Friday, May 02, 2014

George W. Bush endorses his brother for President and offers to give him advice. And just like that Jeb's candidacy becomes non-viable.

Courtesy of Time:  

Former President George W. Bush gave his younger brother Jeb his endorsement Thursday should he decide to run for the White House in 2016. 

“I hope Jeb runs,” Bush told CNN. “I think he would be a great president. I have no clue what’s on his mind and we will talk when he’s ready. I noticed he’s moving around the country quite a bit.” 

“Hey Jeb, if you need some advice, give me a call,” Bush said.

As far as I'm concerned that pretty much takes Jeb out of the race.

As Americans we are still struggling with an economy that was virtually destroyed by President Bush, many of us know soldiers that either died or were traumatized during their participation in the war that he lied them into, and we are watching the Supreme Court justices that he selected completely undermine many of the policies and values that we once held dear.

I cannot IMAGINE that there are too many American citizens willing to use their vote to elect the brother of the man who may go down in history as the worst president in ever!

And the idea that anybody seeking to sit in the White House would seek his counsel,  should automatically remove them from contention.

So I would suggest that W just sank his brother's political aspirations with a simple handful of words.

Which is appropriate, since many of his most egregious crimes against our country, started with a handful of poorly communicated words.


  1. Randall2:36 AM

    When George W. Bush took the reigns of power...

    gasoline was $1.25 a gallon
    the biggest attack on American soil was Pearl Harbor - sixty years previously
    there was no deficit ...Clinton handed Bush a surplus - George gave it to his rich buddies...
    at the end of George W. Bush's second term the American economy was losing 750,000 a month!
    On Barack Obama's inauguration day, the DOW had fallen to 7,949 and the S&P slid to 805* - today, under President Obama,
    the DOW is at 16,558 and the S&P is at 1,883.
    We now know that George W. Bush and his entire administration
    lied to us about Iraq and WMD's
    NSA spying and all the other Bill of Rights abuses were instituted under George W. Bush - and they called it "The Patriot Act"

    George W. Bush instituted TORTURE as a standard operating procedure in the United States of America

    they tortured human beings!

    To this day Dick Cheney insists torturing human beings was "the right thing to do" and he'd "do it again."

    How could any American with a conscience - how could any American with a functioning brain in their head - vote for a man named Bush?


    1. Leland5:50 AM

      And that's our whole problem: "any American with a FUNCTIONING brain". Too many DON'T have one.

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    This could be a passive aggressive move on Dumbya's part cuz I don't think they are even that close. Jeb was always Sr and Bab's favorite. I read somewhere that when Dumbya and Jeb first ran for governor in their respective states back in 1994, their parents were more sad over Jeb's losing than they were happy over Dumbya's winning.

  3. Anonymous3:50 AM

    So George has advice for Jeb? Since George would have never been appointed without Jeb's help in FL, I'm not sure what he'd tell him. Jeb doesn't have a Governor bro to help his cause. And frankly, since George did nothing without the 'advice' of Darth and Rove, is that it? "Jeb, get Karl and Cheney on board. They can rig elections with the best of them." Yeah, worked so well in 2008 and 2012. Please proceed, Bushes. Please proceed,

  4. Off topic, but of interest: Large Christian Organization Starts Petition Against Sarah Palin - Enjoy!

  5. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Unfortunately Americans have very short memories and the GOP is good at packaging when they want to be. Just as GWB's name was not mentioned during the 2008 or 2012 GOP conventions, his two terms have been erased from the GOP memory bank. That means that the "lame stream media" has forgotten too. We Dems will have to keep reminding people that, in the end, Jeb gave his brother the state of Florida. And our rapid decline began that moment and was not halted until President Obama took office in January 2009. Oh, the Bush family has done very little good for this country. We must not forget.

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      If this country is that STUPID to elect another Bush.....oh wait, what am I saying......

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Sad but true. The religious right will vote for the GOP candidate whoever that is and with the gerrymandered districts and gullible voters susceptible to the GOP machine I assume nothing about his chances being bad. And Hilary is vulnerable -- Bill has not been behaving, the Benghazi spin to the stupid GOP base, some cozy connections with their foundations that could be spun up and then they just make other stuff up entirely. I don't dismiss JB's chances and that is frightening.

  6. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Isn't Jeb supposed to be the DUMB one?

    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Jeb and Dubya are both DUMB. And, they are both owned by corporate America. Depending on what happens with net neutrality, we may not be able to keep each other informed as easily via blogs and web searches.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Donors Weigh Jilting Christie for Jeb Bush

    Jeb Bush’s increasingly serious and public examination of a run for president has shaken the ranks of establishment Republican donors and fund-raisers who had planned to back Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in 2016, forcing many of them to rethink their allegiance to the embattled governor.

    In private conversations that are now seeping into public view, some of them are signaling to Mr. Christie’s camp that, should Mr. Bush enter the race, their first loyalty would be to him, not to Mr. Christie, according to interviews with more than two dozen of them.

    Many of those who, because of geography and personal ties, were expected to line up behind Mr. Christie say they now feel torn. And it is clear that Mr. Christie’s recent troubles, especially the George Washington Bridge scandal, are adding to the allure of Mr. Bush, a former Florida governor.

    Lawrence E. Bathgate II, a former finance chairman of the Republican National Committee and a major donor in New Jersey, said he dreaded the prospect of having to choose between the two men, calling it “a fraught decision.”

    David V. Hedley, a former Wall Street executive and Republican fund-raiser in New Jersey, said he also felt tugged in two directions, conceding that “it’s tough right now for me.”

    And Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, put it this way: “It would be awkward. It would be very awkward.”

    Nowhere is the consternation greater than among the hundreds of top donors and so-called bundlers who cut their teeth on Bush family political campaigns. If Mr. Bush runs, they must choose between bucking their ties to the first family of Republican politics or turning their back on Mr. Christie, who does not take well to disloyalty.

    “Those of us that have been dedicated to the Bush family for years would obviously have to take a Jeb candidacy into extremely serious consideration,” said Fred S. Zeidman, a Texas businessman and top fund-raiser for George W. Bush’s two presidential campaigns who has helped introduce Mr. Christie to potential supporters in his state.

  8. Boscoe6:40 AM

    ROFL I just had a flashback to a 2008 episode of SNL...

  9. Anonymous7:01 AM

    So, rather that choosing the BEST person for the office, their loyalty lies with the Bush crew? What positions would Jeb give to his other dumb brothers, Marvin and Neal? Neither one seems too swift, so a government position would be ideal. Lots of room for graft, lining their pockets. Surely Neal has exhausted the millions he got from Silverado Savings and Loan scam?

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM

    “It looks like Hillary Clinton would have a pretty decent chance at winning Arkansas if she runs for President in 2016,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “That’s pretty impressive given Mitt Romney’s 24 point win there last time around.”

    The one Republican Clinton trails is Mike Huckabee at 47/44. Huckabee is the overwhelming choice of home state GOP voters to be their candidate for President in 2016- 38% say he would be their pick to 14% for Ted Cruz, 13% for Rand Paul, 10% for Jeb Bush, 4% for Chris Christie, 3% each for Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, and 2% for Cliven Bundy.

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Clinton leads Ryan, Walker in Wisconsin Poll

    Wisconsin Republicans are more excited about the prospect of Paul Ryan running for President in 2016 than Scott Walker...but they both lag behind Hillary Clinton even in their home state.

    Ryan leads the GOP Presidential field in Wisconsin with 25% to 21% for Walker, 8% each for Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul, 7% for Ted Cruz, 6% for Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, and 3% for Bobby Jindal. Asked one on one who they'd prefer out of their state's potential homegrown candidates, Republicans in the state pick Ryan 52/35. And while GOP voters pretty firmly want Ryan to run in 2016- 55% say he should go for it to 26% who dissent- they're much more divided about Walker with 43% saying he should run and 42% that he should not.

    When it comes to the general election though Hillary Clinton leads all comers.

  12. Beldar J Conehead9:07 AM

    Well, this is awkward....

    Shrub is endorsing his brother Jethro for president at the same time Satan is endorsing Cheney for the same office.

    Curiously, by the way, Satan is able to travel freely around the world while W is fearful of interdiction under numerous international war criminal investigations.

    Who has the most credibility with the Amercian people: Dubya or Satan?

    Toss up?

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Someone recently ran a poll, listing him by his real name, John Ellis Bush, and when Southern Republicans found out that Jeb is not his real 'good old boy' name, his numbers plummeted !

  14. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Over 256 Historians found W the 4th worst President ever and the worst in modern times.He fucked this country, hell the world, so badly, that it will take generations to recover.They wouldn't even mention his name at the repuke conventions. Advice my ass.

  15. Anita Winecooler4:48 PM

    Isn't Jeb the one who's wife had thousands of dollars in designer dresses undeclared at an airport and a daughter named "Noelle" who snorted coke like Sarah downs big gulps, tic tacs, and red bull? Wasn't his son trotted out to attract the Hispanic vote during GW's campaign? Then there's kneel, er Neal, who had a bunch of floozies sent to his hotel room while on business?

    Not that any of that matters, Jeb's main problem is that he's the "Shemp" to the other brother's "Stooges". An endorsement from GWBush is about as valuable as one from Sarah.
    Sober up, Georgie, stick with what you know, war, oil, destroying the economy and painting your feet in the bathtub.

    OT Thought you'd like this one. I did!


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