Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Man steals memorial to child slain at Sandy Hook, tells mother that her child "never existed."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A vinyl peace sign installed at a playground in Mystic, Connecticut, dedicated to a victim of the Sandy Hook shooting was stolen last week by a man claiming that the Newtown massacre never happened. 

After stealing the 50-pound sign from the Grace McDonnell playground, the man called McDonnell’s mother saying he did it because he believes the shooting at the school was a hoax, according to CBS2. 

According to the mother, Lynn McDonnell, the man told her that her daughter “never existed.”

Clearly this guy is one of the Sandy Hook truthers who have convinced themselves that the entire tragedy was staged by the President in order to take away their guns.  

These people are so self deluded that they simply cannot accept that terrible things happen with guns in this country, and must instead poke holes in every news story that does not fit their mythology that massive gun ownership makes the country safer.

I feel very badly for this mother, who not only lost her daughter, but then has people telling her she is a liar and that her precious child never existed.


  1. Leland6:25 AM

    I hope fervently that this idiot is caught, prosecuted, penalized to the maximum extent of the law and be required to spend his entire time in jail forced to look at the pictures of devastation from that day. AND the autopsy pictures as well.

    And get some psychological help. These idiots are just plain SICK.

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      That's exactly what I was going to say...he's a real sicko!

  2. It’s a shame all truthers get thrown into the same looney bin. This man is nuts and very mean. I feel the same about holocaust deniers. Man walked on the moon, Obama was born in Hawaii, and there are rovers on Mars.

    But 911 was a different sort of cat.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Phone calls can be TRACKED.
    I highly suggest someone does.

    1. Leland6:55 AM

      I would love to have the telephone number be from out of Connecticut.

      Can you say FBI involvement?

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    This mother and every parent who lost a child at Sandy Hook have ample evidence that their child did indeed exist. The imbeciles who deny the existence of these children are evil and disgusting human beings.

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    These bastards need a good kicking in the balls... just to see if they're real.

    1. LOL, sometimes pedigreed dogs will have an undescended testicle and a fake one will be inserted.

      What decibel level does he have to hit for both of them to be real?

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Not only is this guy a lunatic but he's a lunatic who probably owns at least one gun. That's scary!

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I would like to rip his balls off ... then tell him they never existed.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM


    2. abbafan10:10 AM

      Anon @ 7:04 A.M. - Fuckin' A Bubba! Truer words could not be said!!!

  8. I am not a fan of security cameras but in this case, put up a new sign honoring Grace. Perhaps this truther lives in the immediate area or not, and be caught on camera. Just imagine one of your neighbors doing this..well, it's best to know.

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Well, WE all know that Grace existed. A national disgrace that even background checks can't be tightened up in this country. A disgrace that makes our country look like a lunatic bin to the rest of the world.

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Another sad sack gun worshipper.

  11. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Gosh I wonder how Fox will spin this story, if they report it at all. The NRA won't acknowledge it at all, most likely.

  12. ibwilliamsi8:01 AM

    If Sandy Hook was a hoax intended to take away our guns, someone did a piss-poor job of it.

    Given the outcome it would be far more likely that it was a horrific act of violence intended to loosen gun laws.

    Sadly, it was just a horrific act of violence perpetrated by someone with an untreated mental illness - just like the man who stole Grace's memorial.

  13. Anonymous8:41 AM

    The evilness of his actions are simply beyond words.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Yeah, and "you know who" gifted pimp a bright, shiny new assault weapon in honor of Sandy Hook. Evil is a euphemism.

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Until the teabaggers came along I had no idea just how many mentally ill people there are running around loose in our society masquerading as "normal" people.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Taken aback doesn't begin to express my chagrin.......I was a somewhat trusting soul till the last 10 years.......no longer....

  15. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Right Wing Extremist Uses the Bible and Star Wars To Justify a Military Coup Against Obama

    The latest call to arms to overthrow the government and oust President Obama and several Democrats by military coup is being framed as a biblical David v. Goliath, colonists v. King George III, and Jedi v. Sith, and curiously all in the memory of victims of the Nazi Holocaust. The man still intent on escalating “what has now sadly become the Second American Revolution” is tiresome Larry Klayman who claimed his crusade to overthrow President Obama was “In the name of liberty and freedom.” However, Klayman did not stop at his regular “liberty and freedom” spiel and said, “We the People, sound our own battle cry by pledging our allegiance to ourselves and our loved ones with the memory of over 6 million Jews who were tortured, raped, gassed and burned alive in Adolf Hitler’s concentration camps. Never again will government power and evil officials get free reign to use the power of the state to destroy liberty and freedom and annihilate the people. As during biblical and American revolutionary times, David is destined to prevail over Goliath, with the help of our Lord and Savior.”

    Klayman’s comparison between the government with an African American President and the Holocaust is beyond the pale even for him, and he did not cite one example of the state destroying liberty and freedom much less annihilating the people. He did, however, claim the sole reason the Constitution’s framers included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights was to wage war against “Obama, Reid and their henchmen who undoubtedly are digging up dirt as we speak to give to government authorities like the FBI to smear and destroy the Bundys, their supporters and all of us who stand tall against their government tyranny. I say, Go to Hell.” It took Klayman a while to frame Bundy’s sedition and criminality as a battle cry to overthrow President Obama, but it was only a matter of time.


    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      When oh when will these treasonous POS's get what's coming to them?

    2. Seemingly......NOT soon enough!

  16. It chilled my blood when the early reports were that some of the children were shot so close range they didn't even have faces anymore. These denying bastards should be forced to look at the crime scene pictures - ala Malcolm McDowell in Clockwork Orange - till they're fucking begging for mercy.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

      How right you are. Some of the families couldn't have open coffin funerals, I can't imagine the depth of grief losing a child to such a horrific and easily preventable act of gun violence.

  17. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

    It's this level of evil that tempts me to reconsider my non belief in a hell. To torture the parent is beyond the pale and to deny her very existence is truly sickening.
    There's no end to the goodness in people, and good will always conquer hate. I wish some kind hacker or group of hackers exposes this guy.

  18. Anonymous6:37 PM

    After the post went about about the dick who stole the sign from Grace McDonnell playground and then called the girl’s mother to tell her her daughter never existed, I was alerted to a little somethin’ somethin’ at The Daily Paul.

    What is the Daily Paul, you might rightly ask? It’s just a hub for Ron Paul lovin’ and also ‘Peace … Gold …Love,’ just like Jesus and Ron Paul preached when they were talkin’ ’bout rEVOLution. Over at the Daily Paul you can get your fill of guvmint being wrong stuff, sovereign citizen updates, and some truly sweet Ron Paul swag, ownership of which will come in handy if you wear it to your interview for an ambassadorship in Rand Paul Administration.

    Providing, of course, President Rand doesn’t cut off wasteful communication with foreigners because they are not Americans.

    And you can also find out that the whole Sandy Hook massacre thing that left 27 people dead seems a little hinky and is probably not true and here is just the guy to ‘splain it all to you from this man-castle in Florida.

    Meet Wolfgang W. Halbig.

    Wolfgang “…isn’t your average ‘conspiracy theorist.’ He’s worked in public education as a teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.”

    He has also been a Florida State Trooper, which gives him law enforcement cred, because Florida is the crazy crime center of the universe.

    Here is a Mr. Halbig radio interview where he explains that things just don’t add up and that, when he adds 20 dead kids to six dead school employees , hecome up with…. carry the three… nobody died.

    Yes. It is long. And he seems lucid and truly concerned until — at the sixteen minute mark — he says, “I think it was a scripted event that took place. I think it was in planning for maybe two, two and a half years,” before concluding — at the 18:30 mark– that he doesn’t believe that any children were killed.

    Which would make sense if you believed that the entire state of Connecticut, including all school employees, government officials, law enforcement officers, parents who lost their kids, and the FBI and Federal government were in on this grand conspiracy to hoodwink the world.



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