Thursday, May 01, 2014

Senator Begich uses the PFD data base to suggest that it is unlikely that Palin will enter the Senate race. However he says she has to have some input, "her brand will require her to."

Courtesy of Politico:  

In an interview, Begich gave Palin a “30 percent chance” of getting into the Republican primary this summer, insisting that Palin must do something to stay relevant on a national scale — and running for the Senate might do the trick. 

“Here’s what she does. When she starts losing national attention — which she is — she has to find her entry point again. This is the way she operates,” Begich said. 

The Alaska senator then repeatedly questioned Palin’s residency — as he did in an interview last July. This time Begich pointed to the database for the Permanent Fund Dividend Division, money paid to Alaska residents out of a state mineral royalties. A search of the 2013 database includes names of several members of Palin’s family, but no Sarah Palin. 

“In Alaska you measure yourself as an Alaskan: Did you get your permanent fund check? She didn’t qualify this year, so I’m not sure if she’s Alaskan anymore,” Begich said. “In Alaska’s eyes that means you have no intent of coming back and you weren’t in Alaska long enough this year to be an Alaskan.”

Mark is exactly right about that PFD thing. (As we noted here at IM back in July of last year.) If you do not live here long enough during the year to qualify for one, then you are a transient, and have no business involving yourself in our politics.

Begich also said that Palin will have a tough time deciding who to endorse in the race, if she doesn't run. Which of course she won't.

“She’s in a box because Sullivan and Mead are establishment candidates. Joe Miller’s an insurgent and he had the best kickoff last week. He had a textbook kickoff,” Begich said. “She’s backing in other races. Why hasn’t she said anything about Alaska yet? But her brand will require her to. She has to.”

I think it is pretty clear that Begich has Palin's number.

I of course disagree that she is even entertaining the possibility to running for the Senate, because we all know she is terrified to attracting national scrutiny again, but I think the Senator has a point that Palin may feel compelled to proffer an endorsement.

However who would want it?

Essentially a Palin endorsement in Alaska would pretty much signal the end of your campaign, since there is NO place in the country where she is reviled more than right here in the Last Frontier.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    The Quitter would have to study up on Alaska and its history to run. And that is on top of what a US Senator job actually involves.
    Such things require a brain.

    We Alaskans know there is no such thing as a Palin brain.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Her "Brand"? The Kocks? Won't they be backing "the vaguely bearded Grifter"?
      The bitch is prob in AK b/c of Barstools court and their dog.
      Yes they got another (Poor) dog. Where do all the dogs go in that family? Where's AGIA? In a "moose stew"? Now she got a dog according to her fakebook page...OMG the Humane society should of stopped this.
      I've SEEN her with Chuckles puppy and she could GIVE a crap! She hates animals.
      WTF are these idiots giving her a dog for?
      From the lunatics fakebook:
      Sarah Palin
      April 28
      “Jill Hadassa Palin” comes home with us to Alaska from Iowa in two months. Trig’s getting a buddy! The English black lab is presently at doggy training school with Becky Beach and The Puppy Jake Foundation at the Canine Craze Performance Center in Des Moines. I love this pup! We finally got to meet our new family member in person yesterday. We’re so excited to bring her home when she’s finished with her training – and so far, so good – she’s getting all A's, they tell me.

      We’re also excited to be supporting Becky’s wonderful Puppy Jake Foundation, which trains these beautiful canines as service dogs for our wounded warriors returning from war zones, as well as others facing challenges. You can learn more about their great work here:

      - Sarah Palin
      (7 photos)
      The dogs name is almost like "JihadistPalin"...Just saying.
      OMG this poor dog.
      :( :( :(

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      So the only Palin Family member to get all 'A'S' is a Dog? BWAHAHAHAHA, Dysfunction at Lake Lucille Junction. Sarah had better hope that the Dog was not trained in Drug Detection. Watch out, Track.

    3. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Dunno about her brand but he Kocks are definitely feeding The Laziest Unshaven Man in Alaska and his large brood.

    4. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Koch's are backing Sullivan. But they'll switch to whoever wins the primary.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Run Sarah Run, purely hypothetical, but it would be great to see the Tasmanian devil get cornered by the Lame stream media. Run you putrid excuse of a person.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    He has pretty eyes; she, not so much.
    I wish she would run. I'd enjoy seeing her get her ass kicked and there's always that possibility that we would find out who Trig's biological parents are.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    It sounds like he is daring her to do/say something. She must be boiling hearing about his comments.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Here kitty kitty kitty.....

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM


      LMAO !

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Begich in Politico July 2013:

      "“I take every candidate seriously — that is, if she’s still a resident, but you know she quit on Alaska when she was governor,” Begich said. “She’s been somewhat vacant from the state and quit on the state, so I wish her the best on her potential run.”"


    4. Hmmm....Baldy posted on her Fecebook page a picture of Track! Claims the picture is from Baldy trying to prove that Track is out of rehab and can carry on a conversation? Funny part...check out the look on the Toad's face and why is he standing so damn close to Track?? Plus look at Toad playing "pocket pool" with himself in this picture too!! LOL!!

      Also this comment is strange....

      Andrew Baumann Tell track Andrew Baumann said hi! We worked together last year at camp Nathan smith! Hope your doing good bud!

      What was Track doing at this Camp LAST YEAR??

      Check out the wiki page on Camp Nathan Smith....

      "Camp Nathan Smith was a former Canadian and later American military base in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. Originally, it was an abandoned fruit factory. In November 2003, the site was reconstructed by US Army soldiers of Charlie Battery, 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The camp was turned over to the Canadian Army in 2005 and named for Private Nathan Smith of the 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Smith was killed in the Tarnak Farm friendly fire incident.

      In July 2010, the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division (United States), took command of Camp Nathan Smith. On June 19, 2011 a Transfer of Authority Ceremony took place on Camp Nathan Smith signifying the end of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s deployment and the beginning of its sister brigade 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Afghanistan National Security Forces.

      On October 27 2011, a coordinated attack from insurgents within the city occurred at Camp Nathan Smith (CNS). Although one interpreter was killed and eight ISAF soldiers were wounded, the attack was deemed unsuccessful. Camp Nathan Smith was located in the heart of Kandahar City, north of Highway 1 and south of the Canal. Its location in the heart of Kandahar City allowed ISAF forces to quickly respond to enemy attacks during the early years of the Afghan war. As Kandahar City became more peaceful its purpose changed to a place for meetings to discuss city governance, developmental projects, and to train Afghan police officers.

      Stupid ass Baldy...posting a picture of Track doesn't mean he's not your pusher've actually just confirmed it!


    5. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Stupid cow first says the lake has melted then posts this? Is Boy Wonder snowmobiling on water?

    6. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Yay for Begich! Mr. Begich is stating the truth and I'm sure Sarah the narcissist is going crazy (crazier than usual) at his calling attention to her fading popularity, non-resident status and reputation as a quitter. Sarah's response will be soooo interesting. We know her skin is extremely thin and she will find it impossible to keep quiet.

      IMO Sarah is attracted (perhaps subconsciously) to self-confident, secure men who differ from her in any way. Men who possess a power and or status that she desperately wants for herself. Men who don't give her the attention she craves and never will. Her unwanted feelings disturb her so much that she will lash out and use unflattering or sexually charged terms against that man.

      Sarah will surely feel pressured to do or say something, anything, in response to these remarks...not just pressure by Begich, but by her bots whom she has teased for so long.

    7. Anonymous10:01 PM


      Don't worry, TrackMarks hasn't been in any foreign country or even out of his Mommy's garage.

    8. Anonymous10:10 PM


      Fruit factory?!!

    9. Anonymous10:12 PM

      That Willblow sure looks preggo in that picture with that Mario

    10. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Begich is playing w/her! Love it!

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I think Begich has the right approach. Goad Sarah in public to do what she doesn't want to. Either she wusses out or she has to make a likely losing bet.

    If she endorses Miller it pisses off the establishment Republicans. If she endorses either Sullivan or Treadwell then the Millerites go nuts.

    Best thing to do, Sarah needs to work at getting Duck Dynasty booked at the Arizona State Fair. That runs from Oct 10 to Nov 2 this year. In getting ready for her guest appearance with the Duck Klukkkers and Willow and Bristol's wig trailer concession, there just won't be any time to politic in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      This makes me LAUGH and I'm in the lower 48. We all know she quit Alaska long ago, yet her "brand" DOES have to respond. Well played, Senator Begich, well played.

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      funny :D

  6. angela5:22 PM

    Sarah will never run. She has quitter/scaredy catitis . . . .

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      She can't run and she knows it.

  7. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Funny how "uber-patriots" like Palin piss and moan about the state of the country yet refuse to take the proverbial bullet as a matter of trying to fix the wrongs they see.

    Hey, Quitter, I'm still looking for international news items about your quaint little "baptism" quip. We will NEVER let you live that one down. You are finished, scumbag, and all the brain-dead tea baggers suckling on your rancid clit will not save you.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Her 'clit'? OMG. Cannot imagine even going there....wonder if that would, at least, warm her up as she has such a cold, cold heart!

    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Please stop.

  8. janice5:33 PM

    God, she looks hard and old in that picture.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      She has such a manly, chiseled look. Too much testosterone, which is not helping her balding problem either.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Sponge Boob Square Jaw.

    3. Anonymous8:18 PM

      how did she get both eyes going the same direction??

    4. Anonymous11:26 PM

      The left eye wonks on its own. Glen Rice must have splooged her pretty hard.

  9. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I think she'll go for Miller because she's fucking crazy.

    And when she does, let's hope the Alaskan GOP finally has the guts to knock her down for good.

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      The Republican party in Alaska wants nothing to do w/Palin!

  10. Anonymous5:46 PM

    O/T, but Gryphen, this gives me hope:

    People Over Profits: How Social Media Can Help Us Combat Gun Manufacturers

    ...So, what can be done against an army of 5 million Americans led by a powerful group of lobbyists and a CEO who believes every city of America is straight out of Vice City?

    How about hitting them where it hurts the most: Their profits.

    On Tuesday, over twenty organizations led by Campaign to Unload and States United to Prevent Gun Violence launched a campaign to defund the three major gun manufactures in this country: Strum Ruger, Smith & Wesson and Olin. The purpose of the campaign is simple: To have people take a close look at their 401(k) retirement funds and see if their 401(k) includes any kind of investment in any of the three major gun manufacturing companies. The Unload Your 401K website has a powerful video with parents and family members of those killed or injured at either Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and even those affected by everyday gun violence telling their stories and sharing their disappointment regarding the lack of legislation enacted at the federal level. The video then gets to the heart of the campaign’s message: Gun profits have soared ever since Columbine from $928 million to roughly $4.1 billion today. The worst part? Average people like you or me may very well be helping the gun manufacturers become rich.

    How exactly are we helping the gun manufacturers? Jennifer Fiore, Executive Director of Campaign to Unload helped explain the campaign’s goals in her statement which read:

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      "How about hitting them where it hurts the most: Their profits."

      Except divesting of stock doesn't affect profits. The strategy is naive in it's stated goals although, on moral grounds, it would feel good to get rid of any gun manufacturer stocks.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      If you have a pension or a 401K make sure they do not invest in gun manufacturers - or ammo. Move your funds if you have to and let them know why.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      I know every fund that my 401's and my IRAs are invested in and none of them have anything to do with gun manufacturers.

  11. Anonymous5:50 PM

    It's mid-term time again in 'Murika. That means it's time for Palin to trot around the country teasing GOP candidates like Scarlett did the boys at the barbeque..."Which one shall I endorse? Hmm...who has the most to give me, and who wants to be seen with me?"
    She does this to increase her PAC fund, which means of course she'll donate 5% and 95% will go to her for her personal use. 'Consultants, lawyers, stylists, babysitters, toenail trimmers, (Bristol!) underwear sniffers....
    She's an evil, self-centered attention whore narcissist and it's time to gin up the grifting game...

    1. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Anyone who sends money to SarahPac must be as learning impaired as the Palins. Why not send the $$$ directly to the candidate YOU back? They HAVE to know $carah uses the money to support the family of grifters.

    2. Anonymous5:18 AM

      When has anyone in that Dysfunctional Family gone to work?

  12. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Come out come out wherever you are, $arah, and make an even bigger @ss out of yourself than you did the last time! We await you! GLEEFULLY.

  13. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Fire up the campaign bus, Lou Sarah! Get out of the truck and buck up. Where's the rack that Toad gave you? Keep drinking your 65oz sodas cuz healthy Michelle ain't the boss of you! Just imagine it, Sarah! You get elected to the Senate and you can hang on to the rope line at the State of the Union and get a selfie with the guy that buried you in that '08 campaign a la Shelly Bachman.

  14. Anonymous6:11 PM

    If I had money to burn I would offer a reward to the person who would step forward with documented knowledge of the hoax of the century. Does Cathy Baldwin need money? Is she even still around? This is the reason that Sarah will NEVER be able to seek office and why she is becoming irrelevant now and forever. Torture, baptism, Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      We know too much about her and all of it would be put in the limelight again should she run for even dog catcher in Alaska.

      She is a loser!!! Quitter!!! Stupid!!! Liar!!!!
      Should I go on?

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Please do! The trolls are restless.

    3. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Where is Larry Flyntt when you need him? During the Clinton impeachment, he offered a million dollars for real proof of any married congressman or senator who had an affair, preferably a Republican. I think he had to pay for information for a couple of them, Henry Hyde, Bob Livingston, maybe more. I wonder if he would do the same for the truth about Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Nah, as long as it's a big F'ing secret she can't run for anything. I like it being a big Fling secret.

    5. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Perhaps someone should contact Larry Flynt. He might be game.
      M from MD

  15. Anonymous6:23 PM

    As a Texan, I feel like a lab rat experiment with the craziest Senator in charge. You don't want one. Believe me.


  16. angela6:46 PM

    Is the rest of Sarah's body being squeezed up to her head?
    For her head to be so huge--there are very few thoughts coming out of it. (That photo is NOT her brand).

  17. Anonymous6:48 PM

    The majority of Alaskans think Sarah Palin a joke and a resident of AZ - not Alaska! Plus, she won't run for the Senate from Alaska - it would be too hard...she'd lose because she quit as governor (AK) and there is too much out there (negative) we know about her that would be brought forward by many entities - not just opposing candidates.

    Vote for Mark Begich and run the carpetbagger out of town that is running for a state office - who has lived in Washington D.C., was a part of the Bush era and still owns a million dollar home back there!

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Yep, run that Dirty Dan Sullivan out of Alaska. He can get his own job in the DC he loves so much.

  18. Anonymous7:22 PM

    She's probably holding out to see which 2 candidates will pay her the most to not endorse them.

  19. Anonymous7:33 PM

    She won't run again because the truth will come oiy about her sexting relationship with a minor. That is why she quit and why she won't run for anything. The establishment has this over her head. All the republicans in charge in Alaska know about this.And is Shawn the first minor boy?? Questions.questions..

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Yeah, $arah, what about that? Why are your minions still driving by his house taking pictures? How about Shailey Tripp? David Kernell that got a year because you were too stupid setting up a Yahoo account to do government business? And what about that trust fund you're in on? Hmmmmm?

      Come OUT $arah. We're waiting...........

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      There is a nutty family in PA that believe that Mrs. Palin was sexting with their son. There's been no proof of that but they still believe that they are being stalked by "Todd Palin Operatives" at their house. Their house is in foreclosure and when the bank folks and prospective buyers drive by they greet them and take photos and then post on their blog that they are being "stalked" by Palin Operatives.

      Kind of like the whole Shailey Tripp thing. None of the allegations are going anywhere because none of them can round up the necessary evidence to indict their supposed stalkers and "sexters "

    3. Anonymous10:59 PM

      9:44 Since you think you know so much, tell me how did Shawn get Sarah's personal cell phone number unless Sarah gave it to him?

      He had to have someone give him the number in order to call her/text her using it.

      How did a kid in PA get access to Sarah Palin's personal cell phone number????

      And how come the kid's lawyer didn't ask that in court? Even if the kid texted or harrassed her 1,000 times a day, someone had to give him the phone number to make that possible.

      I repeat, 9:44, who gave him Sarah Palin's personal cell phone number????

    4. Anonymous11:20 PM

      9:44 PM What do you know about any of them? Just because YOU post your Bullshit does not make it true. Ask Anchorage P.D why they destroyed evidence. Too many of them were compromised by Todd's Hookers.

    5. Anonymous11:23 PM

      The Palins think that they have paid off anyone who has information about them. It is funny that Dr. CBJ has avoided the Tri-g Farce like the plague. How's that Drug Addict AWOL Fake soldier holding up?

    6. Anonymous3:54 AM

      "kind of like the Shailey Tripp thing"?? Why hasn't Toad come forward with proof of his innocence? Because there is no proof that what Shailey is saying is not true. The police dept. covered for Toad, but since the worst offenders are now gone, the NEXT proof will come out with no cover up. By the way, for a pimp, Toad dresses like his only "bitch" is not too popular.

    7. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Dickwad Tawd is a wimpy hustler who has not worked for years. When Sarah falls, the Gravy Train will come to a stop.

  20. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I hope the L48 "lamestream" media will ask Alaskans how they feel about $creech running for Senate. LOL LOL LOL

    Or who Paylin is going to endorse in AK's US Senate and Governor races -- the kiss of death!!!

    She is reviled by 98 percent of Alaskans = and $he does not live here anymore. Paylin only comes to AK for phony photo opps.

    1. Anonymous10:16 PM

      Folks running for any office in Alaska will NOT ask for the support or endorsement of Sarah Palin. First off, she is no longer regarded well in Alaska and her support is already shown to be the kiss of death.

  21. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

    If she were serious, she'd have stayed out of the spotlight, learned a thing or two about governance, the American language, culture, and what, exactly, it is that a vice president does from day to day. Perhaps use her time to further her education, learn about world events, then got a total makeover, color consultant, and got her crap together, she'd have half a chance.
    What's left that'll make her a viable candidate? People don't vote for selfish grifters.
    She won't even be a footnote in history.

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Anita. Surely you jest? $carah learning, changing, dressing better? Sex appeal is what sells, that is her motto. Unfortunately, her appeal is long gone. Imagine any serious female politician dressing in some of the juvenile outfits $carah appears wearing? They must be shocked at her lack of both hygiene and taste.

    2. Anonymous4:15 AM

      If she had done all that, she'd have to be a totally different person...

    3. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Different from what, 4:15? Different from what Sarah Palin wants us to believe (and what you cling to)?

    4. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Oops, misread. Sorry 4:15 and Anita . Please disregard.

  22. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Come on 7:33, Don't throw those morsels of information out w/o
    disclosing confirmation!!

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Just because people say it doesn't mean it is true. This about various allegations concerning Shawn Christie and allegedly other people. I doubt there is much truth to these allegations. Prove me wrong, but there has been no proof yet.

      Kernell is different.

    2. Anonymous11:02 PM

      10:22 I'll say it again. How did Shawn Christie, some kid from PA, get Sarah Palin's personal cell phone number?

      Sarah or someone very close to her had to have given it to him. Explain that!

    3. Anonymous5:12 AM

      10:22 Has no explanation for the Sexting by Sarah and Willow, Sarah is a LIAR.

  23. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Palin has gotten a lot by flirting that she will run. Her supporters will fall for that again convincing themselves she will run an unconventional campaign via Face Book lol and maybe political jabs in a reality show. You can't make this stuff up!

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      In AZ where she lives? Sorry, but I have friends in Arizona that say she does not have support.

    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      They've already fallen for it. This time they get scorn, not pity.

  24. Politico magazine "my candidacy doesn't deppend on Sarah paling" Joe Miller

  25. Anonymous9:27 PM

    The Palin Trolls are scanning all of the blogs from Wasilla, Anchorage, and United States. Gryphen, you have stirred up the stinky monkeys' nests.

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      The Palin trolls should ask Sarah to refudiate the recent why she really had to quit comments. Because some people think that's why she can't run. For any office. Todd had to quit fishing. I'm pretty sure Begich knows what really happened!

      Here kitty kitty....kitty kitty kitty...

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      10:30 You are right. If he doesn't know the FACTS, he at least has access to all the good--detailed--rumors and insider suspicions on Sarah's abrupt quitting. Enough to make her uncomfortable if he decides to tease out little leakages of info.

    3. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Why is everything about Sarah Palin a mystery? Tri-g's birth, Todd's Pimping, Track's Drug Addiction, Bristol's many pregnancies, Willow's pregnancies, Sarah's education, Track's and Piper's Paternity, Tripp's true birth date? To be qualified for public office she must reveal her background information.

  26. Anonymous10:53 PM

    What really happened to her real hair? Where did it go?

  27. Anonymous12:43 AM

    To be fair, she's in Alaska more than anywhere else. Id wager she doesnt apply to avoid criticism over "Free" money.

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, you are a tool.

    2. Anonymous5:06 AM


    3. Damn that's the funniest thing I've heard in weeks.

      This is the same woman who charged the state of Alaska for staying in her own home, and who lives off of donations from morons who she tricks into thinking she might one day run for President.

    4. Anonymous8:21 AM

      This must be snark because there is no way a troll could post with so much win. Not even by the random nature of the internets.

  28. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Begich doesn't know she doesn't qualify. He assumes that.

    1. Anonymous5:04 AM

      He assumes that? Everybody else knows that Sarah Palin is unqualified for public office, why don't you?

    2. Anonymous5:06 AM

      You are assuming he doesn't know for sure. I say, odds are he does.

  29. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I don't know how it works in AK, but in Michigan a candidate has to get a certain number of live, real, registered voters to sign a petition before they can be put on the ballot.

    Fake Facebook fans don't count-so the witch couldn't even get on the ballot.

    She is such a sociopathic, narcissist, I could see her running because she believes the world revolves around her.

    However I am assuming the "lame stream" media will do her in with two questions:
    What does a US Senator do? Why are you running for the senate, when you QUIT your position as governor?

  30. detroitsam8:17 PM

    Just imagine Sarah participating in a debate. Do you suppose that the debate moderator will give her a list of questions and answers?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.