Friday, May 23, 2014

Did Darrell Issa just sabotage the newest Benghazi investigations? Sure looks that way.

Hey, I get left out, people gonna get hurt. What are ya going to do about it?
Courtesy of the New Republic:  

Either Darrell Issa is so miffed at Republican leaders for yanking the Benghazi investigation out from under him that he's intentionally undermining the new House Select Committee, or he just vindicated those who believe he wasn't up to the task. Either way he just blew a hole in one big piece of the conspiracy theory. 

A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the “ramifications” of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. 

The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway—and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened—the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video. 

The White House is thrilled with this revelation because it supports the view that their early citations of the YouTube video were sincere—not intended to whitewash the truth, that American public servants had been victims of a terrorist attack. The claim that this YouTube business was all a big lie is central to the entire convoluted Benghazi conspiracy, and something Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy has harped upon in the past. Just two weeks ago, Gowdy told Charlie Rose, " I think that Ben Rhodes memo was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because that memo made it really clear that we're going to blame an internet video and not a broader policy failure in Libya.... If you really think it was the video, then site (sic) me all the evidence." Issa's leak is the evidence.

Gee it looks like one of the clowns jumped out of the clown car, and pulled out its transmission.

And what you expect really? After all there is no way that Trey Gowdy is going to take this away from Issa without him resorting to some backstabbing.

I mean just look at that picture of Issa at the top.

If that doesn't say Mafia hitman I don't know what does.


  1. Do you think FOX will report that to their viewers? Gee, and if they did do you think it might also ruin their Benghazi!, Benghazi!, Benghazi! Campaign. I'm sure if their viewers did hear about it, they would be very disappointed and say there was a conspiracy going on and the liberals were trying to sweep it under the rug. Just saying.

  2. Time to break out the popcorn, oh this is going to be good!

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    More GOTP cannibalism: pass the popcorn, Gryph!

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I have to wonder why Fox viewers or Issa himself doesn't get on Twitter or any number of sites and ASK any number of people in Libya? Anthony Bourdain just went with an entire film crew. If they want to investigate, then feet on the ground. Get over there Issa and ask your questions. Otherwise, shut up and stay in the truck.


  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    That guy just OOZES slime and smarm. What a POS.

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Was this before or after Mitt Romney took himself up onto a pedestal and spoke publically, railing against our President? :)
    I hope Mr. Issa likes the taste of crow.

  7. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Darrell Issa Declares War on John Boehner as Benghazi Investigation Turns Into a Circus

    The big House Benghazi investigation has turned into a full blown circus, as John Boehner has lost control over Darrell Issa, who has gone rogue, and is trashing Boehner’s big plans.


    Disaster Strikes Republicans as Darrell Issa Sabotages Their Big Benghazi Investigation

    Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) completely sabotaged the House Republican Benghazi investigation today by discussing a White House memo that undermines a big part of the Republican conspiracy theory.

    The reason why this memo is important is because the foundation of the Republican claims of a Benghazi cover-up is based on the idea that the White House intentionally lied and blamed a YouTube video for the attack.

    White House officials are elated that Issa opened his mouth because the memo confirms what the administration has been saying all along. There is no conspiracy or cover-up. The intelligence community was concerned about the video even while the attack was still going on.

  8. Anonymous5:47 PM

    On Friday, the State Department announced that Secretary of State John Kerry would testify about the Benghazi attacks before the House Oversight Committee chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). The State Department announcement suggested that this means Kerry will not testify before the select committee investigating Benghazi.

    This comes in the wake of the leaking of formerly classified information relating to the Benghazi attack by Issa even before the select committee has even been convened. In an appearance on CNN on Friday, House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said that the evidence suggests Issa has gone rogue.

    “I think the Speaker has lost control of Issa,” the congressman said. “Mr. Issa is trying to interject himself into the select committee’s business.”

    “It undermines the select committee,” Cummings, who will also serve on that committee, added.

    Watch the clip below, via CNN:

  9. Anonymous5:51 PM

    In the background of the above photo, there's a picture with people smiling at Issa. kinda funny.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

      I wonder where that was taken? Looks like President Obama all the way to the right, and Vice President Joe Biden standing on the left, laughing their butts off at fender head Darryl.

    2. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon9:09 PM

      That's a reproduction of a fairly well-known painting of several Republican presidents -- the ones visible in this shot are Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, Ford (!), and Tricky Dick (!!!)

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Looks like Nixon and Ford, definitely.

  10. Anonymous6:33 PM

    The former car alarm salesman serial hot car borrower (not stolen... Yellow Dodge Charger and RED!!! Maserati = HOT CARS!) announced that he had been forced to burn down the Benghazi investigation in order to save it.

    "Shit got real in the A Shau Valley where I proudly served in the Green Berets with Col Mike Kirby, and fallen heros like Sgt. Peterson. Just as like back then, even today sometimes extreme measures are needed. Other times shit just happens.

    My wartime service in Vietnam and other places made me what I am today. So if there is smoke and fire, just call for Spooky and watch the shit hit the fan! If that doesn't get it done then I'll be the HMFIC and call in an ArcLight mission! FTW!"

  11. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    Poor Issa, a dingo ate his beghazi!

  12. Um... then there's this, from Jake Tapper on Sept. 14, 2012:

    And Jay Carney at the White House September 14, 2012:

    So - yeah. Lots of people *knew* the White House was questioning about that movie.

    AND its already been proven that Presdent Obama initially referred to the attacks as acts of terrorism.

    What a stupid man Issa is. Clearly, obviously a witch hunt.

  13. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Don't know how I got to this link but this is really interesting!
    Totally O/T:

    You Can Learn A Lot About America From Each State’s Internet Search History

    There is a map and here's a tidbit for starters:

    Check out what other search queries each state performed more of than any other in the list below…

    ALABAMA: FOX News / God / Impeach Obama / Jesus / Jessica Simpson / Obama Is The Antichrist / Polka / Satan

    Analysis: It’s a fire and brimstone kind of state, but with a soft spot for pretty blondes.

    ALASKA: Adult Friend Finder / AR-15 / Bestiality / Bird Watching / Couch Surfing / Mail Order Bride / Pull Tabs / Sarah Palin

    Analysis: It’s awful lonely up north.

    ARIZONA: Conjugal Visits / Hippies / Scorpion Sting / How are babies made?

    Analysis: Things you’d overhear on an Arizona hippie commune: “I have to reschedule my conjugal visit because have to see a doctor about this scorpion sting.

    ARKANSAS: Atkins Diet / End of Days / Lap Band Surgery / Learn to Read / Walmart Jobs

    Analysis: In 2013, Arkansas was declared the most obese state in America, and evidently they did something about it because in 2014 they’re now the second most obese.

  14. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Let's get the word out:

  15. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Here's the problem: Fox News has conditioned its viewers to demand answers IMMEDIATELY, before any information has been gathered. So of course the White House has to say something, even if it's just their best guess.

    Same issue with Obamacare. I can't believe how many people are demanding to know who has paid their insurance bill, even before they're due, and before the White House can compile all the data from the multitudes of insurance companies.

    I used to have a boss that would hover over my shoulder whenever there was a crisis, demanding to know what I planned on doing to fix it. Naturally I had to blow smoke up his ass to get him out of the way so I could concentrate on the real issue.

    I don't understand the right's need for instant information as opposed to accurate information. Actually, I do. Theirs are the low information voters, so they're giving them a shiny object to focus on.

  16. Anonymous3:08 AM

    There's something about Issa? Has anyone checked the connection from Issa to the video maker?.......somehow I just cant get past a little act from the little man complex stinky man republican and their delusional menopausal hogs with lipstick republicans to do premeditated acts.....remember the pledge from the republican term prez, deny deny deny. Issa is just the straight face to present the circus of lies.

  17. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Who elected that asshole. Seems like republicans have the faces in the crowd most ASSociated with butt hate ugly. That man has the face of the south end of a hog with lipstick down the road. Every time that clown shows his face my gut turns......who elected this person? I mean really. Media should send crews to film WHO elects these politicians around the country. For the love of living and loving in America why? Can we not select better to represent? This guy has a mission and it aint American guaranteed

  18. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Issa is a crook and can not believe there are any honest people who can make it into the halls of government. Just because he is slimy, he thinks everyone else is, too. The gop would find more "red meat" investigating the car thief, arsonist, insurance fraud Issa than anything else. People who look like Issa remind me of the British slang "gormless" meaning STUPID and CLUELESS. Does he have another "brother Darrell" I wonder.?

  19. De Niro will play Issa in the movie.


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