Saturday, June 14, 2014

CNN buckles under pressure from gun nuts, reduces number of school shootings by 80% in report.

Courtesy of Think Progress:

When students are killed, injured, or put in harm’s way on school grounds, when does it “count” as a school shooting? Not all of the time, according to a number of right-wing commentators — and CNN. 

In a news report published Thursday, CNN amends its prior reporting that there were 74 school shootings since the Newtown Massacre — a number calculated by gun violence prevention group Everytown for Gun Safety — and concludes that there have instead been just 15. 

“CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Oregon — a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school,” the article explains. Except for the times when those criteria don’t apply: “Some of the other incidents on Everytown’s list included personal arguments, accidents and alleged gang activities and drug deals,” the article explains, apparently nixing Everytown’s bright line criteria that encompassed all incidents “when a firearm was discharged inside a school building or on school or campus grounds, as documented in publicly reported news accounts” in exchange for its own subjective assessment. 

Among those incidents not included was a brawl that escalated outside a college basketball game at Chicago State University, a shooting at a Mississippi town’s football game that left a 15-year-old dead, and a Georgia college that saw two shootings in two days. As Everytown points out in response to CNN, these discounted shootings led to 25 deaths and 45 injuries. They included familiar scenes of students hiding under desks and running for cover. And many of them were characterized by CNN as “school shootings” at the time of the incidents.

Apparently, as Gawker points out, what changed CNN's mind about what constitutes a "school shooting" was the twitter attack by one lone 2nd Amendment supporter, and the Right Wing news outlets that supported him: 

The drumbeat of news about gun violence in the United States is so steady and rhythmic these days that it’s starting to fade into the background. Another week, another school shooting. One of the biggest risks now is of a population-wide numbness, eroding the will to tackle the crisis. So perhaps we should be grimly grateful whenever the gun lobby demonstrates that it retains the power to horrify. 

Case in point: this sequence of tweets by the conservative journalist Charles C Johnson, featured on Glenn Beck’s website The Blaze and on Hot Air, and being forwarded enthusiastically everywhere among pro-gun tweeters and bloggers. (I found it via Quinn Norton.) 

Johnson takes it upon himself to debunk the claim, made by the gun reform group Everytown for Gun Safety, backed by Michael Bloomberg, that there have been 74 school shootings since Adam Lanza killed 20 children, six adults and himself at Sandy Hook elementary School 18 months ago. In fact, Johnson concludes, there have only been seven. How does he manage this feat of mathematical magic? Simple: by narrowing the definition of “school shooting” so far that almost none of them count.

I read through the tweets and the articles that they linked to, and to be fair the guy had a point about a small number of the shootings. And that number was one.

The rest were injuries, murders, and suicides, all the result of a gun fired on school grounds.

In other words due to a school shooting.

Hey I totally get it. If I was trying to defend lax gun laws, and there was this much data to suggest the need for a change, I might be tempted to undermine the findings as well.

Besides as we all know the Right Wing simply does not like facts, because they never seem to benefit their side.

However these are not simply facts, these are preventable deaths. And a news organization fudging the number of gun deaths in order to protect the Right Wing's favorite constitutional amendment and their delicate feelings is unconscionable and demonstrates a lack of journalistic ethics.


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    This is insane. No matter what definition we put on it, it is STILL innocent children and young adults dying by gunfire
    These crazies just don't get that not at any time has abolishing the Second Amendment been mentioned except by them. Reasonable measures just go right over their heads.

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Fox News Must Die

    Sarah Palin's Flag Day

    Senior Chuckie has been vindicated?

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I remember people laughing when the year 1984 came and went, and it didn't seem as if Orwell's predictions about things such as altering the "news" to fit the government's agenda, had occurred.

    Okay, so he was off by a few years.

  4. KanaW9:47 AM

    From Babylon5:

    Sheridan: You're telling me there's no more poverty or homeless on Earth?
    Musante: Not since we rewrote the dictionary.

    They always seem to take the worst lessons from everything.

  5. Well, I get my news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert now. So I the only reason I am concerned about CNN is the same reason I am concerned about Fox. People that rely on these organizations for information aren't getting it. And I blame them for single sourcing and trust in either organization.

    I might add I also read Yahoo and Huffington Post.

    Oh, and this blog that links to NYT, WaPo, etc.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The statistic I am interested is what I call potential deaths. That is the number of firearms and bullets found near school children. That includes locations like bus stops, school buses, playgrounds, schools, and field trips. It includes random fire from nearby incidents.

    If a single child is shot in a school and the assailant had 400 bullets then the deaths, real and potential, is 401. If an assailant has as much firepower as the Newtown shooter but doesn't manage the same level of carnage, we should not could that as a "smaller", "less significant" incident.

    The TSA takes away loaded guns at airports all the time. AND they report the figures. Tracking the numbers for schools should be EASIER to find out, because, hey, it's little innocent children, already.

    Why aren't there accurate statistics? Well, the NRA is the culprit yet again.

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Gun Control Group Marching Over Brooklyn Bridge

    Some carried photos of loved ones cut down by a bullet. Others held signs imploring Congress to act. And nearly all shouted out "Not one more," a tear-stained rallying cry embraced by those who believe the U.S. needs tougher gun control laws.

    More than 1,000 demonstrators — including nearly 100 from Newtown, Connecticut, the site of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting rampage — marched across the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday, demanding that action be taken to stem the recent wave of mass shootings across the U.S.

    "I want to see our laws protect our children, not our gun lobbyists," said Andrew Morosky, 48, who lives in Newtown and whose children were friends with some of the 20 students who were killed along with six educators. "After what happened, I felt like I had to do something. I sat on the sidelines for too long."

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Brave High School Teacher Destroys Ammosexuals: It’s Time To Put The NRA In Its Place! (Video)

    ...“I’m sick and tired of hearing gun enthusiasts claim that any kind of gun regulation is an attack on the second amendment, or that the solution to gun violence is more guns” he wrote. “I completely fail to understand how one organization, which is the lobbying arm of one industry, can control every politician in Congress to the extent of preventing any action at all on gun control, even after polls show that 90% of Americans are in favor of it.”

    But every time another shooting happens, and undoubtedly this will be no exception, people (including me and my family and friends) sigh, groan, bemoan the incident, talk about how awful it is, criticize the NRA and its lopsided influence, and then do…nothing. The only constituency that responds with any energy to incidents of gun violence is gun enthusiasts, who declare that it just provides more proof of their hypothesis that schools need to be staffed with U.S. Marshalls and teachers need to be armed and carry loaded weapons. Rather than stricter gun regulation, we get weakening of the existing regulation, and states literally pushing each other out of the way to be the most liberal when it comes to who can carry weapons into how many different venues, including churches, schools and even bars.

    Here’s my proposed gun regulation:

  9. Caroll Thompson11:43 AM

    I cannot remember the last time I watched CNN. They are no better than FOX and in many ways I think FOX does a better job. I can't believe I said that, but there it is.

  10. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Racist Ammosexual Florida Mom Kidnaps Daughter to Avoid Vaccinations

    ...“You are a great dad,” she wrote, with the word “great” underlined. “If I let them take her and vaccinate her and brainwash her, I wouldn’t be doing what’s right. I cannot let a judge tell me how my daughter should be raised. We will miss you. But I had to leave.”

    ...“One of the issues we had was, she wanted to home-school my daughter,” said Baumann. “I didn’t want that to happen. She didn’t want Lilly to learn about black history. She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy.”

    Baumann had planned to have his daughter vaccinated and enroll her in preschool the next time she was with him.

    “She found this new idea that vaccines are horrible,” Baumann said. “I think she wanted to keep her from being vaccinated because that would keep her out of day care.”

    (Lilly Everett playing with live ammunition.)

  11. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Say no to ‘the new normal’ — Five things you can do about gun violence

    Some days it can seem like we should just give up. You’re just processing one senseless mass shooting in Las Vegas when you find out there has been a mass killing in Florida. But there’s no time to think about that because your television is saying that there’s a shooter on the loose in North Hollywood, and there has been another high school shooting in Oregon. It can lead to despair.

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Oregon School Shooter Planned to Kill ‘Sinners’ at the High School (Video)

    A diary left behind by Oregon school shooter Jared Michael Padgett as revealed his motivation behind the attack: Jesus.

    Jared Michael Padgett walked into Reynolds High School carrying an AR-15 rifle, a semi-automatic pistol, a large amount of ammunition, and a knife.

    The shooter was a fan of right-leaning publications, gun rights sites, and a number of gun manufacturers, as is evidenced by his Facebook profile.

    A diary left behind by Oregon school shooter Jared Michael Padgett as revealed his motivation behind the attack: Jesus.

    On Padgett’s Facebook page, the 15-year-old liked two tactical knife companies, M4 assault rifles and political pages such as ‘Conservative American Military Veterans Against Barack Obama’ and ‘We WILL NOT Be Disarmed.’

    While searching through the teenager’s home, police found the shooter’s journal. Police say that no specific students or teachers were named as targets, but Padgett detailed his plan to kill “sinners” at the school. Specifically, Padgett planned to target people who smoked cigarettes and took the “Lord’s name” in vain.

    Seemingly paradoxically, Padgett’ was also a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Gresham, OR. Known for being quiet, Padgett was “highly regarded for his spirituality” by church Elders.

  13. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Who watches CNN? They'll never get the wingnut audience they're after. Nobody has any regard for CNN. In fact, the only thing worth watching on CNN is their current documentary series about the sixties.... you know, back before CNN existed.

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    And here you go, Gryph!

  15. Anonymous3:42 PM

    15 is 15 too many.

  16. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Remember when they decried Hate Crime legislation as "Thought Crimes" -- well, now it doesn't count as a school shooting if a kid gets shot at school unless we get into the mind of the shooter and figure out their thoughts.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    I remember when cable first came out, and Cable News Network first came on, I thought "Wow, this is going to be great, 24 hours of nothing but news!" It was ok for awhile, but then it went bonkers after it got sold the first time (Ted Turner) and I gave up on it as a reliable source.
    Now it's sold again, and again it's allowing itself to be manipulated and morphing to "Fox Lite". If they did this to the statistics on this story, how can you trust them again, unless they come right out and say "We made a mistake....and we're correcting it now" You know, like Rachel Maddow, Ed Shultz, etc.

  18. Anonymous7:39 PM

    And do you think that Charles C Johnson might be trading on the coincidence and confusion of his name with the Charles Johnson at 'Little Green Footballs'?

    CJ at LGF made his way, through his conscience:

    'On November 30, 2009, Johnson blogged that he was disassociating himself with "the right", claiming that "The American right wing has gone off the rails, into the bushes, and off the cliff. I won’t be going over the cliff with them." He has been heavily critical of conservatives and libertarians since then.'

  19. Anonymous3:50 AM

    One shooting at a school is one too many. CNN news personnel should be ashamed of their network.


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