So this morning somebody sent me the Breitbart write up by Charlie Spiering.
Some of you may remember that I used a number of Spiering's tweets to flesh out my post, as there was not much to work with.
Apparently Charlie finally recovered from the hangover he got while freebasing all of that "FREEDOM!" and handed in his column.
The column starts off with Spiering commenting on the "long lines waiting to get inside the convention center." Which is odd because he had tweeted in response to a question about turnout that "The seats are filled. I'm guessing a few hundred."
And in the piece itself he stated that it was "a crowd of about 500." (So much for those reports that it numbered in the thousands.)
Spiering went on to say that most of the crowd were irritated by the recent Tea Party defeat in Mississippi, and quotes a number of disgruntled attendees who claimed Cochran "prostituted" himself and resorted to dirty tricks. Because you know resorting to attracting black voters is considered "dirty tricks" by this crowd of crackers.
Spiering then tied all of that together with the upcoming race between Tea Party favorite Joe Carr, who has a snowball's chance in hell of unseating established Republican Senator Lamar Alexander.
(Carr does have one thing going for him however, Sarah Palin has not yet endorsed him.)
Spiering briefly covers remarks by West, Pirro, and Santorum, but I don't think any of us are interested in what they have to say.
Farther down in the article Spiering finally mentions the Wasilla White Walker's appearance:
Palin also disparaged the Republican party for their actions in Mississippi.
“Well shoot, our own party was proving this last week, to potentially manipulate and exterminate the integrity of a primary election,” she said, pointing out that the “the bloated political clash from both sides were trying to discourage people aligned with the Tea Party. ("Bloated political clash?" Could she have meant "bloated political CLASS?")
Palin reminded activists that the results should inspire them to redouble their efforts, pointing out that the establishment politicians would try to discourage them.
“It does make a difference,” she said. “What you are doing makes a difference and now more than ever we need to ramp it up. Don’t retreat, we gotta reload.” ("I would like to thank the bumper sticker industry for their assistance in helping me to write this speech. I couldn't have done it without y'all.")
In spite of their frustration, Palin soon had the crowd laughing as she peppered her speech with political jokes and taking shots against President Obama and his allies. (Yep nothing gets the Right Wing fringe laughing harder than poking fun at the black man in the White House.)
Palin took the stage acknowledging that Sevierville was Dolly Parton’s home town, explaining that she once dressed up as Parton for Halloween when she was in High School.
![]() |
Hell, she STILL dresses like Dolly Parton. |
She also reminded them that the media was also trying to sound a death knell for the Tea Party but it was very much alive. (And that's why there were less than 500 people in attendance, and they had to move the rally to a smaller venue. You know, because the Tea Party is SO popular.)
“Us bitter clingers and wingers, we ignored those yappin' little lapdogs in the media and with a new social media kind of reporting you know we were able to kick those little varmints away, we were able to ignore what it was that they were saying,” she said. (Yes because as every good conservative knows, if you ignore the facts they will simply go away.)
Palin held up Sen. Ted Cruz as an example of a Washington politician that was fighting for them, and explained that it was more important than ever to send him allies in his fight against the Washington establishment.
“He is there for a reason not a season, and that’s what we need more of,” she said. “We need to send the good guys reinforcements to take the battle to Capitol Hill for us.” (More "good guys" who pass no legislation, and instead spend all of their time seeking the spotlight and trying to get on camera as often as possible? Yes that would be the kind of politician supported by Sarah Palin.)
Although she hasn’t endorsed Joe Carr yet in his primary, Palin dropped a hint to Tennessee voters that he was one of their allies.
“We need to be pretty discerning here of what kind of ‘Carr’ we send to D.C.,” she said as Carr supporters in the hall cheered.
Well if he wasn't doomed before, he is now.
I think that this rally is a good indication of just how badly the Tea Party has fallen out of favor with the American people.
In 2010 I would imagine that this convention center would have been packed to the rafters with Right Wing lunatics, leaking Skoal juice from their lips, and screaming for the end of big government and a return to the America that they once enjoyed.
You know the America back before those Negroes got the vote and women knew that their place was in the kitchen and on their knees scrubbing floors.
And right along with viewing the demise of the Tea Party is the added spectacle of watching Sarah Palin's slowly decomposing visage carted from one tiny gathering of the political fringe to the next, until finally she is talking to a living room full of aged Lyndon LaRouche supporters for a cup of coffee and a ride back to the street corner from where she stands yelling conservative bumper sticker slogans at passers by.
And I plan to write about it all.
Update: Palin finally mentions the rally on Facebook:
Thank you, Sevierville Tea Partiers, who work so hard. The great people and great organizers there are making a difference. I was honored to meet them and speak at the rally this week!
Well that is certainly short and lacking in any detail.
She also links to the same Breitbart article that I link to up above, which makes me wonder where she got the idea to write a post today? Hmmm.
(Everybody wave to Sarah.)
Teabaggers screaming for a third political party. Yeah sure after you fucked over the centrist republicans. Keep dreaming baggers!
ReplyDeleteuntil finally she is talking to a living room full of aged Lyndon LaRouche supporters for a cup of coffee and a ride back to the street corner from where she stands yelling conservative bumper sticker slogans at passers by...
until finally she is talking to a living room full of aged Lyndon LaRouche supporters for a HIT OF METH and a ride back to the street corner from where she stands yelling conservative bumper sticker slogans at passers by...
Fixed it for ya, Gryph :)
Now I will think of the Senator from Tennessee as Llama Alexander, as Dalai Lama Alexander is granting him a bit too much gravitas.
DeleteSorry, Gryphen. We've been having too much fun with your minor typos.
I knew there was something else I didn't like about Wailin' Palin, just couldn't think of what it was, but now I know: she thinks it's OK to kick dogs. Why am I not surprised?
ReplyDeleteDear Abby: My teenage son masturbates several times a day. What can I do to stop this?
ReplyDeleteDear concerned parent: Many of my readers have corrected this problem by hanging photos of Sarah Palin around the house. Some readers said their sons have not had an erection since the photos were hung. Don't forget to put a photo in the car before your son or daughter goes out on a date .... this will guarantee abstinence.
DeleteExcellent 6:49. I sure wish I could Twitter that!
DeleteAnd no pill in the world can get the hydraulics working again..... Palin Curse
DeleteBravo, well done!
Dirty tricks in Miss.? What part of "open primary" don't they understand. The 35K votes that Cockroach got from democrats was just smart voting. Mississippi is one of the worst red states. The odds of a Dem being elected are slim to none. The open primary allowed them to endorse the lesser of evils, and send the Teabagger back to college. It's your LAW, dipshits.
ReplyDeleteWhere was the outrage when the Republicans put only two voting machines in Democratic districts in Ohio (2004) causing long lines and throwing the votes to the Republicans? Where was the outrage when the Republicans caused those long lines in Florida Democratic districts (2012)? Where was the outrage when the Republics imposed strict voter ID laws in Red States that never saw any voter fraud? Where was the outrage when Karl Rove accused John McCain of having an black baby out of wedlock (2000)?
DeleteIt was fine and dandy in '08 when Rush encouraged his idgit following to cross over and vote for Hillary over now PRESIDENT Obama.
DeleteYea, I remember that one, 7:39. It was called "Operation Chaos" and Rush was telling all his dittoheads to do it. I was working the polls in my small town and it took all I had to hold my tongue from lashing out at this one fat ass who was so proud he was voting "Operation Chaos".
DeleteAlso, too, Joy Reid had a great segment on this when she went down the list of "dirty tricks that the Republicans have done against the Democrats in the last 14 years.
DeleteDamn, even the perpetual news source of anything Sarah Palin, the Huffington Post, is done with her. Not a peep about Rubefest in Sevierville.
ReplyDeleteA couple of reminders about that Tea Party party:
ReplyDelete1. The lettering on the sign in front of Sarah looks as if it was done by someone's kid. You can't read it.
2. Four days before the event, they began offering half priced tickets. They worded their Facebook posts in different ways, "buy one, get on free" and "hurry, the tickets are going fast."
3. Clicking on any of the links to buy tickets was impossible. The website selling the tickets did not have them.
4. Sarah had one interview scheduled, with Knoxville ABC TV, and she cancelled it at the last minute. Although she arrived hours before the event, her handlers claimed that she could not fit it into her busy schedule.
5. Total ticket sales were 390.
6. Sarah can only speak in slogans and bumper-sticker language. We have heard those well-worn phrases before, go along to get along, Washington crony class, don't retreat- reload, be bitter or be better. I guess that Sarah is still bitter.
They worded their Facebook posts in different ways, >>>"buy one, get on free" <<<
DeletePlease post the screen grab for this one!
That one explains why no interviews, she was too busy back at the motel. I've heard most of those old buggers take a while too.
Delete9:24, that MUST be what she meant by "bitter clingers and wingers"...
DeleteThe even better news is that Santorum and all the other wingnut speakers couldn't attract an audience either.
DeleteAnd wasn't she first? She's not even the 'featured speaker' any longer...even among those four losers.
Delete"...“the bloated political clash ... " ("Bloated political clash?" Could she have meant "bloated political CLASS?")
I thought she meant any of the bloated political CASH that went into that race, and not her pockets, and which she is still in a snit about. After all, she endorsed McCracker and in her avaricious pea brain every dime thereafter belonged to her, her, her.
Either way, she is an illiterate dunce. And a loser.
Give the tart a break, her children are all in re-hab or on the way. Her world is crashing down all around her and you expect her to comb her hair and eat a decent meal? She just needs to earn a buck or she will be back in the truck. Toad had to take care of some body in the wildness and she has to wing it on her own. Have you no pity?
Delete"...we ignored those yappin' little lapdogs in the media and with a new social media kind of reporting you know we were able to kick those little varmints away..."
Well, that attitude might explain the disappearances/never-to-be-seen-or-heard-from-again of the occasional dog acquired by the oddly pet-free Palins (five kids and allegedly active hunters and outdoors types and not a pet or hunting dog to be seen).
"Animals belong right next to the mash potatoes " ~Sarah Palin
We should turn her ass into the SPCA for Animal cruelty.
Oh, I bet those puppies were borrowed from the Humane Society for photo ops, and then returned. You know, like the various incarnations of Trig.
DeleteIt really blows my mind that people can stand to hear that wretch speak! Nothing new just recycled barbs at our President and stupid folksy saying she's been repeating for the last 6 years! Go the fuck away you stupid grifting bitch! Can't wait for the headline where seditious sarah snaps and goes full metal jacket on her family!! Can''t happen soon enough for me
ReplyDeleteShe's still spittin' mad that Barack beat the McLame/Payme ticket where she thought she was running for president. All that attention that she craved and finally, finally, it was within her grasp and then, damn, that black guy stole it from her and she's been lashing out at him and anything associated with him ever since.
DeleteHe STOLE HER CROWN, in the pageant mentality. How could he have won when SHE is the one who had the adoring crowds. SHE was the one who people were clamoring to interview. SHE was the one who everyone was talking about. And gee, I wonder why?
She was a shiny new bauble with a folksy persona that the press went gaga over. Not because of her intelligence, or her great ideas, or her contributions to society, or her future thinking. It was the funny way she talked, so out of the mainstream, and the carefully crafted 'hocky mom' mythology that the McLame campaign spun.
So the shiny bauble isn't new anymore. Isn't unknown anymore. She oversaturated the media with her need for attention, trotting out her unfit children, her loser husband every chance she got. And now people are just sick of them.
That shiny bauble is dull and cracked and stained and no one wants it anymore. Been there, done that, move on. She's truly in her last gasps of relevance. Not that she ever really had any, but the election machinery and the rabid media did more than their share to prop her up. Not to mention the massive amounts of money spent during the campaign to dress her, clean her, fix her hair, feed her addictions. When all that went away, she put the entire blame on Barack. She truly believes she was robbed of her coronation.
Can you say Marilyn Blackburn 1984. That is when her ego was first CRUSHED.
DeleteSounds like a remix of her late show standup routine.
ReplyDelete"Hello? Hello? Is this mic on??
So Sarah advocates kicking small dogs? Not surprised.
ReplyDeleteVarmints? Is she using the Beverly Hillbillies for source material? Did she go to Chick-Fil-A for vittles and take a dip in the seement pond?
ReplyDeleteI know!! Can you believe she used the word varmints?? Lmao!!!!
DeleteDidn't she call that a "cement slab" out there behind (or in front of) her Wasilla mansion?
DeleteAnd Trout, er, Track can be a genuine double-naught spy with sunglasses and a red convertible.
DeleteSuch a talented bunch, any of em, all of em, with a great respect for the unemployed meth cookers in Todd's hangar.
FYI 8:28 that "cement slab" is called a deluxe patio. TYVM.
DeleteShe was just pandering to the hillbillies in Tennessee with that terminology.
DeleteSarah thinks she's clever using local jargon to cozy up to the audience she's addressing. She changes her language based on who she's trying to reel in. It's just that it's so OBVIOUS that she's pandering when she does it, as opposed to seeking a common ground with her audience.
The more time that goes by the easier it is to read her. She's so repetitive in her patterns that it becomes painfully transparent if you just connect a few dots.
$carah called herself a Momma Grizzly, then a Pitbull with Lipstick. These days she is more like an annoying little gnat. Someone on one thread said "Wow, there must have been lots of photoshopped photos lately, she looks NOTHING like her photos" Unfortunatelky, she still sounds the same, screechy, whiny, insulting, GROSS.
ReplyDeleteSarah's more like one of those shit flies feasting on a fresh cow pattie out in the pasture.
DeleteMore like Momma Grisly.
Delete"Palin took the stage acknowledging that Sevierville was Dolly Parton’s home town, explaining that she once dressed up as Parton for Halloween when she was in High School."
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't that retard mention she dressed like Dolly Parton when she went to New York and when she went to Belmont?
Doncha know Dolly was sooooo honored to hear that?
DeleteSarah who?
Even back then she longed for some fakeass titties.
Delete“It does make a difference,” she said. “What you are doing makes a difference and now more than ever we need to ramp it up. Don’t retreat, we gotta reload.”
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is riding her horse and ringin' them bells. Why doesn't that mother of those dysfunctional kids run for office if she's trying to stay relevant?
Look at me, the failure of Sarah Palin's Alaska, FOX news and Amazing America.
She's lucky she appeals to those who can only read bumper sticker cliches and not the type of folks who are able to (and do) read between the lines. Otherwise she'd be in the drive-thru handing out crunchwraps rather than picking them up.
Delete“It does make a difference (to me),” she said. “What you are doing makes a difference (for me) and now more than ever we (you) need to ramp it (donations) up. Don’t retreat (wise up), we gotta reload(my bank account).”
Too bad she can't run. Katie could ask her "What bumper stickers do you read?" She would have a quick come back and the pees would cheer and send money. .
DeleteThis is one of your very best posts ever!!! I laughed the whole way through!! When I hit the Dolly Parton photo, I choked from laughing so hard!!
ReplyDeleteDamn she has sunk low !!! Those bumper sticker phrases are ridiculous!!
I love the comment that someone said in a previous post about Sarah and UT (unnatural tits).
ReplyDeleteCome to think about it, looking at that rat's nest on Sarah Palin's head reminds me of that rat's nest on Willow's head.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but please remember that Dolly Parton has always shown great respect for her wigs and other enhancements. She said something along the lines of: "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap."
ReplyDeleteSadly, Sarah never understood that Dolly was having fun DRESSING UP. And that she was playing a part and winking at her audience as she did so.
Sarah just thought she could be cheap and look cheap and it was all the same thing. She ended up looking like a Halloween version of Dolly.
She didn't realize that the smaller the crowd, the easier it is to pull off the floozy scam. What worked in 700,000 Alaska just won't float with 300,000,000+ more worldy and aware souls who are smarter than Palin and in most cases, better looking. lol
DeleteShe's never looked older, more wrinkled, or sounded more desperate for attention.
ReplyDeleteGo 3rd party Sarah! You and the Teaparty Christian Taliban will feel right at home with the fringe % .02 on the ultra right, and you'll never elect a President
>>She's never looked older, more wrinkled, or sounded more desperate for attention.
DeleteOh and it's gonna get worse before it gets better, let me tell you! She's becoming so desperate for attention, any attention, that her whoring act is becoming increasingly manic and panicked. It's only a matter of time before she starts shortening those skirts, dropping those necklines, pumping up those Belmonts and her wigs, because that's always her fallback. Sex kitten. Only problem is she's just a bony, scrawny back alley cat, scrounging for garbage. Ain't nothin' left that's sexy about her.
Usually there are a bunch of instagram twitter photos taken of Sarah with some adoring fans. Not at this event, or none have shown up yet. Hmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteGee, I thought the $1000 seats included dinner with the princess and a meet and greet. Bet she wanted to charge for photos, like she did at her book signings.
Delete>>Gee, I thought the $1000 seats included dinner with the princess
DeleteI suspect no one paid for those seats, thus there was no dinner, no fanfare, no photos. She just hightailed it out of there, avoiding the press and the guests. Musta needed a fix.
O/T but our president is speaking:
ReplyDeleteObama: Congress Obstructs, So I Act Alone
President Barack Obama says he'll keep acting on his own as long as congressional Republicans block his economic agenda.
In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama says he has moved to attract jobs, raise workers' wages and help students pay off loans because Republican obstructionism is keeping the system rigged against the middle class. He says if it makes Republicans in Congress mad that he's trying to help people, they can join him so they can work together.
lol Cracklin Charlie. She's falling (fallen, actually), but *Shuuurrrre*, I'll catch her. Tell her to jump off the stage into my arms... Oops, I thought we were going to practice our countdown first.
ReplyDeleteNow you're got me wanting a cold draft beer here before noon so I can cry into it.
Crocodile Tears
haha, Sarah's using Romney-speak. No wonder she can't pull a crowd any more. Varmints indeed.
ReplyDeleteBenghazi Suspect Arrives at Federal Courthouse in Washington, D.C.
After spending most of the past two weeks being interrogated aboard the USS New York Navy ship, Ahmed Abu Khattala, the main suspect in the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, was brought to a federal courthouse in Washington, D.C. Saturday under intense security.
CNN justice correspondent Evan Perez reported on the case from outside the U.S. District Court, where Khattala was being held, saying he expected there would be several hearings there over the next few months, including an initial one today.
According to CNN’s report, there was heavy police presence around the courthouse when Khattala arrived, with D.C. police, FBI and Homeland Security all present.
Watch video below, via CNN:
The one thing the tea partiers had right was that the Republican lobbyists were all against them.
ReplyDeleteIf the tea party were a truly progressive party, instead of an all-round ignorant, racist bunch of malcontents, they could rally quite a few people to change the status quo, now dominated by big money.
But they're just nasty ankle-biters, without any ideas except to stop government -- the government which is elected by "we the people."
They'll never, ever, to their dying day, accept that the South lost the Civil War (no, it was not the War of Northern Aggression -- LOL) or that a clear MAJORITY of We, the People twice (two times) elected a black man as President.
Even after the next President takes office, and the next, and the next, they still will be obsessing about Barack Obama. His election tears up everything they believe, in some fundamental way, and its why they have to turn to creationism, and gun laws, and gay marriage, and climate change and anything else that might also upset their shaky hold on reality.
Exactly 8:39. We all are angry at the power and money behind the people who are supposed to be representing US when they go to work in DC. We all are angry at the corruption, the lack of progress on anything, and the general dishonesty and game playing.
DeleteIf only they could leave their prejudiced views at home, we might become a force to be feared by those politicians.
I have way more respect for Dolly Parton as she reads everyday.She grew up with an illiterate father and not a lot of books because they were poor. Now she has given millions of books to under privileged children around the world.(even in Alaska, I believe). See Dolly is not only talented but has done a lot of good in the world.
ReplyDeleteYes, Sarah had a chance to make positive contributions (remember she was going to be THE advocate for the parents of DS kids?) Instead, she chose to be vindictive, angry and lie for cash.
DeleteSarah took books out of the public library when mayor if they did not git with her inane views.
DeleteShe looked awful at this function! And, they ate w/her at a huge cost looking like that! She's absolutely the white trash of Wasilla, AK! What a mess!
ReplyDelete8:14 She's been saying the same ole bullshit since her Wasiller days! Sounding and looking old, Palin!!! Go play in the traffic!
ReplyDeleteShe is a bore. I can't remember the last time I was able to listen to her.
DeleteIf not for her scummy looks and dirty wigs there is nothing to note.
I read that the line was long to get into the place because they were making folks go through a metal detector? Say what? The baggers are afraid of someone with a gun? Ah yup.
ReplyDeleteJust a bunch of Chicken Hawks. The crackers want to take the country back. That didn't work out so well for the crackers in 1861 to 1865. All the Chases (my maiden name) were there shooting the bastards back then and we are still pretty good shots today. We just don't talk about it so much.
No guns for Palin. It's in her contract. She has a fear of guns with people. Not a good mix. You know, after what happened to Gabby and karma and all the reap what you sow.
DeleteI can't wait until she goes back to hiding behind Facebook. She has had enough exposure for now. I guess it is true that Willow was sent away to the sanitarian, she sure isn't doing wigs, I hope. This outing was one of her worst for Palin. It is never pretty on the way down.
DeleteSince Reagan closed all the sanitoriums, they now have to send them to a delousing facility using similar techniques as the jail intakes.
Deleteheh heh
DeleteI just escaped with my celly, Willblow, she really needs a scrubbing.
DeleteSantorum Sanatorium vs. Sanitarium
I was reading a Anchorage Daily News review of Amazing America and am not surprised why Sarah Palin doesn't run for any political office in Alaska or run for president. The comments from her fellow Alaskans shows what they really think of the fraud who quit her job as governor to become a reality failure:
ReplyDeleteCesar Cuitlahuac Montano
Sarah Palin is a joke and a shame for Alaska!
Jun 2
Celia Harrison
Wow, my comment was removed. Thicken your skin up honey if you are going to write gibberish about Sarah Palin. My original comment was, "Are you for real?" This is like something from the twilight zone. What is the deal Alaska Dispatch? I thought the quality and integrity of the ADN might be getting better, but this fecal material shows that is not true.
Jun 2
Marty Spinde
This is getting comical. Every day this thread fills up with negative comments. Every night ADN deletes them. Maybe it's just time to remove this opinion piece that is in no way news in the first place.
Jun 2
Carol Smith
The writer of this article seems to forget that this show was written for Palin. They can make her into anything they want. Palin is a fake and an idiot.
Jun 2
Sam Smith
Sarah Palin, the biggest Fraud on Alaska and the American people. Why doesn't this woman run for the house or senate, if she is so smart and has all the answers. Wake up Alaska, Palin is a fraud and ruining the name of the state.
Jun 2
Carol Smith
This show has no substance. Was she on drugs during the last episode?
Another fact: Palin is divisive, andyou talk about segregated in this article? She promotes hate, fear, and cynicism.
Jun 2
The ADN is not a national news organization, so the comments here are from our fellow Alaskans. How did that fraud become our governor?
DeleteNot one positive comment in the ADN about our Sarah From Alaska. That speaks volumes.
DeleteI was always proud of the exceptional work our Governor Sarah Palin did. She loved Alaska and Alaska loved me.
Delete-Louise Sarah
Re: the famous "pink blouse w/ bazooms" photo above looking like Dolly Parton---
ReplyDeleteDolly Parton herself once said, "It takes a lot of money for me to look this cheap!" ;-))
Are you trying to say that Sarah and Mini Me (Bristol) spent a lot of money to change their appearance? Is that why they look so cheap.
DeleteThose implanted chins...oops, excuse me, doctor-ordered jaw reconstructions are beauts, aren't they?
DeleteWrite away, Gryph, she is fooling no one except the lowest of IQ. As I said in the other thread, to think that she had her heart set on being Ivana and glamorous. Now Dolly Parton? Just look at her.....take a long GOOD look.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't she get a Dolly wig? That would help.
DeleteI can't, for the life of me, get what goes on inside that head or WHY no one steps up to help her. She WILL do the Michael Whitney thing if no one does.
DeleteOn their knees scrubbing floors or doing what Monica Lewinsky once did on her knees. Happy endings.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is that nobody forced Monica to do anything. If the GOP takes away women's choices, we WILL be forced to become breeders and house slaves.
Delete9:05 'Happy Endings' is Todd Palin's Lodge ad, right?
DeleteAt least Clinton did not Pimp Lewinsky. But you Palin Tea Baggers can find everything wrong with others, not with Sarah's trysts with Menard, Hansen, and Glen Rice. Your Queen is a well-known Whore at the Mugshot Saloon. Prove me wrong.
Examples, Sarah, of what a real person does when they become a celebrity:
ReplyDeleteDolly Parton's Imagination Library[edit]
Her literacy program, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library,[76] a part of the Dollywood Foundation, mails one book per month to each enrolled child from the time of their birth until they enter kindergarten. Currently over 1600 local communities provide the Imagination Library to almost 700,000 children each and every month across the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia.[76] The program distributes more than 8.3 million free books to children annually.
In 2006, Parton published a cookbook, Dolly's Dixie Fixin's: Love, Laughter and Lots of Good Food.[77][78]
The net profits support the Dollywood Foundation which has been noted for bringing jobs and tax revenues to a previously depressed region. Parton has also worked to raise money on behalf of several other causes, including the American Red Cross and a number of HIV/AIDS-related charities.[79]
In December 2006, Parton pledged $500,000 toward a proposed $90-million hospital and cancer center to be constructed in Sevierville in the name of Dr. Robert F. Thomas, the physician who delivered her. She announced a benefit concert to raise additional funds for the project. The concert played to about 8,000 people.[80] That same year, she and Emmylou Harris allowed their music to be used in a PETA ad campaign that encouraged pet owners to keep their dogs indoors rather than chained outside.[81] In May 2009, Parton gave the commencement address at the University of Tennessee. Her speech was about her life lessons, and she encouraged the graduates to never stop dreaming.[82]
Anonymous8:52 AM..I couldn't find the article on ADN. Could you provide a direct link to it? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYou guys all just fear her! She terrifies the left!! She's living rent free in your heads!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, can't type without laughing hahahahahahahaha
Just waiting for the troll! hahahahahahaha
DeleteFear her?? Honey.. No one is afraid of her or jealous of her.
DeleteWe laugh at her and are disgusted by her.
You clearly aren't very bright if you think anyone here fears her. That's hysterical!! Why would we?
Hey Palin worshipper, you have it all wrong as usual. It is people like us which is the reason Palin pussied out and didn't run in 2012 and is why she'll never run for any political office again. Lives in our heads? Umm, no! You'll notice she doesn't get those $100,000 speaking gigs anymore and her tv shows fail before they begin. Now make your SarahPAC donation so she can live rent free off your earned money or disability payment and do NOTHING for it!!
DeleteFear her? She is the reason that Barack Obama won the election by such a wide margin. Oh, and he also had a better message and better organization. The race might have been closer if McCain had picked a qualified VP running mate.
DeleteNice snark, 9:25 AM! She's all that and a pancake left too long on the griddle.
Delete9:25 - It looks like all but but 390 Americans fear her because that is the number of brave souls who showed up to see the old meth head.
DeleteOnly problem is the 390 couldn't cling to their guns because there was a metal detector at the door.
Snark, guys. Relax. :-)
Delete@ 9:25,
DeleteSo please, tell us what we are afraid of ? :-))
The inflated false boobs?
The easily disproved lies?
Some more easily disproved lies?
Oh..wait some word salad with a side of easily disproved lies??
Me - I am afraid of one thing- the explosion inside your head when you and your fellow sleepwalkers realize that Sarah conned you.
But you won't wake up. YOU ARE TOO AFRAID.
I think you all are missing 9:25's shark. Hence the laughter.
DeleteShe would be smart to fear tomatoes. You just never know when they will strike.
DeleteIt was around 2 pm on December 7 and the former governor of Alaska sat down for a book signing at the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN when a man began hurling tomatoes at her from a second floor balcony. December 8, 2009
I got it off the bat, 12:42 PM.
DeleteStill waiting for the troll!
Sorry, I thought you all would have seen the snark-- maybe I should have misspelled a few words! :)
DeleteI caught the snark immediately because of the 2nd part
DeleteSorry, can't type without laughing hahahahahahahaha
9:25 AM can't type while fondling your 2-toned Dildo?
DeleteLearn to fucking read, IM ers.
DeleteJesus Christ.
The op was a joke.
You make this blog look bad.
If you have to explain that your comment is snark, you have failed.
DeleteAnonymous8:52 AM Could you provide a link to the ADN article? Would much appreciate it as I can't find it.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's Facebook:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin shared a link.
54 minutes ago ·
Thank you, Sevierville Tea Partiers, who work so hard. The great people and great organizers there are making a difference. I was honored to meet them and speak at the rally this week!
@#!/*&¿#!$ Sarah were you honored to speak at the recent Convention and Freedom Fair in Wasilla your hometown? Did you thank the many volunteers who stepped up to make it successful?
Didn't think so.
Sarah was afraid to show up at the convention in Wasilla just like she's afraid to go to the stores and restaurants here in Alaska.
DeleteOne hour ago? Well there you have it. IM does live in her head. Talk about short and sweet, methinks it wasn't a good night for Queen Heifer.
DeleteSarah Palin lives in fear. That is why the meds et al.
DeleteHas she sent condolences to fellow Tea Party family that just lost their husband and father? You know how important family is to her and her new liberal bleeding heart and all. She will show her respect and go to the funeral? May have some bumper wisdom to inflict.
She has good reason to live in fear. There's people coming after her and her oh-so-holy family. The gig is up.
DeleteI know this is superficial, but does anyone know how to avoid getting such a heavy/thick looking face like she has? I'm around her age and I don't want to look like that. Just hoping for some tips.
ReplyDeleteShe's angry all the happy and thankful instead of pissed and vengeful. I am ten years older and a lot of pounds heavier than Sarah, and I don't look like that.
DeleteUnfortunately, my face resembles Jan Brewer's. I'd rather have wear and tear for what I've lived than the plastic shit that hides a dark, dark soul and spirit.
DeleteShe eats fur meat, you can start by staying away from that. Her medical cocktails are horrible, stay away from prescription pills. The meth will help you stay thin but can give you the big head look. Stay away from meth.
DeleteDon't do drugs. Don't eat or drink chemicals and crap. Drink a lot of water. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't become bitter. Meditate and breathe.
DeleteRead. Be grateful for what you have.
My two cents.
Gratitude... attitude is latitude.
DeleteDress sensibly and like you respect yourself. Dressing with taste distracts from any physical features you may not want others to notice. Carry yourself well, posture is one of the most important steps to beauty.
Get an education, and bath regularly.
Delete3:14 PM Bathe ?
DeleteTeach your children well. You will be beautiful!
Don't do horrible things and lie and live with the fear of the lies being found out.
DeleteOh, and try not to be mentally ill lol!!
What is up with you and The Screechy Wretch(tm), Gryphen??
ReplyDeleteWhat are you always so negative about her? Dude, you need to give this some serious thought! GROW UP!
Is it the ill-fitting, unattractive hairpieces and comically tacky wardrobe?
Is it her vibrant-living griftery?
Is it her relentless and reprehensible personal attacks on the black man in the White House?
Is it her humiliating lack of communications skills?
Is it her inability to hold any sort of semi-productive freelance, employment, appointed or elected position without premature termination or quitting?
Is it her inexplicable appeal among pathetic low-information mouth breathers?
All of the above??
Until you confront your apparent distaste for that woman or she finally realizes that she's an international laughingstock and sits down and shuts up, I'm certain you're going to keep posting these endless anti-Screechy diatribes on your defunct blog that nobody - from locations all across the globe, 24 hours a day - reads continuously every day, year after year after year.
I feel sorry for you. smh
Beldar JC--
DeleteIf Gryphen continues to write useless anti-Screech propaganda on his beyond-defunct blog that apparently only exists in our collective consciousness(es), will a tree fall in the woods? Or something?
Gryphen, apparently simple arithmetic is not your strong suit.
ReplyDeleteHere's how well-intentioned severe conservatives can look at a room with "dozens" of people and accurately report "thousands" in attendance.
Let's assume that an ACTUAL count - in contrast to an ACCURATE count - reveals that 4 dozen people were in the audience. The first thing crowd counting scientists do is assume a 10% bathroom or public telephone use undercount. 48 plus 10% (4.8) gets us to an ESTIMATED count of 52.8. 52.8 rounds up to 100.
From 100 we apply a standard "optimism" factor which allows for people who WANTED to attend but were prevented from coming due to problems with scheduling, transportation, financial, wardrobe malfunctions, adverse drug reactions, or GPS error. In this case, the factor is between 8-9 and to be severely conservative, we use 8. 8 times 100 is 800, which rounds up to 1000.
In order to prevent unintentionally conservative results - as if THAT would ever happen! - we apply the standard optimism factor again. But this time, we'd better use the higher end of the range, just because. 1000 times 9 is 9000 which rounds up to 15000.
And THAT is how Brightbart can scientifically report attendance "in the range of 20,000 to 50,000".
Next time, Gryphen, how about doing a little research before uploading a blog post like this, ok?
but if you count brains, there's less than 1 (even with a round up)
DeleteTo think that 4,240,000 Facebook fans had to wash their hair and missed it.
Delete@BJC: Read the comments made on the Knoxville ABC TV website, and they say that the ticket count was 390. That's not counting no-shows, a couple of lap children, and a couple of people in the washroom. Just how many people use a public telephone these days?? Do you mean that there is no cell phone coverage in Seviersville?
DeleteThe research is simple. In addition to the ABC-TV comments, others also reported 390 as the number of tickets sold. How many actually showed up? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and add 10% which would put the total over 400. The reason that they reported "dozens" of people- in the audience is because Palin made an a date with Knoxville TV for an interview, and then she was suddenly unavailable. Knoxville is just around the corner, but they were there to video Sarah and she stiffed them. You don't stiff people who buy ink by the barrel, or who film video for the local news show. They get the last word, and they are the ones who said "dozens" as a way to mock Sarah for cancelling an appointment.
The Tea Party had been selling two-fers's four days before the event, two tickets for the price of one and the still couldn't get a thousand people to fill that hall.
DeleteTo be fair, some had to clean the hamster cage and cat litter boxes.
Also, there might have been a power outage as all the jazzies were getting batteries supercharged at once.
And long lost cousins showed up for a visit.
And, alas, one or two might have been shot by their toddlers with guns.
Howz about if you count teeth (or toofuses, if you will?)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous10:11 AM
Gee, I thought the $1000 seats included dinner with the princess and a meet and greet. Bet she wanted to charge for photos, like she did at her book signings.
Damn, for $1000 I better get a tug and a rub.
The camera caught her shape shifting reptilian self in that shot.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lesson here for event planners. Do not fall for the sales pitch. She does NOT generate tickets sales. She can only fill a room when people are already there (CPAC, NRA Convention, graduation ceremony) and have no competing activities scheduled during her speech.
ReplyDeleteHow big is Sarah Palin's ego and can she cope with being a 'has-been'? As paid speaking opportunities dry up, would she rather stay home than take a job where she isn't the highest-paid, top-billed (keynote or only) speaker?
Come on, let's not put all of the blame on Sarah. Look at the all star cast who shared the stage with her. Judge Jeanine? Allen West? Rick Santorum? This is not the A list, not the B,or C list. How far down the alphabet do we have to go to get to these people?
Delete"But it wasn't the long lines waiting to get inside the convention center that frustrated them," and that's probably because those long lines did not exist since there were only dozens of people in attendance. Now of course this is the tea bagger crowd and they are fueled by frustration so with Breitbart News doing the reporting you know these people are all going to be frustrated by whatever currently has Sarah Palin's panties in a wad. That's how they roll! The Koch brothers pay Sarah to do her song and dance, she links to Breibart News and they report the story! A mutually beneficial $$$ relationship enjoyed by all!
ReplyDeleteIf you think about it, more people attended the water park across the road in the time the Four Stooges spoke.
ReplyDeleteWell lookie here! Somebody is bustin' ol' Sarah on her hypocrisy and general bullshit:
ReplyDeleteGuess Who Else Had Mysteriously Missing Emails: Sarah Palin
Like nearly every other conservative with a public platform, Sarah Palin has been using former IRS official Lois Lerner’s missing emails as a tool to attack the Obama administration. But of all people, perhaps Palin should not be so quick to highlight a mysterious gap in email communication. Following her short stint as governor of Alaska, her office released a supposedly comprehensive trove of emails that had its own unexplained one-month gap.
...Perhaps Palin forgot what it was like to be the subject of a similar investigation exactly three years earlier after her office released her emails to the press. On June 13, 2011, the Anchorage Daily News reported that “Nearly a month of former Gov. Sarah Palin’s emails are missing from the documents released to media organizations last week, a gap that raises questions about what other emails might also be missing from what’s being nationally reported as her record as Alaska governor.”
The missing emails from Dec. 06 are only the tip of Palin's email shenanigans.
DeleteThere's also:
*using 'executive privilege' to hide thousands of government emails from public scrutiny
*excessive redactions in government emails that were released to the public
*use of one or more personal email accounts for government business and then deleting those emails
The Personnel Board Troopergate investigation report--Petumenous Report, page 54--"Gov. Palin routinely used her private e-mail account to conduct state business, and those e-mails, Petumenos reports, are irretrievably deleted from her e-mail service."
[link no longer works and I can't find the ADN archives]
Sarah Palin has the shortest memory of any criminal politician alive in Alaska. Well, maybe excepting Joe Miller.
DeleteHey seditious sarh, come on back to Homer and see how long you last you worthless bitch
ReplyDeleteEven c4p posts old pictures for their daily open threads.
ReplyDeleteWhich is worse? Losing your emails (Sarah) or hiding them in your private email (Sarah)? How do we know that? A kid from Tennessee hacked her private account. He was punished for the hacking, but she also should have had some consequences for conducting state business on her private email account. Oh, and copying Todd, who was not part of the government.
ReplyDeleteQueen Esther and Timothy Ray Murray are cut from the same mold.
ReplyDeleteI love the photo of Sarah dressed up to look like Dolly Parton, the photo of Sarah in the pink blouse when she appeared in New York. But Dolly can sing, write music and she has a great sense of humor about herself. I'm trying to think of what Sarah's talent is, but the only thing I can come up with is her ability to get people to donate money to her PAC and think that she is going to run for president.
ReplyDeleteWe know that Sarah Palin is devoid of a sense of humor. We have NEVER seen her give a hearty laugh out loud! And, she doesn't joke or make light of herself and her idiotic doings! She doesn't smile easily and reflects zero warmth! She's a woman w/no talent whatsoever - all she has shown us is one nasty personality! Oh, and the fact she is damned stooopid!
DeleteDid Sarah buy those from the Dollywood joke & souvenir shop?
That's funny, a windbag with airbags!
DeleteYoutube video of her screeching in Sevierville, TN
Nothing says Republican like Sarah Palin. She will forever be the iconic Republican. Including when she escapes and some idiots set up another Scam (Party) for her. It would be such fun to watch. Please DO IT! Stop with the idle threats Seditious Scab.
ReplyDeleteSarah - we know you follow IM. Fuck you, bitch!
ReplyDeleteWhoah, how the mighty (crazy) have fallen. The only ones paying attention are working for a company named for a man whose greatest contribution was achieving room temperature.
ReplyDeleteShe's so profoundly stupid, she compares herself to Dolly Parton, who's talented, acts, writes her own songs and lyrics and those of other singers. She has an amusement park named after her
Have you applied for "The View" yet? Whoopie needs you to build up her self esteem, Sherry Shepherd's quitting and Jenny McCarthy's quitting. Come on, help Ms. Goldberg!!
Her consequences will come suddenly in a big crash.
ReplyDeleteThe kid did not HACK into her emails! He simply guessed her stupidly easy security questions and read them.
ReplyDeleteSo the Ol' Mannnniquin's Last Gasp was a flop. No surprise there. But hey, she can always organize a three-car-motorcade, can't she?
ReplyDeleteNo wait!! According to Lawrence O'Donnell's guest Steve S., someone who knows her dark secrets, she cannot even successfully do that.
Isn't it interesting that a community organizer became the President of the United States. And an exceptional president at that!
Just goes to show how irrelevant she is if c4p is using ancient history to try and sell the old fart.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait until she does another one of those lack luster "reload" crap fests. She will get wind that she is already dead and buried 6 feet under in the minds of most of the world. How can she not do her routine 'fight, rah, rah' grizzled spiels? The weaker she goes the funnier she is.
ReplyDeleteWould anyone here claim Sarah Palin as a relative when she is dressed like that Boob in the Pink sweater in New York? Would her own kids want to be seen with her dressed like that? She is an embarrassment. Aren't Alaskans glad that she has moved to Arizona?
ReplyDeleteSo according to Palin, in Alaska meat only comes wrapped in fur... But on occasion in a Taco Bell wrapper labeled CrunchWrap Supreme.
ReplyDeleteWTF is that on top of her head?
ReplyDeleteHey party people, it's me again! I posted Friday about hoping as many of you as possible would be willing to donate $5 to Gryphen via PayPal for all the work he puts into this site. I was GOING to say "donate a dollar for each broke down wig Sarah has worn this year" but hell, I didn't want to make you guys go broke.
ReplyDeleteGryphen works a "real job", has community and social obligations, and family/friends he loves to spend time with, I'm sure. But he shortchanges all of that, so he can provide US with IM. He doesn't write IM for himself. He writes it for us. He spends dog knows how much time on the comments, knowing if it were a free for all like some other Palin blogs, it would be impossible to enjoy the comment section here as fully as we all do.
I do not know Gryphen personally and I have nothing to gain by people donating to him. I just thought it would be great if we all could skip a coffee and send Gryphen that $5 instead.
You can send him a donation via PayPal using the email address
Thanks for hearing me out, IM'ers! And thank you Gryphen for allowing me to post this!