Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hillary Clinton says that opponents of gun laws "terrorize" the majority of people.

Courtesy of Time:  

“We cannot let a minority of people, and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people, hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people,” Clinton said during a live CNN town hall. The comments were Clinton’s deepest foray into an exceedingly controversial political subject since leaving the State Department last year. 

“I was disappointed that the Congress did not pass universal background checks after the horrors of the shootings at Sandy Hook,” she said in response to a question from a school teacher in the audience. “I don’t think any parent, or any person should have to fear about their child going to school or going to college because someone for whatever reason, psychological, emotional, political, ideological, whatever, could possibly enter that school property with an automatic weapon and murder innocent children, students, teachers.” 

“I will speak out [on this subject] no matter what role I find myself in,” Clinton pledged, referring to her consideration of a presidential bid in 2016.

Damn, that is a pretty bold position for somebody who is clearly running for President in 2016.

This will ABSOLUTELY inspire the NRA to throw tons of money at defeating her and other Right Wing lunatics will now have a rallying cry to use to get the conservative vote out.

This also kind of softens the criticism that Hillary is too politically calculating and that all of her responses to the questions from reporters are focused on making her more electable rather than her honest feelings on the topic.

Clearly Hillary knows that this answer will show up in political advertisements, chain e-mails, and debates right up until November 2016.

To honest this really impresses me, and gives me more confidence in who she will be as President.

As did her response to the RNC squirrel:

A Republican National Committee intern, dressed in a Squirrel costume, has been stalking Hillary Clinton while she’s on her book tour. On Tuesday, the former Secretary of State walked up to the intern and said while handing him a copy of her book ‘Hard Choices,’ “Hello Mr. Squirrel, how are you?” She continued with a smile on her face, “I know you’ve been following me around and while you’re in between your gigs. I wanted you to get a copy of my book.”

 Oh yeah, she going to do fine.


  1. Sally in MI12:39 PM

    I guess she couldn't really get a BB gun and go over to it, could she?

  2. “We cannot let a minority of people... hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people,” Clinton said..."
    I don't give a damn what they think or what their viewpoint is. They can hold whatever viewpoint they wish.

    The rest of us do not have to let them act out their idiotic, reckless, irresponsible viewpoints.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      How exactly does a viewpoint terrorize anyone, and why do you think you can limit free speech in addition to the right to bear arms?

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM
      How exactly does a viewpoint terrorize anyone, and why do you think you can limit free speech in addition to the right to bear arms?
      Did you even read my comment? My point was that viewpoints aren't the problem, actions are.

      I have no -problem with free speech as is clear from my comment.

      For fuck sake, learn to read.

      As for bearing arms, with every right comes responsibilities. Others have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    3. You articulated much more clearly what (I believe) Hillary *meant* to say or should've said.

      Nefer Rules.

    4. Anonymous3:47 PM

      As soon as the viewpoint is visible to all around because it is holstered around one's waist or toted over a shoulder, it becomes intimidation. And, therefore, not a viewpoint but a threat.

    5. Anonymous4:07 PM

      THANK you, Nefer and Beaglemom!

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Damn, but I like her directness to issues. She's going to be fun to watch during the campaign. Can hardly wait to vote for her! Looking forward to calling her President Clinton!

  4. Dan Heynen1:11 PM

    Those of us who support more gun control legislation need to use accurate terminology. Every time we refer to a semi-automatic weapon as an "automatic," the gun nuts start laughing, and from their point of view, the discussion is over.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      You might be right Dan, it does show that the firearm legislation folks really haven't the slightest idea about guns at all, or that they resort to misinformation and scare tactics to spread the propaganda.

    2. Using "automatic" instead of "semi-automatic" is the very least of our concerns around gun legislation for most of us. I feel the same way about "semi-automatic" weapons as I do about "automatic" weapons and want the strictest controls on them.

      We have too many guns and too much gun violence and too many gun deaths, intentional and accidental. I want to have a culture that isn't based on the gun.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      less hi capacity, rapid fire -> fewer dead kindergarten kids

    4. Dan Heynen3:07 PM

      I own several guns, but I'd support Licensing of all gun owners including some sort of exam, registration of all guns, required insurance, limited capacity magazines, and banning of assault rifle look-a-likes, but chances are none of this will ever happen in this country. But in the mean time, our language needs to be accurate.

    5. Anonymous3:45 PM

      As far as I'm concerned, a gun is a gun. No one should go all semantics over them. And I think that they are all dangerous and I do not believe that there is any inalienable right in any part of this country to flaunt one's gun (of any type) in public. Recently one man so devoted to his weapon that he couldn't be parted from it long enough to attend a local school board meeting toted it right there. The only possible purpose was, you guessed it, the immediate intimidation of every one in the room. And that stifled the free exchange of ideas and opinions for all. Gun lovers have no more rights than everyone else. Someone needs to explain the Constitution to them.

  5. It's the numbers. 90% of the population support reasonable gun ownership restrictions, background checks, etc. Coming out in favor of unlimited gun ownership is going to look like the crazy response. She's just convinced the winger candidate, whoever he is (because it will be a man) that he has to make a statement supporting unrestricted gun ownership/access.

  6. Randall1:30 PM

    Hillary in 2016

    For goodness' sake, people
    get out and VOTE

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      But first, get out there and vote in 2014! We need to keep the Democratic control in the Senate (but make it stronger) and we need to send the GOP back to the Stone Age (where they feel most comfortable) in the House!

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I live in NH. I will be working on her campaign and I plan to attend the most EPIC inauguration ever!! Jan 20, 2017. Be there or be square.

  8. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Only Hillary (and perhaps Mr. Obama) could get away with mocking some moron in a squirrel costume and come out larger than before.

  9. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I'm a gun owner, and I support Hillary Clinton.

  10. Anonymous2:50 PM

    GOPee Yew: What The Media Isn’t Telling You About Obama’s Poll Numbers

    ...Both the President and his party are putting the Republicans to shame. He is 30% more popular than the Republican Party, and nearly 50% more popular than the laughably inane Tea Party. If his presidency is over, as some right-wing pundits are gleefully claiming, what does that mean for conservatives?

    And that’s not all. When asked which party they prefer to control Congress, respondents chose Democrats over Republicans by 45% to 43%. The poll also reports that progressive positions on prominent issues are far more popular than those of conservatives. For instance, respondents support the Common Core education initiative 59/31. They believe that immigration helps rather than hurts the nation 47/42. They advocate action on climate change 61/37. They approve of Obama’s recent move to set strict carbon dioxide emission limits 67/29.

  11. Caroll Thompson3:00 PM

    Hillary will make an excellent President. She has what Sarah Palin never will and that is common sense. I am a gun owner and I believe in not scaring the local population by packing a semi automatic around town and in retail stores.

  12. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I wonder what the squirrel said back. They're not supposed to talk, but they do. Got my alma mater university's mascot talking big time and laughing last year when I had him in a golf cart as a first-time driver at a charity tourney.

  13. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

    I'm glad she's putting herself out there this way. When she was working as Secretary of State, we rarely got to see this side of her, in fact, we haven't seen it since she lost to President Obama.
    She's more at ease with each interview. One of the pundits likened it to "Scraping off the Rust" and re introducing herself.
    I'm also impressed with her speaking of the need for gun control and the fact that these open carry people are scaring the public.

    But talking to an assclown in a squirrel outfit was kind of funny! My sister's reading her book and from what she says, I can't wait to get my paws on it.

  14. The blog shows that the Hilary Clinton says that the people should be in good character not to be immoral.


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