Tuesday, May 06, 2014

A Tuesday morning roundup of gun violence in America.

I had an article or two saved to write about this morning, but they just kept multiplying. (Much like my attempt to write a post on the Bundy ranch situation on Sunday.)

So here are a few, but certainly not all, of the results of the 2nd Amendment keeping us free in America.

First the wrong place right bullet scenario:

A 26-year-old San Francisco man was shot to death early Saturday when he went to a unit on the wrong floor of his apartment building after returning home from a night out. Stephen Guillermo had been out drinking with friends, his family said, and apparently pressed the wrong floor number on the elevator of the building in the 900 block of Mission Street in the South of Market area. 

He got off on the third floor instead of the fifth floor, where he lived with his brother and sister, and went to the unit in the same location in the building as his home two stories above. 

Guillermo was shot at 1:40 a.m. inside the third floor unit of a 68-year-old man, Amisi Sudi Kachepa, who later surrendered to police and was arrested in the shooting.

This of course happens with some frequency around the country. In many cases the police are called and the drunken man is removed without incident. But in others there is a gun.

The there is the "I was only trying to frighten my son, but the gun just went off" scenario: 

An Alabama man accidentally shot and killed his teenage son while trying to scare the boy. 

Sexton Adams told police his 17-year-old son was acting in a bizarre and angry manner when he returned about 2 a.m. Friday to their McIntosh home. 

Adams said he felt threatened by his son’s unusual behavior and took out his .38-caliber handgun to scare the boy. 

But he said the gun fired accidentally and shot his son, Darius Adams, who was pronounced dead a short time later. 

“He cocked the pistol and in the process, according to him, the pistol went off,” said Washington County Sheriff Richard Stringer. “You know, it’s just a very tragic thing. The man killed his own son. It just doesn’t get much worse than that.”

Gun advocates will respond to stories like this by saying that responsible gun owners would never point a loaded weapon at anybody who they had no intention of shooting, as if all of the guns in America are in the hands of responsible gun owners and this is just a tragic, unforeseen circumstance.

No they aren't, and sadly no it isn't. 

(By the way the police are still trying to determine why the boy was acting erratically as if THAT might provide a clue as to why he died.)

The "Let's look at my gun collection, oh damn I just shot my nephew" scenario:  

An 11-year old boy, looking at guns with his cousin and uncle, was shot and killed in Pike County Saturday afternoon. His uncle has been charged with criminal homicide. Chad Olm, 34, has a safe in his room with a keypad lock, where he stores four guns. 

According to police records, this is what Chad Olm said happened: 

Olm was in his bedroom with his son and his nephew, both age 11. The boys asked to see his guns so he opened his security safe. 

Olm told police that he does not leave his guns loaded. 

He opened the case and showed them his .357 Magnum revolver, which had been wrapped in a sleeve. 

He handed it to his nephew and then to his son. They thought it was cool because it had a big scope on it. They wanted to pull the trigger and he let them, the police report said. 

Next, he took out a .22 revolver. He removed the pin and cylinder and then put it back together again and handed it to his nephew and then to his son. 

Then Olm showed the boys a 9 mm pistol that had been stored in a case, and let each boy hold it. 

Last, he took out a Glock 27 .40-caliber handgun that has a laser sight. Olm said there was no magazine in it, but he did not work the action to check or clear it. 

He was holding the pistol and showing the boys the laser on the ceiling and the wall. 

Then, Olm pointed the laser at his nephew. 

One of the boys (Olm could not recollect which one, according to court papers) said: “Look, you have a red dot on your forehead.” 

His nephew reached out for the gun and Olm pulled the trigger. 

The gun went off.

"He does not leave his guns loaded." One of the most famous, of the famous last words.

Gee who would have thought that pointing a gun at your nephew's head would cost him his life?

And finally the "Son raised as a sovereign citizen murders State Troopers" scenario. Alaska version:  

A sovereign citizen shot and killed two Alaska state troopers last week during an argument over a $150 couch, authorities said. Nathanial Kangas is accused of killing Trooper Sgt. Patrick “Scott” Johnson and Trooper Gabriel Rich as they attempted to arrest the suspect’s father. 

As the troopers tried to take Arvin Kangas into custody Thursday afternoon, his son went inside their house to retrieve an assault rifle, police said. 

The 19-year-old Nathaniel Kangas fired the weapon seven times at close range into the troopers’ backs, said a police officer who was present during the arrest attempt. 

Police said the younger Kangas immediately dropped his weapon and apologized, saying he’d opened fire because the troopers were wrestling with his father. 

A friend of the Kangas family said the father and son were members, along with himself, of “The Athabascan Nation,” which considers Alaska law enforcement to be a violation of Native Alaska sovereignty. 

“We haven’t ever been conquered and we ain’t going to feel like we’re conquered,” said family friend Gary Albert.

The father had already brandished a shotgun at a Village Police Officer, which prompted the call to the Troopers.

There are a number of native people up here who do not recognize the authority of the police or state troopers, however it only occasionally results in a loss of life.

So there you have it folks. Just more reminders of how the 2nd Amendment is keeping us safe from tyranny.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM


    I still content that we should get a posse together in every state that has open carry laws - especially the ones where you can carry in churches, BARS, and SCHOOLS - and parade in front of all those politicians' homes (because, for 'SOME' reason they prohibited carrying guns in their OWN places of work...).
    Let's see just HOW FAST they will change the laws to at least include some type of registration or other safety checks...

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    They just don't prosecute the way they should.

    It used to be that people were allowed to drink and drive. Technically, it was against the law, but nobody was prosecuted. It took mass public action to make the police enforce the drunk driving laws.

    Now when things like parents killing their kids, people say, "Oh, it's a tragedy. Oh, those parents will suffer the rest of their lives."

    But it's not an accident. The gun is there; it's loaded; somebody picks it up and handles it in an unsafe manner. I really don't care how the perpetrator feels: he should go to jail.


  3. ibwilliamsi12:50 PM

    1) I don't believe for one little minute that the guy in Alabama was "only trying to scare" his son. He went George Zimmerman on his son.

    2) I've decided that I am no longer going to try to argue the "illegal guns" point of view. I absolutely buy into the idea that all guns are legal in the USA. OTOH there are PEOPLE who own guns illegally. Stop tracking guns, start tracking people who own guns. Hunt them down and make sure that they are worthy of owning guns. Happy now, Mr. LaPierre?

  4. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Here are the newest two shootings in two days at the same school:


  5. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Add to this, the number of suicides by gun. A dear friends son committed suicide last week. I think if a gun hadn't been readily available, he wouldn't have taken his own life.

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Maybe; maybe not. A person intent on suicide will find a way.

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A teen who was an innocent victim of stray gunfire on a Philadelphia street late last month passed away as a result of his injuries early Monday morning.
    Devin Bullock, 19, died at about 12:30 a.m.

    Bullock was wounded when a gunman opened fire at 25th Thompson Streets in Brewerytown on April 23rd. Doctors were forced to amputate the star basketball player's leg.

    The suspect in the shooting, James Cole, surrendered to authorities this past Saturday. Cole was initially charged with three counts of attempted murder, but those charges are expected to be upgraded with Bullock’s passing.

    Detectives claim Cole, opening fire on intended targets, accidentally struck Bullock with several shots. Two others were also less seriously wounded.

    Teachers at the New Media Technology Charter School in Mt. Airy said in addition to being a top basketball player and school leader, Bullock, who was looking forward to his prom and graduation, had gotten offers from several colleges.

    School officials said Bullock supported himself for several years, working a 40-hour week at a local footwear store, then coming to practice and class each day at 6:30 a.m.

    “It didn’t matter who he spoke to or who he was around, he always brought happiness,” Coach Michael Greene said.

  7. First thing that comes to mind. Why didn't Kachepa have his door locked? You telling me a guy so drunk he got off on the wrong floor was able to get into a LOCKED apartment? Gee, I don't think so.

    And then there is the classic "you never point ANY gun at ANYONE unless you intend to shoot them." Just because you think the gun isn't loaded is no excuse. Anyone remember the actor that died because he was playing with a prop gun loaded with blanks? Yep, he died from a blank. He shot himself in the head with a gun loaded with blanks and the blank was enough to kill him.

    1. Jon-Erik Hexum. Ah, be still, my heart!

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Ahhh, Phineas Bogg. I loved that show (Voyagers). I had a young teenage crush on Jon-Erik. I remember how shocked I was when I heard he died. What a terrible accident and what a tragedy.

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "Fucking stupid" hardly begins to cover any of this.

  9. Crystal Sage2:25 PM

    I just heard the story about a man showing off his gun's laser aim and shot his young son in the head. Don't know where it happened; just another day in Second Amendment Land.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      It was his nephew. The Uncle was sure the gun was unloaded (no magazine, but surprise, surprise...one left in the chamber). Now the kid is dead and who knows if the uncle will be charged with anything because shooting a kid you're related to in the head is a "tragic accident" and not negligent homicide for some reason.

  10. ManxMamma2:36 PM

    On Patriot's Day, commemorating the battles of Lexington and Concord, which were fought near Boston in 1775 and has nothing to do with the conservative concept of patriot I happened to be at home late in the afternoon when I heard someone trying to get into my apartment. As a fearless 60+ I went to the door and asked he wanted and he quickly ran down the 6 flights of stairs. I later found out from my neighbor that she had encountered a seriously drunk or drugged young man trying to take the elevator to the 3rd floor. I've wondered since then how this would have played out if either of us had had a firearm. I don't think it would be good at all.

  11. Anonymous2:45 PM



  12. Anonymous2:48 PM

    But Christianity is under threat in America, right?


  13. Smiling5:37 PM

    I've done that. Whisked off the elevator and breezed into my mother's apartment without knocking. Only I got off on the wrong floor. Absolutely no alcohol involved. No residents of that building possessed a gun.

  14. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    Oh well, when will gun "Accidents" stop happening? Showing off your shiny big boy toys to boys in a bedroom one second, the next, one's got a red laser spot on his forehead and the unloaded gun just "goes off" Sad. The "Adults" should know better, and the judges should throw the book at them to save other kids from the same fate.

  15. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Gryphen - did you see the prom pictures? Father's holding guns against the dates of their daughters? Guns have become fun props. Not weapons of death. Check out KragoX (or similar - DKos writer/tweeter)


  16. Gun accidents are increasing and it become important that there should be proper control on selling and gun to mentally unfit people. Person having a gun should take gun safety training to avoid any accident in future.


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