Sunday, May 11, 2014

Any day now.

Actually for all intents and purposes this has already essentially happened.

For the most part the only coverage Palin gets is to laugh at her misstatements or condemn her hideous gaffes.


  1. PalinsHoax3:41 AM

    "For the most part the only coverage Palin gets is to laugh at her misstatements or condemn her hideous gaffes."

    Let's not forget that we also like to poke fun at her smelly juvenile wardrobe, her hideous hairstyles with the wig slippages, her severely manly jaw, her sneering lips and her dead eyes. She is desperation personified and a caricature of all things ludicrous.

    Oh, and she keeps us guessing as to what boob size she will be on any given day.

    1. Donal7:25 AM

      Personally, I get a big kick watching her wattles grow. When she's speaking (or screeching, actually) they jiggle and wiggle around like frenzied remora attached to her neck. Makes me chuckle (hat tip to Daddy Chuckie here) every time.

    2. 3:41 So right.

      And which kid is pregnant this time around. Not married but pregnant.

      We should have a pool on which one is gonna get pregnant next.

      I don't know of a more dysfunctional, fucked up family than the palins/heaths.

      Stupid gone crazy!

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      7;25 AM Now you've done it, Sarah will disappear for a few weeks to get the wattles tightened. Their Plastic Surgeon must be making big money from the Palins.
      Too bad that nothing can be done with that receding hairline under that humongous wig.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Don't worry.......others are waiting to take her place........much to my chagrin..........

    1. Take her place? No each one (gop) has their own crazy place. They are there already.

  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    The more she struggles to remain relevant, the dumber she comes across. Desperation was never so amusing than Queen Esther.

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Sarah ? ? Blueberry hunting in the wild ? ?

    Ghwahaha Somewhere in Phoenix

    Yep, they are working up their comedy routines. The Palin's sure like to hand out tips on parenting. I think they've given a few to the Obama;s, also, too. (Bristol) Tips on Being a Good Mom
    What wonderful pink delights will her love bug cook up ? ? Bristol's man can treat her to a boat ride and looking forward to getting skunked. "HaHa"

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Bristol Palin spreads the word like she spreads her legs, quite often. The Palins have enough illegitimate children to start a nursery. Amirite UNITED STATES, WASILLA, ANCHORAGE, and LOS ANGELES Trolls?

  5. They still give her too much coverage.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      We don't hear that much about Paris Hilton any more. We can hope that the media will get just as tired of Sarah.

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Alaska's own village idiot! Something they have NOT been proud in baring to the USA!

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Too bad you don't pay equal attention to stupidity from your liberal idols and liars on the left. Though the fact that you are a liar as well tells me all I need to know as to why you fail in objective blogging.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      When the Democratic National Party nominates someone as idiotic, untruthful, unqualified and ridiculous as Sarah Palin to become VICE PRESIDENT of the FRIGGING COUNTRY, that's when the right can complain. But not before.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Too bad that we don't pay attention to the LIARS on the Palin team who post your bullshit from LOS ANGELES, WASILLA, UNITED STATES, and ANCHORAGE simultaneously. You Heath/Palin Assclowns can't do anything without consulting each other. You are stupid enough to think that Nancy French and C4PEE are objective bloggers. You are lucky that Gryphen ALLOWS your stupidity daily on his blog. Go assist the Palin Brood of Bastards with their ILLEGITIMATE BABIES. Track fits that category also, since Todd is not his biological father. Piper has Menard genes too. Ol' Sarah sure did 'spread' her 'wings' when Todd was on the North Slope. Bristol and Willow learned from their Dorm Room Mama and it shows.

    3. Anonymous9:33 PM

      2:22 - (cough)... john edwards.... (cough)

    4. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Objective blogging?

    5. Anonymous9:17 PM

      9:33 PM (cough)...Dan Quayle...(cough)...Spiro Agnew...(cough) got Toad's 2-toned stuck in your throat?

    6. Anonymous9:06 AM

      9:17- Just responding to 2:22 dipshit.

      Do you have a strange fixation with Palins dick? You do! Good for you.

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Soon this will be the Palins.
    Pay back time Sarah, Todd, Bristol

  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I'm guessing she's not headed for oblivion but that as people continue to find out who she really is, and show their dislike for her, her work-shy family are all going to have a get jobs because the gravy train is screeching to a halt. Having to go to work every day is going to be much, much harder on Quittypants than oblivion would be.

  10. Such a flattering image of Sarah. You think she even recognizes herself in that cartoon?

  11. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    I know most cartoons exaggerate certain features, this one did a pretty good job except for the extra weight she's carried, red wig and no wonk eye at all. I do like the premise of her taking a step back to oblivion. Would be fun to watch her lemming vibrantly living brood and trolls line up behind her and jump.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.