Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Karl Rove's attacks on Hillary Clinton. Well, except Republicans of course.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

Two-thirds of Americans in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll disapprove of the Republican strategist raising questions about Clinton's age and health in advance of her potential presidential run. The lopsided negative reaction to Rove's commentary -- just 26 percent approve of his topic of criticism -- includes majorities of every age group as well as Democrats and independents. Republicans split evenly on the issue, with 45 percent approving and 46 percent disapproving of Rove broaching the issue.

In the overall category, combining all political groups it was 66% to 26% disapproval. For Democrats  it was 84 to 11 percent. Independents 64 to 27. And of course as pointed out in the above paragraph only the Republicans were evenly split on the issue.

Of course since most Republicans will undoubtedly vote against Clinton based simply on principle, and every other demographic is turned off by this, it is probably not something that the rest of the GOP should adopt as a viable method of attack against Hillary.

Of course this information comes too late to stop a certain Grizzled Mama from stuffing her Naughty Monkey pumps into her gaping maw.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Rove must have shit on EVERY human in the world. Damn

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      He looks like he is still full of it, also too!! Being known as "Bush's Brain" is hardly a compliment, W made lots of bad decisions. He was not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, ol' W. Doughboy Rove is just the slimiest, dirtiest, sneaky person in politics. Since he does not have anyone to answer to, he flings crap to see if any sticks.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I don't care for his comments either. I know when Hillary is POTUS she will have the best medical team at all times. I know, for sure, if she will run she is now vetting all potential VPs. I know she will select one who can take on the job in case. So to me if Hillary runs her VP choice has to be the right choice to win the election. I now once Hillary is POTUS I don't have to worry about medical or political VP. This is why I would vote for her, there are solids all around it, I think or I know. McCain just let someone choose and he did not think of the future, so to me he had no vision even to be POTUS. Nothing.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Taxpayers paid a fortune for a medical team to follow Cheney for 8 years. He did not even have a heart for some of those years! Since he is evil to the bone, the gop were just fine with that. Reagan had Alzheimers while in office, no problem for the gop. Hillary is just fine, they should start worrying about their own candidates. There are several obeses ones, Jeb, Huckerbee, Christie, Gingrich. Any of them could have a heart attack at any time.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Faking a having a DS baby is small potatoes for Republicans.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      Hillary already has the best medical benefits in the world and she's fully vetted and ready to go if she wants to. Unless she does something crazy (which I doubt) like flying to Texas while close to giving birth, having her water break in the hotel room, and calling her doctor who says "it's fine, take the jet to Anchorage then drive to MatSu and we'll induce there. Then, in a speech, say your gift from God was born in Anchorage? Did she miss a u turn in her wild ride audiotape interview?????

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Meanwhile our lovely president celebrates science with the future leaders in the world:

    President Obama Unleashes His ‘Inner Nerd’ At White House Science Fair

    President Obama today shined the spotlight on 100 students from 30 states whose work in science, technology and engineering he says should inspire others to excel in the field. “As a society, we have to celebrate outstanding work by young people in science at least as much as we do Super Bowl winners,” he said. Obama said this year’s White House science fair put special emphasis on “amazing girls and young women” to encourage more to pursue careers in science. “I have a confession to make. When I was growing up my science fair projects were not as successful as those here,” Obama joked.

    He said he killed a bunch of plants in one project; in another, he said mice escaped in his grandmother’s apartment. Obama also got an up close look at several of the exhibits. He tried on a “concussion helmet” designed by one young lady; chatted with three 6th graders about their “app” that helps disabled kids navigate from class to class at school; and viewed a robot designed by Natick, Mass., HS students that helps with icy water search and rescue. Obama tried and tested the robot, and the kids joked that he was now certified in ice rescue. “I love this event. This is one of my favorite things all year long,” Obama later told the crowd.

    This is what a leader does. This is what an intelligent, well educated, open minded leader does. This is our president.

  4. angela9:50 AM

    Karl Rove thinks he is dealing with idiot children because of the dumb shit republicans who handed him hundreds of millions of dollars to torch.

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    When W was in the WH, a male prostitute, Jeff Gannon visited OVER 200 times sometime overnight. As soon as W was out of the WH, Rove divorced his wife (beard) He is wearing a wedding band. Is it for cover when he visits gay bars, where his nickname is Miss Piggy? Now that same sex marriage is legal almost everywhere, did he marry Jeff Gannon? Maybe he pulled a Limbaugh, and bought himself a gold digger as a cover. He is only 3 years younger than Hillary, but not nearly as ethical or intelligent. He dropped out of college, by the way.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I really don't give a shit about Rove, other than calling out his lies and mis-info, but last I heard (around election evening when he melted down), IIRC, Rove was still with his much-younger boy-toy, Ali Akbar.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Karl Rove learned his dirty tricks from Lee Atwater, who at least repented before he died of a brain tumor. There's an excellent documentary on Atwater on netflix.

    Rove is not doing too well when he doesn't have a throne to hide behind. Election Night 2012 was the first nail in his coffin; this firing on Hillary so soon, and with lies, won't be forgotten.
    He'll have to spend his time hunting for wife #4 if he keeps on being the doofus of the GOP establishment. His reputation is in shreds and they'll send their money to other super PACs.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      The film is called "Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story."
      Well worth a look.

    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      If he is looking for a "wife" he had better stay out of gay bars!!

  7. Rove is using old school tactics. Lie. Make up shit. Fear mongering. Hate. That's the foundation that Republicans have built their campaigns on. And, it used to work. Nowadays, people are smarter. People fact check. People do research.
    The really stupid; like Sarahtard, & Rove, continue to use this tactic because they know that their base, ARE even more stupid.

  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Republicans In Free Fall as 67% of Voters Disapprove of Karl Rove’s Hillary Clinton Smear

    ...The poll also shows that Hillary Clinton is still a very popular choice for President in 2016. 52% of registered voters, and 55% of all adults, support her candidacy. She has a net positive of 9 points with registered voters and a whopping 16 points will all adults. At the same time, her husband, former President Bill Clinton, scored a very high approval rating in this poll. 63% of those polled hold a favorable view of the ex-President, while only 32% see him in a negative light.

    Overall, this strategy by Rove, that the GOP has recently tried to adopt, has been a total failure. By bringing up Clinton’s age and health as negatives, they have made voters feel sympathetic for an already popular Presidential candidate. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was on Meet the Press this Sunday and tried to run with this strategy. This poll will probably act as a wake up call to GOP leadership that this is an awful, awful, awful direction to go in when it comes to running against Hillary Clinton. It should also serve as further confirmation that Karl Rove should be cast aside. There is no reason to heed advice from Karl Rove.

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hillary has not even indicated she will run and look how frightened the Republicans are 'already'!

    I wish I could say what I'd like to do to Karl Rove, but the thoughts cannot be put to paper/computer! He is one slimy jerk though - has a terrible history/record. The Republican party should dump his ass....he is hindering them!

    Hillary Clinton - should she run - will have my vote and support. And, she'll win!

    It will be wonderful having another Democrat in office after our wonderful President Obama's second term has expired. He's done one hell of a job in spite of the obstruction and pure nastiness of the Republicans/Teabaggers! They have screwed themselves royally!

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    O/T but not totally, the Duck guy is gettin' feted by the GOP leadership:

    Duck Dynasty’s Toxic Homophobe Phil Robertson Invited To Speak At GOP’s Leadership Event

    ...However, despite his toxicity, the Republican National Committee has decided that its a good idea to put Phil Robertson up on a stage and let him blather on about morality and decency. He is going to be at a ‘leadership’ conference and speak to Republicans about who knows what. Yet, because the event is being held in New Orleans, the RNC figured he will be a ‘draw’ and bring some good PR. Yeah, OK. It is obviously a great idea to throw a known homophobe onto the stage while the rest of the country is moving at light-speed towards marriage equality.

    This is a bad idea of epic proportions that won’t end well for Republicans. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and other GOP leaders have no one to blame but themselves. By inviting Robertson to speak at this event, they decided to embrace a gay-hating zealot as one of the faces of their party. They deserve whatever they get from this decision.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Rancid Piebus sets my gaydar screaming, how about you? He is a smarmy little toady just like Ralph Reed and Tommy Bugman DeLay.

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The GOP is shitting in their twisted up knickers over Hillary's popularity. They also are losing their collective marbles over our Wendy in Texas:

    Republicans Are So Afraid of Wendy Davis That They Are Comparing Her To Hitler

    How do you know when a Republican is terrified? They start breaking out the Nazi and Hitler comparisons. An intern for Wendy Davis’s Republican opponent Greg Abbott in race for Texas governor tweeted:

  12. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Naughty Monkey pumps into her gaping maw.....

    Terrific article and comments!

  13. Anonymous11:44 AM

    'Unplugged' Moves Into Palin's Sportsman Timeslot

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      What happened to Grizzled Grandma's show? Another failure, I assume. When will these producers learn that any PayMe on a show means total failure.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      End of the "season."

    3. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      They pulled the plug.... death panels, ya know!!!! It's Obama's fault!

  14. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Oh yeah, let's talk misogyny on steroids!

    Snapchat CEO 'Mortified' Misogynistic Frat Emails Were Leaked

    Tech site Valleywag published a hoard of Snapchat CEO and co-founder Evan Spiegel's horrifying college emails on Wednesday, and Spiegel is "mortified."

    Spiegel sent the NSFW emails, obtained by Valleywag's Sam Biddle, to his frat brothers at Stanford University in 2009 and 2010. "Have some girl put your large kappa sigma dick down her throat," Spiegel wrote. He calls women "sororisluts," discusses "shooting lazers (sic) at fat girls," calls Stanford's Dean Julie Lythcott-Haims "dean-julie-show-us-your-tits," and writes about urinating on a woman.

    There is NO WAY that this asshole changed his point of view on women in just a few years. What an utter dickwad. I hope he pays dearly for these abominable emails. But I know he's not alone in this twisted thinking, and women are paying the price, everyday, with their lives, with their battered bodies and with their raped beings. There is absolutely NO excuse for this kind of trashing of women. And mortified...yeah, because he got published, exposed and nailed for his disgusting words.

  15. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The Commander-In-Chief At West Point

  16. Randall1:28 PM

    As the Republicans become more and more obvious with their slimy attitudes, 2014 should be a landslide for the Democrats.

    How could anyone with a conscience vote Republican anymore?

  17. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

    Karl Rove should be glad he still has a job. After the fiasco calling Mitt Romney the winner, when all the other channels already reported POTUS won was the funniest comedy sketch he and Meghyn Kelly did on Fixed News.
    The other thing that got me, he was the dick that accused McCain of having a love child with a black woman when speaking of Bridgette, their adopted daughter. And who does McCain hire? ding ding ding Carl Rove.

  18. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Is it just me, or do all of these old Republicans have "Baby-Butt Faces"? You know ... pasty-white large faces so large that their features are non-descript. It's as if they all turn into the same person - Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh (to name a few).


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