Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Today might be the day for Sarah Palin to wipe a little egg off of her face.

Today is primary day in Nebraska, and Palin has placed her bet on two different races.

One of her picks is Ben Sasse, who polls show is ahead of the other GOP contenders by about 11 percentage points. Millions of dollars have been spent for advertising on his behalf, and he not only has Palin's almost worthless endorsement, he also has the far more important Ted Cruz endorsement.

In other words this could finally put some numbers up on the Sarah Palin scoreboard.

The other primary is for Governor of Nebraska. And once again Palin's pick, Pete Ricketts, is holding steady.

Ricketts has attracted quite a lot of big name support, from the likes of Scott Walker, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, and of course Ted Cruz.

However much, if not all of that support, is due to the fact that his father, Joe Ricketts, is one of the biggest Republican donors in the country.

Which means, of course, there is a chance Ricketts might emerge victorious as well.

So like I said this might be the day that Sarah Palin's losing streak comes to an end. Well at least temporarily.

I don't think that even if both of these men end up in the winners circle tonight, that it will significantly change the narrative about Palin's poisonous endorsements.

However you can bet the farm that Palin, and her supporters, will be trumpeting any victories as if she were the Nostradamus of politics.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    She's already lost 4 races for other people, so if these 2 do win, she's got 2 more to go to get to average out to zero.

  2. https://twitter.com/KatieAnnieOakly/status/466259768374329344/photo/1

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM


    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Heh heh. +1

    3. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      It's perfect!

  3. Geez, her and those awful shoes. How anyone sees her as anything but a cheap trick is beyond me. And she really is cheap now...no more $100,000 speeches for old Sarah. I'd think with Nebraska being so important to the Keystone Sludge Project, that the Kochs would be sending even more cash to ensure GOP control over the land and state water. Come on, Nebraska, for your children and ours, vote Democratic in the fall!

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Why would Nebraska voters vote against themselves by electing Republicans? Koch brothers probably putting huge amounts of money in the races.

      Similar to Alaska, but we tell them to butt the hell out of our state!

    2. 10:02 Yeah because you guys can fuck up all by yourself.

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Palin's favorite hog castrator has a WMD problem and if she is talking about the "secret intelligence" she has, does she have a leak problem?

    "Iraqi WMD Turn Up in Iowa Senate Race
    GOP candidate Jodie Ernst thinks she has secret intelligence. It seems pretty unlikely.

    Truth, it is said, is the first casualty of war. And facts, in turn, are often the first casualty of campaigns.

    Jodi Ernst, an Iowa state senator running for the GOP nomination for U.S. senator, delivered a remarkable line in an interview with the Des Moines Register. Said Ernst: “I do have reason to believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”

    It’s a rewriting of history that demands a new definition of the word “audacious.”"

    No wonder Sarah Palin endorsed this nutjob. She spouts Bush Cheney neocon lies.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Perfect Palin candidate. An idiot.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Stupid is as stupid does! And, I do believe, stupid attracts stupid. So, YOU GO GIRLS!!! Iowa, can you REALLY replace the great Sen. Harkin with THAT?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      Time for Sarah to switch Jodi's. She'd gain better traction with Arias in Arizona.

  5. blue in ohio9:33 AM

    More like the nasty dame of politics! Hahaha...meh, Scarah who?

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Scary Nebraska photo. Alongside two average/reasonably fit people, she looks absolutely skeletal, and in desperate need of that helping hand.

    Wild Tortoise

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I continue to suspect she is getting plenty of helping hands from the GOP side, keeping her well stocked with quality meds, etc, having realized that martyrdom is the one good way out from the tyranny of the monster they created.
      A dark thought, but does anyone doubt these are dark people?

    2. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      This is your brain on drugs. Shame what massive doses of delusion, bile, hate and bi polar anorexia does to a person's body. Wonder if she and Rush have the same dealers?
      Doctor Drew might have a place for her in one of those rehab reality shows. Imagine the uptick in ratings!

  7. angela10:03 AM

    The Quitta needs a couple of wins. I hope her consultants will finally get released from the basement dungeon, their handcuffs loosened and their families will cease being threatened.

    1. She puts the 'dung' in dungeon...

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Yep, BJC, and I'm bettin' that ain't egg that Ms Poo-Breath has on her face either.
      Just sayin'.

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Karl Rove’s So Scared Of Hillary Clinton That He’s Now Making Up Stories About Her Health

    On Monday, The New York Post’s Page Six reported that Republican strategist and Fox News contributor Karl Rove made numerous claims at an event last week that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2012 and spent a month in the hospital. Rove appeared at a conference on May 8th alongside Robert Gibbs, President Obama’s former spokesman, and CBS correspondent Dan Ravviv. ‘Turd Blossom,’ as he was affectionately called by President George W. Bush, decided to use the event to bring up Clinton’s health. Clinton is considered the overwhelming front-runner in the 2016 Presidential race and is dominating every presumptive Republican candidate in the polls.

    Referring to the blood clot that Mrs. Clinton sustained in a fall that occurred in December 2012, Rove made the following statement to the audience:

    “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”

    Per Page Six, Rove then repeated the claim numerous times at the event.

    For the record, Clinton did not spend 30 days in the hospital.



    Rove Defends ‘Brain Damage’ Comments: Will Be 2016 Issue ‘Whether She Likes It or Not’

    Former George W Bush strategist Karl Rove appeared on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom to discuss his comment he made at press conference about Hillary Clinton’s health following a 2012 fall, arguing that he never used the phrase “brain damage,” but that Clinton’s health will inevitably weigh into the 2016 presidential campaign should she decide to run, and that it may even be a factor in whether she decides to run.

    “I didn’t say she had brain damage,” Rove said. “She had a serious health episode…My point was, is that Hillary Clinton wants to run for president, but she would not be human if this didn’t enter in as a consideration.”

    “My other point is this will be an issue in the 2016 race whether she likes it or not,” Rove continued. “Every presidential candidate is asked for all of their health records by the New York Times. They turn them over to a battery of doctors and they examine them in detail. Everybody says she will run and she probably is. But I would bet that it’s a more complicated calculation than we might think. She’ll be sixty-nine by the time the 2016 elections. She’ll be seventy-seven if she serves two terms. This ends up being an issue.”


    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      So, would Newt Gingrich's doctors claim he was morbidly obese?

      McCain only let reporters -- a small number -- view his health records in a small room, for a limited amount of time, no note-taking allowed. Palin famously gave a vague letter from her GP the day before the election.
      This is the start of the GOP smear campaign, with a veneer of misogeny added. Be prepared for more thinly-veiled attacks on her as a female.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Mccain was a victim of torture, had had many (self-inflicted) plane crashes and cancer. Yet you idiot (R) still let him run. An din 2008 he was 70. Looks like it's Turd Blossom with a whole fuckin' omelette on his face.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Gingrich: Rove ‘Ran Headlong into a Brick Wall’ with Hillary Comments

      Gingrich predicted Clinton would counter the unfounded claims the same way Ronald Reagan did, by going out on the campaign trail and acting competently. “I think it is the worst kind of Republican consultant behavior to get into this kind of personal, you know, negative attack,” he said of Rove.

      He went on to say that there are plenty of “policy issues” surrounding Clinton that deserve debate, but “we don’t need to get into this kind of stuff.” Gingrich added, “I would urge every Republican, don’t touch it, don’t get near it.”


      “So, Karl Rove there, basically calling for Hillary’s health records,” MSNBC host Krystal Ball opined on Tuesday. “Is that going to be the 2016 equivalent of calling for Obama’s birth certificate?”

      Huffington Post editorial director Howard Fineman agreed and noted that Clinton’s health records could be one of a handful of “personal details that she’s not going to want to talk about.”

      “The whole Republican strategy is to make this all so distasteful to Hillary that she’s going to look at it and say, ‘I don’t want to run, it’s too dirty, it’s too nasty.’” Fineman conjectured. “I think that’s vaguely sexist because I don’t think you would say that about any man that you are going to scare him out of the race because he is not tough enough.”

    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Here’s Exactly How Karl Rove’s Theory of Clinton’s ‘Brain Damage’ Will Work

      ...But then former Bush director of communications Nicolle Wallace showed exactly what Rove had in mind when he made the bizarre remarks, as she simultaneously walked back the extremity of his theory while retaining its implications:

      'This, I think, is a strategy. He may have been trying it out on behalf of the party, on behalf of the eventual nominee. While his comments may have been off, her health — regardless of why she was in the hospital or whether she was in the hospital — questions about a candidate’s health are not only legitimate, they are always part of a presidential campaign.

      …Listen, voters are smart enough to cancel out anything that’s either wrong or over the line. So if you overreach with questions about health, the voters actually I think make a correction for that. But the notion that she isn’t going to have to answer questions, even in a Democratic primary about what she went through, is ludicrous. Of course she will.'

      By the end of those comments, the outlandishness of Rove’s original conjecture is wafting away while the panel is talking about Clinton’s age and health. What are the odds that that segue was exactly Rove’s plan in “overreaching?” And how little does Rove care that he’s going to be the butt of one news cycle while ensuring that Clinton’s health will be continually introduced into televised conversation under the guise of talking about his gaffe?

      Watch the clip below, via MSNBC:


    5. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

      What an absolute Asshole! (Rove). How dare he say such a thing about Hillary when I don't recall one mention of Gabby Gifford, who suffered real damage because Sarah put gun sites on her page with names and districts to "target".
      He's good for a few laughs, like the night POTUS won the second term, and he sent Megan "Gams and stilettos" Kelly, down a labyrinth of hallways to get to the truth while he was on the phone with his sources.

    6. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Sure, right, we had a candidate not too long ago, a VP candidate, that was rumored to not be the mother of her youngest child but the child's grandmother.

      The campaign never issued health records for this woman, they simply threw out a vague letter "written" buy the woman's doctor saying, "Yeah, she had that baby, and yeah, she's healthy and yeah, there's nothing wrong with her". This coming at a time when people in both parties were questioning whether or not she was mentally ill. "Oh no, she's healthy as an ox, no mental illness here, move along now".

      In fact, her mental illness was so apparent that Nicolle Wallace wrote a book about a "hypothetical" VP with extreme mental illness. After the campaign Wallace famously called Sarah Palin "coo coo for cocoa puffs", yet the campaign that she and Steve Schmidt ran for for McCain/Palin refused to address the VP candidate's obvious mental illness. Now Wallace is like, "oh yeah, Hillary will definitely have to answer questions about her head trauma." Not so fast Nicolle, if Palin was let slip then why not Hillary, huh?

  9. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "So like I said this might be the day that Sarah Palin's losing streak comes to an end."

    Sarah Palin's losing streak will never come to an end. Sarah still has Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow and Sarah. Not to mention Sarah's side of the family. All them sons of bitches should go back home to Arizona where they belong and leave our Alaska alone.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Yes but if you endorse any of 'em and all of 'em like magazines you're just bound to be a winner and psychic!

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    If there is a win or two today, you can bet she and her fans will be GLOATING big time!!

    "Congratulations to candidates in yesterday’s small pool of state primary elections who will now move on to their respective general elections. Now, knock off the gloating. The GOP establishment must ratchet any kind of arrogance way down and get in touch with independent, constitutional conservatives who build the base of the party."

  11. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Why is Sarah Palin following Ted Cruz around? If Cruz stops then Sarah's nose would go right up his butt.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      That was funny! Sarah is always stalking somebody or a ready-made crowd.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      She enjoys being downwind of his farts, I guess. She thinks inhaling them will make her smarter.

  12. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Republicans are not notably a good-looking crowd, but, whew, that second picture of Sarah P. seems like Ricketts is being endorsed by the crypt keeper, from the Barbie circle of he**.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Sorry -- third photo. Well, none of them will win her a beauty pageant blue ribbon.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

      Sarah looks like she has the ricketts, either that or she's smuggling sit and spins in those twiggy jeans.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:37 AM

    TOLD to endorse, IMO. This time, it sounds like them's in charge went with the most obvious choices that fell neatly in line with TP politics. Only the most deluded of the unpaid riffraff wading in the Puddle of Putrid believe that Queen Esther sits, head in hand, tapping her royal pencil against the desk while she deeply ponders the qualifications of xtreme RW contenders. Meanwhile, Toodles is probably chawing down another Crunch Wrap, planning her next barf session, while her bosses email the next contrived PAC ad so she can "meet" her political BFFs/proteges for the very first time.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      You are right on the money! She is getting a bit better about following 'orders from headquarters' now since those days when she thought going rogue on Ailes Inc would get her somewhere. It did, that roguish behavior got her 'off' Faux Snooze but I doubt that's how she had it planned. lolz

  14. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Watch Jon Stewart Tell Off Rush Limbaugh: #F*@KYOURUSH


    Jon Stewart blasts ‘rage heap’ Rush Limbaugh: ‘F*ck you’ for mocking missing Nigerian girls


    1. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      This needs to go viral.

      Along with the photos of Grizzled proud toothpick beaming with joy as Rush rubs both shoulders of her most precious daughter, Pippin Palin. When they "dropped in"

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM

    In that photo with Ricketts, Sarah's legs look as if they will snap in half. Those are not the muscular legs of a runner. She is literally down to skin and bones.

  16. Anonymous11:12 AM

    What's the saying? "Even a broken clock is right twice a day?"
    No one cares what Palin thinks. And if they do, they deserve her.

  17. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Stain is a bottom feeder. She follows his lead and his endorsements. She seems to think he's the 'rill dill'.

  18. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Is that top picture of Sarah screeching at Joni Ernst's hog calling contest? I heard even the pigs ran away.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Hog calling? I wonder if Beefy and Wallow came running when they heard "Sooooeee!"

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Beefy, Wallow, and P.I.G. Palin?

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    O/T: Seems since this racist POS brother & kids got killed last month that he now claims GZimmerman IS a racist after all:

    Frank Taaffe says he now believes Zimmerman should have been found guilty in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
    He was once one of George Zimmerman’s most outspoken advocates, but now former neighborhood watch volunteer, Frank Taaffe says his opinion about Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict has changed.
    "What I know of George and his tendencies and also my opinion is that he racially profiled Trayvon Martin that night because if that had been a white kid on a cell phone, walking through our neighborhood, he wouldn’t have stayed on him the way he did and that’s a fact and I believe that in my heart," said Taaffe.


    1. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

      Oh my, how quickly your friends turn on you when their family gets touched by gun violence. Sorry, but you don't know how the Martin Family feels. Their son was dragged through the mud, they had to endure a long trial and the abject stupidity of a stupid jury.

      Will this "apology" bring back Treyvon Martin? Does Zimmerman have a shred of conscience?

  20. Seriously, Gryphen? What took you so long to notice? That egg has been all dried up and crusty on her face for a LONG time.

  21. Anonymous12:03 PM

    O/T (sort of)

    Just checking up on Dr. CBJ.
    73% of her patients to whom she prescribed drugs were over 65 years old. And none of the drugs are those given to pregnant women usually.
    She remains a FPP and she WAS NEVER PALIN'S HIGH RISK OB.
    I can't wait for her to come clean some day. This hoax has to be eating her up inside.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      From the Frontiersmen this March.
      Nope. No high risk obstetrics mentioned here either!!

      Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, a Valley doctor consulted as an expert in forensic medicine in numerous trials, examined the boy’s autopsy report and agreed with Gallagher.

      “Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson stated that the type of injuries described on (the boy) would be consistent with those injuries she has seen inflicted on a pedestrian that had been struck by a vehicle,” Bennett says in his affidavit. “Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson also indicated the injuries could not have come from CPR, falling in the shower or the 4-year-old twins. She indicated this injury could only have occurred from severe blunt force trauma.”

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      What is the backstory on this one!?!? Did the parent run over the child and then try to stage an accident in the shower?!?!

      wild tortoise

    3. Anonymous7:03 AM

      wild tortoise
      They don't know. A guy was taking a shower with three toddlers and he said the kid fell in the shower, stopped breathing. Injuries look like a car accident. The mother wasn't home. he isn't the father. Their were lines of coke on a mirror in the house.

  22. Boscoe12:36 PM

    Bens Asse? Joe Ricketts? Who's next, Bob Polio? Jim Scurvy? Fred Diarrhea?

  23. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Joe McGinniss memorial service info.


    "Last week, I spoke at the memorial service for Joe McGinniss. I was the second speaker. The first speaker was ... Roger Ailes."

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Sarah Palin wouldn't dare criticize Ailes for speaking at Joe's Memorial Service.

  24. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sarah, I love it when I see a picture of an emaciated elderly woman and realize it's you. Keep up the good work.

  25. Anonymous4:50 PM


    Skank speaking at new hope hs in Alabama graduating class of 56!!!! Baaawwwwaaaaahhhhh!!!

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This is the hooha mama that Skank wants to win cuz you know, guns, god and cuntry!

    WATCH: Iowa GOP Senate Candidate Still Believes There Were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

    War veteran Joni Ernst claims to have vague, secret knowledge that contradicts every public report.

    Iowa state senator and US Senate candidate Joni Ernst captured national attention when her campaign's first TV ad featured the candidate talking about castrating hogs (a subsequent ad featured Ernst at a gun range, implying that she'd shoot Obamacare to bits). But if the Sarah Palin-approved Republican wants to enter national politics, she may need to brush up on some of her facts. Ernst still thinks Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction when the US invaded Iraq, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary.

    On Friday, Ernst sat down with the Des Moines Register's editorial board for a wide-ranging interview.


  27. Anonymous5:24 PM

    My new theory on the anorexia....she thinks it will make her look so huge in comparison to when she was allegedly pregnant with Trig that nobody will believe she faked it, because "look how thin I am now; this is what I look like when Im not pregnant".

    Or it could just be her normal state of being a narcissist who is obsessed with being thinner than her daughters, even if it kills her.

  28. Anonymous5:33 PM

    And ANOTHER fucking CLUELESS woman that Sarah has endorsed doing more harm to the people.

    Senate Candidate Denies The Gender Wage Gap Exists Because She’s Never Experienced It

    Facing a competitive primary race next Tuesday for Georgia’s open Senate seat, Republican Senate candidate Karen Handel portrays herself as the only Republican capable of beating the likely Democratic nominee, Michelle Nunn. On the campaign trail, she usually repeats the line, “I would really love to see Michelle Nunn drop the ‘war on women’ on me.”

    But when ThinkProgress asked the candidate what she thinks of the gender wage gap, Handel did not stray from the party line, and argued the gender wage gap does not exist — because she personally has never noticed a disparity in her pay.

    LEBER: Do you think equal pay between men and women is a problem?

    HANDEL: No. Look, I’ve been in the corporate world for virtually my entire career and I’ve never had any disparity like that.


    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      This is why so many extreme right wing women seriously piss me off. They are extremely solipsistic and they lack empathy for others. I've seen this in everyone from Phyllis Schlafly to this horrible woman.

      Jennifer K

  29. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    I find it rather amusing that she's relying on reflected light (dim, but light none the less) by following Cruz's lead. She's nowhere near being a "king/queen maker". What's become pathetically obvious is the lies about being fit and "tight abs". That photo showing the black jeans? Those are by no means a "runner's" legs. She hasn't played the "runner/fitness lover" lie in ages, and anyone can see why. She has no muscle tone, just skin and bones and some ligaments, but she's not half the proposed "woman" she once was. Her body has eaten through any fat storage and is probably working on muscle now.

    Bet she's waiting by the phone for a call from "the view" to replace another well known female journalist who's retiring. "Look at ME I have a degree in gernalizing! I'm and Amazin Marykan also too!!

    Stay close to the phone, Sarah.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.