Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Glenn Beck admits that the Liberals were right about Iraq. Wait, that can't be right.

Well crap!
Courtesy of Politico:  

Glenn Beck is admitting he was wrong and liberals were right for opposing the invasion of Iraq. 

“[Liberals] said we couldn’t force freedom on people,” Beck said at the start of his Tuesday radio show. “Let me lead with my mistakes. You were right. Liberals, you were right, we shouldn’t have.” 

“From the beginning, most people on the left were against going to Iraq,” Beck said. “I wasn’t.” 

The talk show host explained that when a possible invasion of Iraq was being discussed, he believed Saddam Hussein was backing terror against the United States and that something had to be done. 

“In spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said, ‘We shouldn’t get involved, we shouldn’t nation-build and there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free,’” Beck said. “I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free.” 

On Tuesday, Beck admitted, “You cannot force democracy on the Iraqis or anybody else, it doesn’t work. They don’t understand it or even really want it.” 

Holy crap! And here I thought that when Pat Robertson came out against the decision to invade Iraq that it was big news. 

I can hardly wait to see who next publicly devours a huge helping of crow.

Which makes me wonder if we are getting closer to a time when the nation might seriously consider prosecuting the architects of that illegal conflict.

Oh a boy can dream can't he?


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I'm pretty sure that by Friday Rush Limbaugh will say "I Never thought you'd hear me say this but when it comes to Iraq the DFH nation had it right."

    Followed by him saying "Now here's the one to sit down for dittoherd nation- Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy to be the veep nominee!"


  2. Caroll Thompson2:53 PM

    First Pat Robertson and now Glenn Beck saying this? Is the world ending?

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Dream on, unfortunately. The Obama administration will never prosecute the Bush war criminals. It can't afford to set such a precedent. That of course will not prevent any subsequent Repug administration from prosecuting IT for Benghazi (for example), but it's worth a try.

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    The SOLE reason for bombing and invading Iraq was that there were supposed to be weapons of mass destruction.

    Beck is trying to cover his stupidity. He's mewling about spreading democracy like we're supposed to forget he was totally into the WMD theory.

    We were lied to. And the criminals that did the lying are unpunished. Beck conveniently forgets that aspect of this whole mess. He's just trying to make himself look good.

  5. hedgewytch3:12 PM

    There goes his viewership.

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Well, I'll be gotohell on Beck's statement! I just excommunicated him from claiming WA state as his early home, and now he went and got almost reasonable. I don't think I'll change my mind until he does a complete 180 degree on lots of other stuff also, too :)

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Harry Reid b-slapped Cheney but good today, too.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Jay Carney Zings Cheney’s ‘Wrong on Iraq’ Remark: ‘Which President Was He Talking About?’

    2. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

      Harry Reid deserves a standing ovation for this, I hope his tweet goes viral.

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Harry Reid lets a lot slip by uncontested, but every so often he comes out swinging and hits a grand slam home run!

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM

      I saw the interview with dick and his spawn on the meghen kelly show on faux, the spawn looked so defeated,

  8. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Beck didn't go far enough. We invaded Iraq because they supposedly had WMD's. We didn't go in to nation build. Now if he got on the band wagon and said Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the "experts" should be tried for war crimes, he may redeem himself.

  9. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Are we supposed to be either thankful of that Beck idiot one second of sanity, or are we supposed to encourage President Obama to act faster to fix the Dubya/Cheney mess?

    Screw the screw up Cheney, and off with the channel to any station that gives that crook, immoral war profiteer air time.

    Good on President Obama for not creating yet another knee jerk reactive response to predictable events caused by American warlords for profit.

    Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurd need to make their own choices about the future of Iraq. The British map drawing crazies did enough damage in the 1940s. We kicked the Brits out of our country, yet we accepted the Brit's plan to land a Jewish population in the middle of the Palestine.

    Time for a second divorce form the UK, and let them pay the bill for their stupidity, as should the Koch GOP pay for the two unfunded Dubya wars.

    Humanitarian? That's a UN thing which deserves our support. Food for friends is a way better concept than the Bush/Blair era of WTF bombing for friends.

  10. Anita Winecooler4:20 PM

    I thought remorse meant a person has a conscience. I wonder what else he'll apologize for saying, he's got a long record of propaganda and outright lies about President Obama.
    I share that same dream.

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    It might be a good idea to arrest Dick Cheney and send him over to the Mideast and let them deal with him. The guy is a first class dick! He and his daughter continue to display themselves as evil doers.

  12. Anonymous4:51 PM

    John Kerry honors Condi Rice while her former colleague trashes his boss.

  13. It's extremely annoying to read comments from right wingnuts on various other blogs and news-site comment sections, where they claim that "most Democrats" were in favor of the Iraq Resolution and sending ground troops into Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein.

    That's certainly not true about the Democrats in the House of Representatives (82-126) in 2002; the Dem vote in the Senate was 29-21. But the Republicans were overwhelmingly in favor of war: In the House, they voted 215-6, and in the Senate 48-1.

    I tend to think that in 2002 most of our politicians still made an effort to represent their constituents honestly, so I would suppose the Dems in Congress reflected Dems in general.

    Thus, the RWNJs are lying, of course. They usually shut up when I post the vote count from the Wiki of the Iraq Resolution.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Republican House members voting against the Iraq Resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).

      Independent House member voting against: Rep. Sanders (I-VT)

      Not voting: Reps. Ortiz (D-TX), Roukema (R-NJ), and Stump (R-AZ)

      Republican Senators voting against the Iraq Resolution: Sen. Chafee (R-RI).
      Independent Senator voting no: Sen. Jeffords (I-VT)

      126 Democratic members of the House voted against the Iraq Resolution.

      21 Democratic members of the Senate voted no.

  14. Anonymous6:18 PM

    o/t Sgt. Bergdahl: The House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing was an open forum to discuss the prisoner swap

  15. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Next Glenn Beck will come out and say that Immoral Minority and its readers were/are correct that Sarah Palin is a fraud and John McCain made a big mistake by selecting Wasilla's village idiot.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Caint Get Right is that you?

  16. I wish I could tell if he's really sincere but I can't. He's a performance artist and can tell which way the wind is blowing. Besides, I don't need the likes of Glen Beck to validate that I've been right all these years.

  17. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Beckster, we're right that than more about that...and have been so for many, many decades.

  18. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Another carefully worded "apology" . . . calling the Iraq Invasion an enterprise in "nation building" and "spreading democracy" and "not wanting to go there" is deliberately making the whole debacle sound like a "humanitarian mistake" rather than the War Crime that it was. The Bush Cabal LIED for self-serving reasons, and many DIED because of them.

    Nice try, Glenn.


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