Sunday, June 08, 2014

Gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis responds to the GOP platform embracing "reparative therapy."

Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement:  

This week the Republican Party of Texas drafted their 2014 platform and included a plank that states they believe in and support reparative, or “ex-gay” therapy for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Reparative therapy, or sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) have been deemed harmful, ineffective, and dangerous by every major medical organization in America, and by many around the world. 

Wendy Davis, who made a national name for herself by actually filibustering a Texas anti-abortion bill, is running for Governor on the Democratic ticket. While she faces a steep challenge against far-right Republican Greg Abbott — who opposes both a woman’s right to choose and same-sex marriage — she is proving herself to be a strong liberal.

I posted about this yesterday

And I ended the post with these words: "Oh yeah, Texas needs Wendy Davis alright. Desperately!"

Anybody think I'm wrong about that?


  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I think the republicans need reparative therapy to become decent human beings.

    1. Leland6:27 AM

      Yeah, right. Good luck with that.

  2. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Ever notice how democrats pretend they're perfect people who have never experienced real human moments and have always done things the "right" way (however relative that term is)

    There aren't more judgmental people and that is the shame in it.

    These are people who 6 years ago slammed Hillary in every way while letting the media skirt around reporting accurately on dem candidates.

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Excuse me?!?

    2. Anonymous6:24 AM

      What could be more judgmental than the right wing christians trying to force their beliefs about gays on the rest of society. There are good and bad democrats and republicans. I tend to agree with the democrats since their policies are generally more helpful for the 99% while the republicans favor the 1%.

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      @ 5:56 a.m. Here's a judgment:
      You are an illiterate idiot.
      That judgment is based on sound reason and years of training in critical thinking. Your (and republican judgment) is based on nothing more than "my invisible skybuddy said so."

  3. Leland6:29 AM

    Should I ever get to the point that I have been brainwashed back into this kind of ignorant stupidity, would someone PLEASE put a bullet in my head.

    It would be a mercy killing, after all.

    Reparative therapy my ass!

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The Bible backs same-sex couples: Point by point, why conservatives are wrong

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Why The 'Hearts And Minds' Of Texans Are Changing On Gay Marriage

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    You Know 'Traditional' Marriage Was Polygamy, Right?

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Can anybody tell me why anything about reparative therapy belongs in a party platform, a place where I would hope to find substantive policy proposals to address the major problems facing my state (which thankfully isn't Texas)?

    1. Leland8:44 AM

      To the repubes, that IS substantive! (It doesn't matter one bit that it is already slammed as not being possible by most of the reputable shrinks AND most physicians with open minds!)

      They've been screaming about abortion and gays for far too long to change now. And just because they seem to have backed off same sex marriage, does NOT mean they won't do EVERYTHING (legal or otherwise) to stop it. The same with abortion.

      They have long since stopped caring about important issues, caring only about destroying Obama and his legacy and his policies.

  8. hedgewytch7:17 AM

    Wendy Davis is this century's Ann Richards. God knows Texas sure needs Ann / Wendy again - badly!

    BTW - one of my favorite Ann Richard's quotes: “We’re going to be progressive in this administration. We are going to be active and alert, on the lookout for opportunities to make the business of government work better … and start planning ahead. [We've] gotten in the habit of responding to problems about the time we’re startled by the bright lights of a looming catastrophe. And as many a Texas armadillo has learned, that’s too late to leap.” ~ Ann Richards, 1991, “All About Ann: Governor Richards” – Documentary, HBO

    1. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

      The similarities are undeniable. Ann Richards was ahead of her time!

    2. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      Science Deniers, climate change deniers, "Clean Coal" believers, Creationist pushers, bible thumpers and repararative therapy embracers. I think this is what they mean when they scream, rant, shake their heads and say "Take our country back" to the dark ages. The same people who believe "God" doesn't make mistakes somehow feel fine with calling homosexuality and abomination..... until one of their own kids come out, then it's somehow different.

      Good for Wendy for embracing acceptance, equal human rights, and unconditional love.

  9. Unlike some Democratic candidates, congresspeople and Senators in purple or red states (Mary Landrieu, Allison Lundegan-Grimes, etc.) it seems Wendy Davis has the courage of her convictions -- and a "still spine" stronger than a certain haggard-looking, witch from Wasilla.


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