Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fox News finds out that there is at least one public television in America where their network is NOT playing 24 hours a day, freak out about it and compare the non-viewers to POW's.

Courtesy of News Corpse: 

A local TV station in Fresno, California did a rather trivial story about a waiting room at a Veterans Administration pharmacy. The story concerned an allegation that Fox News had been banned from the televisions at the facility. So the reporter sent one of his veteran buddies into the pharmacy to pretend to want to view Fox News. Whereupon they discovered that the channel was not accessible. 

That set off a flurry of outrage over at the Fox News mothership. They aired panicky segments on this massive censorship plot on multiple programs, including America’s News Headquarters, The O’Reilly Factor, and Fox & Friends. In each case they characterized the situation as a blatant attempt to silence Fox News due to their reporting on the scandalous backlogs and corrupt management at some V.A. hospitals. The only thing wrong with these reports was – well – everything. 

First of all, there was no attempt to censor Fox News. A spokesperson for the facility made it clear that that the channel was removed because of patient concerns. At least some of the patients explicitly objected to Fox News and the resultant controversy created an uncomfortable environment. 

“It was just a misunderstanding. We’ve had a lot of veterans with diverse personalities. A lot of veterans complaining about one news station or the other, so the intent was really to be fair and equitable and take all stations off. [...] We’ve had several incidents of veterans actually arguing, fighting over the different news stations. Some wanted to watch news, some did not. Others wanted to watch specific stations.”

This kid of reminds me of the so-called "IRS Scandal" where the IRS dealt with the influx of applications by 501 (c) (4) organizations by flagging those that seemed suspicious for later review, which the Right Wing distorted to make it appear as if it were an attack on them.

In this case all cable news stations get removed, but the only one to play the victim is the one that promotes Right Wing ideologies.

Notice a pattern?

News Corpse then goes on to explain that there was no reason to single Fox News out over reports on problems with the VA, as they did no more than any other cable news network. (And besides CNN broke the story, NOT Fox News.)

But what was REALLY troubling was HOW Fox played the victim:

Particularly disturbing was the framing of this phony whining about censorship by the Fox & Friends crew, where co-host Brian Kilmeade packaged the segment as “Abandoned Brothers.” They actually employed language generally reserved for prisoners of war or fallen soldiers on the battlefield to describe people waiting to get their prescriptions filled in a downtown Fresno drug store who weren’t able to watch a gaggle of Fox News blondes in short skirts mutilate journalism.

Kind of icky. Especially considering how they tried and convicted Sgt. Bergdahl, an actual POW, without bothering to get the whole story about his capture and subsequent release.


  1. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Yes. What I have found this year in medical facilities is that the lowest paid worker in the building screams out into the customer lobby "blame the president" its all his fault. and then I walk up to the counter and quietly explain to the ignorant young woman that she is now included in the complaint that I will be filing at every agency involved. I live in a red state, so the docs are red and with an attitude. I am one by one reminding them of the oath that they took upon graduation from medical school. Additionally remind them that complaints will be filed regarding ethics, professionalism, and lack of medical care.

  2. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Can we stop calling Fox NEWS? It isn't.

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Fox is disgusting! I never watch it and if I'm at a public place where they have Fox on, I always ask to have the channel changed!

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Me too, they have it on in my dentist's office for shit's sake, people are hyped up enough and they don't need the screaming freaks on Fake News getting their blood pressure up even higher.

  4. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Almost anywhere you go in the US, doctor office to garage, if there is a television set where people wait, the channel it is set to is Fox News. I have objected at my doctor's office and they turned the sound off but let the station on. There are plenty of Americans who do NOT want to be subjected to Fox News at any time of the day. I'd much prefer The Weather Channel or HGTV or just silence while I'm reading my book and waiting for my appointment. Anything but Fox News. It does nothing good for my blood pressure.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Same here at the Honda Dealership where I trade. About three months ago, while I was getting my Pilot serviced, I explained to the GM why FNS was bad for business and put a dark cloud over employee morale and the lobby/wait area atmosphere in general. After listening to me attentively, he agreed with me and changed all three tv sets (one to a home/garden channel and the other two to sports programming) I later sent him a copy of the Customer Service Survey that Honda always sends following a service visit or purchase. I gave them the good marks they deserved as usual, plus I noted the Gen Bus. Mgr's responsiveness and commitment to creating a customer-friendly atmosphere by eliminating the divisive, negative rhhetoric and noise of FNS programming, which continually puts a damper on positive news in the U.S. business/economic news based on its extreme partisan programming and extreme opinions.

      I was back in the dealership yesterday morning to get my oil changed, and I checked the TV Channels, and they remained unchanged from the changes the Gen Bus Mgr had made on my previous visit. In this follow-up survey, I'll let them know how much appreciate the pleasant, friendly environment of the wait area, including the great free coffee (Community Restaurant Roast Blend), which smells so good and adds to the experience. It reminds me of home in South Louisiana.

      Just a couple of small wins here but important to me, as I don't relish paying for expensive regular PM service work on two Honda vehicles while having to deal with the negativity and BS of Fox Noise. I am so glad I pushed the issue. Any day that starts with a good cup of coffee and *without* Fox & Friends is likely to be a great day.

    2. Now that's a fine and positive attitude! Good for you!

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:29 AM

    Same MO employed by the paid propagandists at the Sargasso Sea of Pee--calling the other commenters "Brother", "Sister", "Barbarian", and referring to the group as an "army". Kind of like a super-secret kid's club for overgrown misfits that meets in someone's tree house every day after school, only a helluva lot more obnoxious, bitter and belligerent.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      I LOVED it yesterday when mark1955, the "false flag" in everything believer, made some dumbass conspiracy comment and busybee01 posted "here's your theme song" and it was a YouTube of heme song to Looney Tunes cartoons. Of course the old fart Virginia cardiac had to school him on playing nice with others. That is one strange bunch over there.

  6. Raz Lemons6:36 AM

    If I am in a business that has Fox playing I ask them to turn it off if they refuse they lose my patronage right there right then , If there is a remote laying around I change it myself and give anybody that might complain a " I dare you look " works everytime : ) and if that remote happens to be a DirectTV remote I quickly use the parental lockout option and block FNC with my own private PIN : )

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Love this.

    2. I have politely asked the folks at Office Depot to turn off Fox, and they have. Each time I politely and with a smile said that if they did, I would purchase every item on my list of back-to-school supplies for three kids, plus extras for donations to others. Or I would leave without buying a thing. They moved FAST!

      The very worst place for mandatory Fox viewing is a hospital ER. As if everyone isn't feeling bad enough already!

  7. Get this! Even his friends think he's a nut job.

  8. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I worked at an assisted living facility where the owners banned ANY news channel--including the Weather Channel--from the TVs in the public areas. Their rationale was that like young children, some of the elders might confuse a single news event (think tornado) & thinking it was a multiple event. Except for the Alzheimer's unit, most of the residents had TVs in their rooms, & could watch what they wanted there. And yes, most of them were tuned to Fox News and cranked up to 11.

    The one public set available to regular residents usually got around the "no news" restriction by putting it on one of the local stations. Several of the ladies followed the soaps & game shows, and the more active ones wanted the local news & weather. The owners usually weren't around when the local news came on anyway.

    I had more complaints from other employees than the residents. Most of these girls were being paid minimum ($7.25) to provide care for some very sick people. They could literally earn more at the McDonald's less than 500 feet away, not to be responsible for another person's life.

    Yet they wanted Fox on all the time. And yes, when I asked about voting, none of them were even registered. So sad...

  9. Anita Winecooler12:56 PM

    What bothers me most about situations people are describing in the comment section is why is it always somewhere there's a captive audience? Hospital and Doctor waiting rooms, especially. I've asked politely to either change the channel or turn off the television because the people not only watch it, but they like it loud and they scream at the set (As if Lis Hasslebeck can hear what they're saying). I'm very polite about it, and I tell them to call me at another location or take my business elsewhere.
    And I'm not a proponent of censorship, but Fox is the only exception. They admit they're not news just like wrestling isn't wrestling. It's entertainment.


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