Monday, May 26, 2014

Nebraska Senate hopeful, and Sarah Palin endorsee, believes the only thing wrong with America is too many Atheists. Well of course he does.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Ben Sasse, who is widely expected to to win the seat being vacated by Sen. Mike Johanns in November, authored a dissertation — The Anti-Madalyn Majority: Secular Left, Religious Right, and the Rise of Reagan’s America — in which he argued that the modern conservative movement began not with “the Reagan Revolution,” but with two Supreme Court decisions in the early 1960s in which mandatory public school prayer and Bible reading were struck down as unconstitutional. 

The first of them, Engel v. Vitale, inspired a Republican Congressman from New York, Frank Becker, to action. He was a true believer — a man who, according to Sasse, was a “tenacious focus derived less from a studied assessment of his audience than from his heartfelt conviction that the hope of America lay in its special relationship with the Almighty, and in the nation’s resolve to doggedly oppose the most formidable system of atheistic imperialism the world had ever known.” 

Sasse identified Becker’s failed efforts to “oppose the most formidable system of atheistic imperialism the world had ever known” as the origin of a “bottom-up” rebellion against the “elites” — many of whom were Jewish — who wanted to remove religion from public life. He claimed that Nixon and his rhetoric of the “silent majority” spoke “effectively to and for the small-town values still prized by most of the country.” 

“Indeed angst about secularization, more than any other complaint,” he wrote, “provided a lens through which Americans could see all other social problems as sharing a common root, a liberal root.” He claimed that these forces existed outside of conventional politics, a sentiment he echoes today on the campaign trail.

Great, another religious zealot who believes all the country needs is a little more Jesus. 

This is exactly the kind of politician that this country cannot stand to have any more of in Washington.


  1. Leland3:05 AM

    "This is exactly the kind of politician that this country cannot stand to have anymore of in Washington."

    Unfortunately, this is exactly the type of politician we shall continue to get in D.C. until the majority actually wakes up, gets rid of these ignorant shits, and elects some who actually know how to read and comprehend.

    Maybe then we will have some people who are capable of actually reading and UNDERSTANDING the Constitution.

    Heres an idea for people: Vote for the person you think is best for the job, NOT the person you think has the best chance of winning! This isn't a high school popularity contest! As long as you VOTE, your vote is NOT wasted, regardless what your friends tell you.

    I DO believe, however, that the fight for equality for Atheists will be the greatest, hardest - and longest - fight for individual equality this country has seen!

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    These bible thumping kooks are the bane of an enlightened society.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Well, they have to have something to do when they are not cheating on their wives, molesting children and hating "the others" with a vengeance. They hide behind the Bible but never heed its pleas for tolerance and compassion.

  3. Caroll Chase Thompson3:57 AM

    My maiden name is Chase. We Chase's have fought in every war of this Country, starting with the French Indian Wars (ever heard of those wars Sarah? Doubtful). And unlike anyone named Palin or Sasse, the Chase's fought and died in the Revolution that Sarah likes to talk about so much.

    The result of that revolution is a little something called the First Amendment to our Constitution, which made us all free to have whatever religion we like. That also includes the freedom not to have any religion.

    These two (Palin and Sasse) act like members of the Inquisition who would kill those who do not subscribe to their particular religion. They are very dangerous people and traitors to all that this Country stands for.

    This is why I somewhat disagree with you G, on the matter of gun control. I have guns just in case anyone like these traitors take over my government and decide there will be a national religion. Over my dead body, literally.

    Freedom ain't free and it is worth dying for. Too bad these idiots have not the slightest idea of what freedom actually means.

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I detect the odious stench of anti-semitism here. Crazies like this must be stopped at the polls. Even Nebraska knows better. Hatred and suspicious in the name of Jesus Christ is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated. Naturally, Sarah Palin is on board with this Sasse guy and that says a lot.

    1. Leland4:57 AM


      These are the kinds of people who STILL swear it was "the Jews" who killed Jesus, even though their own god set all that in motion - at least according to them. I have often wondered why the idiots never can see that.

      And they will NEVER admit that Jesus WAS a Jew! HEY STUPID! Do you think some called him Rabbi for FUN?

    2. Anonymous5:26 AM

      So true and I cannot help but believe that hatred and prejudice still run so deeply in our country- cheered on by the likes of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz and their unpatriotic minions.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Yesssss, Leland! As she wears that stupid Star Of David bangle I think, "what a hypocrite!"

  5. Randall6:37 AM

    “...bottom-up” rebellion against the “elites”


    How much more "elite" can one BE than to think one is one of "God's chosen people"?

    ...what a sanctimonious asshole.

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I guess if he is elected, I will get to go to camp! Where have I heard this before?

  7. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Conservative Grifters Milking Benghazi By Claiming Clintons Will Destroy Careers

    A right-wing group is making ridiculous claims about the fate of anyone who dares question Hillary Clinton about Benghazi. And it’s all in an effort to raise money of four dead Americans, as David Corn at Mother Jones points out.

    This Is How the Right Milks Benghazi for Cash

    If you had any iota of doubt that the right's never-ending obsession with Benghazi is not driven by its antipathy toward (or fear of) Hillary Clinton and by a desire to raise money for conservative outfits, then please see the fundraising email below that was sent out this week by the Stop Hillary PAC. Dispatched to conservative mailing lists, the solicitation depicts the Benghazi inquiry as all about Clinton, accusing her and her comrades of mounting a cover-up and successfully (apparently) neutering all previous congressional investigations.

    The letter is not subtle:

  8. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

    What a depraved, small minded, hateful piece of shit bible thumping idiot! He's against Jews and Atheists because they don't "believe" his Jesus is the Messiah? What does he mean by a "bottom up" rebellion against the Elitists (Liberals who care about Social issues)? What am I saying? Look who endorsed him. Good luck with that "Get out of Hell Free" card, it's worked so well for so many others whose names passed the herpes infested lips of Cuckoo for Cocoapuffs.

  9. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Mayor Violates Constitution, Tells Atheists: ‘Take Me to F*cking Court, I Don’t Care!’

  10. I grew up in the same small Nebraska town that he's from, so his views don't surprise me. Places like that spawn strange creatures.


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