Monday, May 05, 2014

Nevada Congressman wants to rid town of militia members supporting rancher Cliven Bundy.

Courtesy of Politico:  

A Nevada congressman is calling on elected officials in the state to rid a town in his district of militia members who have rallied around rancher Cliven Bundy in his battle with federal land managers. 

Rep. Steven Horsford, in an address to the Clark County Democratic Convention in Las Vegas on Saturday, said he’s making the request after hearing more complaints from constituents about the presence of Bundy supporters near Bunkerville, 75 miles northeast of Las Vegas. 

Horsford, who attended a public event in nearby Mesquite earlier Saturday, said he was approached by residents there wanting to know about his plans to get militia members out of the area. 

He said a fifth-grade girl told him that Bundy has a “sense of entitlement” and should pay grazing fees like other ranchers who use public land in the West. A man told him that Bundy is a “welfare rancher” living off taxpayer subsidies, Horsford said. 

“And that is why I am calling on [Gov.] Brian Sandoval, Sen. Dean Heller, the sheriff [Clark County’s Doug Gillespie] and any other elected official in Nevada to do their part to get rid of these armed separatists,” Horsford said to loud cheers from about 200 delegates. 

Look even a fifth grade girl knows Bundy is a freeloader and a scofflaw.

You know I certainly do not blame the townsfolk for wanting to get these armed thugs the hell out of Dodge. Especially considering the fact that they are so amped up they are drawing weapons on each other and calling the Bundy ranch the "kill zone."

It is beyond obvious that somebody is going to get their head blown off, and it would be much better if it was one trigger happy sovereign citizen shooting holes in another trigger happy sovereign citizen than for it to be an innocent bystander or somebody's child.


  1. Sometime in the seventies, my husband’s stepfather (a crop sprayer) took a government experimental camera into the skies. He could count the eyelashes on a bison from WAY up. All those militia members have been identified and they’ll be hunted down, count on it. But, it’s still enormously frustrating for the law-abiding locals. I hope the remarks of that child spread far and wide. From the mouths of babes…

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      I hope the child remains anonymous so thugs don'e show up on her front lawn.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      ...and what are the chances Congressman Horsford opens his front door any time soon and gets shot in the chest? It's happened before to people who try to stand up against these thugs.

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      9:15 : ESPECIALLY since he is a BLACK person... :/

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      10:48 -
      Don't you mean a 'blah' person?

  2. Olivia6:35 AM

    Those assholes are on edge and just dying for a fight. Let them kill each other off. Someone needs to start using a little psychology to accelerate the tensions between the groups on the ranch.

  3. F U McCain6:37 AM

    This has gotten totally out of hand and I hope beyond hope that law enforcement can shut this down without another WACO.

    **an aside-

    Does anyone else read "Cliven" and think CLOVEN, as in cloven hoof, I.e. el Diablo?

    I've never heard the name before.

    Is his ranch located at 666 Sarah Palin Way?


    1. PalinsHoax12:36 PM

      "Is his ranch located at 666 Sarah Palin Way?"
      - - -

      And isn't his ranch called TWOBULL Ranch? The Ol' Gristled One would know the name of it - Snip! Sizzle!

  4. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Uh Oh, he's black...enter stoopid aka Palin.... She's been itching to join this mess and now a handsome AA congress critter from NV, she won't be able to resist!

    1. I hope so. That’ll give his message even more attention.

      When this first went down, a neighbor was loudly defending Bundy and his family. This particular neighbor is nice, but very rightwing. He was moaning (literally) at the unfairness of it, Tasers and all that. He’s also a hydrologist who often works with ranchers, and they see the BLM as the enemy, so his bias wasn’t surprising. But he’s probably abandoned Bundy by now, especially since one of his sons (thirty and coddled) just went to the Justice of the Peace and married a pole dancer! Isn’t life strange?

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      I hope she does as well, Darlene!

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      She is much more likely to back the idiots with guns. She won't pretend to vocally support anyone against them, especially not an African American. She (or, rather, her handlers) saw what happened to Hannity when he stepped out on a limb to throw Bundy all that love.

      I say she'll continue to stay out of this one.

    4. Anonymous9:47 AM

      No she won't. Her writers are busy making up stuff about Obama being a coward and his manhood and jeans and guns will be confiscated and Second Amendment and God's country and poor Cliven being under the boot of government (after all, Sarah has avoided taxes on her mountain cabin for years, hasn't she?)

    5. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Her writers need to STFU. Hasn't she said enough stupid shit already?

  5. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I would suggest any and all media stop paying them any mind- they will disappear in two weeks without any harm if everyone stops giving them any attention.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      I don't agree with that the media should ignore their presence in Bundyville and Mesquite. Every sand person should be screaming that a heavily armed bunch of misfit creeps controls the highways and scares peaceful citizens. I think posting the paranoid videos put out by the Oath Keepers and the other militia groups supporting Bundy should be a source of intense embarrassment for the RW and their gun nuts.

      O/T sort of: a gun nut group in Fort Worth, TX, has made the public statement that they will publish anyone's name who calls the cops on them when they demonstrate. Translation: they'll appear in public places whenever they want but if someone who's genuinely terrified calls the cops, then that person can expect to be terrorized. Freeeee-dumb!

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      9:21 : the only thing a person can do, in order to make sure the cops are not in cahoots with those thugs and release their names, is to call in ANONYMOUSLY.

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      10:52 -
      Calling anyone anonymously is much harder to do these days with caller ID and other technology. It's almost impossible to find a pay phone now, and police departments can usually identify any home line or cell phone number.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

      It's easy. Get a tracfone, pay cash, don't use the store's value card, call 911 then destroy the phone. OR walk into Target, go to Guest Services and ask to use their phone because you locked your keys in the car. Then call 911 anonymously. Problem Solved.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    They look like the inbred biker types that rule my area. In fact, I had one show up at my front door Memorial Day 2002. When he turned around, I could see he had a gun.

    They think everyone should be reporting back to them because they can say Op and use that word ferociously.
    The best they can do is extort and threaten and whine about their ex wives.

  7. F U McCain7:04 AM

    Totally OT, but

    Just saw on john Oliver that,

    Hang on here. ..

    Susan Rice (yes, That Susan Rice) actually asked the cretin from Duck Dynasty for. ..

    His Autograph! !!!

    At the WHCD.

    His Autograph? !



    Because he has accomplished SO much?

    I just. ..can't. ..

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      WTF was he doing there in the first place?

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I think that was a photo op to piss off the right winger duck quackers. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Susan Rice just shot her some trap.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM

    One word answer :


  9. Anonymous7:49 AM

    No good can come out of this situation. If these armed Bundy thugs don't retreat when asked to by the law, what is to follow?

    I can appreciate the Federal Bureau for being patient and treating this with kid gloves, because they must know these guys are daring them to come and get them. I also think that these thugs are probably racists and wish to provoke a fight with their perceived nemesis, an African-American POTUS. They would love to get entangled in a gun battle and then claim to be victims of the black man. Am I reading too much into this? Don't think so.

    Praying for a peaceful resolution to all this.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Best thing is to just ignore them until they realize no-one cares, no use letting a little spark turn into a wilfire over dick size. Then after nobody is paying attention anymore- see 8:07 below.

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      How about circling over and dropping a huge net on their asses! And after they all shoot themselves arrest who's ever left alive!

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The government can and probably will lien all of his assets and as he sells them the proceeds will go to the U.S. Government! They'll get him and obtain the million dollars he owes...he is an idiot!

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I suggest the use of a drone on these guys and that would solve the problem once and for all!

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      The right wing would love nothing more. The outrage would reach historic proportions and the impeachment proceedings would be started in record time.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Anonymous1:34 PM
      Impeached for what? Rounding up anti-gov thugs that are domestic terrorists?
      I don't think so.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      2:11 -
      The right wing has been salivating at the thought of impeachment since the day of the inauguration.

      They don't need a VALID reason, and they have absolutely nothing that will survive the process without getting laughed out of the Senate. They just need something that will get their base to ramp up the teeth gnashing and garment rending.

  12. Anonymous8:25 AM

    40 years ago yesterday the National Guard in Ohio gunned down students at a demonstration. I guess that's all they are good enough to go up against, unarmed students.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      1970 -- 44 years.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Or maybe we have learned something since then? I had a friend at KSU that day. Please don't equate this situation to that one.

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    My daughter is in 5th grade and she understands fairness and what it means to cheat. If only the morons supporting Bundy understood, too.

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hannity and Fox and the right wing talkers threw accelerant on this simmering situation.
    And now they've walked away leaving the local law abiding residents and law enforcement members
    to deal with the potentially deadly fallout.
    If one of these armed miscreants begins
    shooting at a fellow thug
    ( and that potential increase every day ),
    the whole situation is going to explode and law enforcement will be at even greater risk if they respond.
    It's an absolute disgrace that this situation even exists and innocent people are very likely to get hurt courtesy of the
    irresponsible maniacs calling themselves " patriots "
    and their enablers, Fox News,
    Hannity, Palin, Cruz et al.
    If one of these armed thugs tried
    to set foot on Hannity's property , just to say Howdy to a fellow " patriot " ,
    Hannity would be the first one calling in the Swat Team .

  15. vegaslib10:13 AM

    I proudly voted for Stephen. He's been working his way up for a while and there will only be better things coming from him. I do believe that Nevada is coming into the new century. Although it really is due to so many Californians moving up here. I am one of them and after nine years, I'm starting to like it here.

  16. Anonymous10:46 AM

    As I have stated on your other post about the guy in front of the Auto Zone: how about, if some law-abiding citizens, who are fedup with these asinine open carry laws, get together, get themselves a license to carry (if they need to - it seems in some states you do not even need a license anymore...). Then, as a posse, parade up and down in front to those politicians homes (when they are AT HOME and thus can be worried)?
    You can almost bet your life that these laws will change VERY FAST!

  17. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Sounds like we need Stephen King's The Dome put on the Kill Zone.

  18. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Imagine what would happen if a gang of Blah people armed with various semi-automatic weapons set up camp, blocked roads, appeared around town. Or Hispanics. Or run-of-the-mill biker gangs. Are we to the point where no one has the right to expect protection except for the right wing extremists?

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      If it were "Blah" people or Occupys they would be dead by now.
      Only b/c they are RWTHUGS are they still alive b/c RW WHINES the loudest! Cue Snotass bitch palin!

  19. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

    Out of the mouths of babes. Sheesh, the average five year old knows more than a group of armed idiots itching for a fight. Whatever the Government decides to do, I think it'll be sooner than later, people like Horsford are speaking up, doing the job his constituents want him to do, and putting pressure on the gun toting militia folks AND the government to do something. I'm sure the townspeople surrounding this nut are worrying for their safety, their kids, communities and property values.

  20. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The funny part of this whole thing, Bundy said write on the news that he would turn himself over to the local sheriff...and evidently they don't feel he is guilty...He is standing up for what he believes in and he has been doing it for twenty years. The militia has a constitutional right to stop tyranny when our federal government uses its power against citizens...Our mayor did the right thing...


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