Tuesday, May 27, 2014

World War C.

Courtesy of Slate:

 If you’ve followed the story of Uganda’s infamous “Kill the Gays” law over the past few years, you’re probably aware that prominent American evangelicals like Scott Lively and Lou Engle have been harshly criticized for their role in introducing a strain of zealous social conservatism—including an especially vicious condemnation of homosexuality—to Africa. But media reports of this phenomenon have been mere hints compared to the dense epidemiological survey that God Loves Uganda represents. Williams’ vision of the relationship between American missionary groups—like the Kansas City-based International House of Prayer that he profiles here—and the Ugandan government and culture is one of contagion, infection. Early in the film, an animated map of the globe shows salvation spreading like a plague across the world. A little later, a young woman on her first mission trip to the country describes her goal as one of virality: 

"One of my greatest hopes is to deposit what I’ve kind of received at IHOP, that DNA of prayer and worship. DNA replicates itself, and so I think that everybody wants to replicate their values and the core parts of who they are." 

And as Williams shows, the evangelical movement’s vector-teams have been successful—images of spirit-struck white people wailing and “rapid-fire” praying for Africa in Missouri transform into scenes of wild-eyed Ugandan ministers screaming at strangers in a traffic jam, of white-walled rooms full of people jumping and flailing and lifting chairs in the air, of sweat-drenched Africans speaking in tongues. Williams has created a zombie movie, only the dreaded mutation is one of hateful Christian ideology rather than cells: Call it “World War C.” 

Tracing the origins of this epidemic prove upsettingly simple. “The West has been in a decline,” Lou Engle, founder of prayer rally program “The Call,” explains in the gruff, breathy, slightly crazed tone that a certain kind of minister uses to convey his fervor. “But right now I think that Africa, it’s the firepot of spiritual renewal and revival. It’s very exciting to me.” America is becoming increasingly resistant to his bigoted version of Christianity; time to find greener pastures elsewhere. And as another missionary explains, Uganda is the perfect place: “50 percent of the population is under 15 years old. … What [we] can do is limited, but we can multiply ourselves in these young people.” Add that to the strategy of tying aid and charity work to values exportation in order to ensure a captive audience, and it’s easy to see why many Ugandans so readily accept the evangelical message.

I discovered the sordid side of evangelism and missionary work right here in Alaska, after finding out how the early Christian workers separated families, punished children for speaking their native languages, and renamed them with Biblical names while insisting that they forget their birth names.

What I learned up here was more than enough to put me off religion for the rest of my life, but when you research the spread of Christianity throughout the world, the brutality, oppression, and destruction of ancient customs and beliefs is enough to make a truly moral person sick to their stomach.

World War C, is the perfect description of the plague that has swept this planet and which continues to tear apart communities, turn family members against each other, and inspire hatred toward homosexuals and those unwilling to leave the religion of their ancestors.

If you have not yet seen the film, worry not, you can see it right here.


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    This strategy is very similar to that of the tobacco companies when the US started to place restrictions and taxes on cigarettes, etc. When the tobacco product sales started to decline they simply moved their sales to Europe and Asia first by handing out free cigarettes. When the smokers were sufficiently addicted, they started to sell their poisonous products to them.

  2. Leland4:19 AM

    Great! First we have the fanatical religious right pushing its weight around here and then it starts to push the fear agenda, causing our population to buy thousands of guns out of fear of the other guy.

    Now they are exporting it.

    What's next for these people "working" over there? Secretly supplying their "true believers" weapons to help them kill anyone who disagrees with them? Or will they do it openly?

    They have probably already started!

    Organized religion should be banned if this is the kind of crap they like doing. And history proves it is.

    Anybody want to join me in purchasing tickets for these people to try this garbage in Pakistan?

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    crazy Christians... I like the idea of them leaving the country, however I don't want them spreading their virus of hate and ignoramus in Africa.
    Speaking in tongues, how crazy do you have to be to believe in that crap?

    1. That’s powerful stuff, and in with all the homosexual bashing I did hear a reference to “Jezebel.” I’m guessing women will be the next targets.

      Some of these people are charlatans, but many are sincere. Two families of former in-laws were caught up in the Charismatic movement. A husband strenuously objected and even threatened divorce until he flipped. Then he did the speaking in tongues and everything else. He got nothing out of it except his marriage (no monies). There seems to be something in the human brain that allows this, possibly natural narcotics?

  4. Anonymous5:04 AM

    For a second I thought, "received at IHOP? All I ever got was pancakes." ;-)

    1. I'll take the pancakes any day.

    2. International House of Prayer (IHOP) is a cult.

  5. Super Fan In Atlanta5:49 AM

    Totally O/T:
    (but it made me mad as hell)

    Manosphere Site Warns More People Will Die Unless Women Give Men Sexual Options

    This Roosh guy tries to explain that men like the mass shooting kid are forced (and justified) to kill because they can't get any from a woman.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      That's what hookers are for.

    2. It's a huge leap from horny to homicidal. There is far more dysfunction in such men than simple lust.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      If they want sexual options, there's always each other.

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      If they want sexual options, there's always each other.

  6. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Want to know ore about the IHOP cult?

    There was a recent Rolling Stone article.


    "Love and Death In the House of Prayer
    Tyler Deaton, a self-appointed apostle in one of the fastest-growing evangelical movements, loved Jesus, Harry Potter and, much to his dismay, other men. When his wife turned up dead, the secrets began to spill out"

  7. Super Fan In Atlanta6:02 AM

    Another Totally O/T...
    (but the connection is coming back to religion)

    How the Gun Industry Preys on Paranoid, Insecure Men Like Elliot Rodger
    The gun industry targets exactly the kind of men you don't want to be armed and dangerous. Men similar to Elliot Rodger.

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Gryphen, Your link doesn't go to the film, which runs for 1hr23min, or to the official trailor. I think it premiered on PBS but can't find if they'll show it again.

    The DVD is out now for rent or purchase.


  9. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Wife set to hang for marrying Christian U.S. citizen gives birth to baby girl in squalid jail and vows that she'd rather be executed than convert to Islam


  10. African ministries are here in the US. At least one family of well-established churches (Seventh Day Adventists) here in the Minneapolis area are almost totally African immigrant congregations with African pastors. It's easier than we may imagine to establish a violent anti-gay ministry in the US.


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