Friday, May 09, 2014

Sarah Palin calls into her favorite Alaska radio show. Slams Sean Parnell, defends ACES, and sorta, kinda endorses Parnell's gubernatorial rival.

Palin's response to a question about why Parnell is doing away with the Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share program which was the legacy of her short time in office.

"Well bless his heart. Remember that Sean Parnell came from the oil industry. He was, you know, and employee of Conoco-Phillips, you know being an attorney for the cause there, lobbying for the cause there, so perhaps that's ingrained in him."


Palin then goes on to kind of endorse Parnell's 2010 primary opponent, and current candidate for Governor, Bill Walker.

"I heard recently Bill Walker on your show. That's another morning that I tried to call in but a lot of listeners must have been calling in. It was a pretty busy morning. Bill Walker he's got his thumb on the pulse of, I think, most Alaskans, who care about the future of this state, and don't want to see government grow, they want to see empowerment of the people."

As somebody certified in CPR I feel obligated to point out that you do not take a pulse with your thumb unless it your own pulse you are checking.

It has been quite some time since Palin has deigned to call into the Bob and Mark show. Though as we know she has been calling into conservative talk shows in other parts of the country.

I found her little passive aggressive swipe at Parnell kind of interesting, considering the fact that he continues to provide cover for her up here in Alaska.

Hmm, perhaps he will rethink that strategy.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Does anyone know how her latest TV gig is going? Has it been cancelled yet? She is going to have one hell of a time getting Roma Downey and her husband to help her get a foot in the door again, after her religious missteps.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Sarah Palin Glamorizes Breaking the Law and Self Inflicted Injury in Amazing America!

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      LOL! 8 people have voted.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      “First thing: You have to be full of hot air.”

    4. Anonymous7:52 AM

      How is that TV show going? TV by the Numbers gives the Nielsen ratings for both network and cable TV the day after the show airs, usually by late afternoon. So far, Sarah's show has not cracked the top 100 cable shows, being beaten out by Sponge Bob Square Pants and Dora the Explorer, reruns of Seinfeld and Fiends. (Friends left the air ten years ago and they are still more popular than Sarah). The Sportsman Channel aired Sarah's show during playoff time for both basketball and hockey. Good timing.

    5. Anonymous7:53 AM

      About that episode of the guy running with the bulls-- does Sarah know that they have been doing that in Pamplona,, Spain years before she was even born? Wow, that was such an all-American pastime-- no, it was really dumb and people got hurt.

    6. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I loved reading Malia's blog about the duck hunt. 40 ducks! The bag limit is 4, and that has to be in season. We don't know if they filmed the duck visit in or out of the duck hunting season.

    7. Anonymous8:03 AM

      "She is going to have one hell of a time getting Roma Downey and her husband to help her get a foot in the door again, after her religious missteps."

      According to the pee'ers, (those that will speak of this anyway) NO religious people are mad at her for that comment. In fact they are mad at Lopez for asking what she thinks of those in her religious circle denouncing her water boarding/dunking comment.

      Obviously fox forgot to mention any of it. One other pee'er tried to give links, but well, you know how that went over.

    8. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Sarah's facebook has over 4 million "likes." If only one quarter of those people watched her show, she would have good ratings. That leads us to two possibilities. #1 The 4 million "likes" are fake, and she bought them at 1/2 cent per click or #2 those "fans" really don't like that show. Something about watching Sarah read a script in front of a green screen makes them realize that she is not presidential material. Even Karl Rove said that the road to the White House did not involve having a reality show.

    9. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Even Queen Esther's cult followers at c4p and p4a seem to be purposely avoiding the topic. Either they aren't bothering to watch, or it is that bad- probably both. I remember reading a bunch of them saying they weren't going to pay the money for the extra channel- ouch.

    10. Anonymous10:05 AM

      @8:48 The show IS that bad. Sarah gives a terrible reading (narration). She does not interact with any of the Amazing Americans, she comments about them. The field hosts are comedians who yuck it up, playing for the cheapest laughs. There is another problem with the field hosts. They are not good interviewers. They are there to be part of the fun. They also need to show off how much they know by tell the Amazing American, so that's a waterproof bilge cap (or whatever it is) instead of asking, "What is that and please tell us why you chose that bilge cap." The show is pitched at a moronic level, which is why Sarah is the perfect narrator. I guess that even her Pee fans are too smart for that junk.

    11. Anonymous10:23 AM

      OT: G this is a video of (Most likely) one of princess dumbass in (NOLA)followers a big fat white cracker telling a AA woman to "Get in the back of the bus" almost starts a riot. must see
      They should of pounded on his fat ass. But didn't.

    12. Anonymous1:11 PM

      What a total a-hole! He is so lucky he wasn't beat to a pulp. Total fat old white man attitude!

    13. Anonymous2:17 PM

      These two assholes have their lips so far up her ass it isn't even funny... BLESS THEIR HEARTS!

    14. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Anonymous1:11 PM

      What a total a-hole! He is so lucky he wasn't beat to a pulp. Total fat old white man attitude!
      They prob thought he was retarded or something and that's why they didn't pound his fat ass!

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    "well, bless his heart." Palinspeak for eff you, Parnell!

  3. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Palin: I heard recently Bill Walker on your show. That's another morning that I tried to call in but a lot of listeners must have been calling in.

    Nobody up here gives a rat's ass about quitter Sarah Palin's comments and opinions. Palin needs to worry about her delinquents and needs to keep both eyes on Toad to make sure he doesn't sneak off to Anchorage for some afternoon delight.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Toad is probably wishing that Sarah go back to Arizona so he doesn't have to hear her screeching word salad voice.

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Gryphen, here's an update from the woman who filmed her abortion:

    Why I Filmed My Abortion

    When Emily Letts got pregnant, she knew she would get an abortion. Then she decided to film it. Letts, 25, is an abortion counselor at Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey, which is where she had her abortion. The non-graphic video focuses on her face and shows her breathing and humming through the procedure. The doctor on the other side of the sheet is out of view. When she entered the Abortion Care Network’s Stigma Busting video competition and won, the video went viral. Here, she explains why she decided to share her experience so publicly.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Sarah is against big government, especially getting into the personal lives of everyday people. Each woman should be able to make her own decisions about her own health care without the government being in the examining room with her.

      Sarah said that she was unable to speak or write for days because that video was so upsetting. I can name some other things that are just as disturbing-- sending innocent men and women into a war against a country which did not attack us. Watching 3,000 people die on September 11 because it was more important for GWB to clear some brush rather than read the presidential briefing that warned of an impending attack.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Sarah is full of shit.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Truer words were never spoken.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I hope she continues to goad Parnell and begich so that they let some juicy info slip:) when skank had to immediately resign Parnell took over yes? You know he has to have a few juicy tidbits to share!!!!!

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Remember when she resigned and this little piece of the puzzle became known?

    "Palin has been dogged by ethics inquiries, but last month, her office touted the fact a 15th ethics complain against her or one of her staff had been dismissed. And she has accused her opponents of targeting her for political gain.

    Then on Wednesday, Beverly Wooley, who has worked more than 20 years in public health in Alaska, most of it with the municipality of Anchorage, ended her stint as state public health director.

    She's the second top health official to leave in recent days. The state's chief medical officer, Jay Butler, left in late June after declining to take on Wooley's job along with his own. He now is in Atlanta, overseeing a U.S. Centers for Disease Control task force on a vaccine to protect against the H1N1 flu virus."

    Why did butler and Woolley leave right before skank? Both health officials......hmmmm?

    1. Wow, I forgot about that-- good point!

      So... what is the connection?

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Please elaborate.

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Could it have anything to do w/the birth of that poor little boy that she faked?

      Remember too, Parnell blocked documents being released from the State of Alaska (regarding the Palins) when they were requested by citizens of Alaska and the media. That is STILL supposedly going on!!

      Could it be possible that a change in the head of the state government of Alaska (not Republican) would stop covering for the Palins? Then, would we possibly find out whey she quit so quickly and in such fear? (Review the video - she was in total panic mode!)

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Somewhere in Sarah's emails, there were repeated requests for Trig's birth certificate in order for him to qualify for whatever insurance Sarah was claiming. It wasn't clear whether they were claiming the insurance under Sarah's coverage or Todd's Native American care plan. Audrey, at Palin's Deceptions pointed out that some things cannot be changed on a birth certificate: time, date and place of delivery. In the case of an adoption, the names of the adoptive parents might be substituted, making it easy to enroll the child in school, for example.

    5. Anonymous11:53 AM

      "Mr. Hogan explains the reason that Beverly Wooley had to leave her job as the state public health director: Hogan described Wooley as having difficulty articulating the governor's position on the abortion measure, as well as teen pregnancy prevention."

    6. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Ummm remember when AK State Medicare was shut down in June 2009 b/c it was so mismanaged? The FEDS shut it the fuck down! Is that why Bev and Dr. Jay quit?
      Huh Skanerella?

    7. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Ooooh forgot to mention the 254 people who died b/c of the Skanerella's mismanagement!
      Died. She murdered them!!!

    8. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      She's a "let Allah sort them out" type of gal, bless her synthetic wig!

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sarah Palin was basically asked if she could go back in time would she want someone else to be Lt Governor? Sarah laughed it off and did not say "GEE WILLICKERS YES!"

    Sarah Palin's answer does not show her approval of Parnell. Sarah Palin threw Parnell under the bus like she has done with so many other people who are her friends or worked for her.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Verified - read the book "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - a Memoir of our Tumultuous Year - by Frank Bailey with Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon (Mudflats Blog).

      In 2005, Frank Bailey worked on her campaign and then once she was elected as 'quitter' governor, she named him to her administration.

      He was able to view the 'real' Sarah Palin. His words described her as "paranoid, unpredictable, emotionally fragile and self serving!

      ALL things, and MORE, that Americans have seen and learned of her throughout the past ten years.

  8. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I always wondered what lazy jobless millionaires did for kicks but I never guessed it was calling up radio shows.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM


      Calling up radio shows.

      Spends a lot of time on her facebook.

      Flying back to her Arizona compound.

      Goes to barbeques.

      Endorse losers.

      Etc etc.

      How come Sarah doesn't spend all that time on Trig? Imagine how much fuller Trig's life would be if Sarah showed him some attention and affection. Hate to say it, some people treat and pay more attention to their dogs than Sarah does to Trig.

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Fuck that cross eyed retard.

    3. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Nice nice comment.

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Trig is not her kid - she was never pregnant - she has never bonded w/the kid - it's all so obvious when looking at photos with him. She 'used' him when he was a baby but doesn't much any longer. She doesn't provide quality care of him according to all that is written - i.e. wearing his needed glasses, hearing aides, etc.

      Don't forget - it's ALL about Sarah - not her kids - not her husband (the pimp!) - nor all the folks she has thrown under the bus!

  9. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Arizona Sarah is back in town? Why does she hide in her compound? Is Sarah afraid to mingle with us?

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      The Palins are back in Alaska because of the upcoming custody case Bristol and Levi are going through. They are trying to appear as Alaskans again. Give me a friggin' break!

      Levi, good luck! You deserve the boy that sorely needs to be raised well. So much has been put out there nationally (proof!) by the Palins that can be used against them. Bristol knew she has not been a good mother and has admitted it publically on more than one occasion. Plus, she has purposefully kept the child away from his Daddy!

  10. Okay the dork in the back drop that sounds like he's just polished off a case of Bud...Umm people listen to this shit? What a waste, as for Palin Smarty pants of tundra, oh bitch please, you QUIT and that gives Zero, zilch, nadda say in any form of government policies and or individuals that hold office.

  11. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Thumb on the pulse, love it! And Sarah had tried calling into the radio show before but it was too busy. Doesn't Sarah have anything else to do?

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:38 AM

      Does the Bimbess of the High Desert Tundra actually expect those poor, unfortunate minions (who DON'T make their living grifting the backwater rubes) to believe that if she called into the Bob & Mark fiasco, and the screener knew it was Sarah Palin, they wouldn't hold all other calls (from the poor, unfortunate etc. etc...lather, rinse, repeat)? Are these two dinkuses so popular that their lines are constantly jammed, or are they working with two cans and a string?

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      The show is not popular...

      Those guys have hosted Palin throughout the years...they would have immediately taken her call if they knew she was on the line. Lying again, sista Sarah, but what else is new?

      Alaskans are way past being 'on to her' and her continual bullshit!

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      If the call-in phone line was too busy, they may not have known Sarah was trying to call in.

      But...if Sarah had 2 ounces of brains (big if) she could have called in to the regular station office phone and told them she wanted to talk.

      Like everyone has said, they would have put her on the air right then.

      But, maybe they are not so into Sarah anymore? Maybe Sarah is lying about how busy things were, trying to make herself sound like she's been following the show?

      Maybe I was right the first time. Sarah doesn't have 2 ounces of functioning brain.

    4. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Sarah has someone to call friends (Bob & Mark) private number when they want to set up a staged call-in radio performance. She just performs the act, she doesn't make the arrangements for time and place.

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Sarah Palin don't worry about Alaska, the state that elected you as our governor, which halfway through your term YOU QUIT ON US to make more money on Sarah Palin's Alaska. Worry about Piper. Will she be accepted at toe school (pedicure school)?

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      How long before Piper starts "home schooling?"

  13. A falling out amongst thieves -- 'tis a glorious sight to behold!

    Also, too, a reminder that, despite her blabberings, Palin has no consistent ideology. She is a crazed criminal and an attention whore. She'll try to get what she wants any way she can...UNTIL THE JIG IS UP.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      She is a crazed criminal and an attention whore.

      SO TRUE. She is nothing more than that. Fraud doesn't make her the facade.

      Jig is about due to be over. SOON.

  14. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Sarah how many hours did you try calling into that radio station while Trig sat on the floor in his cold wet diaper?

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      ??? She has no idea where Trig is, probably.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Maybe the service dog will snuggle with Trig.

    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Trig graduated. He's on his own.

  15. ratfish8:13 AM

    It will be interesting to see if the 30% of Alaskans who still support her vote for Walker in meaningful numbers so that he or Mallott prevails.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      I seriously doubt Sarah Palin has a 30% approval rating in Alaska! Every one I know here can't stand her! I'm retired and have lived in Alaska since the 50's.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Who would follow the advice of the 'idiot' from Wasilla, AK. in voting for the governor of Alaska in November? She quit that position mid way through her term!

      Shut the fuck up Palin and go back to AZ. Majority Alaskans no longer are in your corner. You are a joke!

  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    We have a problem with the November Governors election. Three candidates have declared. Incumbent Sean Parnell, Republican. Bill Walker, Independent. Byron Mallott, Democrat.
    Walker has the potential to suck votes from Republicans not happy with Parnell, and conservative, older Democrats. Byron Mallott will not garner any Republicans who are anti Parnell, those folks will lean toward Walker. I fear that the three way split will favor Parnell or Walker, and leave the candidate who cares most about Alaska and Alaskan's, Byron Mallott in third place. Both Parnell and Walker are pro corporation and small government conservatives before considering whats best for the people of Alaska.

    Our only chance to reverse what Palin started, and pull our great state away from going the way of the ignorant Religious Right controlled states of the south, is to get to work and elect Byron Mallott.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      My fear is that Mallott and Walker will split the vote and guarantee another Parnell term. God, can you imagine our wonderful state after 10 years of Capt. Zero!??? More lawsuits against the feds, more millions spent on 'reports', more decisions made behind closed doors against Alaskans, more breaks for the oil companies, Pave Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot = Parnell. And he is a worse liar than Screech.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I'm voting for Byron Mallott!

      It is way past time Alaska rid ourselves of Republicans being the majority throughout the state! They dominate our Legislature and in various communities throughout Alaska.

      Mayor Dan Sullivan (Anchorage) is running for the second seat in our state government currently. I suspect him to be racist based on his recent negative comments made in Anchorage! Research him before casting your vote. The guy always appears as being a pompous individual!

    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Maybe Jeane & Shannyn will do like they did for Sarah and tell everyone to vote in the primary for the kocksucker b/c he will be easier to beat...yeah they did that TWICE and Joe Miller won the Senate and Palin won for gov. We saw how well that worked for for the tea reading old hags. Just Vote for the DEM!

    4. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Anonymous9:27 AM
      Dan Sullivan is a CROOK! Research him. Even if he is a DEM (I don't know what he's running for) vote for someone else. A few years back there was Walt Monogan running for Gov or something and Bob Poe...WHAT HAPPENED? THEY WERE GOOD? Why don't some decent people run instead of kookamongas?

  17. Anonymous8:26 AM

    What the hell is going on up there in Alaska?

    There are plenty of people in Alaska who have power who know the Palins' secrets and not even Democrats will drop a dime on them? And now she's poking fun at Parnell when he's running for re-election? The Republicans in power can't stand her either. When will someone put us all out of our misery and throw open Sarah and Todd's closet and let all the skeletons fall out?

    Again, what the hell is going on up there.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I suspect the closet will open when McCain passes away.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      You have to excuse the Alaskans for not TCB sooner. If not for McCain picking Sarah Palin, she would have been gone with Troopergate. Out of office and completely discredited by January 1, 2009.

      Instead, her VP nomination brought her to the attention of wingnuts all over the United States. It brought her continued opportunities to stay in office and increase her power and profits. Until she did get forced out.

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Anonymous11:15 AM

      You have to excuse the Alaskans for not TCB sooner. If not for McCain picking Sarah Palin, she would have been gone with Troopergate. Out of office and completely discredited by January 1, 2009.
      She lost and Alaskan's didn't follow through? WTF ALASKA?????

    4. Anonymous6:40 AM

      McCain comes from generations of locked closets. He has worked over time to be certain when he passes all closets stay locked. He has his fake legacy arranged to secure the lies and cover ups are never revealed. I hope he overlooked something and it doesn't work out for him. He had his father and grandfather and later Cindy's fathers Mafia to train him from the day he was born.

  18. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Why did we ever elect Sarah to be our governor?

    Whose Sarah?

    You know, Sarah Palin, that dumb son of a bitch who had a high school daughter who couldn't keep her panties up then messed around fucking without a jimmy and had a baby.

    Is that the one married to that guy who is supposedly a pimp to what's her name? Shailey Tripp!

    That's the one.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      The Palin family is a proven mess!

      Todd ran a prostitute business during the time Sarah was running w/McCain (read the book "Boys Will be Boys" by Shailey Tripp). Todd supposedly has a little, two-toned colored dick, according to Shailey!

      Plus, notice the last name of the author - Tripp - that is what Bristol named her son - how sick is that? It's spelled exactly the same way - two p's vs using only one! He is going to find this out as a teenager where his name came from and I'll wager it's not going to come out well. To be named AFTER his grandfather's prostitute! Bristol is one sick young lady that still acts like a teenager! We all know that she is a horrible mother - something she has admitted to on numerous occasions.

      But, I'm sure it's not fun for Todd's kids to know he ran, and used, Shailey and I'm 100% sure that Sarah was in on it - money for their pockets, you know!!! Against the law? Who gives a shit? Do it until you get caught is the their motto - and, it's proven to them to be against the law!

      One nasty group of people - white trash - living in the outskirts of Anchorage (about an hours drive).

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Each time I hear "Life's a Tripp" it reminds me of Bristol saying life is her pimp daddy's prostitute.

      Deep in Bristol's unconscious she must identify herself with being just another one of Todd's 'girls' (like sluts and whores to poor Bristol).

      She had to know about the relationship to Shailey, even if you believe what Todd wants you to believe the connection is apparent.

      Bristol could have decided to call her son Easton, Mitchell or Mitch. She chose to stay with Shailey's name.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      The 'chin' had to know about Todd's being a pimp and his prostitute, Shailey Tripp. (also author of "Boys Will be Boys")

      Bristol named her son after Shailey and even spelled it exactly the same as her last name - Shailey "Tripp". Verifiable and in the records!

      That poor kid is going to find out about - I'll wager in his teenage years and then watch out!

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    And, perhaps now Parnell will allow documents be released by the State of Alaska that have been requested by its citizens concerning the Palins?!!

    I'm not voting for Parnell in his reelection bid, but don't think Sarah Palin has any right to be in our 'state' business after having quit as gov midway during her term.

    The woman is nothing more than a trouble maker., dishonest, inept and a proven fraud.

    I wish Parnell would also unleash why she quit as I have always thought he knew the behind the scene story. She was in such a panic mode when she called the press together in Wasilla and did the actual resignation (once Toad was back from fishing!). Review the video!

    What did she think had been found out about her or Toad that created her to be so fearful?

  20. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hi Gryphen! Palin curse strikes again....

    "A 30 year old state representative from Southwest Florida said he won't resign his post and will fight a drunken driving charge brought against him.

    Republican Rep. Dane Eagle said Wednesday he waited two weeks to address the allegations because of responsibilities during the final two weeks of the legislative session. He was arrested in Tallahassee on April 21 after a police officer saw his SUV swerving about two miles from the state Capitol. Eagle said he is "deeply sorry for this embarrassing situation." He said he will continue in office and plans to run for re-election."

    And of course, here is Sarah Palin with him on July 26, 2012.
    She backed another tea bagger loser.

  21. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "What did she think had been found out about her or Toad that created her to be so fearful?"

    lmftfy....What was she TOLD had been found out about ...

    Complaints made by elected officials about her alleged activities and the alleged activities of others allegedly acting under her direction, and allegedly possibly funded by monies directed by her (or possibly others directed by her). Allegedly, the complaints were documented as being submitted to officials in the Palin administration.

    Allegedly, these complaints covered a significant period of time, the continuing nature of the complaints included both a lack of action on previous complaints, and continuing activities of a similar nature to those which had been previously reported to the Palin administration. (I don't have time to go and check, but I think that the word obstruction might have been used here.)

    At least one of the aggrieved parties put in writing what would happen if they did not get satisfaction. Suddenly, something changed. Then she was gone.

    1. Thank you, but can you specify what was "alleged?"
      Ya know, a bit of who, what, when, where, why and how..

    2. Anonymous1:39 PM

      All the allegeds because they were accusations. Since she resigned there was no sworn testimony and hearings. It would have been troopergate on steroids, but she quit.

      She claims to worship at the altar of Saint Ronnie, but violated the Eleventh Commandment which Ronald Reagan held so dear. She was caught red-handed in the coverup. That tends to support the original allegations that were made against her.

      It was oily also too!

      Who= Parnell on down

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Link please!?

    4. Anonymous3:45 PM

      One of the who was RAM. No fooling.

      Here Gina...

    5. Anonymous8:06 PM

      10:57 Howz about cluing us in on what you are talking about? If as many people where involved as you say then it is no secret to hundreds of people. So your giving the broad sketch of what went on won't reveal any secret.

      I say put up or shut up. It sounds to me like you are just trying to make yourself feel important by saying "I've got a secret and I'm not going to tell you."

      Either tell us something specific or we'll all just figure you are some "drama" bot.

      I apologize if I seem harsh and you are sincere. But we are all getting tired of people claiming things but not offering links or proof, or in your case, the most basic details.

      Put up or shut up.

      Go to some coffee shop or hotel that has wi-fi so they can't trace your IP address and tell us what gives.

  22. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Interesting comment over on huffington. Says she resigned because she was notified if she didn't they were going to prosecute her for fraud and theft of government funds. Says the PO for the non-compete contract for the Wasilla Sports Center included $45,000 worth of building supplies not in specifications for the arena. However, do fall under specifications of her home. Goes on to say it was the same contractor who covered up Ted Steven's house being built with tax payers dollars. The person who posted the comment says they got the info from the Wasilla Sportsman Newspaper. Did I miss that??

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I call BS on that Huffpost comment. There is no Wasilla Sportsman Newspaper. When was that comment made? Do you have a link?

      Also see the other comment at 10:57am.

      That is what really happened. You will be reading all about it. I guarantee.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      They should have just prosecuted her and saved the country a really bad headache.

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      11:23, ain't that the truth.

    4. Anonymous2:42 PM

      11:09, I read comments earlier over there, I never heard of the Wasilla Sportsman Newspaper either. Sorry no link, just a comment in the story about her dissing parnell.. Pat Padros replied that's all I remember. It sounded like there could be some truth to it...I've given up on anyone coming forward and knocking her off the national platform. As long as folks up there in AK are too fearful to speak up she'll continue to fuck with the country...I only hope her hateful rhetoric doesn't result in more blood shed. I'm growing tired of it all.

  23. Anonymous12:31 PM

    What does "trenchin' numbers" mean?

    at 3:18, Sarah Palin says [about ACES],

    "i-it was just common sense and math and trenchin’ numbers to show that both sides, oil companies and uh service companies and the state of Alaska, benefit."

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      crunching? to us English speakers
      trenching? Sarah's low IQ word salad phrase

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Yeah, crunching would be a better fit in that sentence.

      'Trenchin' might be some kind of Freudian slip.
      Are the Palins burying or planning to bury bodies? Human? Animal?

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Damn, but she truly is such an idiot! Keith Olberman (spelling?) was the first one that nailed her as being so on MSNBC. Good job, Keith! We so miss you!

    4. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Trenching = MethSpeak!

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I don't know how in heck we elected that moron to be our governor. To do that job you should be able to govern a small population. I look at how Sarah Palin govern her children Track, Bristol and Willow and just shake my head in disgust. Those three are out of high school and none of them has any ambition to go to college even though their mother is a multimillionaire. So shameful that Sarah raised them kids like that.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      1:17 They are 'out' of Wasilla High School via GEDs not real high school diplomas. Why would you expect them to be college bound when they have Sarah and Todd as parents?

      I don't believe Sarah EVER earned a college degree...think it was put out there by McCain to make her look better during the campaign (especially once they realized what a 'mess' they had on board!).

      When contacted - professors didn't even recall ever having 'the idiot' in their classes!

  25. Anonymous1:30 PM

    As a nurse , I love that you picked up the "taking a pulse with your thumb" lololol.
    Sarah, honey, that's a medical no no. Just like stating that your family practice physician acted as your high risk stating MatSu regional allowed a high risk inducement at their saying your doctor told you it was "ok to fly", while leaking amniotic fluid and (big laughs, big contractions) in your 7th high risk pregnancy ....
    Sarah, you live in your own little fantasy world and your ignorance shows. Again and again.
    Someday soon the whole wide world will know about your fakery. Good times!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

      I laughed at the part where she said she sat straight up in bed, wondering if she should wake Todd or not. She was no glutton for punishment, how much pain does removing a sofa cushion from under your blouse?

    2. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Well Anita, that sticky tape can hurt!!!

  26. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    I couldn't listen, out cavalier is napping at my feet. My only thought is, she's FINALLY found her niche'! She's got the perfect face for radio!
    Remember when she ignored the native alaskan who begged humbly for her help? She acted like she listened and shusshed him off.

    Then there was this documentary which shows how the Native Alaskan's feel about her.

    She's become a complete and utter joke.


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