Sunday, June 01, 2014

GOP Chairman Reince Priebus says Hillary Clinton is disqualified from running for President. If you guessed because of Benghazi you get a gold star!

Courtesy of MSNBC:  

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said Hillary Clinton should be “disqualified” from running for president because she declined to appear on five Sunday news shows days after the deadly 2012 attack at the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya. 

Then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on the shows in her place, explaining that Clinton was too exhausted to make an appearance after a “grueling” week. 

“One of two things was true: Either Hillary Clinton had a grueling week and was tired and failed to report for duty, and therefore I don’t know how she can be president of the United States,” Priebus said on Fox News Sunday. “Or second, Susan Rice was lying and, in fact, Hillary Clinton wasn’t tired and that’s not the reason she didn’t report for duty.” 

“If she’s even thinking of running for president, I think she has been disqualified because of her actions here,” Priebus stated.

Yes because there has NEVER been a male President who became exhausted on the job, or who sent out a surrogate instead of doing interviews themselves, right?

By the way this is how Susan Rice herself explained why she appeared on the talk shows instead of Hillary:

'Secretary Clinton had originally been asked by most of the networks to go on,' Rice told Williams. 'She had had an incredibly gruelling week dealing with the protests around the Middle East and North Africa that enveloped our embassies. 

'She had to deal with the loss of our four colleagues in Benghazi and console the whole State Department, greet the families and the bodies. And she declined to do it. And I was asked by the White House if I would do it as the next senior American diplomat.' 

'We were talking about a range of issues that week,' she said. 'It wasn't just Benghazi, as you`ll recall. It was a broad spectrum of foreign policy and national security issues that I talk about publicly every day. So I was asked. I was willing to do so. 

 'It wasn't what I had planned for the weekend originally, but I don't regret doing that, Brian.'

Yeah dealing with grieving families, and doing her job, instead of appearing on Sunday news shows to explain an investigation that was still ongoing, how unprofessional of her.

This outrage on the part of Priebus, of course, is in response to the leaked chapter of Hillary upcoming book in which she states, “I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It’s just plain wrong, and it’s unworthy of our great country. Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me.” 

That is what is driving Priebus and others in the GOP out of their freaking minds.

Which is made quite evident by this statement from the Chairman earlier today: 

“How did this chapter get leaked to the newspaper? It got leaked because their people are trying to stop any more criticism that she’s been receiving on Benghazi,” Priebus said on Fox. “Hillary Clinton is politics 24/7. This is no different.”

Yep, right out of their freaking minds.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    A Hysterical Reince Priebus Claims Benghazi Disqualifies Hillary Clinton From Running

    ...Apparently, the Benghazi scandal is now about Hillary Clinton not appearing on the Sunday morning shows after the attack. Priebus repeatedly used the phrase failure to report for duty, which is interesting because most of us had no idea that appearances on the Sunday morning shows were a part of the legal and formal duties of the Secretary of State.

    At least Priebus finally admitted that this Benghazi nonsense is all about implicating Hillary Clinton in some Republican imagined White House cover-up. Priebus also made it clear that Republicans are going to continue to flog this dead horse to nowhere through the 2016 election.

    A sure sign that there is no scandal is that Republicans keep changing what the Benghazi scandal is about. If Republicans think that some Fox News generated conspiracies are going to stop Hillary Clinton, they are in for a long, long, long 2016.

    Hillary is causing a full Republican meltdown, and she isn’t even a candidate yet.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Newt tried to change the attack this morning on CBS, saying, basically, forget Benghazi -- it's Clinton's inaction in Nigeria that will be the scandal. He had his trademarked sadistic gleam in his eyes when he said it. He's drooling about a whole new scandal they'll dream up, knowing that there's no more mileage to be gotten from Libya.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Come on $arah, stand up for Hillary because someone leaked parts of her book, just like happened to you, remember?


    1. Baldy may be a bit busy with coming up with more lies for her lawsuit with that New Jersey newspaper to deal with Hillary right now!

      Gryphen did you see this from RadarOnline?


      Here's the link to the court document...

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Even after all these years I'm still surprised that Reince Priebus can actually form words. It must be such an effort for him, with his low intellect.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Hey, is this all you got? Now go rinse your penis.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is really worried about a Hillary Clinton presidency. Being such a rabid attack dog this early out can only mean that he knows Republicans are cooked if she runs.

    1. I suspect he's more worried that when he is responsible for ANOTHER loss of power, he might finally be replaced.

  5. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I sincerely hope that ObviousAnagram swallows his tongue when we not only NOMINATE Hilary, but she wipes the floor with the dicks the GOP tries to run for President.
    HE cannot disqualify anyone - the electorate will have its say and Rince will have to bite it.

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "I mean how did this chapter get leaked to the newspaper?"

    You mean, how was a much anticipated book excerpted to draw attention in order to increase book sales? Like other highly anticipated books?

    Leaked. Sheesh. He must be terrified of Hillary. Scared spitless.

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Well, I guess if Hillary Clinton is politics 24/7, then she will be ready for that 3am phone call after all.

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The World According to Rinsed Pubus.

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I'm sorry, did anyone ever deny it was a terrorist attack? Yes, I know POTUS was initially informed it was a response to the video - but that lasted about 20 seconds. There was no cover up, no hidden agenda, numerous hearings have already bore this out. Does he not have a television set?

  10. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Obvious Anagram Priebus is a walking idiot - it's amazing he can dress himself without help.

  11. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Oh little prince rebus, please go fu@# yourself. I just love how terrified they are of Hillary.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      This could be the greatest landslide ever.

  12. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The most recent boots on the ground investigation concluded the attack happened because locals who'd stolen arms from Qaddafi munitions dumps joined the protest and then opened fire. It was BOTH an ad hoc attack (with terrorism as its objective...terrorize USA out of Libya) and a protest, as those two aren't mutually exclusive. That explains why no terrorist group has yet to claim responsibility for the attack.

    The other sad part of this is that $100M was spent on security improvements in the Embassy, but $450M was needed, which Congress would not approve. There is a lot of blame to go around on this one, but the blame on the White House or State Department is the wrong place to put it.

  13. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Michael Czin, national press secretary for the Democratic National Committee, responded to Priebus' remarks on Benghazi with a statement Sunday:

    Today, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus sounded more like a conspiracy theorist than a leader of the Republican Party.

    The Obama Administration and Democrats are focused on making sure a tragedy like what happened in Benghazi never happens again. Republicans are obsessed with playing politics with that tragedy just to rally their far-right base.

    The fact is that there have already been 7 investigations into Benghazi, 25,000 documents have been provided and more than a dozen hearings held. While Republicans want to spend more time investigating what they have already investigated, they are refusing to act on important legislative priorities that will help grow the middle class, like paycheck fairness, raising the minimum wage or passing comprehensive immigration reform.

  14. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I'm sure if Hillary didn't mention Benghazi in her book,
    Priebus would be screaming that she didn't have the decency
    to even address it in her book. He is such a tool.

  15. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Say what? "Playing politics?"

    That's what Reince Priebus has been doing all his life.

    The entire GOP "plays politics" with everything from medical care for veterans to global climate change. Lest we forget, the GOP blocked funds to increase security measures for US embassies. Then, they waste tax payer money holding an endless number of hearings trying to blame President Obama for Benghazi.

    If that is not "Playing Politics", what is?

  16. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Intersting conservative logic: Clinton is NOT qualified to be president because she did NOT go on TV talk shows?

    Just goes to show you how low the bar is set for conservative candidates for president.

    1. So I guess Palin is imminently qualified because she appears on Fox? Oh wait, she is the only VP candidate never to appear on MTP...I guess Reince is right!

    2. Now we know why the republicans are so eager to appear on the Sunday gasbag shows. (rolls eyes)

  17. Anonymous2:56 PM

    There have been more Benghazi hearings than there

    were for 911 or for the lies that started the Iraq war …

    or the 13 previous embassy incidents under the white guy.

  18. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Reince Priebus. Someone noted that if you take all the vowels out of his name, what is left is RNC PR BS How appropriate is that? If only these clowns had made such a big deal out of the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS killed in Cheney/W wars. If only. This lttle worm is creepy, he definitely is a repub. to the core. He should try doing the job Hillary did for a week. He could not handle it.

    1. I believe Keith made that observation before the liberal media fired him.

  19. When did appearing on talk shows become a "qualification" for running for office? Did I sleep through that part of Civics class? Was a "law" passed and I missed the news?

    ~~dazed and confused!

    1. Don;t you recall how many shows Mittens was on, and how many times he was asked about his tax returns? Yeah, me neither.

  20. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The Holy Teapublican Cults of Jeebus Inc with their "Learless Feeder," Rinse Penis, at the helm demonstrate exactly why they are going the way of the Whigs.

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It's a good thing for Reince Priebus that it's not possible to die from an overdose of irony.

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The basic fact here is that the Republican's are scared witless by Hillary. They know they can't beat her.

  23. Anonymous3:01 PM

    How dare she play politics with the politics that we played with! If Clinton defends herself it's playing politics, if the GOP uses it as platforms for their 2014 candidates to run on, it's not.

  24. Anonymous3:02 PM

    It takes a lot of nerve for Reince Priebus to cast aspersions on anyone anywhere for being politically motivated. He is such a pompous ass.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Casting aspersions on his asparagus, yes! We should continue to call the RNC out on its arrogant ignorance and conscientious stupidity.


  25. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The 4 men killed in Benghazi knew the risks of serving there and accepted it as part of their jobs. Why do Republicans not care as much about the thousands upon thousands killed accidentally and purposely by legal and illegal guns? Why not spend as much time and money investigating gun violence as they have investigating Benghazi?

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      The latest group who are fundraining on Benghazzi, have requested funds for travel!!! Someone should keep a running total of how much is spent on these fiascos from taxpayer funds.

    2. New rule: For every Benghazi hearing there must be an equivalent one on guns I.E. Sandy Hook et al.

  26. Anonymous3:03 PM

    It's HER book. As an author, HC can choose to cover or not cover whatever topic she chooses. Aren't the GOP constantly crying "Freedom of speech"?

  27. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Oh Reince, you poor, weird, brainwashed, misguided, smarmy little elf... you've mastered The Basics Of Republicanism - accuse the opposition of the very same tactics that you yourself use repeatedly and inappropriately. You are a very strange, nasty little man, and you are highly amusing, in a very perverse sort of way. Little man, go ahead, just keep raising the same points that have already been addressed, and keep asking the same questions that have already been answered over and over and over. Such is the current state of the laughable "Republican Party".

  28. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Gee Reince, maybe you can get Issa to investigate Hillary's book.

  29. Anonymous3:06 PM

    What's a matter Prieby? Getting beat at your own game?

  30. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Wrong Reince. Hillary is WORKING politics - it's you guys who are playing.

  31. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I just want to ask Reince one question: "How's that 'rebranding' thingey workin' out fer ya'?"

    1. Yeah, did you notice the plethora of women and minority speakers at their recent LA conference? Bachmann and Jindal. And he only got asked because he's still the Governor in NO.

  32. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hillary IS playing politics and she is good at it!! And she is playing your game for the people of America, the GOP have not done or promised to do what they were voted into office for, so step aside and let this woman show you how it is done, you are not in the same league, the right are still at war with American woman and they are going to give you a message in November, so yes Hillary is playing politics, SMART politics.

    1. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Imagine what the GOP Sunday talk fest gang would have said had Hillary Clinton not mentioned Benghazi in her book!

  33. Anonymous3:10 PM



  34. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Um, Rancid, could you show me WHERE in the Constitution it demands the SecState appear on the Sunday gabfests?

    1. Particularly when there is not one 'moderator' who will give a Democrat or a member os this administration fair questions, nor will they even question the lies from the right. Not one.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      John McCain and Little Lindsey would not vote for that. They have permanent seats on the Sunday shows, spreading the latest talking points from the gop. All on different shows, all repeat the exact same things, amazing. They must be mind readers (yeah, right)

  35. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Dear Reince & the GOP,
    "Playing Politics" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means and "The Race Card does not mean what you think it means, same with the Feminist Card and the Gay Card. You understand nothing outside the white male privilege bubble you live in, and which ultimately will suffocate you.

  36. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Hillary has been playing politics with this since the beginning, and she is launching an organized political defense," Preibus told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace. "Their people are trying to preempt or stop any more criticism that she’s been receiving on Benghazi."

    Tell you what, Reince, when you can find a way to NOT 'play politics', to NOT go on the pundit shows on Sunday, whining and crying your little eyes out as to what or not what Hillary might do, then get back with us.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Whiny little slack-jawed toad. I bet he has Lindsey Graham's number on speed dial.

  37. Anonymous3:13 PM

    When what appears to be a politically exploitable event occurs.
    GOTP: "Look at this, look at this - we're making a controversy out of something. Puleeze pay attention!"

    When someone is able to undermine their efforts..
    GOPT:"Hey! You can't do that! This is OUR issue. We made it up! You can't contradict us. This is OURS!"

  38. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was making an intentional attempt to defuse controversy over the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya. "

    How dare she try to defuse controversy.

  39. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Once again the Chairman of the Governing Oligarchs Proxy decides that Clinton is playing politics by writing a memoir and defending her record.

  40. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sarah Palin Fires Back At Infringement Lawsuit — I Don’t Care About Your Copyright!
    Posted on Jun 1, 2014

  41. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Who elected reince preibus to any position? He and Grover Norquist are pot stirrers. They are dedicated to,raising money and getting paid for raising money....instigating fear phony accusations is how they mobilize their base. GOP is the part of no. No ideas, no progress, no jobs, no infrastructure, no education. They are unamerican and devoted to the paymasters that donate to their causes.

    1. Anonymous3:51 AM

      And then you add in the cowardly Koch Brothers. Boy, does the GOP have a lot of "pot stirrers." Not one of them courageous enough to run for office. They even have Sarah Palin who likes to throw in lots of vitriol into the pot of lies that they all get to stir.

  42. Anonymous3:21 PM

    It's all so predictable with the GOP. First they send out their attack dogs, set up half a dozen witch-hunt investigations, then when Hillary makes even the slightest move to defend herself they attack HER for politicizing it.

  43. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "GOP campaign is the fact that House Republicans voted to cut nearly $300 million from the U.S. embassy security budget. For fiscal 2013, the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program — well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration. House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration’s request.) Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected."

    Everything takes money even the security of our Embassies. If you vote to not give the money to pay to secure something then that something is not secure. Republicans know they messed up not funding the Embassies security and they are trying so hard to to point the finger away from them, but as they do that their other 3 fingers are pointing back at them.

    And what about this "With just 41 votes, Republican senators block veterans benefits bill"?? "Senate Republicans have blocked a Democratic bill that would enrich health, education and job-training programs for the nation's 22 million veterans."

    Lets talk about who is really to blame for both Benghazi and the VA health problems.

  44. Anonymous3:24 PM

    He sounds like a conspiracy theorist because that's all the GOP has... Rhetoric, conjecture, supposition, innuendo, accusation, suspicion, fear, hate and paranoia. They don't give their supporters facts, they give them things to be angry and hateful about. Things to breed fear and feed paranoia. Where's that alternative to ACA, Reince? Hovering somewhere around with immigration reform? Is that right next to the legislation to end NSA spying or over by that jobs bill you guys seem to have forgotten about?

  45. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I wish there had been a congressional investigation of Benghazi while Hilary Clinton was Secretary of State where she was before a congressional committee and asked questions about it.....I mean.....again because then I'm almost positive we would have found something since Benghazi hasn't really been investigated....I mean...since yesterday.

  46. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Again, remove the vowels in his name..........

  47. Anonymous3:39 PM

    A Fox News panel on Sunday laughed at the expense of conservative radio host Laura Ingraham after one guest mocked her for bringing up Benghazi in every discussion.

    ...Even though the prior panel segment had been focused on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Ingraham took the opportunity to bring it up again.

    “Benghazi, diplomatic mission on 9/11/12, we kind of failed on that regard, don’t you think?” she asked. “That is the country!”

    “Well, you are underscoring my point that this will never go away. At least, with you,” Woodward quipped, triggering laughter from the entire panel.

  48. Anonymous4:11 PM

    GOP runnin' SCARED!! Come on now, it's starting to look obvious you guys. Would be hilarious if not so pathetic.

  49. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Even if Priebus can't do the math, the big money GOP knows where the votes are.

    Benghazi just doesn't get the voters all riled up like beating up on welfare queens and uterus control. His candidates have to polish up their rhetoric so they can skate ever so close to saying legitimate rape shuts down the whole get pregnant thing. That's what ignites the GOP base (and they are base as they can be).

    I hope the GOP pays Priebus a ton of money in salary and perks. No better way to waste the GOP dollars.

  50. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I call foul on MSNBC for wording the article to sound like Susan Rice said Clinton was 'exhausted' when that was the word Priebus used, and needed, to create this latest iteration of the Benghazi faux scandal.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      MSNBC has lost my interest and they use to be the network I went to for my accurate news. Don't think so, so much anymore.

      Chris Matthews now comes across as anti President Obama as does Rachel Maddow. Think they went that direction due to their losing ratings.

      Sad, sad situation! I sure wish someone would support our POTUS vs all the crap that is said negatively about him minute by minute. All they have to reflect upon is Bush and Cheney or Mitt Romney. If any of them were occupying the White House you know we'd be in more wars w/other countries that Americans wouldn't want and we cannot afford!

      I'll take the negotiator President Obama any day of the week - along w/SOS John Kerry!!!

  51. Since when are Sunday morning talking head shows "reporting for duty"?

    Since when does a Secretary of State have to jump to the tune of network TV?

  52. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    Just the mere mention of her name sends them into vibrate mode. Hillary has more brain cells in her nail clippings than Reinse Repeat Prebus has in his entire body.
    She leaked this part because it's true and because she knew it would throw fuel on the "Benhgazipalooza trip on the bridge to nowhere", and Reinse's reaction is proof she's right. The GOP is filling it's diapers in fear that she runs.

  53. Anonymous11:21 PM

    The shining star of WEASEL CENTRAL CASTING....Reince Priebus

  54. Beldar J Conehead4:16 AM

    "Priebus said on Fox. “Hillary Clinton is politics 24/7.”"

    Gryphen, this is where you libtards always screw up. With you, it's politics 24/7 nonstop, every day, without a break.

    Why can't you be more like Reince "Yeah, I'm kinduva douche" Preebus? Sure, he's chairman of the GOP, a suspected political party, and I'm sure he is sometimes involved in politics but it's not an obsession like it is with you libtards!

    For example, while Hillary is politics, politics, politics, Reince has his swimsuit modeling career, his koi pond maintenance business, his Ayn Rand nude meditation seminars, his male bonding drum circle, his stamps of the former eastern bloc countries philately club, his synchronized swim team competitions, his performing dung beetle circus, the list goes on and on. This man is about a LOT more than just politics!

    So the next time Reince performs his daily "Hillary is the anti-christ" song and dance, instead of criticizing him, how about celebrating the world's largest ball of used dental floss he's working on or the fact that he often hides delicious chocolate chip cookies in old shoes and leaves them on the street for homeless people to find and enjoy!

    GROW UP, Gryphen!! I feel sorry for you. smh

    1. Anonymous4:37 AM

      Beldar, I'm late to the party, but I just had to say thank you for this comment. I think you've outdone yourself. :-) "Ayn Rand nude meditation seminars." You're a genius.


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