Saturday, May 10, 2014

NRA is now launching its own version of Netflix. One show even features a hip African American touting the benefits of gun ownership. Nothing transparent, or desperate, about that.

New NRA star Colion Noir
Courtesy of Think Progress:  

The NRA would like you to meet Colion Noir. He’s the host of their new show, Noir, which premieres May 11 on NRA Freestyle. Noir is just one of the new shows the NRA plans to launch, alongside Media Lab, in which a Veteran Navy SEAL will dissect violence in TV and movies, NRA Sharp (“for the culturally curious”), and I Am Forever, about another Veteran Navy SEAL and the teenage girl he will “guide” on “her journey toward personal protection.” 

About two months ago, the NRA announced a partnership with Noir who, as an African-American millennial, isn’t the typical NRA spokesperson, thus the basis of his appeal. Since Newtown, the NRA has made a mission of winning over more non-white supporters. The NRA even hosted a “Youth Day” at which children were offered free memberships. 

But the odds are not ever in the NRA’s favor: According to a Harvard University Institute of Politics poll, taken in spring of last year, 49% of millennials support stricter gun laws, compared to 15% who think they should be less strict (35% want no change in the laws). Only 18% of 18 to 25 year olds reported owning a gun.

This Colion Noir guy has an impressive following on You Tube and certainly helps provides a little ethnic camouflage for the predominantly Caucasian  gun nuts. (Here is one of his videos, spouting Tea Party talking points with the best of them.)

However Noir's new role as hip NRA spokesman only helps to remind us that the NRA were not always so supportive of black folks having guns.

Take a look at this from Salon:

When the gun control debate focused around black militants taking up arms, the fulcrums were very different. Indeed, both the NRA and President Ronald Reagan spoke against armed citizens when African American men patrolled neighborhoods brandishing firearms in response to racial violence. The Panthers were not the “well-regulated militia” that the white, conservative stalwarts of Second Amendment advocacy had in mind. 

Hence the hypocrisy now of the gun group appealing to African Americans — invoking the Civil Rights movement — to lobby support against gun regulation. 

One has to wonder how long the NRA will be willing to promote African American participation with the NRA once a black man "stands his ground" against a white man, and then flashes his NRA membership card for the news cameras.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hmm, these people were okay with Trayvon Martin being killed and he didn't even have a gun. Now they support a much darker black man and encourage him to have a gun? NRA is all over the fucking place; they don't even have a coherent message. Can't wait for the first white supremacist NRA goon to meet their new black, gun-weilding poster child in a back alley....I guarantee you he'd just end up being another black guy that was threatening to them, whether he had a gun or not.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      What makes you think that the armed white supremacist will win the gun battle against the armed black guy? Most cowards only engage unarmed 'enemies'.

  2. The NRA may achieve their goal of "winning over more non-white supporters", but I'm sure they will lose a great number of white supporters at the same time. White guys with guns are patriots. Black guys with guns are thugs. Dont'cha know?

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Off topic:

    Tea Party upset sends Eric Cantor backer out the door.

    Check out the comment at the link.

    "I was at that meeting today; it was ugly.

    The sulfuric stench of the unruly, disrespectful and unwashed rednecks and anti-Semites supporting Gruber and Brat turned my stomach. The 7th District was over-run by that lot. And their victory is the Republican Party of Virginia’s great LO$$ in Cobb’s defeat today.

    God Save America and the VA Republican Party."

    Should be due for some Palin gloating on this real soon.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      So how's that Tea Party "grass roots revolt" idea working out for you Republicants?

      Youtube: Fred Gruber Accuses Cobb, Cantor of Driving 'Nazi Cars'

      Longer clip:
      Fred Gruber speaks at 9/4/13 anti-Obama, anti-Cantor Ralley (sic: posted by a Teapublican no doubt!)

      Lots more here at Dkos:

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Washington Post already:

      "Just a few miles from his family home, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) felt the wrath of the tea party Saturday, when activists in his congressional district booed and heckled the second most powerful House Republican."

      This too- It is now ALWAYS Obamacare and BENGHAZI!!! :

      "Cantor stoked the volatile audience of roughly half his supporters and half Brat loyalists.

      “It is easy to sit in the rarified environs of academia, in the ivory towers of a college campus with no accountability and no consequence. When you throw stones,” Cantor said, “when you throw stones at all of us who are working every day to make a difference.”

      Finally, Cantor defended his record on the Affordable Care Act, taxes and Benghazi, promising party activists that he’ll continue to stand up to President Obama.

  4. Real Name is : Collins Idehen.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      lol. Thanks for the link. Was going to check him out because it smelled funny, no need to now. Here is another one.

      What is the FB policy on multiple identities and sock puppetry? never mind, IOKIYAR

    2. Noir = Black in French. Just *slightly* transparent...

    3. Anonymous1:02 AM

      Thanks KOA, that is the foremost flagrant fakery afoot with NRA gunners' godly interpretation of the holy 2nd amendment remedy solution.


  5. "No matter how cynical you try to become, it's never enough to keep up" - Lily Tomlin

  6. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Do the NRA top dogs not have a clue that Americans across the USA see right through their bulls--- tactics! A black guy being their spokesman when the majority of their leaders and membership are white!

    Give us a break!

  7. Anonymous3:58 PM

    OMG. They are LOOKING FOR TROUBLE! Who in the white community wouldn't think this guy is out to GET THE WHITES!
    Shame on the NRA - MORE SHAME ON COLION!!!!

  8. Anonymous4:04 PM

    The guy above looks a lot like the one at the Bundy Ranch faceoff

  9. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I think I may cancel my Netflix subscription.

  10. Anonymous5:10 PM

    He wanted to call himself Colon Noir but everyone could see that translates to Black Ass.

    1. In French - just about literally!

    2. Anonymous1:07 AM

      Prairie Home Companion worthy Lake-Wobegone wryness.



  11. Anita Winecooler7:17 PM

    Brilliant move on the NRA's part! Is this part of the GOP's outreach to African Americans, Hispanics and people of color? Well they found ONE!! Woop De Doo!!!

    I can see a pasty white gramma in Arizona dropping her rosary beads and heading over to sit by Noir's side. Maybe even do a facebook post all about how thrilled she is. She's so predictable, like white on rice.

    1. Anonymous1:10 AM

      As Ann Coulter chortles, 'we've got our own one' and now-what-are-you-gonna-do-now hah!


  12. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Noir? Seriously? WTF, a black man named "black" in French? Doubt that's his real name. NRA are such morons.

    1. Anonymous1:11 AM

      'morans' in GOTP'er sign-speak.


  13. Chenagrrl7:58 AM

    And he would show up at a fast food joint or Little League game expressing his 2nd Amendment right? Yeah! When the Chena freezes over in July.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.