Saturday, June 14, 2014

I am not the only one who found Sarah Palin's use of the unaccompanied migrant children to attack President Obama impossible to stomach.

So yesterday I posted a portion of Palin's mocking Facebook post in which she used those poor children being held in Texas and other border states to attack the President and call for his impeachment.

Many of you also expressed your revulsion at her attitude and lack of compassion.

Well you are by no means alone in that.

The Business Insider covered her screed, and the comments ranged from dismissive to downright enraged.

Politicususa also had something to say about her callousness:

As her sanity becomes a fuzzy speck in the rear-view mirror of time, it is frightening that this woman was nominated by a major political party to be vice president. If Sarah Palin leaves the Republican Party, her first stop should be the nearest mental health clinic.

However my favorite take of all came from News Corpse: 

Sadly, Palin’s solution begins with denouncing the President’s allocation of funds to improve conditions for the children. She apparently prefers to let them languish in 90+ degree heat and sleep on concrete floors. She does, however, offer own advice for allocating relief funds saying that 

“The primary expenditure we need to supply in this humanitarian crisis is jet fuel to fly these children back home.” 

This is what Palin regards as a serious response to a humanitarian crisis. Who does she think will greet these kids at the airport in whatever country they came from? And there are thousands of kids from many different countries, so we’d need a fleet of jets with different itineraries. Then, according to Palin’s plan, they would be shoved out of the plane onto the tarmac. Maybe we could save even more money by throwing them out midair with parachutes.

I think that captures Palin's utter lack of humanity quite nicely.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the Obama Administration is mobilizing to do something to ease the suffering of these children and find a place where they can be well cared for while attempts are made to come up with a long term solution.

This according to Buzzfeed: 

The Obama administration plans to move as many as 1,000 unaccompanied minor migrants from Border Patrol facilities in Texas to facilities in Baltimore, Md., and Richmond, Va., in an effort to ease overcrowding and address the growing humanitarian crisis along the border. 

Tens of thousands of Central American children, many under the age of 10, have begun flooding across the border and into cramped, overcrowded holding facilities. The White House has directed FEMA to begin working with the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to relocate the children. 

DHS has already begun moving children to facilities in Texas and California, and starting Saturday will move them to Ft. Sill in Oklahoma. 

According to a “transportation flow chart” obtained by BuzzFeed, the administration will now begin resettling the children to an Office of Refugee Resettlement facility in Baltimore and to St. Paul’s College in Richmond. Both facilities can accommodate up to 500 beds, according to the document. According to the chart, DHS buses and planes, as well as commercial planes, will be used to transport the children to all facilities.

 Yes this is somewhat more pricey than simply flying over Mexico, or Guatemala, and dropping children like anti-immigration leaflets, but  it is also more in line with how this country treats those that come to this country seeking a better life.

Perhaps there needs to be an addendum added to the bottom of the Statue of Liberty to help Palin, and her Right Wing cohorts, to understand America's attitude toward immigrants.

Give me your tired, your poor, (your children)
Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, 
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, 
 Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

There, is that easier to understand you horrible, horrible woman?


  1. I bet those children in Alaskan villages who were starving and freezing when she was governor can remember her warmth and compassion. Wait....never mind.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Her most recent rant is no different than how she thought of or treated the First People of Alaska before she became their 'quitter'. She could care less about the poor, children or people of 'other' colors!

      Sarah Palin is the most EVIL woman in the USA! She has proven it time and time again!
      I hope she is reincarnated as a spotted black and white person and faces ridicule like no other! She deserves every nasty thing that could ever occur to her which I would see as total payback for all the hate, fear, racism, lies and evilness she has spread throughout Alaska and the USA during the past decade!

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Those children in Alaskan villages didn't starve. Governor Sarah Palin seen to it by bringing them a sheet of cookies.

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      11:41 Yea, ONE TIME (along w/her buddy, Frankie Graham) she supposedly made some cookies and took them to one of the villages in northern Alaska (on Frankie's owned/religious small airplane).

      Quite the giver, huh? Total bullshit!

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Whoa, Baby!9:08 AM

      I bet those children in Alaskan villages who were starving and freezing when she was governor can remember her warmth and compassion. Wait....never mind.
      Or the 254 Alaskans who died on her watch when she fucked up Medicare so bad the Feds refused to fund it until it was fixed! Her very own "Death panels"!

    5. Anonymous11:29 AM

      If Sarah had any real responsibilities as a leader, she'd employ her crony capitalism and send fanklin's Samaritans Purse Lear jet fleet to drop these dystopian kiddies off.

  2. She really is a harridan of the first order. She cares for no one but herself. I keep waiting to see her dressed in an orange jumpsuit and doing a "perp" walk.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      That's why her children are not going to colleges. It's easier to let her daughter screw in canvas tents and then send her daughter and her baby to skin school in Arizona.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    O/T, but it is tied into the lies of the GOP. Just saw a Koch Industries commercial on TV that was not selling anything other than the wonderful products and great 60,000 employees of the Koch empire across America. I'm wondering why the Koch brothers suddenly are spending $$$ to show how wonderful they are bringing paper and diapers and jobs to Americans. Is the "buycott" working? Is their bottom line showing that unappreciative Americans are no longer buying their products? What suddenly changed? This commercial just felt so out of character for these two 1% rich, white men. I have even less respect for them after reading the recent book "Sons of Wichita" although the blame for their world view can definitely be laid at the feet of their father who was an original Bircher. Totally surprised to see the commercial and actually really angry to see it on my TV!

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      @ 9:29, I agree with you, I felt the same way when I heard they gave millions to the UNCF, something don't smell right.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I used to think $arah would be happy when Pres Obama term is up, I've changed my mind, when he leaves the White House unscathed, Not impeached, it is something she will never get over, it'll torment her till her death

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      This is probably what they are freaked out about.

      From Sen. Bernie Sanders:

      On Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29, thousands of MoveOn members will gather in living rooms nationwide for America Has a Koch Problem movie parties. They'll watch Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition, the critically acclaimed new release from our friends at Brave New Films, and they'll kick off a powerful national campaign to challenge the Koch brothers' toxic influence on our democracy.

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      10:08 a.m. And, hopefully, it will speed her death!! As I've said before, Hell truly awaits the bitch!

    5. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Yes, 10:08: President Obama will be just 55 years old when he leaves office -- presumably a healthy middle-aged man who can look forward to decades of productive service. He'll establish his library, but, in addition, will he do good works, like Jimmy Carter, set up a foundation like Bill Clinton, write more books? He won't be like the GOP ex-Presidents, who've used their positions to make megabucks in speaking fees and as directors of corporations.
      One thing's for certain: he won't hunker down and fire off facebook posts and daily twitter shout-outs about every little thought that passes through his brain. He won't build himself up by tearing down his opposition. He'll conduct himself with dignity.
      Sarah, you could take lessons from your President.

    6. Anonymous11:30 AM

      A boycott of Koch products may be hitting their bottom line but the shrinking middle class and low minimum wage will impact their sales more than the boycott. If you only have so much money to spend each week, are you going to buy food or are you going to buy paper products?

    7. Anonymous3:16 PM

      I wonder when the Waltons of Wal Mart will put out their ad about how great they treat their employees?

  4. Some of the comments on her FB page:
    Mike Mochan Just a reminder: Sarah Palin was once savaged in an interview by the hard hitting journalist...KATIE COURIC. (yes poor SP savaged in an interview for the 2nd highest position in the land)

    Bill Anderson I see no crisis. The same bus that moved them to where they are now could just as easily drove them back to mexico!!!
    They don't have the rights of Americans. There's are reason they are called 'Illegal aliens'! (a bus? really?)

    Robin P Apolo Freitas I'm sure some was sent by drug cartels and gangs to get started (paranoid much?)

    Maxine Eviston Every American should see this and read this post, and pray for our Country, and for these children. May God have mercy. 12 million a day crossing our borders. and one third are children. These children are scared, can't speak our language, separated from their parents, many are sick and may be bringing disease. Pray!!! (12 million a day? wow that's a lot isn't it?)

    Debra Trock Wow the sheer ignorance displayed not only by Palin's rant, but by a whole lot of the posters on here is staggering. No wonder this country is in trouble.....the lack of critical thinking, and the unmitigated hatred coming from those who profess to be conservatives and Christians makes me fear for the future of our entire society, not just our country. A lot of you cannot even write in complete sentences.
    (thanks for trying Debra)

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sarah Palin must hate Sarah Palin. Why else would you try to destroy yourself?

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    and the wingnutteria continues unabated...

    Glenn Beck: Obama About To Snap, Put Conservatives Into Internment Camps

    Glenn Beck warned listeners on his radio show today that too many crises are piling up all at the same time which will cause the press to finally turn on President Obama. In Beck’s fragile mind, that will cause Obama to snap, then of course the President will start rounding up conservatives to put them into camps.

    If only. This is pretty much the same thing that gun lobbyist Larry Pratt and Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones said today.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Oh doG I hope this is true! Too bad he didn't set a generous bounty on their heads, I could bring in about a dozen right outta my neighborhood.

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Damn, damn, damn but it would be a hoot rounding up the asshole Republicans and putting them in a camp! Starting w/McCain, McConnell, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Cantor, Boehner, Ryan and all the governors from the top ten 'most corrupt' states across the USA - beginning w/Parnell of Alaska!!!

      And, I'd love hunting down the idiot Sarah Palin too, even though she's not held a governmental spot for a number of years (she quit the last one and hired someone to do her Mayoral job in Wasilla).

      I'd love putting her in handcuffs (tightly!), pulling out/off her hair pieces and/or wigs and telling her to shut the fuck up and do what she is told OR she will be baptized by water boarding! Oh, damn, but that would be fun!

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Bounty? Hells Bells, we have some here we'd PAY to be rid of!

    4. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Umm 11:45, that's what a 'bounty' is. Say they offer $10 per RWNJ, you can buy a latte and download a couple iTunes for each one you drag to the FEMA bus stop. Not bad, eh.

      Due to my strongly developed patriotic streak, I'd do it for nothing too!

    5. Anonymous8:12 PM

      11:45 -
      Where do I send the check?

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Where has the self-proclaimed investigative journalist been on this tragic situation when it began months ago? Has she also missed the intense liberal criticism of the President for stepping up the number of deportations? How convenient, eh $ista$arah.

    She's like the toxic pizza delivery guy who only stops by for a minute but able to drop off a big steaming box load of his chain's cheap crap. She also accepts tips. F*ck her, give her a dollar.

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Grannie vandal crusades against child abuse now?

  9. A. J. Billings10:01 AM

    Palin had no substantive words of comfort for the dead, the dying, and the family of 9 year old child Christina Green who was murdered in cold blood by a lunatic.

    Just a cold dead heart bleating about it's own outrage that someone dared to point out her crosshairs on the map of Gabby Gifford's district,

    Palin obviously has no humility, compassion, or comprehension of child victims anywhere, except for showing up with millionaire Franky Graham by private jet and vamping for cameras and dollars.

    There is no crisis, no victim, no murder, no war, no rape, no tragedy anywhere that the despicable Palin idiot won't use to vomit forth her hateful spewage.

    Sarah Palin is a monster, a vicious harpy loosed on the nation by fate and the stupidity of John McCain believing for one nanosecond that the vapid, vainglorious, and vanity ridden pretender from Alaska could win an election because she had a vagina.

    She spit on the notion of Christian baptism by her reference to waterboarding, and as a so called evangelical managed to piss of a large section of her own voting bloc, but even that reaction made no difference to the fake Queen Esther.

    She cares not. The sheeple-bots still send money to her Grifter Pac, which is just about the sum of her focus.

    Sarah and Todd Palin are a poison, a veritable caustic mix of bile, acid, and rancid puke, and a terrible stain on the consciousness of our nation.

    Todd and Sarah have a rapacious and blood thirsty self interest simmering just under the surface of their mutually solipsistic dual personality.

    They are of all humans I can think of the very worst example of viciously ignorant and selfish bastards, summed up perfectly by Todd's utterance: "What's in it for us".

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Well stated A.J.!

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      wow...good one, AJ.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

      Excellent! She's an equal opportunity hater as well.

  10. Since she believes in hell, I'll just say there is a special place reserved for people like her. Unfortunately, like everyone else she will simply cease to exist when she dies. But her place in the history books will be a little speck (vice presidential nominee on the losing ticket). And until everyone dies who lived during these times, the over-riding memories of her will be of her hateful divisive stupid-speak and screeching voice. She and people like her cannot leave this earth soon enough for my tastes. Just too bad there are others who think the same way waiting in line behind them. My hope is that by the time my grandchildren (not born yet) are my age, our country has once again become a country where people debate issues in a civil manner and cite facts instead of fallacies in support of their positions.

  11. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Impeach. Impeach. Impeach. I think they really believe that if they did impeach President Obama, they could just appoint the Republican of their choosing to the position. "VP Joe who ? No, we impeached Obama, we get to choose; and we pick Karl Rove !"

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      And Joe's a pretty liberal guy.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      2:16 -
      But he's not 'blah'.

  12. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sarah Palin has no convictions of course. She is a smug, shameless, ignorant, dimwitted, and depraved harridan. She simply spins about like a weather vane trying to capitalize on the right wing outrage du jour.

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I suspect that some recently revealed details about Hillary have pushed her over the edge. Details like Hill can command 200K per speech. Also too, Hillary's daughter made 600k/yr off her media related job. I imagine that kind of information must really sting since the Palin's paychecks are shrinking fast.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Hill will be a grandmother soon.

      Palins mostly birth bastards, it must kill SP how screwed up her family looks to the world outside of their little dominion Wasilla cult.

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Hillary has something $carah only wishes she had - a SON IN LAW!! No trial husbands for Chelsea, she has too much self respect.

  14. Uh, Sarah, you're two years late with this rant. You are stamping your feet and threatening to leave the republican party?

    Honey, shnookums, baby. You weren't invited to the republican convention in 2012, remember?

    You were the vice-presidential candidate just four years earlier, and they didn't want you. Remember? Is it coming back now?

    Honey, they left you long ago. Nobody wants you. Even if you scream even louder, and stomp your feet, and drum your heels on the floor, you're done.

    You blew it.

    1. F U McCain11:38 AM

      Like a one night stand you need to play nice with -
      Or the crazy bitch will burn down your house, get you fired and kill your dog.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Play Misty For Me........

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Wait - kill your dog, set fire to your house? Why does Dar Miller come to mind???

  15. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Someone please, please expose her and let her wither away. She is a criminal, she is losing power, please expose her if you know anything. She is a blight on this country, a fast spreading cancer. If you people in the know really care about America, please talk, please expose her faked pregnancy and other lies and crimes. Please.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      She's now more of a slow-spreading cancer that is responding to a heavy dose of chemo. Her popularity is being killed off one cell at a time and now she is just a tiny tumor surrounded on all sides by healthy tissue. Pretty soon she'll just be a suspicious looking mole on the butt of society.

    2. 10:28 Don't worry her god has a plan that's more complete, more than we can imagine, the best plan for the insufferable witch. she doesn't understand the hints that her god has been showing her.

      We all are going to be saying, "Damn she got it better than I'd imagined." and "Damn that was fast."

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      I hope she takes her trashy cohorts with her when she goes.

  16. Sometimes I think whatever Palin says or does should just not be reported. all. She has no background or basis, no expertise, and what she has to say is not presented in a coherent or convincing argument.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      I actually agree with that. If we all stopped giving her a platform it could have some effect. The only thing she is relevant for today is spouting treason. Some radio shows have Kardashian-free days; perhaps we need Palin-free days!!

  17. And another thing, Palin, the media is not covering your stupid, vicious, incoherent tirade at all. You are nowhere on Huffpo and they will put out anything if it will get clicks.

    Remember when you had your own page?

    Nobody (besides the people keeping an eye on your traitorous ass) is listening to you any more.

    Nobody cares, Sarah. You are washed up, nothing, a loser, a has-been.

    But by all means, scream louder. On your facebook.

    You silly, stupid, nasty nothing.

  18. Anonymous10:42 AM

    $arah Palin is( among several mental illnesses) a Narcissist . The worst thing you can do to a narcissist is ignore them. President Obama has ignored her for years. She screams for his attention and he continues to ignore her.Is this last screed she has jumped the shark! OMG she screams for his impeachment?? I think she has lost it big time. She probably has a black dildo with Obama's face on it.

  19. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Another story completely: From the Wichita Falls TX Times Record News: "Hair stylists, massage therapists and laser hair removal specialists should remain regulated, the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission said in a May 2014 report. Specialized fields that keep people alive on ventilators, capture radiologic images that could detect cancer or educate a growing diabetic population on proper eating habits have been identified among 19 programs that could be deregulated by the state."

    Rick Perry's free market at work. Do you want an unregulated and unlicensed respiratory theory or rad tech working on you?

    Stories about this are hard to find but have been covered by the Wichita Falls newspaper and KAUZ-TV.

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    A ten year old child does not have the money to pay smugglers to get him from somewhere in Central America to the Texas or Arizona border. For thousands of kids from a bunch of Latin American countries to be brought across the border takes the work of a large organization, a cartel. Drug and crime cartels in Latin American are behind this, and the bigger question should be WHY? Then, there is the problem of what to do with the children. As a guest on MSNBC pointed out last night, a young child only knows Mommy and Poppy, not the names of his parents or where he lives. The job of returned these kids, let alone identifying all of them, is massive. How about the parents? Aren't they concerned about their kids? How about some reporters and government following up on this?

    As for Sarah, she is no bleeding heart compassionate anything. She used her own kids as props, the same way that the cartels are using these kids. Bristol's latest blog post shows poor Trig without his glasses. From the way that his head is turned and he is squinting, he can't see. If Sarah wants to complain about child abuse, start with that little boy.

    Sarah never offers solutions. After losing to Obama in 2008, her anger and venom have only grown worse. Now, when that crazy ex-POW wants to invade Iraq, remember that he also thought that Sarah could replace him in the presidency. OMG!

  21. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Did anyone see the picture Bristol posted on her Facebook? Title: And He Scooooores! There is a group sitting on a lawn. B. and Joe, center. It is posted June 13, who knows when it was taken? Tripp is said to be playing soccer. Todd and Trig are also there, it must be a staged scene to prove they are "happy" and "good" to Trig. He is not abused like the kids Sarah is using to wear her nurturing mama bear cred.

    What is alarming is the abuse victim to Bristol's right in a red shirt and brown hat. That poor thing has the legs of a starvation victim. No one cares to get it into treatment! Do they even make certain it is being fed? They don't care to send it a care package of cookies? It is afflicted with an insidious silent disease and no one will help it. Shocking!

    Why would anyone post that picture? Other than a photo op to prove B. goes to soccer with Tipp and she is proud. When is B. going to get a job?

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Job? Bristol's job is making babies.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Bristol Junker: what a moniker. UG

    3. BJ... how fitting

    4. Anonymous8:03 PM

      2:07 PM Bristol will fit her new initials: B J . She is experienced at that since Middle School.

    5. BJ... how fitting.

  22. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Just compare that photo to the one used on the earlier post with Trig. This is what hate does to a person; she went from being a fresh-faced beautiful woman to whatever that thing is in the picture above. Hate does not do a body good, obviously.

  23. Anonymous11:03 AM

    O/T Bill Maher Says What The Media Won’t: The Only Way Republicans Win Is By Cheating

    ...Maher said, “Let’s be honest. Republicans, the only way they win is they cheat. They cheat, and they stop people from voting. I mean, if you’re voting on a Tuesday. It’s a work day. It’s a horrible day to vote. Why can’t we do it on our phone? That’s such an anachronism that we actually have to go to a place on a work day. It’s ridiculous. We bank with our phone. I mean, if you made it easy, this country would look so different.

  24. Lack of compassion? What about those children whose parents just threw them across the border with out food, clothing or water. Where was their compassion? We are supposed to have compassion for those invading our country, demanding to be fed clothed and housed. Their governments should be arranging transportation back to their country of origin, instead of complaining about the food we serve them. You misuse a religion of peace for your own twisted goals of murder and mayhem. YOU ARE SCUM!

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Your moniker says it all. Fuck off.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Get a grip Sarah.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      "You misuse a religion of peace for your own twisted goals of murder and mayhem."

      I think the same could be said about you and your ilk.

    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Fuck off asshole. You are sick and heartless and need psychiatric care.

    5. Longie, these poor people (refugees) are coming from war torn countries. So yeah, people are going to flee to a more stable environment. Maybe you wouldn't. Damn straight they should be fed, cleaned up, clothed and sheltered while they are here.

      If we didn't we wouldn't be any better than the gop.

      Then the US will do what it has done for years...examine, interview, investigate then find their parent and/or relative.

      It ain't easy walking to the US, asshole. It's quite dangerous. You try it from Central and South America.

      I would like to drop you and the insufferable witch on a snow peak mountaintop.

      btw -- palin is DONE!

    6. Anonymous6:03 PM

      I bet "Longun" is a moniker like "Tiny" for the 300# guy. Bet "Longun" is in reality a 2"er.

    7. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Unused Longun is longing for some attention.

  25. Caroll Thompson11:38 AM

    I don't see any Republicans asking the shrew to stay in the party. Remember, Sarah was specifically not invited to the Republican Convention in 2012. They don't want her. No one wants her. But when she dies, there will be one who will want this demonic woman and it won't be Jesus.

    1. PalinsHoax12:57 PM

      Something tells me even the Diablo Rojo won't want anything to do with her. She is simply too toxic and vile. Besides, she smells.

  26. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I am a father of three children.

    I am very close to all three.

    This behavior, this act, this faith the fathers and mothers of these children have in my country is humbling.

    How can a mother entrusting her child to you be a bad thing?

    1. So true. It's like giving your child the last food or the last space on the life raft or pushing her out of the window burning house knowing you won't make it but praying she will.

      Our compassion as a nation has been tested the last few weeks. We haven't performed very well.

  27. Anonymous12:08 PM

    This is like in the wizard of oz and water is poured on the witch!!!!! no more power or influence seditious sarah you worthless excuse for a human!! Forget about your high priced speaking gigs all your followers have left is the change under their couch cushions, can't wait for the Boys will be Boys movie then maybe she will literally disappear

  28. Anonymous12:40 PM

    OH God!!! it just came to me, could $arah be threatening to leave the Repubs, just in case Hillary wants her as a VP pick? nawww! just seeing if you were paying attention.

  29. Randall1:13 PM

    Sarah Palin is already a footnote in history.

    From reading her ramblings and listening to her hateful rants on Fox News I conclude she believes she's furthering her historical significance.

    And she's right - but not in the way she assumes...

    I believe Sarah thinks her tirades are clever and witty discourses of political wisdom when in reality her rants are closer to what you'd get if you threw the writings of Ayn Rand, Hitler, and the Marquis de Sade into a wood-chipper and then had Charles Manson piece together the tatters.

    One more thing: I think the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and others of their ilk know they're lying.
    They're lying and they're doing it to make great big piles of money and they damn well know it.

    Whereas, I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin believes the wicked gibberish she vomits forth.

    Oh, History will remember Sarah Palin alright...
    but not as a savvy and wise person worthy of commenting on world affairs, but rather as the mean and nasty bitch she really is.

  30. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sarah called herself a bleeding heart compassionate mother. Now, check out Bristol's blog or facebook, showing the Palins watching Tripp's soccer game. Sarah just sits there, hugging her skinny legs, while it's Todd who is holding Trig. In fact, we usually see Todd hold Trig in the photos. (Never mind that Trig doesn't wear his glasses). The only photo of Sarah and Trig showed her clutching the child while he was heading off to school. The caption of the photos should have been, "Give me a kiss, you little kid, you."

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      "Pass me a baby. Not the retarded one."

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Look at her! Scrawny Sarah is the one dying. She put on some weight since last year.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      RAM corrected it for her. Originally Sarah wrote "Bleating Fart"

  31. Anonymous1:28 PM

    The issue with the undocumented children coming across the borders is not new. Even Fox News covered it last year. This has been going on for quite a while. It's organized. And, one has to wonder what the parents of those children must be thinking. Were they tricked into giving up their kids, thinking that they will get a free spot in the US? Did they give the children up under duress? How do you take a thousand kids away from their parents in a number of Central American countries, and transport them to the border Mexican border with the US?

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      The answers to your questions would be obvious if you had a heart.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      If I only had a heart. If you only had a brain. Let's visit the Wizard of Oz.

    3. Palin is a joke

    4. Anonymous7:52 PM

      "The issue with the undocumented children coming across the borders is not new. Even Fox News covered it last year."

      FUX News covering undocumented people coming across the border? You don't fucking say. I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya.

  32. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Her hatin' gig is winding down. As to be expected, as the money flow trickle slows down, as she gets less exposure in the media, she becomes more hateful. It's how the 'Palin Team' tries to rile up the bigoted cretins who send her money. Only idiots have take her seriously for quite a while. She is a pathetic pusillanimous joke wearing a 'momma grizzly' suit while hiding behind Facebook, Twitter, and (much more infrequently) Fox. She is a coward to the core; she is nothing more than a retarded and ignorant little girl filled with hate.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      She is definitely sounding more desperate every day. I think she's probably taking orders and money from the Kochists. This is her new job. The question is, how much can she afford to sling Mansour's way to make the mountain of flesh stop wobbling long enough to type out a diatribe for her. I think Sarah's trying to hang onto the money and that's why so much of her Facebook is simply unreadable. Nothing else makes sense.

      btw whatever happened to Sarah's token AA worshiper, the one with the bad frizz? What of her glamorous new Breitbart gig in a State far away from everyone who could identify her?

  33. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Honest to fucking Christ, I cannot think of a word strong and encompassing enough to describe my hatred and contempt for this so-called "woman." That picture sums up her lack of soul so completely. Think I'll have my way with it in Photoshop...

  34. Anonymous2:33 PM

    As crazy as her solution to the problem is, it's even crazier that she isn't embarrassed and ashamed to write this and sign her name to it. What kind of idiot thinks flying all these children (parentless) in private planes and dropping them off at an airport and wave ("bye-bye, see ya' later, alligators"), leaving them unfed, homeless, sick and alone is solving this problem? Her insanity knows no bounds.

    This Sarah Palin has really wrecked her life. She had it all, except a heart and a soul.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      That's the "pro-life" position, all right. Once they're out of the womb, screw 'em.

  35. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The KKK/Patriots have forever had a problem with emigrants . Previously, it was Italians, Irish, Jewish and Blacks. Now KKK/Patriots create problems and focus on anyone coming from south of the border.

    2. Many of the children in the facility in Nogales are being sent there by the State of Texas who wants nothing to do with them.

  36. Anonymous5:43 PM

    These are children. How could you just send them back without checking why/how they are here? What will they go back to? What if some have been living in a brothel? You can't just assume they all come from working 2 parent homes. Just because someone says they are an uncle and buys their passage, that doesn't mean it is true. A pimp could buy a ticket for a child. Human trafficking is a huge business, second only to drugs. There could be all kinds of nefarious tricks going on around this.

    How on earth did this happen? Where was the media and why did it take so long for this to come to the attention of the public?

    When there is a humanitarian crisis many times charitable people get together and have a fund drive. Refugee fundraising, is Sarah Palin organizing to help these children? Is she just going to use the children for her own selfish reasons? None of her rants make her look good, this one is particularly egregious.

  37. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Look at her mug in that photo. That is the essence of who she is ... a spiteful grammar school mean girl.

  38. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    I've read a lot of bullshit from her over the years, and that particular rant, and the attention it received, was the lowest I've ever seen another human being go on the "humanity" and "compassion" scale. These are innocent children caught up in a nightmare not of their making. I wonder how far one of her spawn would walk for a chance at a better life? The Emma Lazarus quote is what makes this country great.
    As a first generation child of immigrant parents who's lived the American Dream, I found her screed beyond the pale. She's a proud patriot who finds glee in the fact she crossed borders as a child for "Free health care".
    What a heartless, selfish and ignorant excuse for a human being.

  39. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I love that picture, with Sarah's hairpiece reflecting yellow in the sun. Sorry, Track calls it a "wiglet", which rhymes with "piglet", so let's just call it a piggly-wiggly...

  40. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Grandma, your makeup does not cover your blemishes very well.

  41. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I believe she may be hired to make faces.


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