Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Jon Stewart takes on the newest Benghazi outrage.

I loved this part in response to the Fox News contention that nobody besides them seems to care about Benghazi. Which by the way is true.

 "Okay I think I see the problem. You think people's failure to match your level of outrage is based on ignorance. That after nearly a hundred network news stories, hundreds of cable news stories about Benghazi. Thirteen Congressional hearings, fifty further Congressional briefings and twenty five thousand pages of official findings concerning what happened in Benghazi. That if we all only knew about it....we would care."

After that statement Stewart brilliantly compares this single intelligence failure that has the Fox News panties in a twist, to all of the incalculable intelligence failures of the Bush administration, none of which seemed to cause any outrage whatsoever, and in fact which Fox News eagerly helped to paint over.

The word for today kids, is "hypocrisy."


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Fox News Claims Climate Change Report Is A Distraction From Benghazi

    The White House released a comprehensive climate change report on Tuesday. The report, worked on by over 300 scientists and experts and legally mandated by the federal government, presented the facts on man-made global climate change and pointed out what will likely occur in the present and near-future. The US Global Change Research Program and their National Climate Assessments came about during George H.W. Bush’s presidency. The USGCRP is required to release a National Climate Assessment every four years.

    Well, you knew this was coming. On Tuesday, while announcing that the White House had released this report, Fox News’ Bill Hemmer, host of America’s Newsroom, stated that the report was perhaps being used to distract people from the “multiple scandals swirling around the administration.” Obviously, by referencing scandals, Hemmer was stating that a report that was required to be released by the federal government was being used by this President to make people forget about Benghazi. Because, right now, on Fox News, it is Benghazi 24/7. It seems as if Roger Ailes has ordered that for the next few months, it is all Benghazi, all the time.

    Below is video of the segment:


  2. Beldar J Conehead2:57 PM

    Gryphen, Fox is attempting to establish a false equivalency between the spectacular evil - deliberately done by the Bushies and Co. - and the unfortunate tragedies like Benghazi.

    It's a dangerous world and bad things happen. Nobody wanted Benghazi to happen whereas the Cheney, Shrub and the neocons were jumping thru hoops to make Iraq happen. Big difference.

    Fox wants RWers to have an answer when Americans ask about Bush's unnecessary multi-trillion dollar military adventurism that cost thousands of Americans their lives and healthy minds and bodies plus hundreds of thousands of mostly innocent Iraqi lives.

    They want stoopid conservatives who are challenged on Iraq and Afghanistan to respond indignantly with "YEAH?? WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZI???"

    Damn their fucking eyes.

  3. The best? Rand Paul wants to subpoena Hillary yet again. The man is so desperate to be POTUS that he wants a few more Hillary soundbites to run as his ads for the most caring, honest, compassionate small government no taxes candidate who would make sure 'this never happens again.' Right. You know, Rand, it happened ONCE in 6b years under Obama. ONCE. You know how many attacks there were on Bush's and the GOP's watch? Trust me. You need your toes. God, this is disgusting behavior. Enough already. Pass a Jobs Bill. Pass the minimum wage. HELP people, instead of creating hatred every day.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      He is making a complete fool out of himself.

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      And, there is no way in hell the little runt will ever be elected POTUS. I want to rip his rag mop from his head too!

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    In North Carolina, an incumbent faces Sarah Palin's man from K Street

    Republicans in Eastern North Carolina face an interesting choice May 6. Should they keep their erratic ten-term Congressman Walter Jones? Or should they dump him for K Street lobbyist Taylor Griffin, who is backed by Sarah Palin?


  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Did you see Greta bashing Stewart for this.?

    The GOP will go down in history as the most backwards and absolutely stupid group of people. The climate change denying is only part of it. They are destroying our country- education, the environment, the middle class, the poor. ALL for the almighty capitalist dollar.

  6. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    He;s got a way with words and he doesn't hold back. It was fine during the President George W "I got a fake turkey for the troops" Bush and Vice President Dick "Hiding in a secret bunker with an ambulance parked outside"Cheyney regimes because he framed everything as "Us against the "Evildoers"", so it was right to start a revenge war because Saddam tried to have his daddy killed.

    I would LOVE, just once, President Obama use the term "evildoers" in a speech, any speech. Fox would blow a fuse and any electricians in sight.

  7. Anonymous3:45 AM

    And now they can add poor Monica Lewinsky to their mix. Benghazi, a made up "administration conspiracy, and Monica near-suicidal state, all made up just in time to debunk Hillary Clinton. Well, accusing President Obama of having been born in Kenya didn't work so they're busy finding fake stories to destroy Hillary.


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