women's right to choose can't possibly raise a decent child, right????? Ha!
    Chelsea, you rock and congratulations on an honor very well deserved and bestowed. Oh, and by the way... Chelsea, if you're ever in Scottsdale, AZ and need your nails done....pass on by Willow and Bristol's place. Ha! Ha!

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    At some point, won't Sarah realize that she's simply not in the same league as the people who excel in medicine, business, engineering, law, politics and, yes, journalism?

    With each and every screetchy speech and facebook rant, it's clear that Sarah Barracuda of Wasilla high school is out on the court trying to compete in the NBA.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      No: That would take a brain.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Sarah is not sentient enough to have any idea how stupid and emotionally retarded she is. Just look at how she struts about in an infantile fashion broadcasting her ignorance. Emotionally. I would place her at a severely damaged three to five. Intellectually, she is borderline retarded.

  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Yes! Another Clinton running for president! A smart accomplished woman (Hillary is, too!) but Chelsea is absolutely a perfect choice for the first female president of this country!!!

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Let's hope we have our first female president (a Democrat, of course) before Chelsea is old enough to run.

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Let's see - one must be 35 years of age....I believe Chelsea meets/exceeds standards on all the the criteria....but she may only be 34 right now, so we will need to wait for her to grow old enough to be our President!

    3. Anonymous10:25 PM

      I'm anon 5:33 and, mea culpa, I have a hard time remembering or even believing that Chelsea is actually 34 years old (even thought it says it the clip Gryphen printed above).

      I guess it's because it makes me feel old.


    4. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Chelsea 2024 !

    5. Anonymous10:23 PM

      3:24 and why?

      Honestly this is why the libs always become a laughing stock and nobody outside your bubble takes you seriously.

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I want to know when her book is coming out.... you know, the book about lying to your parents, getting drunk, and having sex with boys in tents.

    It's not too late for Chelsea Clinton to be a common slut.

    1. Yeah, yeah it is. She's 34, married to a great guy, and was probably a virgin when she wed. She's got three post grad degrees, works to help people, and is a good person. She doesn't need to wear Jesus on her wrist, hooker shoes, or wigs to get attention. She doesn't lie, cheat, or call people names. She's someone to be proud of, and a true role model for girls and women, just like her mother and Michelle Obama. Can the GOP point to even one woman they want their daughters to emulate?

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Why get a doctorate when you can go to "hair school?"

    3. @Sue - if you think Chelsea was a virgin when she wed - I have 3 bridges to sell you - and what on earth does that have to do with anything - the fixation on sex in the GOP is bad enough - leave it there.

    4. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Probably a virgin when she wed??? Hahahaha holy crap. The IM Clinton Love fest is no different than the C4P Palin love fest some times i swear. Give it a break folks, Chelsea will never ever ever be president. Of course she got a big ole degree, she's the daughter of Bill and Hillary- it doesn't make her smart or dumb, it just makes her more pedigreed.

    5. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Bill and Hillary are both brilliant and academically accomplished. Chelsea didn't fall far from the tree. This isn't a statement about their politics. It's a genetic fact.

      Do you really think Oxford hands out doctoral degrees to anyone who happens to be pedigreed? Do you think Meghan McCain could have gotten one?

      I have no idea if Chelsea could ever be President (or would even want to be), but let's give credit where credit is due.

    6. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Sue 6:12 PM:
      Amen to that! You did a great job telling it like it is.

    7. Anonymous6:32 AM

      IIRC Megan got a degree from Columbia, which is no online Idaho diploma mill, so let's give her credit for that. She's also put together a few projects, and seems like a nice kid that is open to moderate views. But her valley girl vocab will pretty much keep her out of serious politics, I think. I like them both, and I like Chelsea more than most of her generation for keeping herself out of the news as much as possible. And she doesn't have that mean, vindictive streak that Liz Cheney seems to have.

    8. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Sue obviously was checking her hymen on a regular basis all the way up until her wedding day. Good job Sue, resident hymen expert.

    9. Anonymous1:35 PM

      9:44 What an ignorant statement! Chelsea earned and studied hard for the degrees she has! They didn't fall into her lap because she was a Clinton!

      The Clintons are a bright, well educated family. Pretty outstanding in my humble opinion!

  8. Anonymous5:15 PM

    So, when is Sarah (6 schools in 5 years) going to congratulate Ms. Clinton?! You know...getting a doctorate isn't near as accomplished as getting your 'hair and nail' degree'. Not that there's anything wrong with hair and nail people. I'm going to visit one this Friday! But Sarah makes such a big production out of her daughter's 'degrees' that I have to wonder: Does education mean anything to the Palins? I mean a real education????

    1. In a word: NO. Education is for 'the elites,' you know, anyone not GOP and a gunlover. I used to just shake my head when multi-degreed Santorum started denigrating 'liberal elites.' These people are clueless, nuts, and mean.
      Congratulations to Chelsea! Well done! Despite the hate flung at you from Rush and the GOP, you are intelligent, beautiful and a good person. What GOP daughter is dong anything to help people of the world? Seriously.

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      5:15 I'm highly suspect as to whether or not Palin REALLY earned a college degree. McCain was the one that pushed that statement for his campaign.

      Would think he felt he had to do it once they found out how stupid and uninformed she was! Plus, professors (when contacted - Idaho) did not even recall having her in their classes!

      Americans asked for proof of the degree (kind of like the birth certificate for the DS child she never birthed!) which was never published by the media our news outlets.

      It would be a hoot if we could get the McCain team to talk today (or, even later in the future) as to whether or not they ever viewed a degree with Sarah Palin's name on it! Betcha they never did!

    3. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Sue , you only have to look as far as Barbara Pierce Bush to find a "GOP daughter is dong anything to help people of the world" and it seems she is doing it without looking for the attention.

  9. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I have always been very fond of Chelsea, being her mother's age, and just liking this young woman and her parents. I saw her in NYC several years ago at a café close to a museum my friends and I had visited. She's quite lovely in person and very natural and unaffected. It's an unwritten rule in NYC that you never acknowledge anyone of fame or celebrity in a public place; however, I couldn't resist catching her eye, giving her a wave and a thumbs up. Her smile is delightful.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

    What an honor! And what a "Mother's Day" gift! Chelsea Clinton deserves high praise for all she's accomplished in the first stage of her life. She lived in the fishbowl life of children of Presidents, and,, through no fault of their own, have everything they do put under the microscope. She survived the good, bad and the ugly of public life and she's a role model for all young women out there.

    Of course, in todays "Benghazipalloza" conspiracy nutjob fox news generation, the timing of this announcement will seem suspicious. Now either Hillary HAS to run or Chelsea will have to earn another degree or possibly toss her hat in the ring.

    Congratulations to the Clintons! It's not hair school, but not everyone's cut out for hair school.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Now she is Dr. Clinton! Congratulations, Chelsea! Outstanding job!

  11. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Look Up

  12. Anonymous6:07 PM

    O/T but Gryph, I thought you might enjoy these.

    Six of the Most Unintentionally Hilarious Religious PSAs You Will EVER See!

  13. Anonymous6:16 PM

    You know, I'm glad for her and all the good things happening for her right now and she has certainly made good choices, but I just don't get all this rah rah for her politics. I have seen comments about how "charismatic" she is, etc.. NBC dumped her because she was boring and the few times I have heard her speak she is certainly articulate but not exactly awe inspiring. I think its wishful thinking.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Whether you like her or not , she earned her doctorate and there is something petty and vile about people( like you) that have to be snotty instead of saying a hearty congratulations!

      BTW NBC didn't dump Chelsea, she CHOSE not to renew so she could work on her doctorate, but nice try Brisket, with hard work and a fake GED I see community college in your future.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Her contract was for 90 days. Do you homework, troll.

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Wishful thinking is trying to make the Palins smart and charismatic. Willow and Bristol only know 1 word, AWESOME. They will earn a degree in Baby Making without Fathers. No reputable company would hire a Palin.

    4. Nobody dumped Chelsea. All the Palins, however, have been dumped. Sarah from the WH, Bristol twice from DWTS, Sarah from two reality shows so far; Todd from one reality show, Bristol and Willow from yet another show. See, Palins, your reality is so mean and spiteful that no one will watch more than a dozen episodes. We are really sick of your whining and your sense of entitlement for doing nothing. We know you get your work ethic from your lazy mother, but time to grow up and take responsibility for your own lives and choices.

    5. Anonymous8:32 PM

      sour grapes chuck_tard jr ? ya miserable worthless fuk.

      ya really ought'a out yer inbred self and write a tell all book about you and the rest of the highly dysfunctional white trash palin's/heath's - there's money to made there fatboy on account your little crosseyed sis's money well's dryin' up, amirite numbnutz ?

      LMAO !!

    6. I see this as fair comment - not sure why some think it is outrage, sour grapes or trolling - has IM turned into the Clintons forever website?

    7. Anonymous3:00 AM

      Wow. Because all that matters in life is being able to AWE people, eh? Isn't that how we ended up with a shit head like Sarah nearly becoming Vice President, even though she was so stupid she didn't know what the Vice President did?

    8. Anonymous4:11 AM

      As far as I can tell, Chelsea Clinton has given no indication that she is running for political office. Her achievements are her own and they are truly impressive. She is in a unique position where she can do a lot of good - for people around the world. Just wonderful for her.

      Sarah Palin injected Chelsea Clinton into politics by her recent jealous rage about the Clintons' joy at their soon-to-be foray into grandparenthood and about Chelsea Clinton herself when she ranted about abortion, for goodness sake! My assumption is that Chelsea Clinton is a middle-road liberal with global concerns. It's Sarah Palin who has tried, in her bizarre Facebook rant, to turn Chelsea Clinton into a political figure.

    9. Anonymous6:17 AM

      9:13 Does TS stand for tough shit?? There is absolutely NO comparison between the Clintons and PayMes. NONE. GHW Bush had to PAY Yale to accept W. W failed the entrance exam, the U of Texas would not accept him He then showed up DRUNK for an interview which his father got for him at Yale. Finally after a large donation changed hands he was accepted. Maybe since he made it into the WH, PayMe thought the gop worshipped DUMB. They seem to, still to this day. Please stop defending the underachievers, and at the very least have the grace to congratulate Chelsea. Well done, Chelsea.

    10. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Wow. Just wow -- lots of hate and vitriol here. I am the 6:16 poster and a staunch Hilary & Dem supporter & do not in any way support Sarah Palin & her family. I did leave out one word in my post (rah rah for Chelsea IN politics) -- as in Chelsea getting into politics, not the content of her politics. My main point being that we need to be realistic about what people's strengths and weaknesses are and just because some may want Chelsea to get into politics that we assume she is a natural at it. She may well have some things to work on. She is obviously very smart and seems like a nice person, but Dems need to look at the entire field of the best possible candidates at any given time.

    11. @6.17

      No idea what you are talking about - who is comparing Chelsea to anyone - certainly not me - she is well educated & no doubt a delightful young woman - doesn't mean she will make a great politician nor has she ever said she wants to head that way.

      As for the rest of what you are saying - I didn't see any mention of W anywhere??? Stop ranting for a minute and read what I said & examine your response

    12. F U McCain9:28 AM

      Agree, TS. It happened when people would criticize Levi. Not attacking, but criticizing. Big deal but the hammer came down from some regulars.

      Chelsea may not be full of charisma, but that doesn't mean she can't develop skills if she chose to run.

      Aside from the fishbowl life that goes with the WH, Chelsea had to withstand a near impeachment of her dad because of a sexual relationship he had with some kids in his office.

      Chelsea had to listen to all of the disgusting facts, lies and in between.

      She had to watch her mom suffer and try and keep get head up.

      She suffered horrific insults about her own looks as a very young and impressionable child.

      Chelsea may have chosen to be more subdued because she does not want to draw attention to herself, as difficult as that may be.

      But I have a feeling that her smile and her intelligence will serve her very well. She can easily take some acting lessons to try and "liven" up if necessary (if she chose to run and needed to fire up large groups of people).

      But I think that Sarah Palin is a great example of all charisma. She had absolutely nothing to offer - except for campaigning (McCain said she was the best campaigner he'd ever seen. Ugh. Because it's all lies and blowing smoke. Try governing, please).

      So, while voters love A great big personality (Chris Christie), they want an intelligent person of substance.

    13. Anonymous1:20 PM

      I see Chelsea going a different direction other than politics. (But, I could be wrong and do not oppose that!) Why would she even want to go that route? She can work in the foundation (she is already part of it) providing for others across the world, that her Dad established. Or, she could go in the direction(s) of her degrees. She has so many wonderful options.

      I just wish her and her family the very best!

    14. Anonymous1:26 PM

      We learned that McCain didn't believe what he said about Sarah being 'the best campaigner'. She promoted racism, people in crowds yelling for the death of Mr. Obama (that God he beat the shit out of them!), etc. She became a known liability and mental case on the campaign trail - read the book or watch the movie "Game Change" for verification.

      Can hardly wait until more comes out about that campaign as the years move along and/or McCain departs this earth! I suspect Sarah is going to wish like hell she'd never ventured there w/McCain, et al!

  14. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Does Oxford have degrees in hair and skin? Because that would be really awesome for Willow and Bristol.

  15. Anonymous6:31 PM

    With the Obama girls waiting in the wings I'm expecting Sarah to enroll Piper in a Bachelor of Toenail Clipping any day now.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      The oldest Obama girl is the same age now that Barstool was when she stomped her hooves across the national stage as a knocked-up no-account teenage ho.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      6:10 Thanks for pointing that out. You should post it regularly just to remind people of the differences.

  16. Boscoe6:39 PM

    LOL You KNOW there are just not enough sour grapes in the known universe for the Palin compound right this minute. It's gotta suck to endure constant reminders of just how unworthy your family would have been to step into that Whitehouse and the history books and all the responsibility that goes with it.

    Sometimes I bet we're actually not the ONLY ones who knows they dodged a bullet when McCain lost the race...

    -Of course, that's assuming $arah & Bri$tol are capable of feeling humiliation, of which there is no concrete evidence at this time.

  17. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Congrats to the new Dr Clinton!

  18. Anonymous7:22 PM

    A young girl growing up in the unforgiving spotlight of the White House and being criticized for her every breath can choose one of two paths.

    She can rebel and break all the rules, becoming a spoiled brat who expects everyone to bow down and grant her every wish even though she never lifts a finger to help, learn or achieve anything.

    Or she can embrace the advantages her public upbringing has giver her, make a deliberate choice to use her fame to positively impact the world, work hard and achieve great things.

    It is clear which path Chelsea has chosen. There are two beautiful young ladies who currently reside in the White House who I suspect will choose that same path.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      When the Clintons were first in the White House, I was working at a small company where most of the employees were hired out of the same evangelical church (I was not a member of that church). The church had their own private church school, and the "christian" parents would gloat that they were telling their children to go out on the soccer field when their school played Chelsea's school, and "take her out". You read that right--grown adults were instructing their children to hurt another child because they didn't like that child's parents.

      When the Grifter Granny was running, it was practically illegal to even mention that her teenage daughter was knocked-up out of wedlock.

  19. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Breitbart, that Font of Fact and Publisher of Putrid Palinisms, has the gall to headline a story on Chelsea's prestigious achievement as 'Chelsea Clinton to Receive an Honorary Degree from Oxford'.

    What tools they are...if confronted I am sure they would huff and puff and excuse their error...yah, right.


    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I have heard Willblow and Brisket have graduated from hair and nail school. Is toe school next.

    2. Anonymous3:13 AM

      7:50 Don't they have degrees in HO school?

    3. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Well, maybe not, HO's get paid, the Payme girls are free.

  20. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Gryphen, I just had to share this with you and Heather, and your readers! Check out those heels. These guys are fabulous!

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      I prefer these guys...

  21. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dear $arah -- the next time you dare mention Chelsea by name and Hillary's "world view>" Look what they're doing and YOU'RE NOT.

  22. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Wow! Chelsea gets a college degree, joins the workforce, continues her education, gets married, then comes a pregnancy and her PhD.. Top that with any of your lazy cubs mama griz!

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Hey Sarah - should you try and knock Chelsea in some manner, please be respectful and refer to her as "DR." Clinton! She has earned that title due to having earned her 'doctorate' just in case you don't understand my meaning.

  23. It's kind of interesting comparing the accomplishments of Hillary's vs. Sarah Palin's children. Chelsea earned a doctorate from a highly respected collage, Oxford, while Palin's children struggled just to get through high school. While the best the Palin's daughters could do after high school was to get through 3 months of beauty school. I can't speak of Track's accomplishment since I know very little in what he's done since he was supposably forced to join the military for cutting school bus tires. Did he even graduate from high school?

    Then take a look at the differences in the moral character
    between the daughters. Bristol got pregnant in high school while Chelsea waited until she got married and finished her education.

    One thing you can be sure you'll never hear from Sarah is the difference between her daughters accomplishments vs Hillary's. The way the daughters turned out says a lot about how they were raised

    1. Chelsea probably learned the benefits of birth control - the Palins were stuck with "abstinence only" - a sure way to ensure teenage pregnancy.

      There is nothing "immoral" about being a single Mother - there is however, absolute immorality in using such situation to raise money and attack the babe's father.

      Some decent sex education from parents is the "moral" thing to do. Chelsea obviously received that - the Palin brood did not.

    2. Anonymous3:16 AM

      Lots of girls get pregnant at a young age. Most try to raise their child, they do not go through a string of "trial husbands" and keep adding babies to their family. Most DO know how to work hard, do their best and face responsibility. Not the PayMe's.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Sarah and Todd were/are absolute failures as parents. Hopefully, Piper makes it out of Wasilla High School with a 'real' diploma vs the GEDs earned by Bristol and Willow. I suspect Track didn't even graduate.The Palins shipped him out of Alaska once he got in trouble and then he was pushed into the military by them! And, now where is he and what is he doing? I don't blame him for not wanting to be in public w/his folks and sincerely hope he is well and not involved in drugs as is often reported.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      One of the biggest difference between the Clintons and Palins is the fact that Chelsea had great examples to follow where the Palin kids have not.

      Education is talked about in families and promoted as the kids grow up. In looking at the kids in both families, it's more than apparent which family had a love of learning and were outstanding examples!

      Hate to say it, but it's so apparent that the Palins are hillbillies from a small town in Alaska!

  24. Anonymous9:09 PM

    ONLY because she couldn't get in to "skin school", right, Brisdull?

  25. We shouldn't be ragging on the Palin girls. After all, Chelsea came from educated, and loving parents. The Palin's came from Todd and Sarah.
    One is a pimp, and the other is a lazy ass grifter. You can't expect much of their children.

  26. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Isn't it funny how the GOP still think of ways to insult Chelsea, even though she's smart and articulate and has grown into a lovely woman? Yet when Sarah was on the GOP ticket, merely mentioning that Bristol was a pregnant teen became harsh criticism that Sarah and every GOPer with a pulse had to whine about?
    But the media is liberal.

  27. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Somehow I don't think lovely Chelsea got a minor in "beauty school".

  28. Anonymous6:47 AM

    She's not beautiful in a headline grabbing way, she doesn't rant and rave, wear her religion on her sleeve to get attention, or loudly criticize the TV viewing habits of the 1st Kids, just to get headlines. She seems to have both feet on the ground, and just seems nice. I hope she really doesn't have any particular political aspirations, she can do so much more good on the world stage in shaping anti-poverty and health policies.

  29. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I expect her to have a high position in Hillary's Cabinet, and that she will do a tremendous job, whatever it is.

  30. Anonymous12:53 PM

    There is no comparison between the Palin/Heath family to the Clintons.

    One family is highly educated, have enormous wealth, have had outstanding jobs and experience, provide for others across the globe, have married and then had children, dress professionally and speak the English language well. They are also outstanding speech makers and have both served the United States of America and the world.

    The Palins on the other hand are poorly educated as are their children (no college educations for the three oldest who have received GEDs from Wasilla High School. They have 'some' wealth (but, are not multimillionaires), have not held long-term jobs (except for Todd being on the North Slope years ago), are poor speakers, and provide zero to others in need (except supposed 'home made' cookies once to the First People of Alaska when she was in her first half-term of quitter governorship.

    Plus, the Toad is a verified pimp - using his prostitute (Shailey Tripp) along w/providing her to others during the McCain campaign - which is verified in "Boys Will be Boys" (written by Shailey Tripp).

  31. Anonymous1:00 PM

    6:19 Chelsea was ridiculed as a teenager (when in the White House) by non other than Rush Limbaugh!

    Chelsea is attractive, well dressed, well mannered, well spoken and has a beautiful smile. She's very classy and a confident human being.

    I personally find her beautiful inside and out which I can not state as to the Palin women! They lose their attractiveness by their choice of words, vocabulary and nastiness!

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Few things reveal the pure, small-minded nastiness of the right like the slams against Chelsea, and now Sasha and Malia, all of whom were occasionally seen and seldom heard during their White House years, and none of whom ever did one fuzzy thing to reflect poorly on their parents or their country. The Wasilla hillbillies, otoh, are a national embarrassment -- Piper, Tripp, and Trigg excepted.

    2. detroitsam2:00 PM

      Chelsea was also ridiculed by non other than that great American war hero (not) by John McCain.

    3. detroitsam2:02 PM

      Don't forget that Amy Carter did herself and her parents, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, proud.


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