Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Sarah Palin pimps book by her favorite Fox News contributor and defender of all things Christian.

Courtesy of the Concubine of Christian Fascism's Facebook page:  

Do you ever feel like you’re the only one absolutely perplexed and beyond disappointed by the country's self proclaimed "elites" as they exercise their influence? Politicians, the media, and other cultural influencers covertly and overtly practice a dangerous complicity in kicking God out of our society, which results in a crumbling national foundation. If you're concerned that you're a lone warrior in this battle, please know you're not alone and there is much you can do about the state of our union! 

It is at this point that Palin pimps Starnes book, "God Less America." A book that seems to be a compilation of all of Starnes Chicken Little like rantings about attacks on Christmas, faith, and our "Christian nation."

As the left continues to declare war on American values, Todd Starnes is in the trenches telling the stories of Americans the mainstream media ignores. His work is a bold call to action for patriots who still proudly hold to their faith and their freedom. 

- Sarah Palin

You know as somebody who is undoubtedly counted as a member of "the Left" I have to wonder which American value I am declaring war on? I support virtually everything in the Bill of Rights, though I do think the wording in the 2nd Amendment could use a little tightening up, and think the Constitution is a brilliant document which deserves to be respected and protected.

In fact I have values coming out of my liberal ass.

There is nowhere in the Constitution which proclaims Christianity as the nation's religion, and it does not give ANY religion the right to insert itself into our public schools, our government, or insist that it be used as a litmus test for choosing Senators, Congressmen, or judges in this country.

Sadly that is now how Palin and her ilk read the founding documents.

This Todd Starnes guy has been a favorite of Palin's ever since he started his crusade to protect Christianity from the terrible influence of logic, facts, and common sense.

Of course this is the same guy who recently compared Atheists to Hitler, and was recently caught promoting a fake story about Christian persecution in public schools.

Essentially Todd Starnes is like a male version of Sarah Palin. Exhibiting histrionic responses to criticism, a persecution complex, and an aversion to comprehensive research.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    After exhausting all other avenues Palin is finally heading to the Pat Robertson world!

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    MAJOR gaydar on this one.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      My first impression as well.

      Not that there's anything wrong with that...except when the usual thing is this bible-whacky type of person condemns gays while being themselves gay.

      PS I'm almost an atheist, so this guy thinks I'm akin to Nazis? That hurts my feelings just a smidgen.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      I have a pocket gaydar detector, it went off in my pocket as soon as I hit IM.

      Just scrolling down to see who said what and I agree, the gaydar needle is PEGGED with this particular sharp dressed man!

      Then there were all Todd boy's tweets about the President's underwear and flossing. What a twisted little f*ck this guy might be? Either believes this cr@p or just peddles iot for all the Fucked Noise viewers and listeners. #GAYDAR RED ALERT


    3. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Just another closeted, cocksucking hypocrite. Typical moral majority fundie kkkristyun. They love them some self hating, self-righteous hypocrites who can dictate "family" values to others that they never apply to their own. These Palin & Starnes types better pray that there is no Hell, because if there were, these two will have their own luxury boxes for themselves and their creepy ilk.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    He makes my gaydar go off. She is trying to deflect the waterboarding comment that has EVERYONE PISSED off at her. Heh!
    As GinaM said "its not going away"!



    We all hope you are drowning bitch! Err being "baptized by your witch dr."

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Sarah Palin apologize??? Lol! They really do not know her. She is never wrong. Never.

    2. Anonymous3:26 AM

      I bet this strange looking little guy is real good "friends" with both Rove and Ralphie Reed. It galls me when Palin claims to be so religious, while raising her children with no morals whatsoever. They have run wild, fornicating (look it up, Bristles) raising hell, causing misery for others such as Levi and his family. Palin is no more religious than I am, and I am not. Having seen the hypocrites who claim to be religious while not living their teachings, I decided I would rather be a good PERSON helping others, than a religious "pretender". Robertson belongs in an Alzheimers unit, the guy is seriously deluded.

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Would love to ask the dominionist dunce and her duncettes just why their brand of evangelical 'religion' trumps the more than 25,000 other Christian denominations in the U.S., let alone the various other non-Christian based religions practiced here.

    I've never been clear about the brand that the Palins practice because there is little or no evidence that they actually belong or attend any church services. (Based on their lifestyle I find it hard to believe any religious group beyond a Jim Jones type would have them.) Catholics are sorta Christian too, does she plan to exclude them as well? Hope so cause they can fight as dirty as the griz and I doubt they would tolerate being shunted aside by the whims of a bunch of garage band type religionists who feel only they know the 'truth'. The hubris of this charlatan knows NO bounds!

    1. Anonymous3:29 AM

      But - but - Bristles has a religious NUT writing her blog for her!! Surely THAT makes HER truly religious, doesn't it? After all, there are bible quotes on there, and everything. Yes, Bristles, those are quotes from the bible that Nancy French includes in "your" blog.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Perplexed, overtly, complicity? Dumb bitch, everyone knows you couldn't write that well if your life depended on it. Now go get your shine box.

  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Palin is just trying to make nice with the Christians who she just lost ... maybe she's worried about having enough cash on hand for postage.

    Funny stuff. Can you say pandering?

  7. James Madison5:12 PM

    "...how Palin and her ilk read the founding documents."

    I'd say, from the evidence we have from Palin and her pals, that they don't know, or care, what's actually in the Constitution. Just as they don't really know what Christ taught. They throw away the Bible when it becomes inconvenient.

    They've made up an entire world view, seeing themselves as victims while really wanting to impose a theocratic, fascist domination over the rest of us.

    Sound familiar? Look to the great dictators of the 20th century: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. They all created an "us" vs."them" universe that convinced people that only strict adherence to their rigid rules would save their counties from "them."

    btw, Sarah, I've been a Christian for 65 years, and I'm also a proud and happy liberal. You need to get out of your compound more often, to meet and learn from those of us who elected a Democratic president in the last two elections with 53% of the vote. A clear majority of your fellow citizens don't, and won't, agree with your histrionics. We know better.

  8. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Palin and Starnes go together like an ass and a toilet. I'll let you decide who is which.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Let me make it easy: They are both the shit without which, neither an ass or toilet would have a purpose.

  9. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sarah was MORE than happy being invited into the "elites" until they booted her @ss out for being a know-nothing, 83-IQed loser. Ghostwritten books, ghostwritten Facebook screed.

    Her gods are attention and money. Nothing more.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

      She missed the Derby this year! What's up with that? Did she spook too many horses or did the senile lady who took her grow a brain?

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Maybe her Belmonts had a blow out and her vajazzled truckers cap was borrowed by Toad.

    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      The senile lady's caretakers were onto the grifters, Sarah & Toad, so her family intervened. Result: no check for PAC or personal services to the Palin crooks.

  10. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Bold. She keeps using this word. I don't think it means what she thinks it means.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Her repetition of the same buzzwords over and over again proves how low her IQ is,

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      When I see or hear the word "bold" I think of Gabby Giffords, who in her painfully slow speech - a result of gun wounds to her head - when she said "Be bold!" Be bold in speaking out about gun violence. When I saw Gabby say "Be bold!" the tears came.

      Gabby Giffords is "bold," but the sedicious Sarah is anything but bold. She is a conniving self-seving narcissist who likes to stir up a crowd but nothing else.

      Also, Seditionist Sarah is the worst kind of Christian - CINO. A false prophet. Using sound bites taken out of context to blaspheme what many consider to be the word of God.

      Satan Sarah takes the words of God encoded in the Bible to foment hate and violence in the world. WhereCo is the spirit of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament in Sarah's tirades?

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I hate old thin-skinnedman-hands grandma with every fiber of my being.

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Horrible voice. Fake accent. Same verbiage since she ran for city council and first started stabbing backs by climbing over them with stilettos, thinning hair, bad dresser, ugly inside and out -

  13. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I love it when Sarah Palin calls for "bold action" from behind the safe barricade of her highly moderated FB page. She is such a goddamn fucking hypocrite. Just a lazy, greedy attention-loving rabble rouser who only puts any real effort into lining her pockets.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Not to mention an apex chickenshit.

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Shitty Parent
      Shitty Person
      Shitty Liar
      Talks shit.
      Eats shit.
      Full of shit.
      No wonder she looks and smells like shit.

  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Just looking at his photo I see a sex scandal in his future involving someone the christians would not approve of. He kind of looks like the republican female impersonator in NC who was just outed. This is too easy.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Yep.....he's a pickle puffer ..... no doubt. Question is where will he be busted .... Airport bathroom where he's taking a "wider stance" or perhaps his church where he's teaching the children.

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Definitely a passive bottom.

    3. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Strange how the gop attracts the gays who deny their sexual preferences. We on the "left" welcome EVERYONE, it does not matter to us what a person does in their private lives, as long as they are HONEST. These closeted right-wing people either proclaim their religious affiliation, or decry the homosexual lifestyle, while living in fear of being outed. What a tragic way to go through life, pretending and lying. This guy looks like he might be slightly "slow" or borderline DS. Strange looking person either way.

  15. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Ummmm…..shouldn't it be Godless….one word? Or is that supposed to be a stupid pun about subtracting god from America???

    Man, it's one thing to be an ignorant christian…but can't they have proper grammar?

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      I think, upon reflection, that it refers to "God Bless America," that wonderful song written by Irving Berlin, an immigrant, and not Christian, either!

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      The title is a play on 'God Bless America' -- you can see a faint "B" on the cover.

      Also notice asshat Hanniity is quoted on the front. Forward by Mike Huckabee. Yipee!!

  16. Anonymous5:58 PM

    The parasitic amoral folks who have hitched their livelihood to this shameless peawit grifter are going to pull out all stops as she fades. We are seeing it now. This is going to be more entertaining as the depth of her ignorance and depravity becomes more widely known. She is even swatted down regularly by the right now.

  17. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Palin is nothing more than an unintelligent, hateful, and ignorant simpleton. It was bound to become obvious to all but the most obtuse. The cluster of the obtuse who adore her is tiny.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Love how your last sentence scans! Poetry...

  18. Caroll Thompson6:09 PM

    Sarah misses the entire point of freedom. She seems to think that freedom means all of us living our lives according to the world of Sarah and this idiot and the pig lady, etc....

    I don't begrudge Sarah living her life according to whatever "values" she has. I also have a right to live my life as I see fit. I don't care how anyone lives as long as it does not impact my life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.

    But Sarah trying to shove her false values down our throats impacts my pursuit of happiness. In the name of freedom, I wish she would stop.

    1. Anonymous3:41 AM

      The values held in the PayMe family were expressed by Toad, loud and clear "What's in it for us?"

  19. Anonymous6:13 PM

    feckin azzhole skank interviewed by mario i am a fame whore lopez said about the baptism/water torture remark "to baptise means to dunk in water... to submerge under water. look it up in the dictionary." uh wrong again idiot queen! per meriam websters:

    bap·tism noun \ˈbap-ˌti-zəm, especially Southern ˈbab-\
    : a Christian ceremony in which a small amount of water is placed on a person's head or in which a person's body is briefly placed under water

    Full Definition of BAPTISM

    a : a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community
    b : a non-Christian rite using water for ritual purification
    c Christian Science : purification by or submergence in Spirit
    : an act, experience, or ordeal by which one is purified, sanctified, initiated, or named

    yeah azzhat!! it is a christian and/or purification ritual not one you associate with torture. just because you are an idiot don't think the rest of us are. look it up yourself you horrifically ugly and hateful wretch! you shrew! you harridan!
    you committed blasphemy in a HUGE way and you lie your way around but won't back down will you? this MAY be the death knell to your little pathetic grifting life in the public arena.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Huh???? Lol!!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      You lost me with your first paragraph. Completely. Low. Class. As trashy as Sarah!!

    3. Anonymous7:09 PM

      sp is on with mario lopez in an interview from dead lake lucille. he asks her about the torture/baptism comment at the nra rally. she says to look it up in the dictionary-it means to dunk in water. she then goes on to say she is a born again christian and was dunked right over there in that lake.

      she is lying her way through this and trying to rewrite the definition of the word baptise.
      the definition is listed for all to see including her.

      and 6:27-with all that is written on this blog about skank-i lost you with "feckin azzhole skank" and "mario "i am a fame whore" lopez"???? thin skinned much sarah? or sarah sycophant??

      considering the hilarious descriptions everyday about her dress/her private lady parts/ her smell/ etc. you call me low. class. trashy.
      you don't know me so move along to a more gentile blog that won't offend your oh so delicate sensibilities.
      jeez!!!!!!! make a comment once in a blue moon and have to contend with the likes of you?

    4. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Why don't you calm down with the judging? There is nothing 6:13 said that warrants your attack. Who are you to judge anyone on this blog? Relax! Nothing was said that is as trashy as the idiot. No one can compete with her particular brand of trashy.

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM

      because you have decided you are the word police/comment moderator how do these hilarious comments work for you? move along now - you seem to be a trouble maker who has lost their way. head over to the pee pond.

      Anonymous5:13 PM
      Palin and Starnes go together like an ass and a toilet. I'll let you decide who is which.

      Anonymous6:05 PM
      Let me make it easy: They are both the shit without which, neither an ass or toilet would have a purpose.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

      I got every word, and you're right.

    7. Anonymous7:54 PM

      awww thank anita winecooler. tonight i <3 you:)

    8. Anonymous8:21 PM

      There are some christian sects which do full imersion baptisms. We used to call them "dunkers" or "dippers". Fer sure Palins are dippers at least.

    9. Anonymous9:05 PM

      The OP was pretty clear. Stop clutching your pearls.

      I'm the one who wrote the original ass/toilet comment. I also have a PhD. "Colorful" language and humor are great ways to burn off some of the aggravation we've felt for the past six years. And sometimes there are no other words to describe two of the biggest public assholes currently flapping their gums (Palin and Starnes).

    10. Anonymous3:47 AM

      PayMe's show on the sportsman channel must be sinking big time. When will she get the wake up call that people are wising up to her scams? Mario "look at my dimples" Lopez will smile at anything. He has to do these mindless interviews to keep his job.

    11. Anonymous4:21 AM

      @Dr 9:00pm

      Yes, it does help relieve some of the aggravation that Queen Quitter causes. Since I have a good bit more aggravation than I have time this morning to type some colorful words about Sarah, I'll be back after work to comment more about Stupid Sarah ®.

    12. Anonymous5:50 AM

      trying to rewrite the definition of the word baptise.
      the definition is listed for all to see including her....

      OP is clear. The harridan did committ blasphemy in a HUGE way....

      The pretend Christians will run from that fact as fast as they can.

  20. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Starnes appears about as male as $carah does female. Anybody else's gaydar hit red alert when you looked at that pic - Truman Capote?

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      6:57 I agree - this guy looks weird! Know I'd be running in the opposite direction from him. We all know the weird taste of Palin! Look at Toad, the pimp!

    2. Anonymous3:50 AM

      I wonder if this guy has ever gone on the Dominican Republic trips with Limbaugh? Remember Limbaugh with a suitcase full of viagra, going to visit little boys? He looks "off" in some stange, unexplainable way.

    3. Anonymous4:27 AM

      Todd Starnes = Toad Palin's Lover

      Not that there's anything wrong with that. But quit with the projection onto others just because you hate yourself, Mr. Starnes. Accept yourself for who and what you are. You are fooling no one, BTW. Too obvious.

    4. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Capote was one hell of a writer.

      Todd Starnes is strictly a pole smoker.

    5. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Who actually PRINTS all these books about religion? Do the Koch brothers foot the bills? This strange little guy looks so weird. Who the hell appointed HIM to be our moral watchdog?

  21. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Walter Jones defeated Taylor Griffin(Sarah Palin's endorsement)
    in North Carolina. The Kiss of Death still lives. Who is next, Sarah? BWAHAHAHAHAHA LOSER.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Hahaha The bitch is working on going 0 for 2014. Those poor fools who paid for her endorsement.

  22. Anonymous7:16 PM

    The Treasonous Bitch can't hide behind this closet case. The mainline xtians are on to your sorry ass game.

  23. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

    They say "Godless" as if it's a bad thing! Amirite Sarah? Speaking of Christian Values, anything to say for yourself on the "Waterboarding" as "Baptism" pigma you were so proud to yak about???


    Yeah, "Values" have nothing to do at all with "religion". All religion is good for is soothing one's conscience and feeling like they "belong".

  24. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Another Palin endorsement lost tonight.
    Taylor Griffin , endorsed by Palin,
    was unable to defeat Rep Walter Jones in NC.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Sarah Palin's curse kicked in just after 10 pm, it seems. Another one down.

      Taylor Griffin led 14-term incumbent U.S. District 3 Rep. Walter Jones in posted voting totals until 10:09 p.m. Tuesday when the lead shifted to Jones, who held on to win a place on another November ballot.

      The lead broadened to a 2,256-vote lead with the next posting showing Jones had 50.7 percent of the 22-county district’s vote. Jones claimed victory by phone on his way to the town commons in Farmville.

      The incumbent Republican had widened his lead to 50.92 percent by night’s end with Griffin at 45.04 percent and Al (Big Al) Novinec running a distant third with 4.04 percent.

      Sarah Palin Endorses Challenger to Anti-War Republican Congressman



    2. Anonymous9:09 PM

      He asked for her endorsement.. He got the Palin Kiss of Death.

      Sarah Palin Endorses Taylor Griffin for Congress

      “I consider Governor Palin to be the epitome of a principled conservative and her endorsement reinforces my message that I will give Eastern North Carolina the conservative representation we deserve.”

      Taylor Griffin – Republican Candidate for Congress

      ...Palin responded yesterday with the following note:
      “Taylor – Thank you for your note and for putting your name on the line to help restore our country. Todd and I are happy to honor your request and support your candidacy. In Washington, we need you to stay true to your beliefs of smaller government, protecting life and furthering conservative principles. America needs fighters in Congress – go to DC remembering the good patriots of Eastern North Carolina who put their trust in you to fight for them. You have our support – we have directed SarahPAC to make a financial contribution to your campaign today. Thank you for your patriotism and commitment to our cause! – Sarah Palin”


    3. So he had to ask HER for her endorsement? Wonder what piddle amount SARAHPAC parted with? And he lost...is she 0-2 at this point? Lots more races on Tuesday...I hope she is zero for however many races she inserted herself into. I hope this is the year the Tea Baggers disappear, and take the 'patriot militias' with them.

    4. Anonymous3:52 AM

      It must absolutely gall the PayMe family to send $$$ to another grifter. I wonder if she really sent any money?

    5. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Sue @12:14 So he had to ask HER for her endorsement?

      He also had to kiss her boney hand on bended knee no doubt.

    6. Anonymous7:13 AM

      12:14 AM She is 0-3 at this point, Handel, Benacquisto, and Griffin. If Sarah Palin endorses a politician, chalk up a win for the other candidates.

    7. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Sue 12:14 - Palin PACs don't pay out money, they make deposits. The question is how much did the primary candidates have to pay HER for her mealy mouth endorsements. One liners thrown to the wind like everything else she says. Poor little TP rubes will get it one of these days and refuse to play Palin Ponzi.

  25. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I wondered how so many elected officials, who were more than likely schooled as lawyers, seemed to have so little knowledge of the Constitution.

    When Republicans began whining about how they can't read the wordy bills placed before them to vote on, it came to me: they've been faking it! They can't read!

    We all know that PALIN has revealed she has extremely limited abilities to comprehend the written word. She is not alone.

  26. Anonymous7:56 PM

    When will these pseudo Christians realize that the more they talk, the more people run, not walk away from church. I quit church after 9/11 when I realized I didn't want to be associated with any group that looked to George W for advice.


    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      ...pseudo-christiany dominionist theocrats:

      They are grifters for gold in the name of God with guns.


    2. Anonymous3:54 AM

      The smarmy, hateful Pat Robertson is chief among them. Franklin Graham is a close second.

  27. Anonymous8:05 PM

    If only...remember how though she was resigning as governor, she would continue to work as a private citizen for the good of Alaska?

    For instance, she could be promoting this information, instead of that Christianist b/s:

    'Alaska is becoming unrecognizable. Nowhere is global warming more stark than in our only Arctic state. Temperatures there have increased much more than the national average: 3 degrees Fahrenheit since 1949, or "double the rest of the country." The state has the United States' biggest and most dramatic glaciers—and it is losing them rapidly. Meanwhile, storms batter coasts that used to be insulated by now-vanished sea ice.'

    'And the ground is literally giving way in many places, as permafrost thaws, destabilizing roads, infrastructure, and the places where people live. Eighty percent of the entire state has permafrost beneath its surface. The state currently spends $10 million per year to repair the damage from thawing permafrost and is projected to spend $5.6-$7.6 billion repairing infrastructure by 2080.'

    'And then there is Alaska, where "a single large fire in 2007 released as much carbon to the atmosphere as had been absorbed by the entire circumpolar Arctic tundra during the previous quarter century." Because, on top of everything else, increasing wildfires actually make global warming itself worse, by releasing still more carbon from the ground.'


    1. Anonymous3:14 AM

      Unshackled by the PC title of Governor, she would progress Alaska. The only thing she's kept her blizzard of words on, is quitting.

    2. Anonymous6:20 AM

      The Palin's work overtime to destroy Alaska. It is a source of income to sell recreational ATV snow machines. A light should have gone off in dimwit's noggin before the last Iron Dog and when the conditions were so harsh. What's happening to the snow? Po' widdle Toady had to cheat and cover up again.

      All they care about are the product placements and deals with corporations. Toad and Scarah think they are a Michael Jordan of their sports world.

      They have the entire family in on the racket and the whole greedy bunch are killing Alaska and the world as we knew it.

  28. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Do my glasses make me look more manly?

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      His chin arrives about 2 seconds before his forehead!

      He'd really be sumthin with a vague beard.

  29. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Too bad Sarah doesn't read anything. She won't be reading
    "Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi" by Jane Mayer. 241 dead US Marines. The gate was open, the sentries were carrying no magazines in their weapons, no round in the chamber.


  30. Anonymous10:12 PM

    It's people like Starnes who give good Christians a bad name. by good Christians, I mean those of us who recognize that separation of church and state are essential for a healthy society, anything that makes you a better, kinder, more compassionate person is ok with us, global warming is a real threat to humanity, public education is one of our greatest resources, the earth is billions of years old, and the Bible isn't to be taken literally.

  31. It must burn her bony butt that Hannity got a quote on the cover, and she only gets paid to use her fading FB page to comment.

  32. Anonymous12:13 AM

    to 6:25 - did Sarah tell Lopez she was baptized in Lake Lucille? She was baptized in the summer of 1976 in Little Beaver Lake

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      JFC that woman can't tell the truth about Anything. How Sick do you have to be to lie about where you were Baptized?????

  33. Anonymous1:31 AM

    wait, Lefties who BOO G-D!

    WARNING: Graphic descriptions ahead - you may wish to avoid reading this post.

    Any bleeding heart libs/lefties/metrosexuals/muslims/others better tuffen up ... squeamish Americans would have been USELESS on Omaha Beach, June 6th 1944

    We are fighting people who BEHEAD CHRISTIAN BABIES (Syria) and who DISMEMBER TEENAGE CHRISTIAN GIRLS while STILL ALIVE (Syria) and who CHOW DOWN on newly ripped out ENEMY HEARTS (Syria)

    (thanks to Obama's **moderate AL Qaeda allies **)

    If your children or grandchildren were in danger of having their HEADS BLOWN OFF by these terrorist MURDERING B*STARDS then a POTUS Palin would have water dripped on their faces to TRY AND SAVE AMERICAN LIVES (and the villains know it too .... which is a HUGE DETERRENT... IOW, this Rhetoric is VITAL)

    WISE UP *overly sensitive* WUSSES! ... Big Mama Grizzly would FIGHT LIKE HE!! FOR YOUR CUBS, and not let being PC stop her!

    consider this also:

    (common-sense response by Disqus ID = ccb11, to those who are critical of Sarah Palin's use of the word *baptism*)

    Big Deal !! Maybe you should all be more worried about getting your head or your childrens chopped off by a terrorist instead of what Sarah Palin Said. She should be the least of your worries. Soldiers in our service to this country are being treated terribly if they are a Christian in our armed forces. Check that story out.

    Go after Harry Reid for calling many times, people on the right,"Domestic Terrorists." Obama has done nothing to bring home Christians in Muslim countries that are jailed just because they are Christians. I am all for forgiving but at the same time I want my Children and Grand Children safe from these anti crazy Christian terrorists. Maybe if they all heard they were going to baptized a Christian by us they would stop their killing.

    Sarah Palin would be the first person to defend your rights as a Christian. The left fears Sarah because she is not politically correct. I hate people that beat around the bush to make a point . I want to know the truth.

    Some one made the comment about Sarah being a useful idiot. The only useful idiot is you if you let the loony left define and convince you that she is one.

    If the left has you in a tizzy over Sarah then you have fallen for their masterful game of deceit and distraction from the important issues that they are losing on.

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      You posted this same shit on SPHASH's blog.

    2. Anonymous5:16 AM

      You "want to know the truth"? Here it is YOU are as easily fooled as anyone who follows the unwashed, skank $carah PayMe. Give ONE example of an idea she has had in all these years to "forward this great country of ours"? Keep sending your $$$ to her Pac. If you had any brains, you would send the money directly to your candidate of choice. %carah uses most of it herself, a pittance goes to candidates. You are as dumb as all the rest of her followers. The woman is an empty pair of penis jeans.

    3. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Looks like someone let the looney out of the bin...

    4. Anonymous6:19 AM

      hey, Stupid - yeah YOU 1:31 a.m. torture does NOTHING, zIP, ZILCH NADA in getting useful info - it's just a measure of your and $kanky $carah's fetish for torture stories. Go read Fifty Shades or watch some S&M porn. What would make your kids and grand kids safer is your demise - please hasten that occurrence of your own accord, soon.

    5. Anonymous7:07 AM

      1:41 AM??? The 'up all night' Troll is at it again. You are not accomplishing anything here unless you enjoy being ridiculed. All of these years, and you have not received 1 positive response. Don't you get it? Your Juvenile Palin Rants with bad grammar and spelling are laughable. You have no life, and you Love Gryphen's Blog. Without Gryphen's blog, you have nothing to do. No sane person would even attempt to spend time with you, Psycho.

    6. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Wow. Things must be getting serious in the PayMe compound. Did $carah have to revise her budget, since fewer donations are showing up?

    7. Anonymous8:51 PM

      That seems to be a re-post from c4p.

      Stop yelling at the person who re-posted it.

  34. Why do these weird, over the top "Christians" always look like their brain was missing at birth. I know looks should not be the measure of the man - but I think they generate the kooky ideas about being loved by a person from another place because they are mainly ignored by people in the real world.

    Palin likes to associate with kooks cause she thinks it makes her appear sane.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      1:47 Exactly. Ralph Reed comes to min d. That little pencil-necked geek just refuses to GO AWAY. He should have served time in prison, along with Jack Abrahamson, they were in cahoots, bilking the Indian casino backers. They made millions on that scam. Yet, there he is on Sunday shows, treated as though he is a decent person. Same with Gingrich, Santorum, Ms. Lindsey and the rest of them.

  35. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I wonder how many dudes have shot a load into this fat fuck's face...

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      He's got that Marcus Bachmann masculine kind of persona. I'll Toady Starnes can make a foot long corndog disappear without taking a bite.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM


      Todd Starnes loves riding shotgun on his friend's bike.

  36. Our Lad5:03 AM

    Great Caesar's Ghost, another one! You show me a virulently anti gay far right ideologue and I'll show you the closet where he keeps his Thursday night getup. It's so predictable that it's beyond humorous, it's just the same gag being told yet again with a different central character. It simply never ends and the rubes who buy into this nonsense are so busy looking for homosexuals in their soup that they can't hear Marcus Bachman wearing gingham and singing The Trolley Song at the top of his fuckin lungs.

  37. Anonymous5:32 AM

    If Xtian Sarah was in charge, water-boarding is how the USA would baptize terrorists.

    EXTRA EXCLUSIVE: Sarah is really embracing the grandma look. Sitting next to ta young stud 'reporter' and she looks like she could be his grandma.



    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Spewing more gibberage in her usual high-pitched voice. Dressed in casual wear but, thankfully, no unwashed wild looking wig perched crookedly on her head for this interview. She does look old but a little cleaner than we normally see her.

  38. Anonymous6:30 AM


    All the Palins love to ride. Here's a family reunion. Notice tractor.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Well, EVERYONE loses weight after giving birth. Bristles has lost weight EVERY time after her babies were born. She managed to GAIN weight on DWTS, but lost that a few months later.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.