Friday, June 06, 2014

It's D-Day which means another opportunity to Sarah Palin to pander to the military, a day after she attacked the President for getting one of them released from captivity.

You might be surprised to learn that I am not going to attack Palin for her ghostwritten Facebook post pandering to the military and to the conservatives.

It's actually fairly innocuous and non-controversial, so there is really nothing much to criticize about it.

In fact I would have probably simply given her a pass today.

If it were not for yesterday's post.

Yesterday she went on a vicious tirade against the President of these United States for getting the last POW out of Afghanistan. A soldier who she accused, without benefit of a trial, of being a deserter and a traitor.

One has to wonder how these men that Palin is so hot to be seen honoring on Facebook today, men who know first hand the terrors of war, would respond to her attacks against the President and against a fellow soldier held in captivity for five long years?

It is hard to imagine that they would condone the smearing of a soldier's name even before he had the chance to be heard, or the attacks on a sitting US President in a time of war.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What I found most entertaining about her FB tirade to President Obama was that she wrote it as if he was actually going to read it. She addresses him personally throughout the post. I am quite sure our President doesn't read Sarah Palin's FB posts, even if she likes to act as if he does.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Sarah Palin is a gnat. Brushed away as the pest she is. She's throwing daily tantrums to get his attention, but he won't ever give her any, and it makes her nuts.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      :) how true...she's vermin.

    3. I just realized that she is not just fantasizing about forcing the President to pay attention to her. When she scolds him directly in her idiotic facebook screeds, I'm sure her few remaining slack-jawed followers actually picture her doing exactly that.

      To them, she is still The Governor and some sort of active force in politics that the Powerful Washington Elite must pay attention to and defer to.

      And what do they do? They reward her with donations for literally telling him off to his face.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    She's just jealous that Barack is getting standing ovations and huge cheers in Europe, so she has to post her usual attention getting crap. But HE is in the world, not hiding behind a facebook post. He is hugging and shaking hands and speaking and being recognized for the superior man and leader that he is. Poor Putin didn't get any attention, since ALL the vets were cheering Barack. It's gotta drive her round the bend that he is so loved and admired around the world. And she is a laughingstock.

    Our president is so LOVED by the world, by the troops, by world leaders, and it is very apparent as he brings honor and dignity to the scene on D-Day celebrations and memorials:

    The Cheer Heard Around The World

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Sarah Palin is Alaskan Independence Party.

      It is the AIP way to smear a soldier's name even before he has a chance to be heard, or the attacks on a sitting US President in a time of war.

      Sarah is revealing how much she hates America.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      In the cheer-heard video, you can notice President Obama thoughtfully shorten his stride to match his young escorts. He is many things, but above all he is kind.

    3. Sara Williamson2:35 PM

      You are so right. That is one of the things that I treasure about him. He is indeed KIND.

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Sarah is getting slammed BIGTIME all over the internet. Any articles that are posted, just check the comments and people are pretty much, across the board, telling her to shut the fuck up, to go away and to stop being so damn hypocritical. Quitter that she is, no one is buying her crap anymore. Even her 'defenders' are in short supply on these sites I'm reading, and NO ONE has picked up her nasty screed from yesterday. They're making fun of Bristol and the post she did with her scrawny mother saying 'WTF'. Overall, the internet seems to have decided they are fed up with ol' Skank and her nasty offspring Bristdull.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      She's getting slammed for the Bristol-Sarah tag team post from a few days ago. Getting slammed is food and air to her.

      Yesterday's post was mostly ignored and that will eat her alive. What will she do next to demand attention?

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:38 PM

      Yup 12:20, and didn't Mrs. Forever 21 post a Facebook epic recently, bashing selfies and suggesting that "girls" do something constructive like gut fish instead? And yet...on and on it goes..

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Someone at Wonkette said Bristol using WTF means who to fuck?Suitable.

    4. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I'll give Sarah credit for one good thing. She didn't slap her PAC's logo on the World War II photos. Maybe she learned her lesson.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Soldier Trashing Bergdahl Received ‘Other Than Honorable’ Discharge

    Josh Korder, a former Army sergeant from Minnesota who served with Bowe Bergdahl, signed a non-disclosure agreement, and admits he may be in violation of that by speaking out. He also left the service with an “other than honorable” discharge.

    'We are listening to a 'dishorable discharged' soldier discussing military honor. We have lost our minds. Next wife beaters talking about domestic abuse.'

    'Worse. We're listening to guys like this asshole, disgraced and traitorous ex-military members like McCain and North, and Chickenshit Chickenhawks throw this POW under a bus without an actual fact in sight. Disgraceful.'

    'He signs a non-disclosure agreement, than goes on the news...Hmmm...not surprising he left the military with a "other than honorable" record.'

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      McCain and North, Reagan, Bush, Rummie, Cheney

      I wish they were all tried and convicted for all they did.

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Convicted and Executed! Look at all the deaths they caused - Americans and so many others! Hateful deeds by all of them.

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Does anyone want to post a reminder about the Palin Family's good friend, Morlock, and what he did???? He didn't desert; he murdered. Which is worse?

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yeah, Sarah, how about Jeremy Morlock? How about Abu Graib? How about the hundreds of other intances where a soldier or a few raped and murdered innocent civilians?

      Sarah is so shallow that she will say "waterboarding is how we baptise terrorists" and think she is being cute.

      How horrible if she had become VP and said such inflamatory things.

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Sarah Palin never mentions Jeremy Morlock, it is not allowed. I think Todd dated the mother or someone close to Jeremy. Perhaps there are DNA matters that link the families? Sarah would not want a discussion on any of it.

      Bristol has remained close to April Morlock. Who was Track's buddy in the Morlock family? Did they hunt together? Jeremy did not treat women well. He has a child he abandoned due to his crimes. Did Jeremy and Track have the same recruiter?

      Willow must have hated the Morlocks or been mad when she trashed their house. She was so lucky her parents got her out of that one. It was something like $40-50,000 in damages. That is one nasty family.

    6. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Abu Graib was so horrific that by the time Morlock's insane murderous sprees happened no one wanted to be reminded of that part of war. Abu Graib was a tremendous help for both Jeremy Morlock and Sarah Palin. Had the public paid more attention to Morlock's thrill kills and trophy collections it would not have been a good thing for Sarah Palin.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Her 'angry faithless kick God out of our public square' written word.......does she know that some who died on D-Day may have not had faith in God? Or they may have been of another religion? Does she thank the 'faithless' or the gays who gave their lives? Or are they not eligible in her warped mind?

    Is everything Sarah says continually black and white? She sees the world as 'those without faith' = BAD, and those with faith = GOOD. She seems to believe that war is an honorable thing. She pushes this programmed idealogy, whether she believes it or not. She thinks she's extremely patriotic because she thinks God loves the US more than any other nation and makes her feel special and exceptional. While God (according to bible) loves a righteous cause, and when men put their lives on the line for others, that is a righteous cause. But, Sarah insists on continually romanticizing and glorifying war.

    My uncle was there on D-Day. He didn't come home full of inspiration and self-righteousness. He was a broken man all his life until his death, albeit he was also a christian man who knew that whatever he may have done right or wrong in his lifetime, if he asked forgiveness, it was obliged, and he went home in peace. But to tell veterans that they are the 'kick-ass' brave heroes, does not always get them inspired. Most of them can't rejoice, as they remember the pain of leaving their best friends behind, lying in a bloody mess.

    It's so tiring to hear Sarah Palin turn the military machine into some kind of God-machine. If she understood her bible, she'd know that the affairs of this world have no honor in God's eyes, because somewhere, some innocents will be casualties of hate and war.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      If Sarah Palin really followed the teachings of the Bible, she and her daughters would be 'stoned' for their unwed sex and fatherless bastards.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Maybe the Duck Bible will include passages that deal with the evil of promiscuous women and girls. And how they should be dealt with....

    3. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      I had an uncle who fought at normandy, and I have to admit that I was too young and foolish to listen to what little he DID choose to share. I feel some guilt and shame and always remember him when D Day comes around. He was into war movies, books and memorabilia and we rented Private Ryan, and it was then that I realized the enormity of it all and why he shared so little.

      I wonder if, during some quiet moment, Sarah feels anything at all about the many lies and hoaxes she's done for the greater glory of money?

    4. Anonymous6:21 AM

      I wonder if, during some quiet moment, Sarah feels anything at all about the many lies and hoaxes she's done for the greater glory of money?

      Yes Anita, one of her personalities does- Hence the being eaten up from the inside. She literally can not stomach food when that personality is control. Another personality covers up the fear with drugs.

  6. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Sarah Palin has NO right taking up space in America and in Alaska specifically! She is one disgusting human (is she that?) being that makes me literally want to barf every time I see her photo!

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      She lives in Arizona, not Alaska.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Alaskans have the goods on her. Their Governor keeps her crimes covered up.

    3. Anonymous5:01 PM

      "Alaskans have the goods on her. Their Governor keeps her crimes covered up....."
      .... from the rest of the world.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The D-Day veterans looked very happy...even greet and be honored by our President today.

    1. Sally inMI2:04 PM

      Yes. It seems we are far more respected in Europe than you'd think if all you watched was Fox.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      My dad attended several D-Day ceremonies in Normandy and was thanked by many dignitaries. It did mean a lot to him, especially because he felt he was there for all the guys that did not come back, many hardly more than boys like himself.

      The respect of his enemies meant something as well. This was a comment on the activities of his outfit in the Italian campaign:

      Entry found in the diary of a German officer killed at Anzio:

      "American parachutists -- devils in baggy pants -- are less than 100 meters from my outpost line. I can't sleep at night; they pop up from nowhere and we never know when or how they will strike next. Seems like the black-hearted devils are everywhere..."

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM


    Why is that dumb fuck running her mouth again on Facebook? Could it be because Sarah doesn't have any more high school graduations to go to? Could it be because Amazing America is through with her? Maybe Sarah doesn't want to spend quality time with Trig or her family? I know why, Sarah is still pissed off that the black man in the White House kept the red neck village idiot from the job she felt was her destiny.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Sarah Palin said that Trig is the best thing that happened to her. Sure doesn't look like it. If Sarah can't stand to be a mother to Trig then maybe Sarah should give him back to his mom?

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Hopefully she can get another interview with Mario soon.

  9. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Oh Queen of STUPIDITY, we can set our watches by your opportunism.

  10. Anonymous12:51 PM

    It's one thing to criticize the Commander-in-Chief. We get to do that in America. Sarah and others are free to talk trash, to denigrate him and his right to hold that office; but to do so, especially when we're at war, shows them to not care a whit about the troops who are under his command and care. And for such trash to come from a former VP candidate potentially endangers our troops.

    She's a cockroach and a troll and really isn't worth the effort to read or write about until such time as she's humiliated into permanent hiding.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      President Obama doesn't give a crap about Sarah Who. She's a loser looking for attention.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      She commits treason continually. Much like her husband, the AIP long-time member that wants Alaska to secede from the union!

      She needs to be brought up short - put on trial for all of her evil doings and put to a painful death in public view of all Americans.

      She - more than anyone else - needs to be made an example!

      HELL awaits her - the door has been open for her arrival for many years!

    3. Sally inMI2:02 PM

      Yes, that is one door God will leave wide open for her.

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM

      she's a seditious, treasonous bitch...she hates America and everything we stand for..if she was in charge it would be like living in nazi occupied Poland or something. Dumb twunt needs to sit down and stfu...

  11. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Here Is Reagan's Chilling Speech About The Soldiers Who Scaled Cliffs Under Heavy Fire On D-Day

    Read more:

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Obama And Putin Just Spoke For The First Time In Months, And A Ceasefire In Ukraine Is Now On The Table

    Read more:

    1. Sally inMI2:01 PM

      McCain will lose it. Imagine, talking to.the enemy!!!

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      talking to.the enemy.

      Only McCain can do that.

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      no, mcfuddled didn't talk to the enemy, he squealed to the enemy

    4. Anonymous4:00 PM

      When in Syria Johnny Mac tried to take over Adnan Khashoggi's position as an arms dealer when he had a sit down meeting with those terrorists.

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    President Obama continues to keep us out of more wars. I so admire the man and his negotiation skills - along w/his team - John Kerry, etc. Bravo!

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      America dodged a bullet. Just imagine if McCain won and died in office and that thin skinned moron and Todd took over. Co- Presidents Palin would go after everybody who looked at them the wrong way. That includes foreign countries, you and me.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      1:38 PM

      McCain's peeps would have assassinated her before they would let her soil him anymore. Some of them had to hate her far more than they can say. Once they learned who she was it would have been a pleasure to them to take her out.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      1:38 Yep, good it didn't happen and it never will! She is so damned retarded and evil!

      Thank God we have President Obama, VP Joe Biden and SOS John Kerry in the top positions! They are true Godsends to America!

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      It's surprising no one has gone after her as much security is she running with? She has to pay for them herself today and we all know how tight she is w/the buck. Plus, she's not getting the financial support she once did.

      She doesn't go anywhere in Alaska - because she knows how much disliked she is. What about AZ? You never see her out and about down there either! The McCain family has distanced themselves from her down there - so, she's not invited anywhere they are! Republicans want to avoid her at all costs!

      Who in the world is out there today that would want to be on her protection squad? Can you imagine having that duty? She doesn't like having folks knowing much about her day-to-day life. That is why we won't see security w/her unless something came up that absolutely necessitated it!

      Hey Sarah - there is a door open for you and that is what you indicated you were awaiting! It's the door to Hell, honey, and Satan is awaiting you! You two will match perfectly!

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Her security team is Todd because he is so manly with riding his snow machines and stuff plus he was on a pretend to be military tv show called Stars Wish They Could Earn Stripes or something like that, just because he has never had any real combat training doesn't mean he's a wussy pussy! even though any 1st degree black belt i know could kick his heiny. But still it's Toad, i mean Todd and plus he works cheap AND carries purses.

    6. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Stars Wish They Could Earn Stripes

      Yes and that is where Track Palin was taught how to look and act like you were in the military as if he was the real deal. Not someone they sent off to re-hab and kept sending home to Alaska every other few weeks.

  14. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Sarah looks so fat in that picture! She has to be binge eating taco bell again. Two-tone Toad must be cheating.


    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Seriously, she is looking heavier. Enough is enough, I hope she won't keep packing on the pounds. Most of it goes to her neck and chin area. It makes her look disproportionate in the worst way.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

      Those last 91 lbs of "pillow weight" are the hardest to lose, even for a woman who runs marathons, does hot yoga and shows her kids by example that First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign actually works!
      Thank You, Sarah Palin, for doing your part at spreading the word how good "Let's Move" is working to combat pillow fat and flabby arms that keep waving for hours after you've stopped waving your arms!

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Randy is shaking in his Texas boots about Hillary beating the living shit out of him if he runs, so he comes up with this doozy:

    Rand Paul: Trade Hillary Clinton To The Taliban, Not Guantanamo Detainees

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) offered some red meat to the Texas GOP convention on Friday, suggesting that, instead of Guantanamo Bay detainees, President Barack Obama should use Democrats such as Hillary Clinton as a bargaining chip in any future dealings with the Taliban.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      What an asshole. He is obsessed with criticizing Hillary.
      Keep alienating more women phony Rand.

  16. Crystal Sage1:46 PM

    Can't Sarah take her fucking phone out of her hand long enough to greet a war veteran/hero? Who is trying to reach her that she can't put the fucking phone away in her purse? I'm really wishing she would go away - like permanently.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      After she addresses a facebook post, "Hey, Barack Hussein Obama," she actually expects him to telephone her to offer a response. So far, President Obama hasn't paid any attention to Sarah, but she carries that phone along with hopes that he'll call her. Stupid.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      except 1/2 witted birdbrain spelled it Hey, "Barak" she's so fucking stupid it hurts.

  17. Caroll Thompson1:48 PM

    It appears that all Sarah will wear these days are those same black pants. Does she has multiple pairs of these pants or does she just keep putting the same ones on every day? Ewwwww.....I bet they are the same pair. Sarah is a smelly Sarah.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Look at her zipper. If it is rusty then she wears the same pants and her zipper is corroded with her urine.

  18. Anonymous1:51 PM

    That take by the little guy with the rug on his head - Rand Paul - isn't going to get him any brownie points! Hillary will beat his ass and he's afraid of her and lowers himself to this type chit-chat! Embarrassing you little runt!

  19. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Colbert Breaks Character for Emotional D-Day Interview on CNN

  20. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Bergdahl Platoon Member: Not Clear Him Leaving Directly Led to More Attacks

    Gerald Sutton, one of the members of Bowe Bergdahl‘s platoon, was rather hesitant to repeat claims by others who served with them about a link between Bergdahl’s disappearance and increased attacks on their base, telling Jake Tapper that’s a pretty serious allegation to make without all the evidence to back it up.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Marcus Luttrell, a former Navy SEAL who wrote the book Lone Survivor about the hardships he endured in Afghanistan, weighed in on the Bowe Bergdahl controversy on CNN Friday night, and said that public opinion is now so overwhelmingly against Bergdahl for allegations made against him, “Heaven help that kid if he’s not a deserter,” because if it turns out he’s not, it will be far too late.

      Luttrell told Anderson Cooper he has a great deal of sympathy for Bergdahl’s situation.

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Guilfoyle is saying that his platoon mates would likely have murdered him? Why would she want to slander American GIs like that?

    Fox Host: Bergdahl Is Lucky U.S. Forces Didn't Bring Him Home 'In A Body Bag' (VIDEO)

    Echoing her fellow conservatives who oppose the prisoner swap that secured Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's release, Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle said Friday that the POW was lucky he wasn't found by his fellow soldiers before the exchange. Otherwise, Guilfoyle said, Bergdahl may have been brought home "in a body bag."

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Pat Tillman

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Can you believe Gavin Newsom was married to that hag, kimberly guilfoyle?...wise move on his part to kick her scrawny ass to the curb.

  22. Anonymous2:03 PM

    4 questions we should be asking about the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap

    Truthers, birthers, and Kennedy assassination geeks, move over: The sad case of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is providing rich fodder for conspiracy theorists everywhere.

    America’s last POW was released over the weekend in exchange for five Guantanamo detainees, after nearly five years in captivity.

    It has not exactly been a resounding success. Army vets are complaining bitterly about the welcome that Bergdahl seems to be receiving. The young sergeant, they say, is no hero — rather, he should be labeled a deserter.

    Meanwhile, conservative politicians and commentators raised the alarm about the “dangerous terrorists” that were exchanged for Bergdahl’s freedom.

    Former congressman, retired Army officer and perennial Barack Obama-basher Allen West contributed what might have been the strangest “fact” to the debate.

    When Bob Bergdahl, Bowe’s father, spoke at a news conference in the Rose Garden, he uttered an Arabic prayer, words that begin just about every occasion in the Muslim world: “Bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim.”

    Bergdahl senior said it was for Bowe, who was having trouble speaking English after his ordeal. But West insists that it meant that the elder and lushly bearded Bergdahl had “sanctified the White House and claimed it for Islam.” What’s more, Obama smiled when Bergdahl said it, and we all know what that means.

    “Folks, there is a lot to this whole episode — like Benghazi — that we may never know,” West writes. “And this is not conspiracy theory, it is truth based upon Arabic and Islamic dogma and tradition.”

    Before the wackadoos run away with the debate entirely, there are some actual questions that need answering.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim: "In (or with) the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful."

  23. LOL at West. "Based upon Arabic ... dogma." Does he not know that Arabic is a language? It has a grammar, and a syntax, and may have dialects or a vernacular, but it does not have a dogma. What a craven fool.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      West is a known asshole and has a checkered military career. He cannot be trusted and does not fit in the same category as our wonderful President Obama! Our POTUS is so, so far above him in regarding to intellect, manners, kindness, love of country and use of the English language.

      West is not a true American and I'll wager the majority of the people that are black throughout our country are not acknowledging his idiocy either! He spreads nothing more than evil and hate - much like Sarah Palin - they are birds of a feather!

  24. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The old veterans are the only ones that will acknowledge the retard! You don't see photos of her w/the young ones. Least of all, her son! He can't get far enough away from her!

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      ___He can't get far enough away from her___

      Sure, that is why he lives at the compound. Why Track participates in Sarah's Mario Lopez show visit with the Palins.

      You don't see photos of Track serving his country or when he was a combat vet either.

      It is all about Track Palin has a lot to hide.

      That is why the false narrative about Track won't be seen with her or he is humble and whatsits like that. It is all lies.

      They are creating a public mythology about Track Palin and that is what they want you to believe. In fact they want to keep him a big secret. Sarah used Track and the combat vet crap as an example of how great the Army is. How terrific it is to sign up and fight for your country. Track was used as a recruiting tool and it was all deception and lies.

      The Army, Sarah and none of them want the truth to come out about Track. They have to keep him under the radar and keep up the fake front for Track.

      He is an old unemployed mama's boy who lives at home where he is taken care of and he can be monitored. He has no life of his own. Don't forget he also went along with that wedding deal they did when they said his wife had a baby 2 months later. Next the quickie "fine" divorce where Track got his guns.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      3:10 : Also don't forget that he was on 'leave' wayyyy more than any other of his comrades and any other soldier! (Remember, he was home for Thanksgiving as well as for Christmas, after joining in September and being deployed soon thereafter...)

  25. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Bitch is a damn honey badger and honey badger doesn't care! She will maul anything that gets in the way of what she wants. Not sure if she is more like a honey badger, Tasmanian devil or an alligator. Alligators do have very small brains, they will eat anything. Maybe she is a combination of the three. Damn you John McCain.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Skunk comes to mind. Nasty smelling Bitch.

  26. Anonymous3:07 PM

    It’s time to take your medication, Senator.

    McCain, who was languishing in a Vietnamese torture camp after his plane went down during a bombing mission in 1967, was eventually released in 1973 per a prisoner exchange deal eked out by then President Nixon. Indeed, Nixon released violent north Vietnamese fighters in exchange for the safe return of then navy pilot John McCain.

    So somebody really needs to tell the Senator to have a warm glass of milk and nap this one out.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      He came home a war hero.

  27. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Wendy Davis Brilliantly Welcomes Texas GOP To Her Hometown

    ...the announcer points out that hotel the delegates are staying in downtown, the coffee shop in the thriving Magnolia redevelopment just south of downtown and the restaurants and entertainment they enjoy on the new West 7th are all brought to them by Wendy Davis.

  28. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Minnie Pearl Of Alaska is gearing up for her big gig Americas Last Stand, tickets went on sale May 30th and maybe the sales aren't so hot so she has to spend time ranting about President Obama in between looking for a bigger gaudy belt buckle, preferably one with a cross on it. Not to mention she may have to wash those black jeans. Life is hard, times are tough as the grifting gets harder and harder.

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Minnie Pearl - her signature look and the price tag hanging from her hat. Iconic! And she had talent also too.

      Sarah with her signature teen/hot choice of clothing, always with her cell phone or whatever she always has in her hand, her fly-away hair/wigs, oh and ever changing boobage.... Sarah is a caricature of herself.

  29. Anonymous3:28 PM

    "Look you old vet, see my pretty iPhone? Don't you wish you had one? But who would ever call you, anyway? Just be happy that the VA paid for that wheelchair. Bye, bye."

  30. Anonymous3:34 PM

    “It is a victory and a defeat,” Colbert said of the situation, something that has us “pumping our fist with joy, while shaking it in anger.” He explained, “It’s like I’m masturbating a tall man on a trampoline.”

  31. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sarah: did anyone in your family besides Track ever serve in the armed forces? If not, why not?
    When will Willow and Bristol enlist, to protect those freedoms you're talking about? What is stopping them?
    Please don't go on and on about sacrifice unless your family does its duty.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Bristol and Willow would have to pay someone to take the ASVAB test.

    2. I really don't think Bristol Palin or Willow Palin could pass any written test, 5:34. They lack the mental capacity and maturity. I'm surprised they ever got driver's licenses, but then Sarah Palin probably just bought them.

    3. Anonymous5:25 AM

      Who knows what is meant when it is said that Track Palin served his country? They may have kept him in a hospital while they tried to create his service. Bristol and Willow could join the Army and they would have been taken care of as others whose parents have connections.

      Bristol and Willow went to hair and skin school. They don't have enough skill to work but Sarah bought some 'schoolin' for them. I doubt they would be required to pass a written test and the Army would take them because of their fraudulent family.

    4. Anonymous6:30 AM

      They need to be licensed to practice hair and skin school learnings. I do not know if they need to pass a test to get these licenses, but if they do, they are in big shit trouble, unless mama can buy and seal the records for them.

  32. Anonymous3:43 PM

    So she covered up her penis jeans so as not to offend the old guy?

  33. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Did Fox News Bench Shepard Smith For Telling The Truth About Bowe Bergdahl?

    Smith was not on the air at all. Filling in for him was the more reliably right-wing Harris Faulkner. Is Smith being silenced and/or punished for his independence? Time will tell.

  34. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I swear, she acts like a 13-year-old cheerleader. Whatever caused her to be so stunted emotionally? ANd why do the rest of us have to suffer it?

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Lost underwear.

  35. Anonymous4:41 PM

    HA! Sarah is now wearing elbow-length tee shirts, presumably to hide her upper arm flab.

    Doesn't anybody else offer her clothing advice except IM?

  36. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You must blow up the pic to at leat 200% and take a good look at her neck and face. Looks like a big bruise on her neck and jaw, hair growing down the the back of her neck, and NO wedding ring on her very scrawny hand.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Hmm, her neck does look discolored. Purple. Shadowing wouldn't do that.

    2. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Her neck is the third most hideous part of her physical appearance, Anyone can watch it deteriorate. Yet it isn't as ugly as some other parts she displays and seems to have no clue how fast it is all going down.

    3. Anonymous4:30 AM

      What's most ugly about Sarah Palin is her heart. She is vengeful, mean and self-serving.. It's all about Sarah, all the time.

  37. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl crewed a fishing boat in Alaska. No wonder the Palins disparage the Sgt. so much. Remember how they showed Sarah's Army fake warrior son when he was handed a business on a silver platter and he failed the family tradition of fish picking?

    Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl not only actually was in Afghanistan he out did Sarah's warrior son when it came to fishing in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous12:31 AM

      Track's only battle is with Drugs. He just 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT!!!

  38. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    It's been crickets chirping over Sarah's regurgitating her cud and chewing and chewing and chewing. I guess it's because so many famous people are more entertaining when they're stark raving mad.
    And besides, there's better stuff on the news, like the HUGE applause as President "call me maybe" Barack Hussein Obama spoke in tribute to the soldiers on the anniversary of D Day.

    Don't worry, Sarah, someone will come along and stir that pile of manure you call "f a c e b o o k", Just wait quietly and do a few jumping jacks.

  39. Anonymous9:21 PM

    How stupid is she?

  40. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Mother of the yr

  41. Anonymous10:04 PM

    deux pénis de tonalité

  42. Anonymous8:04 AM

    what a piece of shit she is,she is wasting away with her hate and plain ugliness....couldn't happen to a better skank


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