Saturday, May 10, 2014

Senator Warren slams Benghazi chairman, Trey Gowdy, as a "grand-stander, pushing empty political points rather than conducting a serious investigation." Sounds about right.

Courtesy of Mother Jones:

In the email, Warren notes that she is particularly concerned about Boehner's selection of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) to chair committee. She recalls testifying before Gowdy in 2011 when she was setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "I know a little bit about the way Trey Gowdy pursues oversight," she writes. "I was on the other end of it when I was setting up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and I was called to testify before the House." 

Warren says Gowdy lacked basic knowledge of the new agency and was a grand-stander, pushing empty political points rather than conducting a serious investigation. She goes out of her way to make Gowdy appear foolish, quoting a Huffington Post account of the hearing that describes Gowdy as mistakenly suggesting that Warren had written rules that were, in fact, direct quotes from a bill passed by Congress. 

Warren continues: 

"As a Senator, I take oversight seriously because it is powerfully important. But Trey Gowdy gives oversight a bad name. The House GOP is on a waste-of-time-and-resources witch hunt and fundraising sideshow, shamefully grasping for any straw to make President Obama, former Secretary Clinton, or Secretary Kerry look bad. This stunt does a disservice to those who serve our country abroad, and it distracts us from issues we should be taking up on behalf of the American people. 

With millions of people still out of work and millions more working full time yet still living below the poverty line, with students drowning in debt, with roads and bridges crumbling, is this really what the House Republicans are choosing to spend their time on? Even for guys who have so few solutions to offer that they have voted 54 times to repeal Obamacare, this is a new low. "

Yeah I think Senator Warren certainly has Gowdy's number. 

By the way even some family members of those killed in the Benghazi attacks are  saying "Please don't take us down this road again."

Can you imagine being one of those family members, and having this scab pulled off over and over again?

Juan Cole over at Common Dreams offers 10 very substantial reasons why this witch hunt should come to an end.

Here is the first:

Republicans keep posturing that their questions about Benghazi are intended to bolster US security. In fact, they are harming it. Republican hearings in the House of Representative have disgracefully revealed the names of Libyans talking to the US consulate, thus endangering their lives and harming US efforts to understand the situation in the country, since who would risk talking to the embassy if they know about Darrell Issa’s big mouth? Moreover, the constant baseless Republican drumbeat about the Benghazi events has caused the State Department to pull dependents from Tunis and Tripoli and keep only a skeleton crew there. These steps have limited US diplomatic activity in two transitional countries of the Arab upheavals of 2011, and so damaged US interests. The real, actual Libya needs US aid and training but all the GOP wants to do is discourage career diplomats from having anything to do with it. This standoffishness on the actual Libya is a US security problem waiting to happen. Sen. John McCain knows better than to behave this way.

Not exactly surprising to me that the  Republicans are willing to risk national security in exchange for a temporary political advantage.

I guess we know who to blame for the next attack on US diplomats, don't we?


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    David Brooks Admits Benghazi Just Being Used As A Cheap Way To Score Political Points

    '...Is it the subject the Republicans should be emphasizing? Well, of foreign policy subjects, I think it probably would rank 47th. There are just much bigger subjects. Why are they doing it? I have a theory.

    It is the voters don’t want to be interventionists abroad. The Republican natural tack is to attack the Democrats for not being strong and interventionist enough. Benghazi allows them to attack the Democrats for being either incompetent or weak, without the Republicans themselves having to commit to anything interventionist abroad. And so it’s a cheap way to score points without actually being for a foreign policy.'

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      >>>It is the voters don’t want to be interventionists abroad. The Republican natural tack is to attack the Democrats for not being strong and interventionist enough.

      Iraq Iraq Iraq. Boosh and Iraq. Supreme Commander Codpiece starring in "Mission Accomplished." That is all.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

    Something has gotten into the water at the New York Times. This week they published an editorial that is not only rich in facts and substance, it is entertaining and persuasive. The headline announced an excursion into the “Center Ring at the Republican Circus.” And the opening paragraph may be the best introduction to a Times editorial ever:

    “The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

    Center Ring at the Republican Circus

    ...Little nuisances like constitutional rights or basic facts can’t be allowed to stand in the way when House Republicans need to whip up their party’s fury.

  3. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “House Republicans in what is a blatantly political and partisan effort voted to start another investigation into this matter, presumably because the six previous investigations by Congress, by Republicans, were somehow not adequate.

    He continued, “I think if you saw as others have commented, the Republicans are fund raising off of this effort,” and added that “it’s unfortunate that House Republicans continue to pursue this in a highly partisan manner, and in fact, they themselves have acknowledged how political it is. and how oriented toward trying to raise money and motivate their base for a mid-term election.”

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I love Elizabeth Warren - she is so direct and calls it exactly as it is or isn't!!! Plus, she is one smart lady!

    So hope that Americans across the nation are going to vote OUT as many Republicans as they can (November) beginning w/the U.S. Congress!

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Can you imagine being one of those family members, and having this scab pulled off over and over again?"

    That's so-called "compassionate conservatism" for ya!

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Don't you know that swelling the campaign accounts and winning the next election are FAR more important than the feelings of those whiny family members?

      Do you really want to keep the GOP from getting some good dramatic media coverage - with appropriately outraged talking points - just because those people lost a loved one in this tragedy?

      That whole silly 'compassionate' thing is ONLY for campaign ads, NOT for the real world where there's health insurance coverage to take away from poor people, Social Security and Medicare to take away from seniors, benefits to deny to the veterans they all claim to revere, and free or reduced price lunches to be ripped out of the hands of hungry children so that more tax breaks can be given to the already-obscenely wealthy.

      There's LOTS of work to be done!!!!

  6. Anonymous1:38 PM

    O/T. As described at Metafilter:

    'Never Alone is an upcoming puzzle adventure game featuring a young Iñupiaq protagonist and her arctic fox companion, whose breathtaking trailer has been causing some buzz. It is the debut production of the Cook Inlet Tribal Council's Upper One Games, the first Native American owned games company. The game draws on Alaskan folklore and was developed in collaboration with elders, storytellers, and E-Line Media, a Seattle-based publisher of educational games.'

    The trailer:

  7. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Lacking basic knowledge ... grandstanding.... doesn't Ms Warren know that "ignorant and loud" is the teabagger brand? I hope she isn't shocked by this every time they start squealing, she'll be old before her time.

  8. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Sen. John McCain knows better than to behave this way.

    He has known better all along. He is self serving and still a traitor, it is not like he is going to change. Hopefully Arizonians will wise up or elections will stop being rigged.

  9. fromthediagonal2:13 PM

    Elizabeth Warren is an admirable woman of personal integrity and great knowledge in her field, whereas Trey Gowdy is an opportunistic, mostly unknown politician, reminding me of nothing more than a simple look-alike to the fictional character Lucius Malfoy of Harry Potter movies. It seems appropriate...

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      He's more alien than human if you ask me.

  10. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I think there's another shoe that may or may not drop. I suspect that the funder(s) of that bad islam-insulting movie that caused so much turmoil right before Benghazi are GOP folks, who funded that movie and got it shown in order to start a ruckus very much like what happened. If ever that funding or motivation comes to light, that would sure clear up why the GOP remains so interested in Benghazi: the movie "energized the base" alright, but the funders had hoped for much more,

  11. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Three Clowny looks exactly like what Ms. Warren describes: a self-important wannaby who inherited bad genes.

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM


  13. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

    Go Liz! The woman's got moxie, knows her stuff and tells it like it is. She'd wipe the floor with any of them in a one on one debate on any issue. We need more ladies like her in office.


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