Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Duck Dynasty homophobe to speak at the Republican Leadership Conference. Sounds about right.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

Phil Robertson, the controversial star of the hit TV show "Duck Dynasty" will address the upcoming Republican Leadership Conference on Thursday. 

Robertson will talk to the annual confab in the evening of its opening day, the conference announced Tuesday. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) are among the people also scheduled to speak Thursday evening at the conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

That's right Republican party keep right on openly embracing the intolerant, misogynist, and xenophobic.

After all that IS your base.


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Please proceed, republicans.

  2. a. j. billings12:22 PM

    Phil Robertson is SUCH a great example of Christian grace and humility, recommending that old men marry 15 year old girls!


    “You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

    "You wait until they get to be 20 years old, the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket

    Read more:

    1. They can't stop digging! It's astounding.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I would not let the guy in the room just based on his horrible appearance! Republicans are absolute idiots and continue to do NOTHING to improve their image!

    Democrats thank you! Onward to POTUS Hillary Clinton! And, thank you President Obama and VP Biden! You are doing a splendid job in spite of the Republican/Teabagger obstruction!

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    They have all gone MAD.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    'Unplugged' Moves Into Palin's Sportsman Timeslot

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Yeah, I don't buy that growth in viewers crap, it hasn't even been on the radar when it comes to the top 100 shows. That guy is blowing smoke up our asses.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Fein says Amazing America, featuring Palin, the former vice presidential candidate, generated big increases in viewership in its timeslot from a year ago. It also generated buzz for the network.

      “The awareness factor has been great and it’s been really good for us,” Fein said, but the show hasn’t been renewed yet.

      Big buzz, maybe. Big increases in viewership?? Prove it. Why would they have to sit around and dicuss renewal? Wouldn't it already be renewed?

      I call BS.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      A year ago? It started in April.

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Sure, there was a big jump in viewers. Previously, they only had 5,000 tops watching at any given time. When Sarah Palin's show aired, the number jumped to 5,100. If she has 4 million followers on her Facebook, how come her ratings were so bad that she never cracked the top 100 cable shows watched on a Thursday night? (You're not going to tell me that those millions of "likes" are really "lies" are you?

    5. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I think they mean numbers from whatever was in that time-slot a year ago, because TV viewership generally goes up and down in correlation with time of year

    6. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Fein says no decision has been made to renew that crap show?. It never met their great expectations but they used the idiot Sarah for publicity at first and it worked, bad publicity is still publicity. If Sarah lived up to her reputation you can bet she thought she was a major star and demanded a lot more money for more shows. It was the perfect gig for her very little work or effort on her part for the dollars she got and top billing besides! only problem is the "Old Gray Mare She Ain't What She Used To Be".

    7. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Another show of Palin's that flopped! She can't win for losing!!

    8. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Every show on that channel looks the same. If people want different kinds of adventure shows, there are already plenty of them catching the most dangerous catch, driving ice roads, being left alone to survive in the jungle on more established stations. The big winner in the cable ratings is Pawn Stars (and reruns of Seinfled, Friends, Dora the Explorer and Sponge Bob Square Pants). It was bad timing, putting Palin up against the playoffs. Sorry, but that's what people have been watching for the past month or so.

    9. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Sarah is supposed to have 4 million fans, and they didn't watch her shwo.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Well, you knew it was only a matter of time...

    ...Only Rush Limbaugh could blame the actions of a deranged killer who writes several times in his manifesto that he hates women on Democrats. The mass murderer didn’t hate rich people. He wanted to be a rich person because in his warped view, being rich would get him the sex that he thought he deserved.

    Anyone who has read the manifesto that came from the deranged mind that was warped by hatred for women knows that Limbaugh is cherry picking quotes in order to make a horrific event a partisan cause to exploit. The killer saw women as objects that were supposed to give him the sexual satisfaction that he was entitled to.

    It isn’t a surprised that a woman hater like Limbaugh would ignore the misogyny in the manifesto. Political partisanship had nothing to do with what happened in Santa Barbara. Anyone who claims that it did is a disgrace. Rush Limbaugh has once again demonstrated why the advertiser boycotters must keep fighting. Rush Limbaugh can say whatever he wants, but he has no entitlement to financial gain from such deranged and hateful language.

    1. If women were objects that were supposed to attend to his every sexual want, wouldn't that make him a Republican?

      I can't think of a party that hates women more, wants to curtail their every right more, objectifies them more, disrespects them more, than the Republican Party. One only needs to look at the legislation they try to pass and the statements they make (most recently (non)Joe the (non)Plumber.

      Republicans *are* the Misogynist party.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

      Rush Limbaugh is an ass who's going to die a virgin.. The only reason a woman married him is she wants his money and to keep up appearances.

  7. Randall1:21 PM

    Good: putting their "values" right up front and for everybody to see.

    2014 should be a landslide for Democrats.

    1. Randall, it should be, but it most very likely won't be. Especially in the House. No matter how horrible the Republican candidate is, very, very, very few voters in dark red districts will vote for the Democrat instead. And 2010 gerrymandering ensured that there are more dark red districts than there had been previously.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I went to their website, and while there 12 people pictured, included Donald Trump and Newt, there was no picture of Sarah. I guess that the Duck guy is this year's Sarah Palin-- the person who is willing to say outrageous s**t just to get noticed. It's good that he associated himself with the Republicans. Now, where is Joe the Plumber when you need an eloquent spokesman?

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      It is sure apparent that no one wants to be affiliated w/Sarah Palin, the little white trash girl from Wasiller, Alaska!

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      @2 PM Now she's going to stamp her foot and holler on her facebook just to get noticed.

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    And what a base base it is.

  10. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Why is he eating a carrot?

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      His phallic obsession?

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I thought that homophobic guy was sucking on something else.

  11. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Take a good look at that photo of Phil Robertson. The dirty, the mean, the ignorant.then ask yourselves if this guy entered your work place and applied for a job would you hire him? That pretty much sums up the Republican Party. .This is what they have become. and not only should we not hire them we should fire them.

  12. Anonymous4:37 PM

    $arah has a new event to go to June 26th. It's being called Americas Last Stand and is being held at Smokies Stadium, appearing with her Heinous will be Rick Santorum and Col. Allen West and Jeanine Pirro who are Fox news contributors, for a mere 49 bucks general admission you can here some real paranoid crazy or if you go vip for 1,000 bucks you get dinner and a meet and greet! Will this be like Custers Last Stand? is a war going on? will guns be allowed? lol

  13. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    They hired him for keeping his ducks in a row, not to convert the masses from his pulpit in the duck pond, but then he changed and it's all about religious persecution. I've watche 19 kids and counting, You're no Jim Bob the holy roller sperminator extraordinaire. Not even close.
    Get a bath, haircut, and get a real job. I hear Amway and Walmart are hiring. Oh, scratch that idea, start endorsing GOP candidates from Facebook.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.