Friday, June 06, 2014

Do you want to watch Joe Scarborough have a breakdown while arguing about Sgt. Bergdah's parenting? Of course you do.

Courtesy of Political Carnival:  

Rumors are rampant across the internet and cable chatters that Joe Scarborough might be heading for a forced vacation after his tirade over the parenting skills of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's father Robert on Morning Joe today. He suffered a total and quite embarrassing breakdown in an interface with Chuck Todd.

You know I am sometimes not terribly impressed with Chuck Todd, but you have to hand it to the Toddster for taking it right to Scarborough over his inflammatory remarks.

Oh and fuck Mika for being his constant enabler.

I mean for God's sake William Kristol is sitting right there and even he refuses to throw Scarborough a lifeline.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Bashir got fired for less.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Damn straight! Speaking of needing psychiatric help, JOE. And to think he is/was thinking about running in '16? Holy crap, I don't need THAT at the helm of my country!

    2. IOKIYAR..even on MSNBC, it seems. Joe is a piece of work. Not knowing the facts never troubles these people.They have a microphone and an opinion, and that's all they need.

    3. Fuck Joe Stupid. He needs to shut the fuck up and quit chastising people before the facts are out.
      That chicken shit never went into the service and still pontificates about how service people should lead their lives.
      I wonder if he would be so quick to throw his own kid under the bus.

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM

      What's his deal about parenting? If Joe cared about parent examples good or bad he would be on the Palins case 24/7. Did he ever say boo when a part naked Trig was dragged off a warm bus to make Sarah look like his mother as he froze?

      I hope the ghost of the dead woman found in Joe's office comes back to haunt him soon.

      What kind of a parent is Joe Scarborough? Mika did admit some gnarly parenting stuff.

    5. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Ahhh the perfect Nazi father! "Don't ay any attention to your conscience son!"

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Yikes, that was ugly. It was all about Obama. What a disingenuous twit.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    AGREED!! I too rarely agree with Chuck Todd these days but he stood up and defended his position with joe...mika, ugh, I've always suspected she's the mailman's kid, there's no way she could have sprung from the loins of an intellectual powerhouse like her father and turned out to be such a spineless, simpering "little woman"...

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I cannot stand Chuck Todd and stopped watching his stuff a long time ago. He makes ONE statement that is finally correct and spot on but it doesn't make him a good and/or changed announcer!

      He is an asshole and needs to be replaced!

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Disagree. Regardless of what happened on the show yesterday, Todd is about the most solid and trustworthy news person on the tube. He, Andrea Mitchell, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, you can't get any better than that quartet. Mika and Joe are in another field, somewhat more towards the entertainment field. I feel sorry for Willie, Mike, and some of the others that are good, having to be associated with Scarborough.

    3. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Andrea Mitchell? You have to be kidding! She is the worst - monotone voice - boring as hell! But, agree as to Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow! Those two are the very best! Joe and the blond need to be fired and their show completely done away with!

    4. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Chuck Todd? Barf 11:25. He is not an honest reporter at all. I put him in the same category as Joe! Just because he asked ONE good question among many - doesn't make him a solid reporter. I've seen him provoke, lie and shred the truth! Stopped watching him! Plus, he's not physically attractive - Joe is!

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I saw it happen and was thoroughly disgusted. No more Morning Joe for me until he gets the boot.

    What a disgrace he is.

    The best part is how he claimed he would never have let his son "desert" (as if that has even been proven.) First he'd have to have his son be brave enough to go in the first place.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      He means he would be like the McCains and the other miscreants that use the military.

      He wouldn't allow his connections in the military to charge his son with anything. Since the military does so many favors for right wing and war mongers they allow special people special favors.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Very true. W should have been charged with being AWOL Coming in 895 out of a class of 899, Little Johnny Mac would never have been allowed to fly, and crash 5 jets!!

    3. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Everyone needs to access MSNBC (if they can figure out how to do it - boy, are these networks protecting themselves from negative commentary in our world today!) and tell them to cancel Joe's show. He and the gal (never can remember her name!) need to go ASAP!

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Still unanswered questions about the dead girl in his office. Jeb Bush helped cover that up, brought in a coroner with a sketchy past to cover it all up.

    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Dr. Laura's son should have been given the boot. He was treasonous, misogynist and had his pictures of guns and forcing kids to suck dick as they watched our men shoot their families. Those pictures Deryk Schlessinger did were the worst ever. Poor kids having to witness the most gross things. Deryk also wrote hideous things about women, his school mates were sickened and said that was how he was. He hated women long before anyone heard of Elliot Rodger.

      1. Deryk while an American soldier in Afghanistan 2. Deryk doing public relations in Montecito.

      MySpace was fine with it also. Myspace protected the pervert where he posted the most vile and egregious things against children, women and Afghans. Murdock covered for the creep and he is free to go on with the fake front these psychos have going for them.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    This particular show needs to go! I stopped watching the two idiots a long, long time ago.

    The media and politicians are wrong, wrong, wrong in going after our POW and his parents! The kid has not even been interviewed and/or questioned at this point.

    Joe should be fired - over many, many things he has said throughout the years. The guy is an asshole and the female role lends nothing but support to Joe and his idiotic commentary. She should be embarrassed for herself. A subservient roll is ALL she is!

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      I enjoy a morning politics show, when the only other choices seem to be GMA or Today. The CNN show is so full of health ads that it is creepy. I just wish that maybe they promote Willie or Mike instead of Joe, but I think both of them have other things going on. Probably it should be shortened, and devoted more to a news review, politics, instead of letting Joe run roughshod and interject his opinion constantly. But I hope that morning 6 am political show remains an option.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      I check to see if Joe is on each morning. If he is on, I turn to our local channel or CNN. If he's not there, I may enjoy the show. Can't tolerate Joe.

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    There's something mental about that man [Joe].Maybe ok for a convo in your office, not on national tv.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      He is a mental. Like a psychopath. WTF was that young woman doing to end up dead in his office? Why does all that made it to the news make it look like a big cover up?

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      10:52 It was a cover up. Jeb Bush helped cover it up, I wonder what was in it for him??

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      MSNBC sucks. They do their part to cover up for criminals like Scarborough, who did a major cover up, whoever murdered the intern. MSNBC needs to vet their employees better. They are as vile as MySpace when they scratched all of Dr. Laura's Army kid Schlessinger's criminal evidence.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Is Joe Scarborough related to that Palin woman? IT sounds like he is the inflamatory twin of the "pariotic-righteous" wanna-be-teeny-bopper ....hmmmmm

  8. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I dislike Joe S. for many reasons. He really screwed his constituents in Florida when he quit and the expense of a special election was added to them to have to pay for. He is in my opinion, dishonest to say the least. No one has ever discovered what happened to the intern found dead in his Ft Walton Beach office. (This happened around the time of the Chandra Levy disappearance and not a lot of interest was completely overshadowed by that)
    He keeps saying he is a "father". Well, excuse my language but I think he is a piss poor one.
    Martin Bashir certainly did get fired for much less.

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Joe Scarborough is liar and he knows that he would NEVER abandon his son. It's nothing more than far-right-wing-tea-party talking points.

  10. Anonymous9:38 AM

    What a fucking loon.

  11. hedgewytch9:56 AM

    Wow. Talk about entitlement complex!! So he'd call his son's commander and say "get him help...move him to a station in Germany." Gee, must be nice to have that direct line to the military command. Think all parents will have that opportunity - wait, what am I thinking, of course parents have the ability to ask the military to move their kids "out of danger" - after all Sarah had Track taken care of....

    What A Tool. But I'm sure his contact is just fine at Fox.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Excellent point.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      "get him help...move him to a station in Germany."

      Yeah, that is how it is done in the military.

      I wonder how Sarah handled the problems with Track. She was best buds with the Alaskan National Guard. They would do anything for her. Cover up rape or what needs cover.

  12. TNBlueDot10:07 AM

    MSNBC should definitely bid Joe farewell.

    I watched the show back in '08 and '09, when they did have a balanced panel, with some interesting discussions. It has devolved into programming fit only for Fox, with lapdogs on the panel agreeing with Joe for the most part.

    One has to wonder what the MSNBC execs have in mind for the network.

    Loved Bashir and hated they allowed him to walk away. Now about the only thing worth watching is Rachel. The Cycle was good until they started giving Abby Huntsman too much time to be ugly... and she sure can be!

  13. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Scarborough needs to go to Fox or take up the Palin meme of hinting to run in 2016

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Oh, he's already hinting.

  14. Anonymous10:17 AM

    O/T but awesome! Our president is so LOVED by the world, by the troops, by world leaders, and it is very apparent as he brings honor and dignity to the scene on D-Day celebrations and memorials:

    The Cheer Heard Around The World

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      But but I thought he was seen as weak and dumb? That's what the RW says. That the US is no longer respected. You mean, they lied? Again?

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Joe's red faced rant was based on a lie. The father did not say "obey your conscience" in reference to any talk on deserting. Joe picked up tidbits that nitwits like Palin and Oreilly are frothing out, embroidered them yet more, and spewed it all out on Morning Joe. It was pathetic, but these people seem like they are trying to get someone murdered. He constantly interrupts, browbeats, snarls, barks, and generally seems to think a "show" is required on the "show". Poor Mika acts like a browbeaten wife on the verge of divorce, timidly trying to interject and all but asking permission from him to occasionally voice her own opinion, lest she cause an outburst from Joe. Really, it's a typical syndrome, browbeating the "wife"......"Do you want me to get MAD???" . Time for a programming change. The title "Morning Joe" was very clever, and during the 2012 election the show was thriving with good guests and opinion. But now, you have to check to see if Joe is on set, if so, just go watch CNN or better yet put on some Mozart and turn off the TV. In truth, about the only shows I watch on MSNBC these days are Chris Hayes & Rachel, and will watch Ari Melber until ODonnell comes back.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      So agree with you - as to MSNBC. Chris Matthews should be fired! Hayes and Maddow are the best and I also like the Reverend Sharpton.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Matthews should not be fired. He has a particular strong slot, he is oriented towards electoral subjects, he's a cracker jack on history, knows more political history than the rest of them combined. But recently he's been kind of foaming at the mouth too, I'll probably wait awhile to watch him during the next elections, he's top notch at political history, commentary, JMO. I don't listen to Sharpton or the one at 5 pm unless it's by accident.

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Like you, I've cut back on MSNBC since the Martin Bashir firing. Scarborough deserves firing far more than the gentle soul they used in the hopes of attracting conservative viewers. It won't work boys cause the right wingers despise MSNBC so much that you could move the entire Fox crew over there and it wouldn't help. Not sure what they promised Chris Matthews to defect to the RWNJ mindset but I won't miss his sputtering and constant interruptions. I believe he is headed for first stage dementia.

      I will continue to DVR Rachel and Hayes or catch them online but my days of enthusiastically supporting MSNBC are over. Someone mentioned a year or so ago that the new head of the network was a rabid conservative. I now believe it.

    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Chris Matthews rating have dropped substantially as have that of MSNBC. Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes are their best.

      Suspect Chris Matthews will be the next to be let go. He's gotten weird and rancid. I use to like him years ago, but no longer. He's hurting himself and they should let him go before he goes down the dark hole further and has nothing left. Sad to watch his demise, but it is occurring!

    5. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I am impressed with Melber. I wish they'd work him into prime time, not daytime. Hope they don't let him go when ODonnell comes back He said once that he didn't expect to have a show more than 3 years, and I think he acts bored with it. Melber is something special, look up his biography. He is great at interviews, asks tough questions.

  16. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I appreciate that Chuck Todd tried to stop the attack on the father but, if that's all he did, he was as grossly negligent as was Scarborough.

    I'm more upset about the basis for Scarborough's tirade--his fact-free, prejudicial, and possibly erroneous assumptions and presumptions that 1) Bergdahl was a deserter and 2) the email exchange was unquestionably about deserting.

    Hopefully, Chuck Todd, the reporter, brought the conversation back to the facts of the email and vilified Joe for his contemptible folly.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Chuck wasn't even on set, he was at a remote location, and Scarborough was shouting so loud and cutting Chuck off, there's no way he could get in more words than he did, Scarborough controlled the set.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Am I the only one that doesn't like or respect Chuck Todd? I've seen him through the years say hateful and untruthful stuff - supposedly his knowledge of the White House and President Obama. Don't trust him OR the asshole Joe!

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Thanks 10:57!

  17. Anonymous10:30 AM

    FYI, it looks like nobody picked up that nasty screed from Sarah yesterday, not so far anyway. It was so toxic and vile maybe no one wanted to touch it. Google News isn't covering it, just the one from the day before that she was pimping Bristol's blog, but nothing so far about her disrespectful attack on Bergdahl and our president.

    Usually Politico covers her, and there's nothing on that post, no is HuffPost covering it. I suspect Breitfart is, but I don't sully my browser with that crap. Mediaite isn't covering that post, and neither is Buzzfeed. So the ones that generally give her space, aren't.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Wonkette didn't even play with it. And she didn't get a spot on Fox. My prayer was answered. Does this mean God loves me more than he loves Sarah?

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I wish thousands of people would write to all media and ask specifically about Sarah Palin's Bergdahl screed. Just because some are smart enough to ignore the idiot that doesn't mean her venom isn't destroying this country and the world.

      That particular screed is who she is and it should not be forgotten or ignored.

    3. angela11:29 AM

      Actually Anon 11:10
      The only thing that makes the Witch of Wasilla melt is when people ignore her. Palin always says vile things. Why would we want more Palin poison out there? But to be fair--your idea kinda sounds like a PR person's dream . . . . for Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I read the first part of it, more anger and bile towards the president, trying to rouse the military to hate him. Yuck, what a vindictive woman, get over it Sarah, you lost, and lost big.

    5. Anonymous11:39 AM

      11:10 Her last Facebook posting didn't get recognition and I think there is a reason for it. It's way past being too vile and hateful. I don't want the media to give her any verification by printing it!

      She needs to be stopped and the only way to do it is not give her any notice in print, TV channels or radio.

    6. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Sad that won't happen.

      Media may ignore one crazy insane rant but they will still report on her as the great mother of Trig and her wonderful combat vet type mentions. Her beautiful daughters, how did she raise such a fabulous family and manage her political career. She is not going away for one FB post. They will keep all her positive recycling and hope anything else is forgotten.

  18. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Maybe @9:25 or someone else who watched the show can tell us whether they read the emails on-air. Just listening to this clip you think the emails are:
    Son: 'Hey, dad, I hate America. I'm planning to desert.'
    Father: 'Sure, son. Obey your conscience.'

    If the Morning Joe audience could possibly come to the above conclusion, Joe, Mika, Chuck Todd, and the show producers were all negligent.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      The source of all of this is the rolling stone Hasting's article, I think in 2012 it's easy to find. Hastings, who unfortunately died in a car wreck recently, went through some of the emails between father and son, but none of the emails support what Scarborough said, ie none show that the father said "obey your conscience" in response to the son saying he was planning to desert. In fact, the son didn't even say that. Hastings concluded that the son's emails seemed ominously suicidal. It was clear that Joe had picked a few hate tidbits from the wingers and based his hate tirade against the father on those. There was no fact in his rant, furthermore, sure, I'd like first to see any of his own family in uniform, and then I'd like to see Joe pick up the phone after a cranky email from his kid, and call the general to tell the Army the kid needs to be flown immediately to Germany. This guy needs a time out. I noticed today that he was practically silent, obviously ashamed, but not ashamed enough to apologize to the father and to his viewers.

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Thank you for providing more background on the emails and for your thoughts on Scarborough.

      I read the Hastings article but missed Hastings conclusion about suicide. My experience with Calvinism and several things in the article led me to wonder if Bowe's email expressed a disillusionment with evangelizing others. His father's response about 'conscience' would fit in that context.

    3. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Read it again. I don't remember if this came from Hasting's article, but the kid was home-schooled and they were heavily into philosophy, and the emails reflected that. The kid (soldier, not trying to make him into a boy), related some things that really bothered him, ie the troops had somehow accidently run over a little Afghan boy with a tank or some other machine, and Bowe was upset about their jokes afterwards. He said a lot of stuff that he might not have said if he had known that the emails would be published. He said a lot of things, and then the last email from his father had on the subject line "follow your conscience". In the email the father said things like (paraphrased) "seek out likeminded people", when Bowe had been complaining about other people in his unit. It was not clear at all that the advice about "obey your conscience" (or follow) was oriented towards any possible desertion.

  19. Anonymous11:03 AM

    All because an American POW will be coming home.

    They are losing their minds and practically DEMANDING that someone 'stop Barack'. I don't like the sound of this for the obvious reasons, but I grow very concerned at the crazy people that could take this to another level, the A word, if you know what I mean. It's so unhinged and off the charts, this writer for Barbwire:

    Religious Right pundit Gina Miller wrote in BarbWire today that President Obama “or whatever his name is’ is “a lawless enemy of the United States” and “part of God’s judgment on us.”

    Miller called on God to stop the president:, “Who will stop Barack Obama? Can he be stopped? I don’t believe he can, unless the Lord Himself stops him” then she went on to compare Obama to Adolf Hitler.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      I don't like the sound of this for the obvious reasons, but I grow very concerned at the crazy people that could take this to another level,

      My thoughts exactly 11:03

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      If anything ever happens to President Obama there will be war on the streets and I'll be out there with them!

      We have some pretty awful Republicans in our midst that includes their being: haters - racists - liars - and the weirdest thing of all - CHRISTIANS - which, of course, they are NOT!

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Ditto that. So many really crazy people out there monitoring the hate sites, getting ideas, getting pumped up. I remember when OReilly kept calling Dr. Tiller a "baby killer", and then, sure enough, one of the wingers went to his CHURCH and killed him.

    4. Anonymous12:37 PM

      It is hard to believe so many people would prefer a header like

      Last American POW dies in captivity.

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      All because an American POW will be coming home.

      The last American POW. In captivity for 5 years, since he was 23.

      Sgt Bergdahl will always be a historical character. How we treat our last POW speaks volumes about our country and the individuals that are having their say.

  20. I find it interesting that multi-millionaire conservatives always think they have the higher ground about judging others lives. They are wing chair patriots. Why? There is probably zero chance Joe's kid would ever join the military because most rich people's children rarely join the military anymore unless they have a a family history of high ranking officers in their background.

    If my kid was being held for five years I'd crawl on my belly and do anything I could for him. What would Joe do so it wouldn't happen? Yell at the commanding officer to do his bidding . . . Idiotic man.

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    This gives you an idea of why the administration didn't go to Congress with this plan. It wouldn't have happened at all, and the soldier probably would have died in captivity, which is exactly what they would have liked to have happen, so they could blame President Obama for as well.

    Draft-Dodging Swiftboater Saxby Chambliss Confirms That Obama Can’t Trust Republicans

    In the middle of yet another Romney-esque change in positions due to the GOP weathervane pointing due opposite of President Obama on any and all issues, Republican Senator and draft-dodger Saxby Chambliss said that if he had been told of the exchange of the Gitmo prisoners for Sgt. Bergdahl, he’d have raised “holy hell” in “public opposition”.

    If he had gotten notice, Chambliss said he would have gone public in opposition — just as he did two years ago when rumors of the release of Taliban fighters from Guantanamo rippled through Washington.

    “I’d have raised holy Hell,” he said. “Absolutely. I did last time and I would again.”

    ...So Saxby Chambliss of Georgia confirmed the White House’s fear that they can’t trust the Republicans in Congress.

    President Obama can’t trust this Congress because Republicans have shown time and time again that they will do anything to put the President in a precarious situation. They will reduce funding to embassies and then blame him when one is attacked. They will not give him what he asked for to run the VA or pass Independent or Democratic VA bills and then blame him when the VA is backed up. They will out classified information in hopes of creating chaos, even when it endangers lives, as Darrell Issa did.

    The problem this creates is that the Congress is not functioning at all as a check on the White House, because they are giving the White House every reason to override them. Their constant obstructionism and refusal to do anything for the country because they hate losing national elections has created a situation where the President has to go around them in order to do the right thing; in this case, bringing Bergdahl home.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Republicans in our U.S. Congress are a sick group of assholes! Vote them out of office very chance you get, Americans!

      They have done nothing but damage President Obama, women, the poor and middle class. America is becoming a third world nation and it is because of THEM not President Obama!

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      The administration will never say it, but of course they couldn't advise congress 30 days ahead of time. Chambliss et al would have wrecked the deal and/or gotten the soldier killed. It had to be a secret. Also, it was already known by congress for years, which 5 were to be bargained for, etc. What despicable people McCain, Chambliss, and all the rest are.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      If I were President Obama, I'd do everything I could, in the office he holds, w/o the approval of the U.S. Congress. They are horribly against him as a whole and it's been proven time and time again throughout the years. The Republicans want him to fail even though the majority elected him TWICE!

      The very last one I'd listen to is the squealer John McCain. He needs to be put out of his misery and NOT reelected - he's way past due for retirement. His legacy is going to be horrible - Sarah Palin - etc., etc.
      The guy is getting worse and worse - dementia - Alzheimers? He's a friggin' mess and NOT representative of the majority! He's an embarrassment to our country and has always been!

    4. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Agreed. He should do every single thing he can legally do, even if alone, on immigration, gay rights, job creation, veterans benefits, education, etc. Every single thing. History will approve. Let them threaten him with impeachment. After all they've done to him and said about him in 6 years, let them try to impeach the 1st black president. Go for it.

  22. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sgt. Bergdahl Tried To Escape The Taliban Twice

    Former Gitmo Prosecutor Explains Why Bergdhal Deal Was Great For America

    Col. Morris Davis, the former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay, explains that with the Afghanistan war ending we’re going to have to release the detainees, as there will be no legal ability to hold them. But we got something in return for five of them. These are men who otherwise may have been released anyway, while leaving an American soldier behind.

  23. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Sarah Palin Advises Bowe Bergdahl To Buy Rosetta Stone, Learn To Speak ‘KickAss'


    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      The bitch is being protected by the Alaska government - governor that is up for reelection - Sean Parnell - is her buddy and has always been!

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      I guess that was supposed to be clever of that horrid fat unisex chick that writes Palin's screeds, but early on, one of the articles on Wapo or NYT pointed out that Bowe had worked with Rosetta Stone programs for the Pashtu and 2 other local languages. That's where RAM got that. What's more apropos is that Palin should get the Rosetta Stone program in English, the one for people who speak English as a Second Language.

  24. Anonymous11:21 AM

    No, they didn't read the emails on air, and no one corrected him when he shouted deserter and that people were killed because of the son. (Which also is a murky allegation, the NYT wrote on that one yesterday, pointing out that the war was ramped up 3 months earlier because of the surge, worth reading that article). Chuck was objecting to Joe's attack on the father. Joe said that the father talked about killing Americans. That's what set Chuck off, he interrupted Joe, tried to stop him from talking about the father "in here", meaning in this program. No one stood up for the son at all, it was a criticism of Obama putting his arms on the backs of the mother and father as they walked out of the Rose Garden. Mika was all for bashing Obama on that, but Joe insisted on his filthy attack on the father, saying he was a bad father, stuff like that. It was sordid and this is pretty much what some of these news shows have become. Mika was on the show as sole host a couple of days ago and ran into the ground how we are all going to be so unsafe because these particular 5 Taliban are now loose. Joe, too, the next day foaming at the mouth. Yet now it's coming out that those particular 5 men have always been the ones chosen for the prisoner exchange, it was even reported on in the MSM a couple of years ago, even photos of them posted, and McCain was OK with it. The entire congress and their staffs would have to claim blindness to say they didn't know about the trade. The only surprise was that Obama did it without giving them the 30 day notice for gitmo releases. They knew all about it before, every last chicken shit one of them. I got a kick out of the photos on the front of the FAUX news site, photos of some military action that someone who, of course, wants to remain anonymous, the photos are supposed to show the search for Bowe. One of the photos is of a latrine on fire! That's how low Fox has gone, supposedly the Taliban used that latrine...blah blah blah

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Ugh! I hate the U.S. media. I'm ashamed of many in Congress. If Bowe Bergdahl was upset about a military vehicle running over an Afghan child and upset with U.S. troops mocking Afghan citizens, I'm right there with him. Sometimes, being ashamed of America is the mark of patriotism, ethics, and morality.

    2. TNBlueDot12:26 PM

      Exactly! Well said.

  25. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I'm pretty sure that Joe has a substance abuse issue; probably drinking. I glance at the show (with sound off) at the gym every so often and he looks puffy a lot of the time in the mornings.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I hated watching that show and it has been awhile. Is his nose still bulbous red?

      The part with Mika is what turned me off. I can't stand the part she plays. It is sickening. I guess that is her but she has no back bone and she does that 'little woman' to her superior a-hole man thing. Once in a while they would do a skit as if she was making her point and standing up. It was never convincing or when it would matter. It was a sickening pathetic show, that is for sure. Looks like it has only worsened.

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Yep, Absolut Vodka.

    3. Anonymous10:32 PM

      I'll say Joe is conflicted. He wants to be a liberal democrat and he is terrified his mother's God will strike him out into some coma state where he knows all that is going on around him but he can't move a muscle on his body. He is too painful to watch.

  26. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Chris Hayes Mocks O’Reilly’s ‘Blatant Islamophobia’ over Bergdahl’s Dad

    Hayes proceeded to mock O’Reilly by wondering if he considers the Duck Dynasty guys, ZZ Top, or The Dude to be similarly Muslim-looking. And he ended with a sharp dig at O’Reilly, the author of a number of historical books.

    “If Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ have inappropriate Muslim-looking beards like this, then someone needs to look into the guy who wrote two sympathetic books about them. I’ll be waiting for the Factor investigation.”

    Watch the clip below, via MSNBC:

  27. Doesn't surprise me about Joe. he has a temper problem. The one I remember seeing was in 2008 with David Schuster. These two guys got into it, and I don't think Schuster was ever on Morning Joe, again.

    I found a youtube clip of it:

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Thanks, that was incredible. what a bully.

  28. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'd hate to be that asshole's wife.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Or his son.

    2. He got a quiet divorce last year. I think its his second one.

    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      11:51 AM

      He keeps changing them. He is horrible.

  29. Anonymous12:00 PM

    COMPLETELY O/T but very satisfying read on the state of things in Obamacare land:

    Memo to GOP: The War over Big Government health care is over, and you lost

    The federal government has released new data on Medicaid enrollment showing that with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, six million Americans were added to the program’s rolls. That’s six million low-income people who now have health coverage, who can see a doctor when they need to and who don’t have to worry about whether an accident or an illness will send them spiraling into utter financial ruin.

    The numbers reveal something else, too, something that should horrify conservatives: we’re well on our way to health-care socialism.

    Okay, that’s an exaggeration. But only a slight one. And at a time when the press is realizing that Republicans are losing their taste for anti-Obamacare bloviating (more on that in a moment), it shows that Bill Kristol’s nightmare has nearly come true.

  30. Willing to bet that Joe's son was sacrificed to Joe's career. So of course Joe can do talking points. My heart aches for the Bergdahls, and Bowe. The simple fact is 23yo men make mistakes. Also, I wonder if Joe ever met any of the basket cases that came back from Vietnam. Prolly not. He would have been leading the "man-up" cadre.

    1. ibwilliamsi12:56 PM

      Joe would have been spitting them on the street.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      So true, Chena. HE'd be wailing and pulling political strings like crazy.
      And ibwilliamsi, the entire GOP reaction reminds me of VietNam soldiers returning with civilians spitting on them and calling Viet Nam "not a REAL war". Disgusting and uncalled for.

  31. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Susan Rice Fires Back At Republican Critics Trying To Benghazi Her On Bergdahl

    1. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

      Good for Her. She's absolutely right.

  32. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "In the second-to-last paragraph of the e-mail, Bowe wrote about his broader disgust with America's approach to the war – an effort, on the ground, that seemed to represent the exact opposite of the kind of concerted campaign to win the "hearts and minds" of average Afghans envisioned by counterinsurgency strategists. "I am sorry for everything here," Bowe told his parents. "These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live." He then referred to what his parents believe may have been a formative, possibly traumatic event: seeing an Afghan child run over by an MRAP. "We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them."

    Bowe concluded his e-mail with what, in another context, might read as a suicide note. "I am sorry for everything," he wrote. "The horror that is america is disgusting." Then he signed off with a final message to his mother and father. "There are a few more boxes coming to you guys," he said, referring to his uniform and books, which he had already packed up and shipped off. "Feel free to open them, and use them."

    On June 27th, at 10:43 p.m., Bob Bergdahl responded to his son's final message not long after he received it. His subject line was titled: OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!

    "Dear Bowe," he wrote. "In matters of life and death, and especially at war, it is never safe to ignore ones' conscience. Ethics demands obedience to our conscience. It is best to also have a systematic oral defense of what our conscience demands. Stand with like minded men when possible." He signed it simply "dad."

    Read more:

  33. ibwilliamsi12:55 PM

    Sounds as though Joe is arguing against home schooling. YAY! His audience needs to hear that.

  34. TNBlueDot1:10 PM

    I suggest we all let Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC, know how we feel about the trash that is Morning Joe.

    These are emails I've used in the past:

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      SO AGREE... Thanks.

  35. Caroll Thompson2:01 PM

    I used to watch Morning Joe every weekday getting ready for work. But I just cannot watch anymore because of Joe. And Mika is not much better. A couple of idiots who never served on day in the military and they know all about how this soldier and his family should act. Bullshit. The other day instead of watching any news, I watched Tabatha Takes Over on Bravo. It was better than watching all these chicken hawks come down on a soldier who spent five long years as a POW.

  36. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Mika has issues, none of which are newsworthy. She and slow Joe are top candidates for intensive therapy. Neither of them has any business on cable TV posing as pundits.

  37. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

    Call 212-664-2333 along with their sponsors and demand the show be axed. I was on the phone, on hold twice. Take down the names of the people you talk with, along with the time and what was said..
    Scarborogh needs to go, and be replaced with someone sane, like Martin Bashir. Joe's talking out of his piehole and what's with the new blonde highlights? Is he pushing a book or something?
    Don't even get me started with Mika. She wrote an excellent book for working women and girls called "know your worth", after finding out Joe was making much much much more than she was (hello!!! The show's got his name on it, and I was shocked that Joe called her and offered to split the difference. I've lost all respect for both of them, and haven't watched them in a long time, but msnbc would be better served with three hours of dead air than an idiot like him.
    Bergdahl's Parents shouldn't be part of it, period. The father grew the beard originally to protest and show solidarity for his son. The father actually WENT to SCHOOL TO LEARN THE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE to show the captors respect AND to build their trust. If one of Joe's kids were there, he'd be wiping white maalox spittle from the corners of his mouth, calling every political string he could to get his son preferential treatment and acting like a preppie ball of hysteria.
    Good on the entire panel for their refusal to bail him out or give one iota of attention to his tantrum.

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Thank you. You are right about this matter. i hope peeps will call 212-664-2333 and don't let up until things improve. Thank you.

      This is a very serious matter. Destructive peeps have too much air time. That will never help.

  38. Anonymous6:36 PM

    How the Treatment of Bowe Bergdahl Will Destroy the Republican Party

    ...When all is said and done, we have to ask what do Republicans hope to accomplish with this smear campaign?

    In the short run: Exactly that. A smear campaign to score cheap political points. However, just like the government shutdown, the Republican Party has used its blind hatred of our President to fail to see the forest through the trees. When the dust settles, history will look back on this time period and will absolutely rip apart the Republican Party for stooping so low as to attack an American soldier and his family. The hypocrisy from the right has been staggering and people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham are being made to look like exactly what they are: Foolish, hypocritical, and unpatriotic. In an effort to jump aboard this smear campaign, the Republican Party and their talking heads in the media have gone past the point of no return and have attacked an American serviceman and his family. No matter what the outcome of this event is, there can be no denying the utter disrespect that the Republican Party has shown to a man in uniform. It is this watershed moment where the Republican Party’s utter hatred and disdain for our commander-in-chief finally reached a tipping point and led us to a conclusion we never thought possible six years ago:

    The Republican Party has decided it will no longer be the party that unanimously supports the American military.

  39. Anonymous10:10 PM

    deux pénis de tonalité

  40. Anonymous10:35 PM

    There is no reason that Hillary Clinton has to say the words Sarah Palin ever again. It is the past, 2008 is long time ago.

    What matters is that a country was duped.
    Never forget.

  41. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The nation is being duped by NBC promoting Chuck Todd as if he were actually a journalist. Mr Todd himself indicates that finding facts and truth is not his job. Thus he admits to not being a journalist. He basically lacks any ethics whatsoever and is DISQUALIFIED!


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