Sunday, May 11, 2014

President to use executive action to advance solar power and energy efficiency in move that will be the "equivalent of taking about 80 million cars off the road for a year."

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

President Obama is expected to announce a series of executive actions and agreements on Friday morning that will advance solar power and energy efficiency in the United States, part of his pledge to tackle climate change without having to go through a gridlocked Congress. 

According to a statement from the White House, the initiatives will represent an 850-megawatt increase in solar power deployed, or enough to power 130,000 homes. They will also lead to more $2 billion in energy efficiency investments in Federal buildings, $26 billion in savings for businesses on energy bills, and a 380 million metric ton decrease in carbon pollution — the equivalent of taking about 80 million cars off the road for a year, the statement said.

You see while the Republicans are spending all of their time, and our tax dollars, attacking this man on a never ending basis, HE is doing what he can every day to make our lives, and the health of our planet, better. 

In fact, along those lines, the President is also having those solar panels that Ronald Reagan had removed put back onto the roof of the White House:  

Technicians have finished installing solar panels on the White House roof, capping a project that President Barack Obama hopes will send a signal that renewable energy is feasible and environmentally shrewd.

You may remember that President Carter originally put the solar panels up in the 70's. However that oil company whore Ronald Reagan had them removed when he started his disastrous presidency.

Imagine if he had continued to promote renewable energy policies, and how much better off the country, and even the world, would be today.

What am I saying? Ronald Reagan could never have had that kind of foresight.


  1. St. Ronnie? Who probably had Alzheimer's before he ever took office? Who relied on wife Nancy's astrologers for advice? Who let his wife replace the state china every single year on our dime? Who grew the government, grew the military, and got us into so much debt by lowering taxes that he HAD to raise them?
    I do wish the GOP had a brain in their collective head. Just a few working cells would mean so much for this country they pretend to love so much.
    Bravo to President Obama, for cutting through the bull once again and helping America. I dare Fox to spin this as a Muslim, Kenyan, socialist commie plot.

  2. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Reagan thought, when he did think, that the end times were near, so why worry about the future?

  3. "Lead by Example" that's the ticket! Thank you President Obama....better late than never putting back solar at the WH.

    BTW, does anyone know if they have gone back to renewables in the Cafeteria where all the Congress critters eat...

  4. Caroll Thompson6:07 AM

    Good for the President. And about time (I might add also too).

  5. So, naturally, the unofficial, unelected pair of retrograde Presidents who own most of Congress are pushing back on our REAL President's clean air/renewable energy resource initiative in the only way they can: through malleable GOP governors and more bought-and-paid-for politicians on the state level.

    Will Republican voters EVER get a clue?

  6. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Another illegal executive order from the dictator.
    Time to impeach
    Take back our country

    1. Polly want a cracker?

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Faker.. Trying to stir people up? Only an unhappy loser would get off on doing that.
      Why don't you go work out or do something constructive.

    3. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Reagan issued 381 executive orders; Obama has issued 168. So I guess that makes Saint Ronnie TWICE the dictator that you say President Obama is ???????

  7. I put panels on my roof in 2005 and I haven't paid for electricity since. Every time they raise the rates, I just save more and they pay for themselves sooner.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Can I ask, did you buy them outright or lease them? It's very confusing out there. I've been wanting to get panels.

    2. I bought them outright. About $25,000. But really half that as I got tax credits from both the Feds and my state on my taxes. Plus the solar company truly fucked up so they had to pay to upgrade the electrical service to my house at no cost to me.

      I took out a home equity loan as I also landscapped my yard.

      Afraid I don't know anything about leasing.

      But I've saved about $12,000 on my utility bill in the last ten years so I'm probably at the break even point on the solar. If I had the choice I'd do it again.

      Your mileage will vary depending on the tax credits, rebates, etc. for your area and how much the locals are charging. Get three estimates. They all should do study on the efficiency rate for the pitch of your roof and the direction they face. I was lucky. My roof was near perfect already.

  8. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Another reason to encourage Hillary Clinton to run for POTUS. She would win and keep the panels on the White House. Get a Republican in there and they'll come off again.

    Vote Republicans out of office wherever and whenever you can! They are the furthest thing from being 'pro' America and its citizens.

  9. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Reagan - 381 Executive Orders. Bush - 291. Obama - 168. Try again 8:10.

  10. Beldar Diogenes Conehead11:37 AM

    Yeah, Gryphen - which a little bird told me is not even your real name - welcome to a little place I like to call "WRONG ON CLIMATE CHANGE!"

    That's right, buddy boy, the final word is in and the word is "FAKE". Turns out the whole whiny libtard hoax about climate change being caused by human activity is... um... a box.

    I was waiting until now to share my definitive opinion aka facts with the last few remaining librul deadenders still visiting your defunct blog and it's gonna leave a mark!

    I actually attended Mark "Ted" Rubio's recent seance where the spirits of deceased uber-conservatives were contacted and asked about climate change. 100 spirits, 100 denials. Read 'em an' weep!

    And today he said this: "I don't agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what's happening in our climate," he said on ABC's "This Week."

    Could he say such things if they weren't true? I THINK NOT!

    Now that the climate change matter is solved we can get back to debunking other fallacies promoted by whiny libruls like you:
    *Obama was born in Hawaii (fact: he was born in Kenyah!),
    *No WMDs in Iraq (fact: Saddam locked them in the trunk of his stretch Mercedes where they remain to this day because he was buried with the keys in his pocket)
    *Navy Seals killed Osama: (fact: Osama was brought to US by fellow Muslin Obama and now operates a falafel cart in front of a Jiffy Lube in suburban East Bettendorf, Illinois.)
    *Anti-American terrorists flew planes into the WTC in 2001: (fact: the WTC were blown up by Obama's own explosives experts and the two planes were just a diversion so no one would notice the explosions)
    *American spaceships landed on the moon from 1969 to 1973 (fact: yeah right! Pics or it didn't happen!)
    *The universe is 14 billion years old, earth is 4 billion years old, modern humans have been hundreds of thousands of years and evolution is the process that shapes the development of life on this planet (fact: no it isn't)
    Four Americans were killed in Benghazi Libya in a tragic attack perpetrated by local extremists (fact: the number of casualties was closer to 100,000 and Obama was filmed calmly reading "My Pet Goat" to school children after he ordered the raid to commence.)

    Thank Jeebus there are patriots like Marco "Someday, I'll NEVER Be President" Rubio willing to go the extra kilometer to get to the truth.

  11. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Our president is awesome.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:48 PM

    We're early in the process of having our retirement home built, and we're planning on having solar panels on the roof of our home and garage. We had them put on our home years ago just for heat/hot water and I was floored at how far the technology has come. We had a battery array that took up half our basement and needed replacement every two years, but I was still pleased with the savings.
    Our architect specializes in active and passive solar and wind. Our state mandates that we have a backup system, and from what I've read, it's rarely needed, even during the blizzards this year.
    So proud our President's decided to get the ball rolling. Every little bit helps the damage from climate change and lowers our carbon footprint.

    1. What state are you in?

    2. Anita Winecooler4:35 PM


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. go now and support the Jimmy Carter Million Roofs Initiative:


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